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What's helping me during taper, as I drop 10%/10 days from HIGH DOSE


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Sounds like a fabulous program and one that we need in all cities! Kudos to you for being an angel in a harsh world.

xoxox SC


Smiles.  There may be one coming to a city near you!  Legislation on table to lift federal ban on syringe exchange/harm reduction programs now, and falling like dominoes in the past few months.  Kentucky just passed, and we never thought we'd see the day - was b/c the HIV rates were so high, so many people were dying, unnecessarily, the Gov finally buckled. Indiana we will likely be next.  They may do something similar as they did w/same-sex marriage soon, lift the federal ban, b/c it's a proven evidence-based public health intervention that saves lives, helps people from needlessly suffering/dying, so also a human rights issue. We are working hard to make it happen!  It passed in 1992 in NYC, with many states following suit soon after, but many (red) states still have eyes covered/fingers in ears.

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As a cancer survivor I have always been a VERY positive person. I have stayed 100% positive through my entire recovery and I know that has helped expedite my healing. If I can survive cancer I can heal from a Benzo. Ain't no stopping me now:)



Ah, Fran!  You are a fighter, indeed. 


No taper can stop you, no way!


Big hugs and high fives to you!





Thanks NYCWaverider-I never did a taper I c/t and I survived. I am woman hear me roar :)


Sending a big hug right back at you. Keep up all the great work because it really does get better!! :smitten:



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As a cancer survivor I have always been a VERY positive person. I have stayed 100% positive through my entire recovery and I know that has helped expedite my healing. If I can survive cancer I can heal from a Benzo. Ain't no stopping me now:)



Ah, Fran!  You are a fighter, indeed. 


No taper can stop you, no way!


Big hugs and high fives to you!





Thanks NYCWaverider-I never did a taper I c/t and I survived. I am woman hear me roar :)


Sending a big hug right back at you. Keep up all the great work because it really does get better!! :smitten:



Thsnk you, Fran. Rawwr!  :smitten:

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