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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I just checked back and saw this.  Your liquid Valium needs to be mixed with water.  I am using the same solution that you are to do a DLMT.  I mix 1 part of the liquid valium to 9 parts water to create a solution where 10 ml of the solution is equal to 1 mi of valium.


You need a 10 ml syringe for easy mixing and dosing.  The 1 ml syringe will come in handy for tapering by .1 ml which will equal .01 mg liquid valium.


You dilute it with water for several reasons.


1. Undiluted the liquid valium is very harsh tasting.  Once diluted to a 9 to one ratio of water to liquid Valium it tastes like mild cough syrup.


2. The liquid valium is quite sticky and if you take it directly a small amount might stick in the syringe.


3. Most importantly, diluting the liquid valium gives you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.

    I use a 10 ML syringe that has markings down to .2ml and a 1 ML syringe that allows me to easily make cuts of .1ml.  .1 ML of the solution is

    equivalent to .01 mg of valium, that is 1/100 of a milligram.  If the liquid valium was undiluted I could only make cuts by .2 mg.  But diluted I can

    easily make cuts  .01 mg.  This works better for a daily liquid micro taper.


I got my info from the poster Builder and have been using it for about 11 months.


Here is a link to a complete post that I made on the previous page of this thread where I discuss it in detail: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=151673.msg2941835#msg2941835




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Wish you all well. In some ways I may not have hi t that much of a wall, but we all have kind of complex situations, and for me i have definitely hit one. Seems pretty typical around this dosage however so I am up for the ride. I do not think i will go beyond two years for my overall tape,  and likely considerably less. In some ways this last cut ,at times, still seems to get tougher after about a 7 week hold. I generally feel lucky to have gotten as far as I have without too much difficulty except for pretty dire digestive and throat sympoms and pretty bad fatigue


I jope this will not sound critical but I am having trouble understanding several of your signatures. No big deal I hope

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Hey Matt, you've come a long way!!! Good for you!!! I too have that crazy fatigue!!! I take Trazedone at night to help me to sleep.Trazedone and Diazepam can both make me feel tired!!  But without the Trazedone I was getting 2 to 3 hrs a night! Now, I get anywhere from 6.5 to a max of 8 hrs sleep a night.  Even if I get that much sleep, I am so fatigued it's crazy!  I can sleep for another 3 hours during the day and have days where I can barely get off the couch!  I am hoping that is a sign of my brain healing...at least I keep telling myself it is!!! Trying to think positively!!! Hang in there!!!❤ BLL
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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I take my liquid without diluting it.  There is no need to dilute the liquid if it's the 5mg/5ml liquid.  Using the 1 ml oral syringe, reducing .01 ml each day is achieving a .01 mg daily reduction.  If you are taking the Intensol solution, that is stronger (more concentrated) and yes, you do need to dilute that solution before taking it- not only to achieve a slower taper rate, but because the instructions state to do so.



How is everyone doing?  Just checking in....❤ BLL


I am doing alright, hanging in there! In about 6 days my bedtime dose will be down to 1 mg.  That's something huge to celebrate because it had always been the heaviest of my doses- it was originally 7 mg of Valium as well as the left over Xanax that initially failed to cross to Valium.  I had an amazing window on Sunday- I felt like myself.  The last couple days have been kind of eh- not exactly a wave but general yuck.  Fatigue, ear ringing, hot flashes, a heightened nervous system, and just feeling blah emotionally.  That emotional blah could also be situational- my husband and I are dealing with stress in our personal lives (revolving around his ex wife, legal matters with her, and the well being of his children and his relationship with them).  I'm also OVER not being able to drive without panic attacks.  I miss my freedom.

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Hey Matt, you've come a long way!!! Good for you!!! I too have that crazy fatigue!!! I take Trazedone at night to help me to sleep.Trazedone and Diazepam can both make me feel tired!!  But without the Trazedone I was getting 2 to 3 hrs a night! Now, I get anywhere from 6.5 to a max of 8 hrs sleep a night.  Even if I get that much sleep, I am so fatigued it's crazy!  I can sleep for another 3 hours during the day and have days where I can barely get off the couch!  I am hoping that is a sign of my brain healing...at least I keep telling myself it is!!! Trying to think positively!!! Hang in there!!!❤ BLL


Thanks  Blacklablady I sleep pretty well, not as well as a few months ago, but I consider myself lucky. Glad you are doing better with it

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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I take my liquid without diluting it.  There is no need to dilute the liquid if it's the 5mg/5ml liquid.  Using the 1 ml oral syringe, reducing .01 ml each day is achieving a .01 mg daily reduction.  If you are taking the Intensol solution, that is stronger (more concentrated) and yes, you do need to dilute that solution before taking it- not only to achieve a slower taper rate, but because the instructions state to do so.


I have the 5mg/5ml liquid Diazepam/Valium.  Mine states on the label to "dilute before using." 


The liquid valium is very harsh tasting if taken by itself.  Once diluted to a 9 to one ratio of water to liquid Valium it tastes like mild cough syrup.


The liquid valium is also quite sticky.  If you take it directly without using it a small amount might stick in the syringe.


Finally, diluting the liquid valium gives you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.


I use a 10 ML syringe that has markings down to .2ml, and a 1 ML syringe that allows me to easily make cuts of .1ml.  .1 ML of the solution is equivalent to .01 mg of valium, that is 1/100 of a milligram.  If the liquid valium was undiluted I could only make cuts by .1 mg using a 1 ML syringe  But diluted I can  easily make cuts  .01 mg.  This works better for a daily liquid micro taper.

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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I take my liquid without diluting it.  There is no need to dilute the liquid if it's the 5mg/5ml liquid.  Using the 1 ml oral syringe, reducing .01 ml each day is achieving a .01 mg daily reduction.  If you are taking the Intensol solution, that is stronger (more concentrated) and yes, you do need to dilute that solution before taking it- not only to achieve a slower taper rate, but because the instructions state to do so.


I have the 5mg/5ml liquid Diazepam/Valium.  Mine states on the label to "dilute before using." 


The liquid valium is very harsh tasting if taken by itself.  Once diluted to a 9 to one ratio of water to liquid Valium it tastes like mild cough syrup.


The liquid valium is also quite sticky.  If you take it directly without using it a small amount might stick in the syringe.


Finally, diluting the liquid valium gives you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.


I use a 10 ML syringe that has markings down to .2ml, and a 1 ML syringe that allows me to easily make cuts of .1ml.  .1 ML of the solution is equivalent to .01 mg of valium, that is 1/100 of a milligram.  If the liquid valium was undiluted I could only make cuts by .1 mg using a 1 ML syringe  But diluted I can  easily make cuts  .01 mg.  This works better for a daily liquid micro taper.


The dilution is suggested for palatability only. The effectiveness of the medication isn’t compromised by not diluting it. If diluting it works best for you and your taper- then that is what you should do. However, the 25mg/5 ml Intensol solution must be diluted before use.

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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I take my liquid without diluting it.  There is no need to dilute the liquid if it's the 5mg/5ml liquid.  Using the 1 ml oral syringe, reducing .01 ml each day is achieving a



How is everyone doing?  Just checking in....❤ BLL


I am doing alright, hanging in there! In about 6 days my bedtime dose will be down to 1 mg.  That's something huge to celebrate because it had always been the heaviest of my doses- it was originally 7 mg of Valium as well as the left over Xanax that initially failed to cross to Valium.  I had an amazing window on Sunday- I felt like myself.  The last couple days have been kind of eh- not exactly a wave but general yuck.  Fatigue, ear ringing, hot flashes, a heightened nervous system, and just feeling blah emotionally.  That emotional blah could also be situational- my husband and I are dealing with stress in our personal lives (revolving around his ex wife, legal matters with her, and the well being of his children and his relationship with them).  I'm also OVER not being able to drive without panic attacks.  I miss my freedom.

Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


I take my liquid without diluting it.  There is no need to dilute the


How is everyone doing?  Just checking in....❤ BLL


I am doing alright, hanging in there! In about 6 days my bedtime dose will be down to 1 mg.  That's something huge to celebrate because it had always been the heaviest of my doses- it was originally 7 mg of Valium as well as the left over Xanax that initially failed to cross to Valium.  I had an amazing window on Sunday- I felt like myself.  The last couple days have been kind of eh- not exactly a wave but general yuck.  Fatigue, ear ringing, hot flashes, a heightened nervous system, and just feeling blah emotionally.  That emotional blah could also be situational- my husband and I are dealing with stress in our personal lives (revolving around his ex wife, legal matters with her, and the well being of his children and his relationship with them).  I'm also OVER not being able to drive without panic attacks.  I miss my freedom.



Hey Candice,

That is awesome you have gotten down your evening dose from 7 mg down to 1mg!  That is surely something to be celebrated!  And your window on Sunday!  I have had some moments that are like that, where I feel like me, and they give me hope that everything is going to work itself out.  I smiled when you said the last couple of days have been blah!!! I have a journal where I record my SX's to track them and yesterday that was exactly what I wrote, that I felt blah! For me, it feels kinda like the flu, hot then cold, the fatigue, generally just feeling off!  I too now have tinnitus in my ears all the time.  For me it is very high pitched but I am able to tune it out most of the time.  It reminds me of times I went to concerts and was too close to the speakers.  The next day, my ears would be ringing like this.  Kind of like a muffled sound, a high pitch ring and I can also hear deep bass noises.  Sorry your hubby's ex is causing issues for you both!  Stress you both don't need!!! I find I'm a lot more sensitive and easy to get upset over things that would have bugged me before, but now result in tears. I don't have the same resilience.  And the driving, that is something I can do so I am lucky, I just haven't been on a highway.  For a while there I was getting dizzy spells a lot and there was no way I felt comfortable driving my car.  Now I have a few unbalanced feelings every now and then, so I am ok to drive short distances.  In time, I believe that will get better for you! ❤ BLL

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Hey Matt, you've come a long way!!! Good for you!!! I too have that crazy fatigue!!! I take Trazedone at night to help me to sleep.Trazedone and Diazepam can both make me feel tired!!  But without the Trazedone I was getting 2 to 3 hrs a night! Now, I get anywhere from 6.5 to a max of 8 hrs sleep a night.  Even if I get that much sleep, I am so fatigued it's crazy!  I can sleep for another 3 hours during the day and have days where I can barely get off the couch!  I am hoping that is a sign of my brain healing...at least I keep telling myself it is!!! Trying to think positively!!! Hang in there!!!❤ BLL


Thanks  Blacklablady I sleep pretty well, not as well as a few months ago, but I consider myself lucky. Glad you are doing better with it

Thanks Matt! I will have to ween from the Trazedone, although my doctor said if I had to be on it for life it would be ok, so I don't know yet what I will do in that regards.  It is a type of SSRI that they found they can't give to people during the day as it has such a sedating effect.  I am also on 40 mg of Prozac, so I wonder if the combination of both has been really helping me with the anxiety and depression I was feeling from when I crashed before.  I still have moments where I mourn that this even happened to me, but think mentally I am handling things as best as I can.  Sleep helps everything seem not so bad!  As I get lower, I notice my dreams are more vivid and I can remember them more.  Again, I'm looking at that as a positive thing, that my brain is healing....I really hope it is! Thinking it is can do no harm!!!😉 ❤ BLL

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Hi bbs!

About two week ago I added 1.25mg Valium to my Oxazepam taper due to interdose wd which seems to be helping! If all goes well I will be off the Oxazepam within two weeks and left with 1.25mg Valium to taper. Any advice on how to taper off the 1.25mg Valium? I was on v before and tapered that at the same time as gabapentin and suffered horrible wd, but because I did it simultaneously I’m not sure which was causing the wd! I was only taking about 3.5mg v when tapering and stopped over 2 weeks (was on for about 2 months). Any advice or suggestions appreciated. Thanks

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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.

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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.


Congratulations on getting to .01 mg!!  The end is near, I am cheering you on!  :smitten:

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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.




So very happy for you, BG. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.


Congratulations on getting to .01 mg!!  The end is near, I am cheering you on!  :smitten:

Thanks Candance, only the best to you with your Journey Off. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:
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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.




So very happy for you, BG. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Thanks Gardie, have been keeping up with your progress and happy to read you are feeling better. Stay Strong. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:
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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.

What exciting news!!!! You have gotten so low!!! Congratulations and I wish you all open windows as you hold and move forward! ❤🎉 BLL

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Time to post again, I am now at 0.001mg or less look at ticker below...such a long time in coming, but I knew if others here before me could do it, so could I. Compared to my first two horrific tapers to 0 and to the pit of hell over and over...I am doing well and have to say this was an Easier taper. I had blips of sx, but nothing that kept me from being functional. If I was fatigued, I would just rest more, and I have been lucky for the blips I had would come and go quickly. I have a theory that when I felt blippy was the time certain parts of my Brain was healing so I went with that thought. I am not worried about the final walk off, I will adjust accordingly to whatever I have to go through. I am starting my last 30 day hold today and then it will be one more taper for 10 days and I will walk off and meet all my Friends at the End of The Tunnel. Stay Strong everyone, and know that you too can walk off one day. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:



"When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."~AU.

What exciting news!!!! You have gotten so low!!! Congratulations and I wish you all open windows as you hold and move forward! ❤🎉 BLL

Thanks for your kind thoughts, and may your Journey bring you  💖Peace and Healing. :smitten:
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I'm new to this thread.  Have been tapering Klopopin, never crossed-over to Valium.  But, I am at .125 mg which is equivalent to 2.5 mg Valium.  So I am in the same boat as those on this thread: heading toward the finish line!


A huge congrats to all who have made it down, down, down.  I have needed to hold after an up-dose in June 2019 (reduced way to quickly) and am planning to resume the downward direction in about 2 weeks. 


I hope to participate by giving and receiving support and encouragement as I resume this journey.     

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Welcome Monray,

We are more than happy to support you here ! :smitten:

Congratulations on getting so low and welcome to the thread! Klonopin, Valium, doesn't matter what you are on!! ❤ BLL

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Hi Friends!

I used to post here up until a year ago, but have been on a hiatus. Thought I would drop in and say hello! I held my 2mg V dose for a year and a half... seems long but I just started tapering again and it is going so smoothly in comparison to what I was going through back then. Down to 1.5 now, inching toward the finish line!

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Great day here. First time since taper began over 2 years ago I cut ten days after last cut. Down to 0.4 ish valium and will jump before Christmas
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Hi Friends!

I used to post here up until a year ago, but have been on a hiatus. Thought I would drop in and say hello! I held my 2mg V dose for a year and a half... seems long but I just started tapering again and it is going so smoothly in comparison to what I was going through back then. Down to 1.5 now, inching toward the finish line!

Hi OliverKitty,

Glad you dropped in!! Wow, that was a long hold eh? (I'm Canadian 😉)That is great news that things are going smoother since you started your taper again!  You have the finish line in sight! All the best, BLL ❤

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Great day here. First time since taper began over 2 years ago I cut ten days after last cut. Down to 0.4 ish valium and will jump before Christmas

Chenka, that is so fantastic you finally had a great day!!!🎉  I know you have been super rough for a long time. You are almost there!!! Hooray!!! Cheering you on!!! ❤, BLL

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