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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Under 0.5 valium and it just gets harder. Anyone else experience the same and did you hold/ reduce cut or jump please? I am at the end of my tether with this. 2 years and 3 months. If I bite the bullet and jump and it gets worse, what are my options?


How are your symptoms now?  Chenka, if you did a signature so we could see big picture, we could probably give you better information.  ;)

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Chenka, I am at .90 mg today so I am not yet that low or able to advise.  What I can say is that I am sorry you are feeling so rough!!! I know my symptoms have been amped up these last 2 weeks to the point where one night I felt so awful I was in tears.  The next day after was just as brutal, but then it got a little better on day 3 and 4.  Then a wave will hit me again and I feel really sick again!!! It is so horrible when we get like this!!!!  I am not sure what you should do as only you can decide how much your body can take.  If you need to hold then do so, and maybe your symptoms will calm down.  I know you've made it this far and you're so close so it must be so frustrating!!!! I am thinking of you and sending get well wishes your way!!❤ BLL
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My symptoms are pretty bad anxiety/panic etc, mainly in the mornings..every morning. Things usually pick up after lunch then ok all day . Crappish sleep and nightmares. These are the ones that bother me the most. On no other drugs except for migraines sometimes. No idea how to do a sig and have forgotten most of it anyway. Basically, started tapering from a mistaken 15 mg valium after a CT June 2017. Dropped 10 mg within six months or so but once I hit the 5 mg mark, which I believe was my real starting dose, symptoms ramped up. Dry cutting every 2 week. Holds usually make me feel worse. Unable to tolerate liquids before.
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I guess there is nothing you really can do if you have held in the past and are intolerable to liquids.  I'm so sorry friend! Know I am thinking of you and hopefully there will be some relief for you some time soon!!! Hugs of support!!! ❤
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I am at 2.46 mg of Valium per day using liquid valium diluted with water at a 1-9 ratio to do a very slow micro taper.  I have been tapering at .01 mg a day.  I seem to have hit a wall over the last week and have been holding at 2.46 for the last few days.  I am getting hit with some anxiety and a lot of nausea and headaches.


In looking over my notes, one day I accidentally went down dropped from 2.55 mg to 2.5 mg  I did not catch it until almost 10 days afterward.  That represented not quite a 2% drop at once.  If you calculate the total drop over 10 days, from 2.55 mg to 2.46 is only a 3.5% drop.  That doesn't seem like enough to do anything.  Has anyone encountered something similar?


Updated:  I took some pepto bismol and my nausea went away after a bit, and ate something and got really focused online and feel much better--as close to normal as possible.

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I'm being prescribed  DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along side my tablets to try a liquid MT as its too much cutting the pills and dying more each time with the symptoms, my heads a mess and I can't think straight what I need to know is  DOES 1ML of 5mg/5ml solution  = 1MG?


Also can I titrate directly using the solution as it is eg. Use a 1mg or 10ml syringe and remove 0.1 per day from the syringe  containing  just the solution its self with no water, or do I need to add 1ml of the solution to 100mls of water  to dilute it and do it that way?



Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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I am at 2.46 mg of Valium per day using liquid valium diluted with water at a 1-9 ratio to do a very slow micro taper.  I have been tapering at .01 mg a day.  I seem to have hit a wall over the last week and have been holding at 2.46 for the last few days.  I am getting hit with some anxiety and a lot of nausea and headaches.


In looking over my notes, one day I accidentally went down dropped from 2.55 mg to 2.5 mg  I did not catch it until almost 10 days afterward.  That represented not quite a 2% drop at once.  If you calculate the total drop over 10 days, from 2.55 mg to 2.46 is only a 3.5% drop.  That doesn't seem like enough to do anything.  Has anyone encountered something similar?


Updated:  I took some pepto bismol and my nausea went away after a bit, and ate something and got really focused online and feel much better--as close to normal as possible.

Welcome!!! I'm glad you've joined us.  I can't say for sure if that accidental drop is what caused your wall (and I'm glad you're feeling a bit better) but it is likely.  Just from reading other peoples' posts, some of them have had very very bad reactions to even very small cuts or during daily micro tapers.  I guess you'll never know!!! It is so individual how our body reacts!  Some people seem to keep on trucking with little or no SX's while others are bedbound!!! For those of is who are suffering with SX's, each day seems to be different, at least it is here in my experience.  Some days are manageable with moments of sickness, other days I'm stuck to the couch with extreme fatigue and other alarming SX's.  But, like all of us here, just taking it one day at a time!  Glad you joined our group ❤!  I can't answer alot as I am relatively new at this but maybe others can give you their insights!! Hang in there friend!  BLL

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I'm being prescribed  DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along side my tablets to try a liquid MT as its too much cutting the pills and dying more each time with the symptoms, my heads a mess and I can't think straight what I need to know is  DOES 1ML of 5mg/5ml solution  = 1MG?


Also can I titrate directly using the solution as it is eg. Use a 1mg or 10ml syringe and remove 0.1 per day from the syringe  containing  just the solution its self with no water, or do I need to add 1ml of the solution to 100mls of water  to dilute it and do it that way?



Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Hi Nova, good to hear from you.  The person who can help you with this the most is a man named Builder.  If you ask for him to help you in your subject title under the Titration Taper thread, he will usually chime in and aid people!  He is amazing.  Personally, I don't understand the math so unless someone here  chimes in, he is your best bet.  I get my liquid compounded/titrated at the pharmacy so I can't screw it up!!! Cause believe me, I would!!!! Cognitive impairments these past few months are scary!! Simple things that I should know are baffling to me now!!! Forgot the last 4 digits of my cell phone number the other day!!! I can't wait for my brain to heal!!! Hope you are well today! ❤ BLL

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I am at 2.46 mg of Valium per day using liquid valium diluted with water at a 1-9 ratio to do a very slow micro taper.  I have been tapering at .01 mg a day.  I seem to have hit a wall over the last week and have been holding at 2.46 for the last few days.  I am getting hit with some anxiety and a lot of nausea and headaches.


In looking over my notes, one day I accidentally went down dropped from 2.55 mg to 2.5 mg  I did not catch it until almost 10 days afterward.  That represented not quite a 2% drop at once.  If you calculate the total drop over 10 days, from 2.55 mg to 2.46 is only a 3.5% drop.  That doesn't seem like enough to do anything.  Has anyone encountered something similar?


Updated:  I took some pepto bismol and my nausea went away after a bit, and ate something and got really focused online and feel much better--as close to normal as possible.

It is entirely possible. I can feel a cut of less than 2% - each and every time. And as I get lower, I seem to feel the cuts even more. The lower the slower is becoming my motto these days

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I'm being prescribed  DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along side my tablets to try a liquid MT as its too much cutting the pills and dying more each time with the symptoms, my heads a mess and I can't think straight what I need to know is  DOES 1ML of 5mg/5ml solution  = 1MG?


Also can I titrate directly using the solution as it is eg. Use a 1mg or 10ml syringe and remove 0.1 per day from the syringe  containing  just the solution its self with no water, or do I need to add 1ml of the solution to 100mls of water  to dilute it and do it that way?



Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

Hi Nova, good to hear from you.  The person who can help you with this the most is a man named Builder.  If you ask for him to help you in your subject title under the Titration Taper thread, he will usually chime in and aid people!  He is amazing.  Personally, I don't understand the math so unless someone here  chimes in, he is your best bet.  I get my liquid compounded/titrated at the pharmacy so I can't screw it up!!! Cause believe me, I would!!!! Cognitive impairments these past few months are scary!! Simple things that I should know are baffling to me now!!! Forgot the last 4 digits of my cell phone number the other day!!! I can't wait for my brain to heal!!! Hope you are well today! ❤ BLL

Hi BLL  :hug: Builders answered it for me on the Titration Taper thread, still can't get my head around his answer though , my Cognitive impairments  are also scary :D My maths forget it! I panic over what 1+1 equals now, well I'm panicking over everything right now, plus its been a really stressful few weeks and bad news on top yesterday sheesh!  ::) Its never ending isn't it I swear life wasn't as bad as it been since I've been trying to get the hell off this drug, even tolerance withdraw was a walk in the park compared to this hell, at least I could still get out and about although I didn't know what was wrong with me at the time just I was getting all sorts of symptoms that kept getting misdiagnosed as other things. But I'm barely able to function now  :(


Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks everyone.  I felt completely normal today.  No nausea or headaches.  I am still holding at 2.44 mg and will resume my microtaper shortly.



I'm being prescribed  DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along side my tablets to try a liquid MT as its too much cutting the pills and dying more each time with the symptoms, my heads a mess and I can't think straight what I need to know is  DOES 1ML of 5mg/5ml solution  = 1MG?


Also can I titrate directly using the solution as it is eg. Use a 1mg or 10ml syringe and remove 0.1 per day from the syringe  containing  just the solution its self with no water, or do I need to add 1ml of the solution to 100mls of water  to dilute it and do it that way?


I am using the DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along with pills.  I refer to it as liquid valium, which is what it is.  1 ML=1 mg.  You mix one ml of liquid valium/diazpam with 9 ml water to give you a  solution where 10 ml of the liquid equals 1 mg of valium.  This lets you cut small amounts since it is less concentrated.


You dilute it with water for several reasons.


1. Undiluted the liquid valium is very harsh tasting.  Once diluted to a 9 to one ratio of water to liquid Valium it tastes like mild cough syrup.


2. The liquid valium is quite sticky and if you take it directly a small amount might stick in the syringe.


3. Most importantly, diluting the liquid valium gives you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.

    I use a 10 ML syringe that has markings down to .2ml and a 1 ML syringe that allows me to easily make cuts of .1ml.  .1 ML of the solution is

    equivalent to .01 mg of valium, that is 1/100 of a milligram.  If the liquid valium was undiluted I could only make cuts by .2 mg.  But diluted I can

    easily make cuts  .01 mg.  This works better for a daily liquid micro taper.


I got my info from Builder.  The man is a lifesaver and one of the most helpful and knowledgeable people on the board.


Here is how I mix liquid Valium/Diazepam with water to create my daily solution.  I make a large batch that lasts me a week or two and I draw from it on a daily basis.  This is much easier than trying to mix one dose at a time every day and it is easy to measure the larger amounts of liquid Valium and water than it is to mix small daily amounts.


What I am writing in this post is an example.  You could certainly make a larger batch with a larger container as long as you follow the ratio of 1 ml of liquid valium for every 9 ml of water.  As Builder has explained, this makes the math easier while tapering and provides you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.  This creates for an easier taper.


I use a 10 ML syringe that I bought in a batch from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JJYMOP6/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1


And a jar that I bought from them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076DJHYK4/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You can use a different jar, the most important thing being that it can seal tightly.  I bought several of the jars in case I break one.


I use the 10 ML syringe to measure out 10 ML of water and I spray that into the bottom of the  jar.  I do that twice so that I have 20 ml of water at the bottom of the jar.  This prevents any of the liquid Diazepam from sticking to the bottom of the jar--even though it would be an imperceiveable amount if any.


I then use the same syringe to draw out 10 mg of liquid Diazepam and spray it into the jar with the 20 ml of water.  I do this again and draw an additional 10 ml of liquid valium and spray it into the second jar with the water.


The jar now has 20 ml of water and 20 ml of liquid diazepam in it.


I then use the same syringe to draw 10 ml of water and spray it into the jar.  I repeat this 14 times so that the jar now has a total of 180 ml of water and 20 ml of liquid diazepam in it.


By drawing the water into the same syringe after I used it to draw the liquid diazepam and spraying it into the jar, I make sure to wash out any of the liquid Diazepam that might have stuck in the syringe--although none is visible to me.


I now have a jar with 200 ml of solution with the water at a 9-1 ratio with the liquid diazepam.  At this point I close and shake the jar.  I also shake it every day before drawing my daily dose.


Another thing that I do is pour a bunch of the liquid diazepam out of its container into a glass jar and use that to draw from to make my mixture.


I do this for two reasons:


1. It is very hard and awkward to draw the liquid diazepam out of its container while it is much easier to do so out of a jar since the jar has a wider top to get the syringe into and is smaller and easier to work with.


2. I am afraid that I might wind up dropping or spilling the liquid diazepam container if I am trying to tilt it to draw liquid out of it with a syringe.


When taking my dose, I shake the jar with the mixture, open it, and use the 10 ml syringe to draw out 10 ml of the mixture.  Then I spray it down my throat.


Remember, Each 10 ML of the liquid I mixed consists of 9 ml of water and 1 Ml of liquid Valium/Diazepam.


I take as many 10 ml doses as I need for each mg of Valium that I take.


The 10 ML syringes have 4 markings between each individual ml mark to allow you to measure .2 of each ml.  This allows you to gradually taper.


You will also want a 1 ML syringe to make finer cuts: https://www.amazon.com/Syringe-Luer-Slip-Needle-Non-Sterile/dp/B01N01TO2O/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1544846668&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=1ml+syringe&psc=1


I use this to allow me to easily measure 1/10ths of a ml.  At one point I was tapering by .2 ml of a day or .02 mg, now I am doing .1ml of a day, or .01 mg.  If I have an issue I stop and hold the dose for a bit, as I have been doing for the last few days.


I use a combination of the 10 ml syringe and the 1 ml syringe to allow me to measure the precise small amounts that I take.  I use the 10ml syringe to measure the whole ml amounts and the 1 ml syringe to measure the 1/10s of a ml.  If you had the two syringes in front of you, you would understand.



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Thanks everyone.  I felt completely normal today.  No nausea or headaches.  I am still holding at 2.44 mg and will resume my microtaper shortly.



I'm being prescribed  DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along side my tablets to try a liquid MT as its too much cutting the pills and dying more each time with the symptoms, my heads a mess and I can't think straight what I need to know is  DOES 1ML of 5mg/5ml solution  = 1MG?


Also can I titrate directly using the solution as it is eg. Use a 1mg or 10ml syringe and remove 0.1 per day from the syringe  containing  just the solution its self with no water, or do I need to add 1ml of the solution to 100mls of water  to dilute it and do it that way?


I am using the DIAZEPAM 5mg/5ml ORAL SOLUTION along with pills.  I refer to it as liquid valium, which is what it is.  1 ML=1 mg.  You mix one ml of liquid valium/diazpam with 9 ml water to give you a  solution where 10 ml of the liquid equals 1 mg of valium.  This lets you cut small amounts since it is less concentrated.


You dilute it with water for several reasons.


1. Undiluted the liquid valium is very harsh tasting.  Once diluted to a 9 to one ratio of water to liquid Valium it tastes like mild cough syrup.


2. The liquid valium is quite sticky and if you take it directly a small amount might stick in the syringe.


3. Most importantly, diluting the liquid valium gives you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.

    I use a 10 ML syringe that has markings down to .2ml and a 1 ML syringe that allows me to easily make cuts of .1ml.  .1 ML of the solution is

    equivalent to .01 mg of valium, that is 1/100 of a milligram.  If the liquid valium was undiluted I could only make cuts by .2 mg.  But diluted I can

    easily make cuts  .01 mg.  This works better for a daily liquid micro taper.


I got my info from Builder.  The man is a lifesaver and one of the most helpful and knowledgeable people on the board.


Here is how I mix liquid Valium/Diazepam with water to create my daily solution.  I make a large batch that lasts me a week or two and I draw from it on a daily basis.  This is much easier than trying to mix one dose at a time every day and it is easy to measure the larger amounts of liquid Valium and water than it is to mix small daily amounts.


What I am writing in this post is an example.  You could certainly make a larger batch with a larger container as long as you follow the ratio of 1 ml of liquid valium for every 9 ml of water.  As Builder has explained, this makes the math easier while tapering and provides you a solution with a lower concentration of valium, which allows you taper daily by a smaller amount.  This creates for an easier taper.


I use a 10 ML syringe that I bought in a batch from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JJYMOP6/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1


And a jar that I bought from them: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076DJHYK4/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

You can use a different jar, the most important thing being that it can seal tightly.  I bought several of the jars in case I break one.


I use the 10 ML syringe to measure out 10 ML of water and I spray that into the bottom of the  jar.  I do that twice so that I have 20 ml of water at the bottom of the jar.  This prevents any of the liquid Diazepam from sticking to the bottom of the jar--even though it would be an imperceiveable amount if any.


I then use the same syringe to draw out 10 mg of liquid Diazepam and spray it into the jar with the 20 ml of water.  I do this again and draw an additional 10 ml of liquid valium and spray it into the second jar with the water.


The jar now has 20 ml of water and 20 ml of liquid diazepam in it.


I then use the same syringe to draw 10 ml of water and spray it into the jar.  I repeat this 14 times so that the jar now has a total of 180 ml of water and 20 ml of liquid diazepam in it.


By drawing the water into the same syringe after I used it to draw the liquid diazepam and spraying it into the jar, I make sure to wash out any of the liquid Diazepam that might have stuck in the syringe--although none is visible to me.


I now have a jar with 200 ml of solution with the water at a 9-1 ratio with the liquid diazepam.  At this point I close and shake the jar.  I also shake it every day before drawing my daily dose.


Another thing that I do is pour a bunch of the liquid diazepam out of its container into a glass jar and use that to draw from to make my mixture.


I do this for two reasons:


1. It is very hard and awkward to draw the liquid diazepam out of its container while it is much easier to do so out of a jar since the jar has a wider top to get the syringe into and is smaller and easier to work with.


2. I am afraid that I might wind up dropping or spilling the liquid diazepam container if I am trying to tilt it to draw liquid out of it with a syringe.


When taking my dose, I shake the jar with the mixture, open it, and use the 10 ml syringe to draw out 10 ml of the mixture.  Then I spray it down my throat.


Remember, Each 10 ML of the liquid I mixed consists of 9 ml of water and 1 Ml of liquid Valium/Diazepam.


I take as many 10 ml doses as I need for each mg of Valium that I take.


The 10 ML syringes have 4 markings between each individual ml mark to allow you to measure .2 of each ml.  This allows you to gradually taper.


You will also want a 1 ML syringe to make finer cuts: https://www.amazon.com/Syringe-Luer-Slip-Needle-Non-Sterile/dp/B01N01TO2O/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1544846668&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=1ml+syringe&psc=1


I use this to allow me to easily measure 1/10ths of a ml.  At one point I was tapering by .2 ml of a day or .02 mg, now I am doing .1ml of a day, or .01 mg.  If I have an issue I stop and hold the dose for a bit, as I have been doing for the last few days.


I use a combination of the 10 ml syringe and the 1 ml syringe to allow me to measure the precise small amounts that I take.  I use the 10ml syringe to measure the whole ml amounts and the 1 ml syringe to measure the 1/10s of a ml.  If you had the two syringes in front of you, you would understand.

Hi confuseduser  :hug: great name!!! I am also freaking confused......very  :laugh: Anyway thanks so much for going to that length and writing everything out step by step plus some great helpful tips I would never had thought of :thumbsup: '''  If you had the two syringes in front of you, you would understand.'''  I actual have 3  sizes already  ;) 1mg, 5mg, 10mg , I've got a 20mg glass one somewhere don't ask  me WTH I can't remember  ::) 


And I have dark brown glass jars here, and some larger ones I kept from foods and washed out. You been supper helpful, and I'm going to read it again later when my two brain cells aren't using each other in a game of marbles  :D  My brains liked an over flowing train station at rush hour  at the moment too much noise and stuff going on and crowding out understanding  :crazy:


I'm actually going to print it off and read it and keep a few copies to hand as well.  ;D One thing I need to know does it have to be kept refrigerated at all?  I don't think the UK liquid contains any Alcohol to act as a preservative, and there's a few manufacturers in the UK that make it, and mine is being picked up by a friend next week as I can't get out so I don't even know which one it is until I have it or what it contains besides Diazepam.


I did try the ole' home brew liquid  with milk which was hell first dose, then a while later I tried with Vodka and water but that wasn't no better either and I gave it a 17 months before I had to go back to just pills  :(  A lot of people said they too had problems with home brews but were ok with the prescription liquid and I'm praying its going to work for me too  🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏



Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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The 1 ML syringe and 10 ML syringe are all that you need for now.


You do not need to refrigerate it, but it should be stored away from light in a cupboard or someplace.

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Thanks Confuseduser for joining us! You seem very knowledgeable which is great!!! How is everyone doing today?  So far my head feels very heavy, and I have my usual fatigue and the runs! I'm sure like most of you symptoms come and go all throughout the day! Hope everyone is hanging in there!  ❤Blacklablady (BLL)
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Has anyone else found that the last part of this taper is the worst? Ive been pretty ill since 2.5mg mark. I'm at .75mg and my Dr and the organization out of Australia named reconnexion have told me to go down to .50mg next when I stabilize more. This last cut has been very hard 10 days into it. Im sure Im not the only one who feels like crap each time, and go right back to wondering what the hell is going on. Feel like Im going through severe withdrawals all over again with bad anxiety, panic, shaking inside, insomnia, abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea...ridiculous that it's like this toward the end ?? Thx everyone. Thinking of everyone out there in the world suffering thru this process. Do we ever get better?
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Just my take, but they look like really big, fast cuts. I have been cutting 5% every 2 weeks and have also felt worse below 3 mg or so. If I were you, I would hold till I felt better,. then reduce the size of the cuts. Of course, at just under half a mg of valium, I have been advised I could jump now. Still thinking it over
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Has anyone else found that the last part of this taper is the worst? Ive been pretty ill since 2.5mg mark. I'm at .75mg and my Dr and the organization out of Australia named reconnexion have told me to go down to .50mg next when I stabilize more. This last cut has been very hard 10 days into it. Im sure Im not the only one who feels like crap each time, and go right back to wondering what the hell is going on. Feel like Im going through severe withdrawals all over again with bad anxiety, panic, shaking inside, insomnia, abdominal pain, cramps and diarrhea...ridiculous that it's like this toward the end ?? Thx everyone. Thinking of everyone out there in the world suffering thru this process. Do we ever get better?

Hey Dude,

Today I am at .84 V with a DLMT.  I too am going through some hard times as well.  Are you doing a dry taper or liquid one?  Your last cut is probably the biggest culprit right now as it was pretty steep.  The reason why I'm doing a daily taper, even though I am getting some waves, is so the big cuts won't be such a shock to my system.  Each day my body is getting a little bit less and has to adjust, rather than a big amount.  Maybe you are doing a daily taper, hard to tell from your signature? Regardless, we are close to the end...it just may be a hard go to get there! Keep on fighting the fight!  And if you are not doing a daily micro taper, maybe you want to try to see if that can help some of your SX's. Sending you supportive thoughts and hugs!  ❤

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Thx for your response. I'm on the liquid valium of 5mg equals 5ml solution, and I bought the 1ml syringe to measure this out. Im not sure how to go about the daily taper, since I was instructed to cut .25 mg each time...and hold until I stabilized.

I know in my heart this has screwed with me tremendously, and affected my relationships etc. What is a DLMT?

CAN ANYONE HELP ON A DAILY TAPER REGIMINE THAT WILL WORK? Thx again, I know we are all fighters.

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Thx for your response. I'm on the liquid valium of 5mg equals 5ml solution, and I bought the 1ml syringe to measure this out. Im not sure how to go about the daily taper, since I was instructed to cut .25 mg each time...and hold until I stabilized.

I know in my heart this has screwed with me tremendously, and affected my relationships etc. What is a DLMT?

CAN ANYONE HELP ON A DAILY TAPER REGIMINE THAT WILL WORK? Thx again, I know we are all fighters.


DLMT is daily liquid micro-taper, which is what you want to do. If you start a topic on the Titration Board, someone will help you, probably builder. Just click new topic and title it something like Need Daily Taper Regimen. Tell them what you said here about what your liquid is and what supplies you have.


Titration Board

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Thx for your response. I'm on the liquid valium of 5mg equals 5ml solution, and I bought the 1ml syringe to measure this out. Im not sure how to go about the daily taper, since I was instructed to cut .25 mg each time...and hold until I stabilized.

I know in my heart this has screwed with me tremendously, and affected my relationships etc. What is a DLMT?

CAN ANYONE HELP ON A DAILY TAPER REGIMINE THAT WILL WORK? Thx again, I know we are all fighters.


DLMT is daily liquid micro-taper, which is what you want to do. If you start a topic on the Titration Board, someone will help you, probably builder. Just click new topic and title it something like Need Daily Taper Regimen. Tell them what you said here about what your liquid is and what supplies you have.


Titration Board

Hey Gardener,

How are you doing since you are off?  How long has it been?

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Thx for your response. I'm on the liquid valium of 5mg equals 5ml solution, and I bought the 1ml syringe to measure this out. Im not sure how to go about the daily taper, since I was instructed to cut .25 mg each time...and hold until I stabilized.

I know in my heart this has screwed with me tremendously, and affected my relationships etc. What is a DLMT?

CAN ANYONE HELP ON A DAILY TAPER REGIMINE THAT WILL WORK? Thx again, I know we are all fighters.



No wonder you are suffering!  25% at 1 time is fierce!  I was going to do a 10% cut and hold every 2 weeks.  Then I learned about the daily liquid micro taper and decided to do the same 10%, but rather than shock my system with such a large drop on day 1 and then hold for 2 weeks, I cut.01mg each day...so it is spread slowly over 2 weeks.  It is like taking an escalator, rather than super steep stairs. Yes myself and others do get SX symptoms, but many people do not have to do really long holds, or find if it is too fast, they can go down to 5%.  Yes it may take longer but hopefully the SX's are more tolerable this way.  Is your doctor making you do this 25%?  It was suggested to me to do 25% by one doctor and I knew I had to go see a specialist as there was no way I was going to do that!!! I was not prepared to put my body through what I had experienced before when I jumped from my first benzo, then crashed and got reinstated onto valium.  If your doctor is not familiar with the Ashton manual you can find it on this site and print it off.  I know you're close to the end, but the lower you go the more the cuts get bigger and therefore harder.  You may want to slow this last part down so you aren't suffering really, really badly!  Food for thought!!!! 

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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?
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Thx for your response. I'm on the liquid valium of 5mg equals 5ml solution, and I bought the 1ml syringe to measure this out. Im not sure how to go about the daily taper, since I was instructed to cut .25 mg each time...and hold until I stabilized.

I know in my heart this has screwed with me tremendously, and affected my relationships etc. What is a DLMT?

CAN ANYONE HELP ON A DAILY TAPER REGIMINE THAT WILL WORK? Thx again, I know we are all fighters.


DLMT is daily liquid micro-taper, which is what you want to do. If you start a topic on the Titration Board, someone will help you, probably builder. Just click new topic and title it something like Need Daily Taper Regimen. Tell them what you said here about what your liquid is and what supplies you have.


Titration Board

Hey Gardener,

How are you doing since you are off?  How long has it been?


Hi. Check out my signature. I try to keep my p-log up-to-date since I jumped.

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Thx for the help, this last 2 weeks has been harsh. I want to get off this poison very very bad. Thinking about doing the DLMT and starting at .01mg per day and seeing what happens. Im just squirting the liquid straight into my mouth from the syringe. Does anyone do it differently? Should we mix with water and drink it down?


When builder helps you, he will probably tell you to dilute.

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Hi did anyone find that home made titration liquid was problematic but prescription liquid worked fine? I'm asking because the last time I tried liquid titration using a home made liquid using vodka it was hell for over a year, cut and hold is also hell,  and today I'll be trying the prescription 5mg/5ml Diazepam liquid praying for a better result this time 🙏


Nova xxx  :smitten:  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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