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Builder .

Does it change the solution at all if I make one days worth or several days worth ?

I am making one days worth at a time 0.5 mg of Ativan

1 ml of vodka

49 ml of water

If I want to make 2 days do I just do

2 pills 0.5 mg Ativan

2 ml vodka

98 ml water

Does that sound correct and if so does making more solution at one time make any difference in the way it works ?

Thank you

Also can lower by my 1 ml droper by 0.1 daily? and do i always use the 1ml dropper to lower because that is smaller amounts than the 10 ml dropper

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tech, I can tell you that builder typically gives people directions for mixing up about a week's worth of solution at a time.


Gardie :)

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Builder .

Does it change the solution at all if I make one days worth or several days worth ?

I am making one days worth at a time 0.5 mg of Ativan

1 ml of vodka

49 ml of water

If I want to make 2 days do I just do

2 pills 0.5 mg Ativan

2 ml vodka

98 ml water

Does that sound correct and if so does making more solution at one time make any difference in the way it works ?

Thank you

Also can lower by my 1 ml droper by 0.1 daily? and do i always use the 1ml dropper to lower because that is smaller amounts than the 10 ml dropper


The only thing that changes with multi-day batches is it's a lot more convenient!  There is no change in the quality or efficacy of the med, or the solution.


Your ratios are all correct, if you want a .01mg=1ml solution


I think you will find you need to use both the 1ml and the 10ml syringe.  And filling the 1ml 10 times should be exactly the same as filling  the 10ml once (There are 12 inches in a foot, no matter how you measure it).  Using only a 1ml syringe would take forever.  JMHO


Gard is correct.  I usually recommend a 10-14 day batch., but do what you're comfortable with.

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Thank you for the reply.

Just so nervous about this whole process , want to make sure I am doing it right .

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Thank you for the reply.

Just so nervous about this whole process , want to make sure I am doing it right .


Yes, I understand you're nervous.


But its all really simple!!  Making you liquid is no more complicated than adding cream and sugar to your coffee,  and a daily taper just means you take a little less each day.


And even if you make a mistake, its no big deal.  You just back up and then start again.  There will not be any problem that cannot be easily fixed, there is no "permanent damage".


You'll do fine.

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Thank you for the reply.

Just so nervous about this whole process , want to make sure I am doing it right .


Yes, I understand you're nervous.


But its all really simple!!  Making you liquid is no more complicated than adding cream and sugar to your coffee,  and a daily taper just means you take a little less each day.


And even if you make a mistake, its no big deal.  You just back up and then start again.  There will not be any problem that cannot be easily fixed, there is no "permanent damage".


You'll do fine.



Always such calm knowledgeable support

It helps us all

Thank you

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It's always good to hear the reassurance of "no permanent damage"!  Thanks Builder.


Sooo ready for all the sxs to be gone!

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bob per your sig, you say you take your zinc before bed, is there a reason for this? i also take zinc, 50 mg every other day, and magnesium lysinate glycinate 100mg 3x daily for anxiety help. the zinc for help w/healing.


love to know if there's a more efficient way or timing to take my supplements!


thx in advance

Yes there’s a very good reason taking before bed.


By taking zinc with a B complex before bed I sleep better.  I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance for each of these by breaking up the pills.


The science behind it is as follows. You need zinc and B vitamins to convert glutamate into GABA.  You need to reduce glutamate and increase GABA in order to sleep.


Like I say I only take about 20% of the recommended daily allowance of each of these supplements before bed. I will repeat it if I to wake up like in 3 hours.  It takes about 30 minutes to feel the effect-it also helps to take magnesium Glycinate.


My biggest problem is sleep so I feel like this is really helping.




Hi Bob, sleep is still a massive issue for me. I'd like to try your suggestion. Can you tell me about what size mg tablet you have of each (Mg, zinc and B vitamins)? And then, how many times do you break each tablet? Do you just break them in half, etc.?


B Complex sent me through the roof in the past (I'm mega sensitive to everything on the planet), but I'm sure those were much higher doses than what you use at night time. If you can tell me specifics on pill/dosage size for each, I'd really appreciate it.


Many thanks!



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Hi all,


While I'm transitioning all of my dose to liquid, I'm kind of stewing in a place of feeling stuck.  Hoping to find some inspiration.... I've been tapering .01 mg daily, but currently holding while I complete the transition to liquid.  My question is- has anyone here been able to taper quicker as they got lower?

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Hi all,


While I'm transitioning all of my dose to liquid, I'm kind of stewing in a place of feeling stuck.  Hoping to find some inspiration.... I've been tapering .01 mg daily, but currently holding while I complete the transition to liquid.  My question is- has anyone here been able to taper quicker as they got lower?


Yes, I have. ;D  It was a surprise. All previous attempts to inch upwards got rough around 10%/month. But now I'm just making even cuts and not even considering percents. Details in my signature.

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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!

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Hi all,


While I'm transitioning all of my dose to liquid, I'm kind of stewing in a place of feeling stuck.  Hoping to find some inspiration.... I've been tapering .01 mg daily, but currently holding while I complete the transition to liquid.  My question is- has anyone here been able to taper quicker as they got lower?


Yes, I have. ;D  It was a surprise. All previous attempts to inch upwards got rough around 10%/month. But now I'm just making even cuts and not even considering percents. Details in my signature.


That is so very encouraging, thank you!  And, congratulations- you're almost there! 

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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!


I think I will finish in July. Maybe August. I plan to put in a short hold near the end to sort of prepare for my jump. So I'll be right behind you! I will be celebrating for you for sure!!! :D 

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Hi all,


While I'm transitioning all of my dose to liquid, I'm kind of stewing in a place of feeling stuck.  Hoping to find some inspiration.... I've been tapering .01 mg daily, but currently holding while I complete the transition to liquid.  My question is- has anyone here been able to taper quicker as they got lower?


Yes, I have. ;D  It was a surprise. All previous attempts to inch upwards got rough around 10%/month. But now I'm just making even cuts and not even considering percents. Details in my signature.


That is so very encouraging, thank you!  And, congratulations- you're almost there!


Thanks! I hate to jinx myself by saying this, but I feel like about a month again the benzo started to lose its grip on me. I still have symptoms but they are not as severe.


Knocking wood!



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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!


I think I will finish in July. Maybe August. I plan to put in a short hold near the end to sort of prepare for my jump. So I'll be right behind you! I will be celebrating for you for sure!!! :D


I am so thrilled for you Gardie, you are a wonderful person and an even better flinger :laugh: :laugh:

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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!

I also did it linear.  I cut 0.001 mg of Klonopin each day.  I did not concern myself with percents.

That said, I did do large cut and holds to get from 0.5 mg to 0.125mg.  It was went trying to end the last 0.125 I went totally linear. 

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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!

I also did it linear.  I cut 0.001 mg of Klonopin each day.  I did not concern myself with percents.

That said, I did do large cut and holds to get from 0.5 mg to 0.125mg.  It was went trying to end the last 0.125 I went totally linear.


Bob- during your last leg, the linear part - did you get any new sxs during that time? Did you still have sxs besides insomnia when you walked off? 


I still get new things and still have old sxs too. Overall better, but really want them all gone. More muscle/joint pain towards the end here - had no pain for the first 2/3 of the taper. And I get other random stuff that's new, like TMJ pain, and weird neuro stuff.    Stuff that's way better include anxiety, sleep, GI, hypnic jerks, burning, and more.  I've had sooo many sxs in this, I'll put the full list in my success story one day. :)    I was kinda hoping I'd be more free of sxs than I am at this point.

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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!

I also did it linear.  I cut 0.001 mg of Klonopin each day.  I did not concern myself with percents.

That said, I did do large cut and holds to get from 0.5 mg to 0.125mg.  It was went trying to end the last 0.125 I went totally linear.


Bob- during your last leg, the linear part - did you get any new sxs during that time? Did you still have sxs besides insomnia when you walked off? 


I still get new things and still have old sxs too. Overall better, but really want them all gone. More muscle/joint pain towards the end here - had no pain for the first 2/3 of the taper. And I get other random stuff that's new, like TMJ pain, and weird neuro stuff.    Stuff that's way better include anxiety, sleep, GI, hypnic jerks, burning, and more.  I've had sooo many sxs in this, I'll put the full list in my success story one day. :)    I was kinda hoping I'd be more free of sxs than I am at this point.

Yes, I did get new sxs.

Benzo recovery is not predictable.  It is frustrating.  I am 9 months off benzo and I still have strange sxs.  HOWEVER, all my sxs are so much less intense.  I mean, my sxs of today are 1/10 as difficult when compared to being on benzos.  In addition, my sxs intensity continue to reduce, month by month. 

So be patient but have good reason for hope.




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I’m also going linearly, dropping the same Amt each day.

Gardie- congrats on passing 2mg!! Wow, you are flying now. Your daily rate is faster than mine now... we will probably finish right around the same time. And then we can Celebrate together- woohoo!!

I also did it linear.  I cut 0.001 mg of Klonopin each day.  I did not concern myself with percents.

That said, I did do large cut and holds to get from 0.5 mg to 0.125mg.  It was went trying to end the last 0.125 I went totally linear.


Bob- during your last leg, the linear part - did you get any new sxs during that time? Did you still have sxs besides insomnia when you walked off? 


I still get new things and still have old sxs too. Overall better, but really want them all gone. More muscle/joint pain towards the end here - had no pain for the first 2/3 of the taper. And I get other random stuff that's new, like TMJ pain, and weird neuro stuff.    Stuff that's way better include anxiety, sleep, GI, hypnic jerks, burning, and more.  I've had sooo many sxs in this, I'll put the full list in my success story one day. :)    I was kinda hoping I'd be more free of sxs than I am at this point.

Yes, I did get new sxs.

Benzo recovery is not predictable.  It is frustrating.  I am 9 months off benzo and I still have strange sxs.  HOWEVER, all my sxs are so much less intense.  I mean, my sxs of today are 1/10 as difficult when compared to being on benzos.  In addition, my sxs intensity continue to reduce, month by month. 

So be patient but have good reason for hope.


Thank you for your quick response Bob!!  So reassuring.  Always good to know I'm not alone in my experience. 

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Hi Libr,


I’m doing a linear taper so thought I’d chime in. I agree my symptoms were bad most of the way but became very different once I got to .125. That was a game changer.  I had hardly any body soreness but it got really bad at the lower dose. For a while I sat around whenever I could with heating pads on me. It still comes and goes but not as bad now. The brain fog is not as bad. But my body is buzzing now. I feel electric a lot of the time, I guess that’s what I’ve read about. And if I feel anxious it shoots through me. But overall less anxiety/depression.  I also have extremely high fatigue and can’t walk or stand for long without feeling dizzy /seeing stars. That is the worst one because I’m so limited in what I can do. The one symptom I haven’t had much of is insomnia. And that’s the main reason I waited a few years to start tapering off the drug, I thought I would not be able to sleep. I guess the jokes on me. Ha This is a crazy ride for sure. Hang in there, we are so close.



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