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Shout out to jp, thinking of you Friend, I am soon to be down to 0.75mg, nine more days and just taking my time, I am happy with going slow and having as easy taper as I can. Hope to have you post again here soon. Stay Strong. :smitten:


Hey Begood!  You are getting there my friend!  I'm so happy that you have found a pace that you feel well at.  You are doing this the right way!  I know the patience it takes.  Not easy! :thumbsup:


I'm also thinking of our friend jp.  I hope things have improved on the health front. :smitten:

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I was a sporadic user, and withdrew from a month of Ativan back in 2008 with probably 3 weeks of symptoms before I felt better.


I have used it sporadically from around 2012 until this summer, when I needed it for a whole month.  I dropped it last week for good.  I almost think my dependence was as much psychological as anything else.  Just knowing I had it "just in case" helped me, which really isn't good.  I would even take it before I did something I expected to be "scary" to make sure "nothing happened".  So I don't have the whole list of symptoms right now (I do have several) but I also feel like I'm gonna have to figure out how to throw the bottle away and replace it with some sort of other coping skills.


Really hoping I won't have all the months of recovery many here do, because that's scary!  But in the past I have seemed to be able to get back off okay, so hoping that maybe after a couple more weeks things will be better.  We'll see.

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I was a sporadic user, and withdrew from a month of Ativan back in 2008 with probably 3 weeks of symptoms before I felt better.


I have used it sporadically from around 2012 until this summer, when I needed it for a whole month.  I dropped it last week for good.  I almost think my dependence was as much psychological as anything else.  Just knowing I had it "just in case" helped me, which really isn't good.  I would even take it before I did something I expected to be "scary" to make sure "nothing happened".  So I don't have the whole list of symptoms right now (I do have several) but I also feel like I'm gonna have to figure out how to throw the bottle away and replace it with some sort of other coping skills.


Really hoping I won't have all the months of recovery many here do, because that's scary!  But in the past I have seemed to be able to get back off okay, so hoping that maybe after a couple more weeks things will be better.  We'll see.


You'll most likely be fine.  It's truly a minority that have real problems.  I wouldn't even read the scary stories/posts.  No sense buying trouble as you'll only ramp anxiety (which ramps symptoms).  Think the best! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for this thread!  It was just what I needed to read.  I've been doing a cut and hold taper.  I had held at 0.125 K for a few months and was doing great.  Just dropped down to 0.0625 and was surprised by some sx's.  Just reading some of your words and tag lines for ideas about microtapering and liquid MC at the end makes sense to me and has helped! 


Slow and easy wins the race.  I like it!!! 

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Hello and Bless you all;


I am happy to say that as of 2 days ago, I am totally med free ! I am posting here

because I think that my taper went well, considering the length of time (25+ years) I was taking

Benzos (Xanax-Klonopin).


I finished my Valium taper about 3 months ago, and then began tapering off the other psych meds,

Imipriamine, then Depakote ER, and finally, Remeron (mirtazepine) . I finished my last slice of Remeron 2 days



I can tell that my brain is still re-setting itself, but I feel pretty good, working part time, can drive anywhere,

can go sit in a cafe and read a newspaper, can sit through a movie in an actual theater, can go get an ice cream

without wondering if I will have a panic attack. . .


Still having anxious hours here and there, but I've learned to cope.


Yes, this site saved my life, I was in pretty bad shape in the Summer of 2016.


I know, the insanity is still going on; I have a friend who was prescribed Valium for back pain.


You all are always in my thoughts and prayers !






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[glow=red,2,300]"CONGRATULATIONS JUSTAMAN" [/glow]Wonderful news to wake up to, so happy that you have slid off it will get better. It will take a bit of time for all healing to be finished but you are finally "FREE" You said a biggie, you have "learned to cope" such a true statement. I am sure you will continue to get better each day and go out and enjoy your New Life without Benzo's. :thumbsup:
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I just recently started my taper off of Ativan...it was hell the first week, but that was mostly from the w/d I had been building up and suffering from before I knew I was even going through w/d. The symptoms are lessening for me I think the more I get off of this crap. I am more worried about cutting too fast due to feeling better now and ending up hurting than I am over my current symptoms...weight loss, gastro stuff, head stuff and weakness.

The biggest thing I have noticed is sleep problems..if I get sleep I seem to have more energy to fight through the next day...so trying my hardest to get even some sleep at night seems to be helping so far (knock on wood).


I have no idea if it will get bad, worse or better as I go along but I do know this...either way I have to keep going forward right? So why focus or try to anticipate worst case scenario? That's my two cents as of right now anyways.. Nice to see a thread like this one, great change of pace I think for when I am in panic mode frantically reading up on here to pre-occcupy my brain and try to settle racing thoughts and fears.

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Worrying never makes things go better. We can always be practical and make plans, think of " what ifs"- but actively worrying doesnt help. Not to say I dont do it myself- but thats how I found out it never helps! Sleep is a BIG part of it for sure. Good luck with the taper!
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Thanks...yeah trying to focus on other things besides the worry...just plain old thought free anxiety doesn't help...damn chemical anxiousness... Lol ugh....stupid benzos.
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That really sucks that the VA got you into this mess. Docs everywhere are so uninformed about how benzos can mess you up with long term or intermittent dosage. Its got to be really hard having PTSD and really needing something only to be given something that had the potential to cause other problems. Hopefully a steady taper and a good support group will see you through. Thank you for your service!
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Thanks man..believe it or not the PTSD isn't bothering me that much at all..it's my TBI that makes things worse..my head was already foggy and slow before I got put on this stuff..but I think it might be a mixed blessing as I haven't had to deal with alot of the mental symptoms on here probably due to my brain beIN so slow  :P this thread sure is a beacon of hope...I'm going to start reading it more often..the doom and glooma really get to ya after awhile huh?
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Yeah frankly I stay WAY away from the gloomy threads. Benzo WD is miserable enough without having the fear of things that will probably never happen piled on top of the reality of now!
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Thought I would check in, I am now at 0.70mg of Valium, I am feeling good, some minor blips, but able to be functional. I did have some jaw and ear, neck discomfort but it went away, I just try to deal with each little blip and then move on. Hang in there everyone, we are getting closer and closer to our Goal. :smitten::thumbsup::smitten:


"Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead."~Nelson Mandela

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Thanks Kitty, it has been a long time coming, but worth all the time it took, would do it again in a heartbeat, but no need, once off Valium never again will a benzo touch these lips. :)
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Hi all,

Found this thread and really like the stories and thinking on it.....

So much success and so much s-l-o-w tapering....

Bumping in as I too want a relatively easy taper, and in many ways it has been since I slowed down...

Making some adjustments today to my dosing schedule and things are going well.  I know that the CNS can get out of whack with even those small kinds of changes so trying to coax my body into different timing of taking my Valium.

So far so good!  :thumbsup:

Congratulations  those that have slid and walked off and congratulations to those who have come down so far!

Congratulations to all of us willing to do this dance!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone I just wanted a place to share that I am down to .08 klonopin and cutting once a week at 10% and the farther I go down the better I feel. I am a bit anxious about how I’ll feel when I come off completely which could be within two months and hope I’ll stay this sxs Free. Best to everyone!
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Wow am I glad I found this thread/group. I have been terrified by some of the stories I've read on here. So far my taper hasn't been too terrible, (knock on wood). I think sometimes I am my own worst enemy with the obsessive fearful thoughts. But I just have to keep reminding myself that they're just that, thoughts. My anxiety, which seems to be my most prominent symptom is worse 1st thing in the morning and tends to calm as day goes on. My second worst symptoms are the headaches and I just try to treat them symptomatically. My sleep seems to be improving, (knock on wood), which I think definitely helps the healing process. And I have found a wonderful new doc who is fully supportive, a big bonus over previous doc who started me on the monster Ativan. Just trying to stay focused on positivity and trying to stop reading the horror stories. My husband says I read too much and I think he might be right. I just try to keep in mind that I'm about halfway there at this point and to stay focused on getting all the way there.

Can't let my overactive brain get the best of me.

Like I said, it's probably my worst enemy.

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Great to see this on here! Yes, there seem to be many horror stories out there. Focus on the success stories. No doubt, this is not easy for many, but it can be done with a low and slow taper approach. I went through horror with my c/t many years ago, but have left that behind and moving forward. I am actually excited to be moving forward, again, to being free from klonopin. I am 63! Finding the method, rate and dose for each individual is the key. It takes time to figure out what is going to work to keep symptoms away or to a minimum. As I am typing this, my ears are ringing like crazy.. Yesterday, I had no ringing. It's alright though, because I know this is temporary. All we have is one day at a time. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, so all that he have is today. I hope and Pray everyone's day is a great one! :)
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Great to see this on here! Yes, there seem to be many horror stories out there. Focus on the success stories. No doubt, this is not easy for many, but it can be done with a low and slow taper approach. I went through horror with my c/t many years ago, but have left that behind and moving forward. I am actually excited to be moving forward, again, to being free from klonopin. I am 63! Finding the method, rate and dose for each individual is the key. It takes time to figure out what is going to work to keep symptoms away or to a minimum. As I am typing this, my ears are ringing like crazy.. Yesterday, I had no ringing. It's alright though, because I know this is temporary. All we have is one day at a time. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, so all that he have is today. I hope and Pray everyone's day is a great one! :)


Hi!  Great post!  I'm 3 months off xanax after over 25yrs on benzos and psych meds.  I'm doing great and attribute this to a slow, symptom-based taper and a positive (in the moment) attitude.  :thumbsup:

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