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I loved your post! The only thing that bothers me just a bit is that I was on Klonopin for just 2 years longer than you, I tapered in 1 month, and was on Klonopin 0.5mgs for 8 of the years and on 2mgs for the last 4 and I am still very very sick. *sigh* I have to remember we're all different. Wish my success story was similar to yours though.


Happy to hear your feeling much better and best of luck to you!

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Your success story hits home.  We will all recover 100% and we will never feel other-worldly suffering again.  We each heal in our own time.  Thank you for reminding me that our brains know how to fix this mess we are in.  I talk to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Angels surrounding me every day all day.  I know they are with me, protecting me constantly.  I witness their miracles and their messages all the time.  We are never alone in this, regardless of the loneliness we often experience.  Acceptance is the hardest thing to do.  Patience and waiting this out, even more difficult.  People like you, Freedom, who have made it to the other side, remind us of the beautiful future awaiting us.  Thank you for this.



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Thank you for your inspiring testimony. I was feeling very sorry for myself today and wondering if God had left me or if we believe in God and the Bible to make sense of life. Thankfully, I have seen throughout my life healings and answers to prayer that are preventing this doubt from overtaking my faith, but these thoughts have crossed my mind during this taper as they did today. So your words are very helpful to me.


You will most definitely now be tremendously helpful for people facing difficulties. Today for the first time I realized that had I not had my own Benzo experience (and a taper with some horrible days), I probably would have had little sympathy and definitely no knowledge of Benzo withdrawals for others going through this. It turns out that my husband has been on Benzos for longer then me. After I learned about the dangers of Benzos and tapering, my husband began his taper and was able to go down on his dose by 50% with no debilitating side effects. My experience is helping him to safely taper while he is working and still enjoying athletic activities.


Had I not had this experience I would have not been able to help him as his wife. I think this situation has probably not only prevented my husband and me from a marital crisis but might also have saved his life.


Your message of hope brought this verse to mind. Romans 8:27 -- "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."


I appreciate your prayers for us and I wish you a beautiful life with your family.

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Thank you for your inspiring testimony. I was feeling very sorry for myself today and wondering if God had left me or if we believe in God and the Bible to make sense of life. Thankfully, I have seen throughout my life healings and answers to prayer that are preventing this doubt from overtaking my faith, but these thoughts have crossed my mind during this taper as they did today. So your words are very helpful to me.


You will most definitely now be tremendously helpful for people facing difficulties. Today for the first time I realized that had I not had my own Benzo experience (and a taper with some horrible days), I probably would have had little sympathy and definitely no knowledge of Benzo withdrawals for others going through this. It turns out that my husband has been on Benzos for longer then me. After I learned about the dangers of Benzos and tapering, my husband began his taper and was able to go down on his dose by 50% with no debilitating side effects. My experience is helping him to safely taper while he is working and still enjoying athletic activities.


Had I not had this experience I would have not been able to help him as his wife. I think this situation has probably not only prevented my husband and me from a marital crisis but might also have saved his life.


Your message of hope brought this verse to mind. Romans 8:27 -- "Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."


I appreciate your prayers for us and I wish you a beautiful life with your family.


Beautiful post Grace.

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Hello freedom


    Great post! Congratulations on your recovery my friend. So happy for you and this is very encouraging for me as I'm battling through with the waves and windows. I was recently riding a 3 week window and was hit by a wave about a week ago. Still battling this mess but it's good to hear a recovery story such as yours, it gives hope and reassurance that we will heal. Thanks so much! 


    ldm27    :thumbsup:

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I am fortunate to have had a shorter recovery timeline than many. The thing that never ceases to astound me is how we're all so similar yet so different when it comes to recovery--some shorter-term users may have a longer recovery time and vice-versa, but we all face the "other-worldly" symptoms in various forms.

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Thank you so much for this. I am currently 51/2 months free of Ativan and 12 days free of sertraline  I am in hell!  I push myself to get up and get dressed everyday. I do have a good day here and there but they never last and have now given up hope that I will ever be well have been doing this withdrawal dance for two years now, first being taken off Paxil too quickly by a smug doctor and then being reinstated with sertraline because the withdrawals were too harsh. Then being tapered off of Ativan and then being told to take it again because of the severe anxiety from the side effects of the sertraline. I have never felt good on any of these.  I was initially put on Paxil and Ativan when I had one panic attack and had insomnia from menopause. I was told neither drug was addicting and could take both for years. Why do doctors lie?  Anyway, I have lost two years of my life. Lost my job and all my friends. My family has given up on me and now I am just giving up. Can't take this much longer. Am unable to function properly and the rage is getting uncontrollable. It's just lucky I am alone as I can yell and scream to get the rage out. Sorry for the rant. Guess I just finally needed Simone to talk to that maybe understands. You say you felt better after 7 months. That does give me some hope as that isn't far away for me.  I am so happy you have come out of this and are doing great!  You deserve the best of everything  and you were very lucky to have family and friends to lean on. Wish I did :-X:-\:thumbsup:
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Thanks for reaching out. I'm glad my story encouraged you. It truly amazes me how doctors are so incredibly quick to invalidate our experiences with these drugs. As you read in my story, I was in acute withdrawal when my doctor told me there was no way how I felt had to do with the drug. He told me I felt the way I did because so much had changed in my life since I began taking a benzo and I was now at my "baseline." UNBELIEVABLE. I pray that something will change and cause doctors to become more educated about the powerful effects of these medicines.


Please don't give up! This board is full of stories of those who felt hopeless (as I did at various times) and are now thriving. Everyone's experience is different. There really is no 'normal' when it comes to the duration and severity of withdrawal symptoms. I encourage you to continue reading the success stories and focus on the fact that even those with extreme experiences recover with time. Our brains are 'smarter than us' and know how to heal. You are not alone. I will be praying for you...

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Thank you for sharing.  Was beautifully written.  Your list compares to what I contribute to healing.  I am on my way.  May you continue to have many blessings in your life.  :-*
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I am new to BB. Thank you so much for your coping tips. I am using several of them.  I'm 50 days without Clonazapam that I took for approx. 12 years. I tapered 2.5% weekly.  Looking back... Probably been suffering withdrawal 6 yrs. because I reached tolerance and didn't increase dosage. Each day seems worse than the day before since finishing my taper. Acute pain in most body parts, dark thoughts, etc, etc. I'm 68 years old and not very computer "savy", but would love to connect with

someone who would encourage me. I'm hanging on to Jesus but sometimes can't even read scripture.

Listening to Bliss' meditative words (you'll get through this, withdrawal is temporary, accept symptoms as necessary for healing, etc) NOBODY understands ... I really need BB!

Thank you for reaching out.

RickC  in Texas

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Thank you so much for taking the time to send this positive message to those of us still struggling. So much love and caring, bless you.


This morning, Belfast brought up what I call the 'Elephant' in the room, suicide. I posted made a reply that we are all in the 'Benzo War', and have to keep fighting for those who will sadly come after us. Your wonderful message could not have come at a better time.

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I was very encouraged by your post. Being new to BB and not very computer literate.

It is difficult to find stuff (brain fog doesn't help). I think I'm in the acute stage of withdrawal.

50 days off Clonazapam 1mg/day (12 years!) Really could use encouragement. Nobody really understands except someone who has been there.

Thank you for communicating.

In Christ, RickC

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The Jump


When I jumped in August the floor came out from under me. In addition to the despair I had many other symptoms including anxiety, which is better described as intense fear. The fear would 'find things' to attach itself to--I was afraid of my job, afraid of the inside of my car, afraid of my home. There is really no way to accurately put it into words. I remember spending large chunks of those early days curled up on the floor next to my bed. I could hardly interact with my wife and kids. I was forced to take leave from work, which was only approved for four weeks. Those first six weeks post-jump were by far the worst. I had insomnia too, which was mostly characterized by waking at 4-5am in a state of panic, thrashing around in my warm bed next to my wife who just couldn't relate to what I was going through. I went to the doc 6 days post-jump for "help" and he completely dismissed me. He said "what you're experiencing now is just be your baseline anxiety, which was covered up by the drug." I left with a new script for Valium which I never took. I trusted doctors, but I knew what I was going through wasn't "baseline" for me or anyone. The mornings were the worst time of day. From what I understand, the glutamate and cortisol present in the morning are too much for a brain with damaged GABA receptors to handle. The afternoons and evenings were generally much better, but I would go to bed knowing what the morning would likely bring...


So many common elements, I jumped from K this August. Symptoms / fear / new phobias....yep.


Thanks again for your story and help.  :thumbsup:

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Thank you for replying. Meant a lot to me.  My daughter tells me to stay off of here as it is a scam and you really don't know who is writing. But, how could so many people's experiences with withdrawal match mine to a t. I tell my pdoc how I feel and he only says. We'll never heard of that. Can't be withdrawal. Why are we all lumped together whe it comes to length of time of withdrawal or effects. Our body makeup is all so different. I'm now close to six months off of lorazapam and still having bad days. I am now 3 weeks off of sertraline also which I am sure I am getting withdrawals from too. I really feel that this is my new normal and I will never heal. My daughter still calls me a liar and says I am imagining all this horror. I just say yup, I love felling this way and living such a horrible existence. I really need a shoulder and a thought from anyone lee that I will heal very soon. I'm exhausted from this and the ridicule from my family
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I don't understand what is going on with these primary doctors. They over prescribe these bastard drugs and then seem unwilling to help clean up the mess. The denial that there is such a thing as withdrawal is something else. I think that this uncaring attitude is not only stupid, but is criminal. These drugs are addictive and should only be given for short periods to help while a better solution is found for whatever problem is going on. Finding a solution to the problem would take more time, certainly not so easy as scribbling off a script, or passing out yet another refill.


I am so lucky because I have a husband who knows that I am in withdrawal, and is willing to help in anyway he can. I would wish that for everyone, but at the very least we can support each other.

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I am so lucky because I have a husband who knows that I am in withdrawal, and is willing to help in anyway he can. I would wish that for everyone, but at the very least we can support each other.


You are incredibly blessed!!!

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Wow!  What a great story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  I am sitting here crying and it's not a sad cry!  I cry everyday and it's always a sad cry!  Happy to cry tears of joy for someone. I will read this over and over again until I too am healed and then I will write my success story to give others hope as you have just given to so many. God bless you❤️
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Thanks so much for sharing your story.  It is very encouraging and I'm so happy for your healing. 

I'm in the midst of debilitating withdrawl symptoms that won't seem to quit and looking to the windows to come and come more often is a great thought!  God bless!

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    Thanks for your success story. I had a 3 week window to where I felt 100% recovered then was hit by a wave. Still in a wave although I felt some good changes yesterday. Still woke up with the dreaded mornings, just didn't seem to last as long as usual. I always feel better in the afternoons and evenings. Going to sleep is never a problem, it's the waking up at 2:00 or 3:00 AM with the jittery, anxious energy and the looping thoughts. Mornings are the worst to deal with for me. I am a little over 8 months out now. Hoping things get better for all going through this stuff. But I want to say thank you for your encouraging story. It's always good to hear of success and recovery.  :thumbsup:




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