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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Wow Candice!!! 4 kids and a hubby!!! There is a lot going on in your house!!! I was never able to have kids but I am a teacher, although I am on a leave currently 😔. There is no way I could phsically or mentally handle, and be responsible for, 28 little kinder kids!!! I can barely take care of myself!! I too am having a lot of physical symptoms lately, and also feel extremely exhausted!!! Some days I can barely move off the couch!!! And I have to nap bc I can't keep my eyes open.  I've always had very bad anxiety, hence why I was put on a benzo in the first place (unknowingly). Along with the anxiety, it's G.I issues, heart pain and some palpitations, light sensitivity, vertigo like symptoms which lead to balance issues, sensitivity to noise, tremors, whole body vibrations, cog fog, like you at times, sad moments (sometimes I still can't believe I'm even in this situation), headaches and about 4 times I've felt like I was getting stung by a wasp...woke me up at night!  So crazy!!! I don't suffer from insomnia anymore as my team from the hospital have put me on Trazedone, which I will have to ween from, or I can choose to stay on it.  It is an SSRI that has a sedating effect, so I've gone from having 2 to 3 hours a night to 7, 8 max!  Think it has helped the anxiety and sadness greatly!! Every now and then I have a good cry! Gotta let all my anger and frustration out from this horrible experience. Anyhow, I guess we are all doing the best we can given our circumstances.  I never dreamed in a million years I'd be in this predicament!!! As I'm sure is the same for you, and everyone else on BB.  Hang in there friend!!❤


Hey BLL!  Yes, it's a busy house here for sure!  I completely understand about taking a leave of absence at work.  It's funny you mention that, because I have been wondering what I am going to do, once this taper is over and I have healed enough to commit to full time work.  All of this started before my kids were both school age.  I was a stay at home mom for 8 years when this began, and before that I was a full time graduate student working 3 part time jobs and in a full time doctoral program in Clinical Psychology.  I earned my Masters Degree but never completed the PhD program, because I became a military wife and we needed to move about the country (I was totally fine with leaving the PhD program, at the time).  My point is- I never built a career for myself, and it's been so long since I worked full time.  I also divorced the military man during this taper, entered a new relationship, and got married (I've been tapering since January 2014).  I am not sure what I will end up doing, but I know I am a helper, and it will be something in the field of helping others emotionally.  I will say, it feels overwhelming to think about starting over again, and acclimating to full time work after so many years. 


I'm sorry you're feeling the gamut of physical symptoms, I experience many of those as well.  And yes, absolutely- cry.  It's SO good to cry.  We need to FEEL.  I'm noticing that I am feeling and processing so much grief, fear, and anger- for things that happened while I was on this medication, and things that lead up to it.  Sometimes I debate with going back to therapy to learn how to integrate back into life again- relearning how to cope with all that has happened, and begin to live fully again.  Driving is a barrier for me- I had a major car accident prior to the benzo prescription which left me traumatized- so driving is a huge trigger to my frail CNS.



Hi Candice

Thankyou for the welcome message, funny because I haven’t been on for quite some time I am having to remember how to work all this again (just don’t ask me to post a pic 😂 totally braindead in adding quotes etc)


I have learnt through experience with these meds to go slow and definitely at your own pace, it’s a marathon not a sprint and definitely not a competition I am testament to that as I’m still here and I think I joined 2013.ive seen many come and go successfully and a few who didn’t make it at all (which was devastating and still upsets me to this day)I get so emotional remembering them and the lower my dose the more emotional I get.

I’ve also noticed that the lower I go the more emotionally sensitive I have become, which is totally the opposite of what I used to be.

Candice I too have found the lower you get the more clarity you have, I am also finding that my memory is returning, which is amazing, the brain and body can and will repair itself.

Wow you must be super busy with 4 children, I have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren with another due in about 9 weeks.

Anyway I’ve waffled long enough, really happy to be here.



Gypsy :smitten:


Hi Gypsy!  Absolutely- it's a marathon, not a race.  I have to work on my patience with the pace of all of this, but after tapering for just about 5 years, I am so ready to believe in the light I'm finally seeing at the end of this tunnel :) . I'm sure you completely understand that feeling.


That's so wonderful about all of your grandchildren!  Congratulations on the one soon to join the world!


Isn't it amazing how much more we can feel, and remember, now? 



Sending all of you hugs and love,

Candice  :smitten:

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Gypsy, Candice, Begood and maybe you too Chenka,

I totally want to say how awed I am by all of your resilience!!! I thought going from 1.5 mg was so long but you have been fighters for a long time!!!! I'm my eyes you gals are so strong!!!! Gypsy, that is so exciting you're going to be a grandma again!!! And Candice, YAHOO GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MG TODAY 🎉👍🏻 !!!! KEEP IT UP LADIES!!! I 🥰

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Gypsy, Candice, Begood and maybe you too Chenka,

I totally want to say how awed I am by all of your resilience!!! I thought going from 1.5 mg was so long but you have been fighters for a long time!!!! I'm my eyes you gals are so strong!!!! Gypsy, that is so exciting you're going to be a grandma again!!! And Candice, YAHOO GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MG TODAY 🎉👍🏻 !!!! KEEP IT UP LADIES!!! I 🥰

:smitten::)  :smitten:
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Gypsy, Candice, Begood and maybe you too Chenka,

I totally want to say how awed I am by all of your resilience!!! I thought going from 1.5 mg was so long but you have been fighters for a long time!!!! I'm my eyes you gals are so strong!!!! Gypsy, that is so exciting you're going to be a grandma again!!! And Candice, YAHOO GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MG TODAY 🎉👍🏻 !!!! KEEP IT UP LADIES!!! I 🥰


Thank you!!  :smitten:


Ya’ll, I did it!!! I made it to 3 mg!!!  :smitten:

Well done..!! :)

Your on the home stretch now..!!




That's what it feels like, mentally- the home stretch.  I'm hoping at some point I will feel ready to speed up the pace, I know several people who were able to do that and it felt good to do so.  At bare minimum, I'm hoping I can at least maintain this pace of .01 mg per day through the end.

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Gypsy, Candice, Begood and maybe you too Chenka,

I totally want to say how awed I am by all of your resilience!!! I thought going from 1.5 mg was so long but you have been fighters for a long time!!!! I'm my eyes you gals are so strong!!!! Gypsy, that is so exciting you're going to be a grandma again!!! And Candice, YAHOO GIRL!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MG TODAY 🎉👍🏻 !!!! KEEP IT UP LADIES!!! I 🥰


Thank you!!  :smitten:


Ya’ll, I did it!!! I made it to 3 mg!!!  :smitten:

Well done..!! :)

Your on the home stretch now..!!




That's what it feels like, mentally- the home stretch.  I'm hoping at some point I will feel ready to speed up the pace, I know several people who were able to do that and it felt good to do so.  At bare minimum, I'm hoping I can at least maintain this pace of .01 mg per day through the end.

That is my hope as well!!! 0.01 mg a day🙏🏻

Candace, I was thinking g about your life story and how you must feel apprehensive about returning to work after so long.  But....look at your education, you are one smart 🍪!  To even get a Masters and to consider completing a PH.D. says a lot about your drive and dedication to hard work.  Whatever you choose to do when that time comes,I'm sure you will be more than great at it!!! If helping people is your calling,then that is what you pursue.  Do whatever makes you happy as so much of your time, and others here on BB, has been put on hold! ❤

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Hey Can't!  Thanks for popping on and giving support!!! Hope your taper is going as smooth as it can!❤

Hey back at ya... :)

Its been a great group for a long time.. -a good one to read back on if one wants.. 


Lol, I guess I was below 3mg for some time..!! Half the trick seems to be just maintaining whats working and adjust things to suit.. (in a simplistic way)..







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That is my hope as well!!! 0.1 mg a day🙏🏻

Candace, I was thinking g about your life story and how you must feel apprehensive about returning to work after so long.  But....look at your education, you are one smart 🍪!  To even get a Masters and to consider competing a PH.D. says a lot about your drive and dedication to hard work.  Whatever you choose to do when that time comes,I'm sure you will be more than great at it!!! If helping people is your calling,then that is what you pursue.  Do whatever makes you happy as so much of your time, and others here on BB, has been put on hold! ❤


Awe, thank you for that BLL.  I was telling my husband last night- I feel a part of me waking up and remembering my "goodness", or my abilities and talents, if you will.  For years, I have felt dead inside, and full of fear, or was seeing everything through the fogginess of the benzo, not fully tapping into reality even if I was able to feel my heart.  Not really fully present in the world, even if I could touch peace and mindfulness within myself, if that makes sense? Now I feel myself fully returning- and integration back into the world feels overwhelming- it's almost like learning how to walk again.  You're right, all of that intelligence and resilience and aptitude is still within me.  And now, I know how to love myself and not drive myself into the ground while taking care of everyone else.  I've learned balance, patience, self love through all of this.  And meeting myself with compassion and tender care sets the stage for healing trauma from my past.  At times like this, I can't help but feel almost grateful for this road, even if it has been one heck of a ride. 

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That is my hope as well!!! 0.1 mg a day🙏🏻

Candace, I was thinking g about your life story and how you must feel apprehensive about returning to work after so long.  But....look at your education, you are one smart 🍪!  To even get a Masters and to consider competing a PH.D. says a lot about your drive and dedication to hard work.  Whatever you choose to do when that time comes,I'm sure you will be more than great at it!!! If helping people is your calling,then that is what you pursue.  Do whatever makes you happy as so much of your time, and others here on BB, has been put on hold! ❤


Awe, thank you for that BLL.  I was telling my husband last night- I feel a part of me waking up and remembering my "goodness", or my abilities and talents, if you will.  For years, I have felt dead inside, and full of fear, or was seeing everything through the fogginess of the benzo, not fully tapping into reality even if I was able to feel my heart.  Not really fully present in the world, even if I could touch peace and mindfulness within myself, if that makes sense? Now I feel myself fully returning- and integration back into the world feels overwhelming- it's almost like learning how to walk again.  You're right, all of that intelligence and resilience and aptitude is still within me.  And now, I know how to love myself and not drive myself into the ground while taking care of everyone else.  I've learned balance, patience, self love through all of this.  And meeting myself with compassion and tender care sets the stage for healing trauma from my past.  At times like this, I can't help but feel almost grateful for this road, even if it has been one heck of a ride.

We all will recover, it just may take some time!!! For now, we take baby steps and celebrate even the smallest positive moments!!! Good for you for finding the balance and self love which is not easy!!! I'm trying to use the inner coach technique on myself as I can so easily reach out and help others, yet always beat myself up!  I have to say in my head, "Would you tell a friend what you just told yourself?" and 99% of the time the answer is no! But it is so hard because a lot of us have been doing that demeaning self talk to ourselves for a long time.  I'm working on it every day!  Thanks for shedding light on and reinforcing the importance of taking care and being kind to ourselves!!! ❤

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That is my hope as well!!! 0.1 mg a day🙏🏻

Candace, I was thinking g about your life story and how you must feel apprehensive about returning to work after so long.  But....look at your education, you are one smart 🍪!  To even get a Masters and to consider competing a PH.D. says a lot about your drive and dedication to hard work.  Whatever you choose to do when that time comes,I'm sure you will be more than great at it!!! If helping people is your calling,then that is what you pursue.  Do whatever makes you happy as so much of your time, and others here on BB, has been put on hold! ❤


Awe, thank you for that BLL.  I was telling my husband last night- I feel a part of me waking up and remembering my "goodness", or my abilities and talents, if you will.  For years, I have felt dead inside, and full of fear, or was seeing everything through the fogginess of the benzo, not fully tapping into reality even if I was able to feel my heart.  Not really fully present in the world, even if I could touch peace and mindfulness within myself, if that makes sense? Now I feel myself fully returning- and integration back into the world feels overwhelming- it's almost like learning how to walk again.  You're right, all of that intelligence and resilience and aptitude is still within me.  And now, I know how to love myself and not drive myself into the ground while taking care of everyone else.  I've learned balance, patience, self love through all of this.  And meeting myself with compassion and tender care sets the stage for healing trauma from my past.  At times like this, I can't help but feel almost grateful for this road, even if it has been one heck of a ride.

We all will recover, it just may take some time!!! For now, we take baby steps and celebrate even the smallest positive moments!!! Good for you for finding the balance and self love which is not easy!!! I'm trying to use the inner coach technique on myself as I can so easily reach out and help others, yet always beat myself up!  I have to say in my head, "Would you tell a friend what you just told yourself?" and 99% of the time the answer is no! But it is so hard because a lot of us have been doing that demeaning self talk to ourselves for a long time.  I'm working on it every day!  Thanks for shedding light on and reinforcing the importance of taking care and being kind to ourselves!!! ❤


You are most welcome  :smitten:  The healing begins with awareness.  I dare say half of the healing is the awareness and staying with yourself through it, not escaping or avoiding what you see.  You can see where you can better love yourself- so naturally what will flow from this awareness is self-love.  You've got this  :smitten:

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At 1.50 today ! Little dance ! Such a long way to go but another milestone reached ! 

Good luck all in the stairwalk downhill to the wonderful number 0. We will all get there !

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At 1.50 today ! Little dance ! Such a long way to go but another milestone reached ! 

Good luck all in the stairwalk downhill to the wonderful number 0. We will all get there !

''Woo hoo'' My Friend, great that you made it to 1.50 mg, I know how you have struggled. You got this, just do as you have and enjoy your dancing and the life that you have made despite the  >:D benzo. 💖 Peace and Healing. :smitten:
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Ya’ll, I did it!!! I made it to 3 mg!!!  :smitten:


Amazing Candice, well done congratulations, be in awe of every step down and away from these meds. We all know how terribly difficult it is.

I’d definitely be doing a happy dance 💃 💃.


Luv n hugs

Gypsy  :smitten:


Ps my head is literally spinning trying to keep up with this thread so hopefully you all have the patience to bare with me. Lol 😂

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At 1.50 today ! Little dance ! Such a long way to go but another milestone reached ! 

Good luck all in the stairwalk downhill to the wonderful number 0. We will all get there !


Hey Shake

Well done, it’s not easy and every step down is a closer step to freedom. 💃 dance away my friend 💃

You deserve the accolades  :angel: amazing result.


Luv n hugs


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At 1.50 today ! Little dance ! Such a long way to go but another milestone reached ! 

Good luck all in the stairwalk downhill to the wonderful number 0. We will all get there !


Congratulations!!! I’m doing a big dance for you!  :smitten:

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At 1.50 today ! Little dance ! Such a long way to go but another milestone reached ! 

Good luck all in the stairwalk downhill to the wonderful number 0. We will all get there !


That is awesome, Shake!!!! Way to go!!! 🎉 It feels good to hit those milestones! For me, every .05 mg is what I look forward to!  Those come fairly fast so I feel like I have accomplished something and am getting closer to 0.  Welcome to the thread!! It is good to have  buddies to go through this with!  ❤

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Wow, begood! You are so close!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I, like you, will be walking off...I don't want to risk any chances of having really severe withdrawal symptoms.  Be there, done that, not going to repeat that!  Keep it up friend!!!❤


You are getting low BLL  :D. We both use the same tracker Dog  :). I have a tri colored Chi-pin and they really look a lot a like  ;). Love the pic of your lab.  My sister had a chocolate lab, she passed away a few years ago, but even as big as she was , she was the baby of the family, bet yours is too.

Mary 💜💜

OMG Mary!  I just went back in the thread and saw this!!! I feel so rude!!! Yes, we are using the same dog and you are so lucky yours actually looks like that!!! Wish they had a lab!!! Our dog is our baby but she has a lot of issues.  She is a rescue and was abandoned and we are assuming, due to her fear of men, that she was abused!  We thought with training and lots of love we get get her to forget, but she can't.  Breaks our 💔 but we have given her the best life we can give.  She did nip my friend's boyfriend years ago.  We warned him to just be calm around her and the fool, after some drinks, went up behind her and spooked her!  Well, she nipped him!  But it was enough for my husband and I to be scared she could do it again to someone else, so we decided to really change our life, for her!  We don't have people over like we used to and we are very careful who we introduce her to.  She loves my family and has learned to trust my dad and brother in law.  As well, we have some male friends she loves!  She leans on them looking for love.  They followed the rules for how to act around her and now it is all good.  Yes, we don't have a lot of friends over here, but truthfully, I am ok with that. Not up for crazy nights anymore, and would much rather get to bed at a decent hour!  Getting older is what it really is!🤣 Since I never had kids, she is my troubled teenager, although she just turned 10.  She has altered our lives but I don't regret it for one minute.  With us, she is the sweetest, most loving girl in the world who has been there for a lot of hard times in our lives!!! Right now she is at my side, always wanting snuggles and doing things that put a smile on my face!!! She is therapy during all the crap!!!! I'm sure yours is the same!!!


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Wow, begood! You are so close!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I, like you, will be walking off...I don't want to risk any chances of having really severe withdrawal symptoms.  Be there, done that, not going to repeat that!  Keep it up friend!!!❤


You are getting low BLL  :D. We both use the same tracker Dog  :). I have a tri colored Chi-pin and they really look a lot a like  ;). Love the pic of your lab.  My sister had a chocolate lab, she passed away a few years ago, but even as big as she was , she was the baby of the family, bet yours is too.

Mary 💜💜

OMG Mary!  I just went back in the thread and saw this!!! I feel so rude!!! Yes, we are using the same dog and you are so lucky yours actually looks like that!!! Wish they had a lab!!! Our dog is our baby but she has a lot of issues.  She is a rescue and was abandoned and we are assuming, due to her fear of men, that she was abused!  We thought with training and lots of love we get get her to forget, but she can't.  Breaks our 💔 but we have given her the best life we can give.  She did nip my friend's boyfriend years ago.  We warned him to just be calm around her and the fool, after some drinks, went up behind her and spooked her!  Well, she nipped him!  But it was enough for my husband and I to be scared she could do it again to someone else, so we decided to really change our life, for her!  We don't have people over like we used to and we are very careful who we introduce her to.  She loves my family and has learned to trust my dad and brother in law.  As well, we have some male friends she loves!  She leans on them looking for love.  They followed the rules for how to act around her and now it is all good.  Yes, we don't have a lot of friends over here, but truthfully, I am ok with that. Not up for crazy nights anymore, and would much rather get to bed at a decent hour!  Getting older is what it really is!🤣 Since I never had kids, she is my troubled teenager, although she just turned 10.  She has altered our lives but I don't regret it for one minute.  With us, she is the sweetest, most loving girl in the world who has been there for a lot of hard times in our lives!!! Right now she is at my side, always wanting snuggles and doing things that put a smile on my face!!! She is therapy during all the crap!!!! I'm sure yours is the same!!!



Oh, that is the sweetest story, I love animals.  All of mine over the years has been a stray or shelter, and they all have their quirks if they have been abused, and yes, we change our lives to make theirs better.  I had a Siamese 🐱, we called her psycho kitty.  We told everyone just to leave her alone unless she came up to them, but there is always one hard head.  My sil thought she was different and stuck her face in my cats face, my cat let out the scariest growl I have ever heard.  ;D ;D. Well, let's just say my sil never stuck her face in my cats face again.  She lived to 19.  At the time, it was almost half my life.  Since, we have always had dogs.  We usually have at least 2, I had one pass away while I was in wd, and have too many issues to think I could take care of 2 right now.  If I ever manage to get off this crap, that will be the first thing I do, go get another one.

I am happy to see you getting so low, hope you are doing okay! Luv ya, Mary 💜💜💜

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Wow, begood! You are so close!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I, like you, will be walking off...I don't want to risk any chances of having really severe withdrawal symptoms.  Be there, done that, not going to repeat that!  Keep it up friend!!!❤


You are getting low BLL  :D. We both use the same tracker Dog  :). I have a tri colored Chi-pin and they really look a lot a like  ;). Love the pic of your lab.  My sister had a chocolate lab, she passed away a few years ago, but even as big as she was , she was the baby of the family, bet yours is too.

Mary 💜💜

OMG Mary!  I just went back in the thread and saw this!!! I feel so rude!!! Yes, we are using the same dog and you are so lucky yours actually looks like that!!! Wish they had a lab!!! Our dog is our baby but she has a lot of issues.  She is a rescue and was abandoned and we are assuming, due to her fear of men, that she was abused!  We thought with training and lots of love we get get her to forget, but she can't.  Breaks our 💔 but we have given her the best life we can give.  She did nip my friend's boyfriend years ago.  We warned him to just be calm around her and the fool, after some drinks, went up behind her and spooked her!  Well, she nipped him!  But it was enough for my husband and I to be scared she could do it again to someone else, so we decided to really change our life, for her!  We don't have people over like we used to and we are very careful who we introduce her to.  She loves my family and has learned to trust my dad and brother in law.  As well, we have some male friends she loves!  She leans on them looking for love.  They followed the rules for how to act around her and now it is all good.  Yes, we don't have a lot of friends over here, but truthfully, I am ok with that. Not up for crazy nights anymore, and would much rather get to bed at a decent hour!  Getting older is what it really is!🤣 Since I never had kids, she is my troubled teenager, although she just turned 10.  She has altered our lives but I don't regret it for one minute.  With us, she is the sweetest, most loving girl in the world who has been there for a lot of hard times in our lives!!! Right now she is at my side, always wanting snuggles and doing things that put a smile on my face!!! She is therapy during all the crap!!!! I'm sure yours is the same!!!



Oh, that is the sweetest story, I love animals.  All of mine over the years has been a stray or shelter, and they all have their quirks if they have been abused, and yes, we change our lives to make theirs better.  I had a Siamese 🐱, we called her psycho kitty.  We told everyone just to leave her alone unless she came up to them, but there is always one hard head.  My sil thought she was different and stuck her face in my cats face, my cat let out the scariest growl I have ever heard.  ;D ;D. Well, let's just say my sil never stuck her face in my cats face again.  She lived to 19.  At the time, it was almost half my life.  Since, we have always had dogs.  We usually have at least 2, I had one pass away while I was in wd, and have too many issues to think I could take care of 2 right now.  If I ever manage to get off this crap, that will be the first thing I do, go get another one.

I am happy to see you getting so low, hope you are doing okay! Luv ya, Mary 💜💜💜

I am so sorry you lost one of your dogs during your taper!!! That must have been so hard to deal with!!! My ❤ goes out to you!!!! They totally are our fur babies and such a part of our families!!  I am hanging in there, so super rough days but then they pass.  Just trying to keep positive and accept them when they come!!! How about you, how are you doing?


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Wow, begood! You are so close!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I, like you, will be walking off...I don't want to risk any chances of having really severe withdrawal symptoms.  Be there, done that, not going to repeat that!  Keep it up friend!!!❤


You are getting low BLL  :D. We both use the same tracker Dog  :). I have a tri colored Chi-pin and they really look a lot a like  ;). Love the pic of your lab.  My sister had a chocolate lab, she passed away a few years ago, but even as big as she was , she was the baby of the family, bet yours is too.

Mary 💜💜

OMG Mary!  I just went back in the thread and saw this!!! I feel so rude!!! Yes, we are using the same dog and you are so lucky yours actually looks like that!!! Wish they had a lab!!! Our dog is our baby but she has a lot of issues.  She is a rescue and was abandoned and we are assuming, due to her fear of men, that she was abused!  We thought with training and lots of love we get get her to forget, but she can't.  Breaks our 💔 but we have given her the best life we can give.  She did nip my friend's boyfriend years ago.  We warned him to just be calm around her and the fool, after some drinks, went up behind her and spooked her!  Well, she nipped him!  But it was enough for my husband and I to be scared she could do it again to someone else, so we decided to really change our life, for her!  We don't have people over like we used to and we are very careful who we introduce her to.  She loves my family and has learned to trust my dad and brother in law.  As well, we have some male friends she loves!  She leans on them looking for love.  They followed the rules for how to act around her and now it is all good.  Yes, we don't have a lot of friends over here, but truthfully, I am ok with that. Not up for crazy nights anymore, and would much rather get to bed at a decent hour!  Getting older is what it really is!🤣 Since I never had kids, she is my troubled teenager, although she just turned 10.  She has altered our lives but I don't regret it for one minute.  With us, she is the sweetest, most loving girl in the world who has been there for a lot of hard times in our lives!!! Right now she is at my side, always wanting snuggles and doing things that put a smile on my face!!! She is therapy during all the crap!!!! I'm sure yours is the same!!!



Oh, that is the sweetest story, I love animals.  All of mine over the years has been a stray or shelter, and they all have their quirks if they have been abused, and yes, we change our lives to make theirs better.  I had a Siamese 🐱, we called her psycho kitty.  We told everyone just to leave her alone unless she came up to them, but there is always one hard head.  My sil thought she was different and stuck her face in my cats face, my cat let out the scariest growl I have ever heard.  ;D ;D. Well, let's just say my sil never stuck her face in my cats face again.  She lived to 19.  At the time, it was almost half my life.  Since, we have always had dogs.  We usually have at least 2, I had one pass away while I was in wd, and have too many issues to think I could take care of 2 right now.  If I ever manage to get off this crap, that will be the first thing I do, go get another one.

I am happy to see you getting so low, hope you are doing okay! Luv ya, Mary 💜💜💜

I am so sorry you lost one of your dogs during your taper!!! That must have been so hard to deal with!!! My ❤ goes out to you!!!! They totally are our fur babies and such a part of our families!!  I am hanging in there, so super rough days but then they pass.  Just trying to keep positive and accept them when they come!!! How about you, how are you doing?



I am having trouble with my eyes, trying to get resolved, that's why I am not on much, and always my back, but trying to move forward alittle at a time.  Finally in the 8's, just barely  :)  It's so good to see you guys slowly but surely come off on this thread, gives us all hope  :D :D

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Wow, begood! You are so close!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I, like you, will be walking off...I don't want to risk any chances of having really severe withdrawal symptoms.  Be there, done that, not going to repeat that!  Keep it up friend!!!❤


You are getting low BLL  :D. We both use the same tracker Dog  :). I have a tri colored Chi-pin and they really look a lot a like  ;). Love the pic of your lab.  My sister had a chocolate lab, she passed away a few years ago, but even as big as she was , she was the baby of the family, bet yours is too.

Mary 💜💜

OMG Mary!  I just went back in the thread and saw this!!! I feel so rude!!! Yes, we are using the same dog and you are so lucky yours actually looks like that!!! Wish they had a lab!!! Our dog is our baby but she has a lot of issues.  She is a rescue and was abandoned and we are assuming, due to her fear of men, that she was abused!  We thought with training and lots of love we get get her to forget, but she can't.  Breaks our 💔 but we have given her the best life we can give.  She did nip my friend's boyfriend years ago.  We warned him to just be calm around her and the fool, after some drinks, went up behind her and spooked her!  Well, she nipped him!  But it was enough for my husband and I to be scared she could do it again to someone else, so we decided to really change our life, for her!  We don't have people over like we used to and we are very careful who we introduce her to.  She loves my family and has learned to trust my dad and brother in law.  As well, we have some male friends she loves!  She leans on them looking for love.  They followed the rules for how to act around her and now it is all good.  Yes, we don't have a lot of friends over here, but truthfully, I am ok with that. Not up for crazy nights anymore, and would much rather get to bed at a decent hour!  Getting older is what it really is!🤣 Since I never had kids, she is my troubled teenager, although she just turned 10.  She has altered our lives but I don't regret it for one minute.  With us, she is the sweetest, most loving girl in the world who has been there for a lot of hard times in our lives!!! Right now she is at my side, always wanting snuggles and doing things that put a smile on my face!!! She is therapy during all the crap!!!! I'm sure yours is the same!!!



Oh, that is the sweetest story, I love animals.  All of mine over the years has been a stray or shelter, and they all have their quirks if they have been abused, and yes, we change our lives to make theirs better.  I had a Siamese 🐱, we called her psycho kitty.  We told everyone just to leave her alone unless she came up to them, but there is always one hard head.  My sil thought she was different and stuck her face in my cats face, my cat let out the scariest growl I have ever heard.  ;D ;D. Well, let's just say my sil never stuck her face in my cats face again.  She lived to 19.  At the time, it was almost half my life.  Since, we have always had dogs.  We usually have at least 2, I had one pass away while I was in wd, and have too many issues to think I could take care of 2 right now.  If I ever manage to get off this crap, that will be the first thing I do, go get another one.

I am happy to see you getting so low, hope you are doing okay! Luv ya, Mary 💜💜💜

I am so sorry you lost one of your dogs during your taper!!! That must have been so hard to deal with!!! My ❤ goes out to you!!!! They totally are our fur babies and such a part of our families!!  I am hanging in there, so super rough days but then they pass.  Just trying to keep positive and accept them when they come!!! How about you, how are you doing?



I am having trouble with my eyes, trying to get resolved, that's why I am not on much, and always my back, but trying to move forward alittle at a time.  Finally in the 8's, just barely  :)  It's so good to see you guys slowly but surely come off on this thread, gives us all hope  :D :D

Sending you hugs of support!!! I hope things get better for you!!! ❤ BLL

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Under 0.5 valium and it just gets harder. Anyone else experience the same and did you hold/ reduce cut or jump please? I am at the end of my tether with this. 2 years and 3 months. If I bite the bullet and jump and it gets worse, what are my options?
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