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Part 2: How fast and what size steps for clonazepam taper


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After updosing from .225, I have been holding .25 mg clonazepam for 12 days.  getting slightly better, but I've been in the neighborhood of .25 for 5 months and my new doctor (she's great) doesn't like that I'm not progressing and my symptoms are often debilitating, though I also have windows.  Wants me to try something else.  She agreed to the move to valium according to the Ashton method, which converts my .25 K to 5 mg valium.


So I have asked for help with the substitution in a new thread on the Substitution Taper Plans Forum. The topic is ".25K to Valium"


Hi Koff,

good job getting down to .25 mg of K.  I was not able to get below .5mg of K , so I made the switch to V (Diazepam) and have been tapering off. It has been going well, some ups and downs. I also use a high CBD medical Marijuania vape for the side effects.  The big thing I noticed after making the switch was I felt V was a  little more sedative/depressive than the K was.  Also I think I crossed over too fast, as I did have alot numbness and tingling in my face, for the first 2 weeks but I just told myself it is temporary and just hold and stay calm, I also think the CBDs helped me.  Well good luck with the cross over and the taper : )  KHM

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Thanks KHM - Could you tell me more specifically how fast you crossed over?  Also, what does CBD stand for.  I am interested in medical marijuana.  I have tried to use marijuana for sleep, but sometimes I think after it wears off I am more agitated and wake up in the middle of the night.  Insomnia can be tough.




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Hey Koff,


    I crossed over by going after my PM (evening) dose first. I went a little aggressive and went with .25mg K and 5mg V and left my AM  dosage of K at .5mg for a week, then the 2nd week I did the same thing with the AM dosage .25mg K and 5mg V, then week 3 , I fully crossed over my PM dosage to 10mg of V and week 4, I fully crossed over the AM dosage to 10mg of V.  I was kind of out of it for a few days, my mood was very unstable but I did regulate after a week or so and of course with the help of the marijuana.  I just kept reminding myself that everything was temporary and I did take a few days off from work at this time, I had to because it was ruff.  Once I felt my mood was at least stable and the facial numbness and tingling were going down, I started tapering the V. Check out my signature below.  I have adopted the philosophy that I am ok with side effects and expect them as part of this experience, and I just constantly remind myself that, this is a season in my life and not permanent and I must walk through this to get healthy.  I will hold if the side effects are to the point where I do not feel safe or are too much to handle.    I did notice that a few days after each drop in my V dosage, I get this really wired feeling like I drank too much coffee and it gives me a lot of energy, so I get a lot done, then after a few more days my mood drops again and I start to go low and get depressed, so I make another small cut and the cycle repeats, not sure if others experience this cycle but I sure do.


So medical marijuana:  There are many chemicals in MJ but the 2 big ones are THC and CBDs .  You can google them for full information but CBDs are not psychoactive so you do not get high but they are known to help with pain, seizure and other health issues.  Some people get at little sleepy from CBDs but I do not.  THC is the psychoactive part of MJ that cause the high.  Also very important MJ plants come in 2 main types Indica and Stavia plants.  I never take Stavia because it is stimulating and it just creates anger, anxiety and agitation in me.  I only use Indica and it is relaxing and calming, it really helps manage my anxiety, and helps with sleep as I go through this.  The most important thing I will tell you is, to try super small amounts of different types of products and test what helps you or not, emphasis on super small amounts, especially if you plan on trying any edibles.  I use a vape pen during daytime with high CBD and very little THC, and at night I use heavy Indica high THC so I can sleep.  Happy to offer advice anytime about MJ, I did a lot of testing before I found a system for me.


Supplements:  I just thought I would add that I do take some supplements, high dose fish oil, melatonin 5mg PM, Calm Magnesium powder PM. 


hope this help KHM



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I think it's great you could move so fast! I am in my 70's and need to taper with a cane! (just kidding)

And thanks for the details on marijuana.  I will take you up on your offer to answer further questions about it as I learn more about what is available where I live (east coast)

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I've found that Klonopin is rather tenacious, when I crossed over to Valium.

It just didn't want to let go. Even when I was taking Valium only, the long half

life of Klonopin combined with possible storage in body fat (I took it for 12 years),

seemed to make it like removing a feral cat clinging to my thigh (We've all been there.)

Good luck,


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