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Changes to the Chat Room


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Hello everyone,


Recently, as you are probably aware, we removed the ability for members to send private messages within the chat room. We found that a small number of members were using it to spread rumor and general disharmony. We removed this facility in the past for very similar reasons, so it is unlikely that private chat will return.


I don't wish to overstate the problems that occurred in private chat. I think what was occurring was just the nature of the beast. Much of the reason for us removing the facility is so that we don't have to monitor the chat logs too closely - it is very tedious, time consuming, and we feel members would prefer that we do not routinely check the logs anyway. I understand that many will feel that we do not need to monitor the chat rooms at all, but most of our members are struggling, some are vulnerable, and most of us appreciate a more harmonious atmosphere.


Anyway, to pint of this post: when I popped into the chat room a couple of days ago (a rare occurrence for me), a couple of members brought to my attention the difficultly of engaging in chat when there there several simultaneous discussions happening within a single chat room - I said that I would give this some consideration.


My proposal is that we create a number of chatrooms within the single chatroom system. As now, you will enter the chatroom, but you might select s different "room" from the drop down selector at the top of the chatroom window. Members should find they can easily find some clear space, away from other discussions. In fact, you can try out this now, as there is already a second room, Technical Help. It is just that no one ever uses it.


On the right of the chat window, you will see the rooms displayed and the number of members in that particular room. If you click the room title, it will open up to reveal who's using that particular room.


Several chat rooms will give members a degree privacy. However, others can enter your chat room at any time. Additionally, random checks of the logs will occur from time-to-time.


OK, now we just need to decide upon some suitable chatroom titles. I really would appreciate your feedback, suggestions and criticisms.


A few possible titles that sprang to mind: The Lizard lounge; The Sanctuary; What's Happenin'?; The Sewing Circle; The Sports Club; The Garden Fence


I guess about six room should be sufficient, but I'll take as many good and popular ideas as are suggested. Again, my list is only intended to get the ball rolling - they do not have to make it into the final list.


I should also point out, although room titles might be suggestive of particular kinds of space, they are not restricted to particular themes or topics. Any member can use any room, and you might discuss whatever you like (within reasonable limits of course) with any chatroom. ;)


I look forward to hearing from you all.




Edit: I'm testing out another room right now with some members. One thing that causes some confusion. When you switch room, you will continue to see OLD chat entries from the previous room in chat display window. However, you will see no new chat entries from the previous room, just chat in your present room.

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I think a chatroom for people who want to talk about symptoms, get group support for benzo withdrawal would be good. This would be for people who are currently tapering and not off benzos yet. I don't have a name in mind, but maybe, "Benzo Taper Chat" or "Benzo withdrawal symptoms" chatroom. I can' think of any creative names. I'm in the tapering stage, and I'm suffering a lot of anxiety and brain fog.


Then a chatroom for "Post-benzo Recovery" chatroom for those who are benzo-free and are going through the post-benzo period, and want to chat.


A lounge for people who don't want to talk about benzos, so it would be "Lounge for light fun talk, nothing serious or deep about drugs or benzo symptoms".


I don't know about anything else, any suggestions would be great from anyone. :)

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Hi McLiberty,


Thank you for your input.


The problem with rooms like "Benzo Taper Chat", or similar, is that it will encourage "taper support" within the chatroom. In our guidelines we make clear that discussions actual taper "advice" must be posted to the open forum, so that other can offer alternatives perspective, or even make corrections. We feel that such discussions with the chat room are potentially dangerous. Moral support during benzo withdrawal is always welcome, on any part of the forum, chat room or through the PM system.


I was thinking that The Sanctuary might fulfill moral support needs, but as I said, any room can be used for any discussion.


I think using chat for discussions other than benzodiazepines is to be encouraged. ;)

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I'm testing out another room right now with some members. One thing that causes some confusion. When you switch room, you will continue to see OLD chat entries from the previous room in chat display window. However, you will see no new chat entries from the previous room, just chat in your present room.
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Just to get things going, I've added some new rooms and changed the title of the existing two rooms:


The Lizard Lounge

The Sanctuary

What's Happenin'?

The Spots Club

The Garden Fence

Technical Support


These titles can change, be expanded, or slimmed down. I'm just waiting for enough suggestions to decide.

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I don't use chat - but those names sound fine to me.


I'm guessing that you are just trying to make more room  for everyone to spread out - not specify the subject content of each (aside form the rules you stated earlier). Ex. if you hit the Sports room, you don't necessarily have to talk about sports.


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Hi icandothis,


Yes, that's right. The room titles might be suggestive of an atmosphere and the kind of topics you might discuss there - they are not descriptive. You can discuss what you wish in any room you wish, within the limits of rules of course. ;)

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It seems to me that room names will give rise to themes which are discussed in  a particular room.


The Garden Fence will have plant lovers from all over discussing the merits of certain plants and will eventually only have female chatterers

The Sports Club will likewise be a male dominated room where NFL and NBA draft picks will be discussed.


I don't chat so good luck bro


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The funny thing about this is everytime I'm in chat people are still piled into the one room.  I think it's a great idea to have the separate rooms. Smaller chats are so much easier.  I think people are too worried about offending others by pairing off etc.
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