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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:


Congrats, Gard!! You're the expert. Told ya!! :)




So good to see you, Jeff. :)  Gonna copy that and email it to my kids, too!  How are you? Still trying to taper more slowly than I am? This week you cannot be winning because I am holding!


Gard :smitten:

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Good to see some humor here.  In fact your post(I think) was a laugh riot-Kids listening to their parents as a voice of reason?  LOL :2funny: :2funny:

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Good to see some humor here.  In fact your post(I think) was a laugh riot-Kids listening to their parents as a voice of reason?  LOL :2funny: :2funny:


I can dream! :laugh:

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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:


Congrats, Gard!! You're the expert. Told ya!! :)




So good to see you, Jeff. :)  Gonna copy that and email it to my kids, too!  How are you? Still trying to taper more slowly than I am? This week you cannot be winning because I am holding!


Gard :smitten:


I'm still alive! Taper more slowly?? Heck, I've been on perma-hold for months. Well, a tiny bit here and there, but very tiny. I hope they gave you a big raise since you're now Miss Moderator. I expect to hear you on your own radio show soon :)


Blessings and love to you, ma'am!!



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I'm still alive! Taper more slowly?? Heck, I've been on perma-hold for months. Well, a tiny bit here and there, but very tiny. I hope they gave you a big raise since you're now Miss Moderator. I expect to hear you on your own radio show soon :)


Blessings and love to you, ma'am!!




You are funny, Jeff. Can you imagine me with a microphone in front of me?  :stretcher:

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I'm still alive! Taper more slowly?? Heck, I've been on perma-hold for months. Well, a tiny bit here and there, but very tiny. I hope they gave you a big raise since you're now Miss Moderator. I expect to hear you on your own radio show soon :)


Blessings and love to you, ma'am!!




You are funny, Jeff. Can you imagine me with a microphone in front of me?  :stretcher:


Heck yeah!!!!!

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I'm still alive! Taper more slowly?? Heck, I've been on perma-hold for months. Well, a tiny bit here and there, but very tiny. I hope they gave you a big raise since you're now Miss Moderator. I expect to hear you on your own radio show soon :)


Blessings and love to you, ma'am!!




You are funny, Jeff. Can you imagine me with a microphone in front of me?  :stretcher:


Heck yeah!!!!!


I would be like  :-X.

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On the home stretch of my taper. The microtaper is a god send for reducing the benzo. I wish I knew about this earlier in my taper. It really is the new gold standard in coming off the benzo. :thumbsup:
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Oh no- I need a math person! 2 hours of sleep for 2 nights, my stepdad died and my dog is going lame- but I think its more the benzos, I need to slow down again. Im runnimg out of my old pills. Im going to see if I can make sense since this is a 2 in one- change in pill weight and change in taper rate- I need to see how long my stash will get me through. Any help most welcome.

Present pill weight is .160 for a 5 mg V - new pill weight is .177 for a 5 mg

Present reduction rate is .001 g every 3 nights- gonna change it to every 4 nights.

I have 4 bottles of 15 mg a day, which is 1800 mg plus one bottle of 2 mg pills 60 mg total not weighed those yet)

If anyone is willing to tackle that my very sad and sleepless brain would be very grateful. If not, boy do I understand cause I cant even start to figure this one. I mean two.

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Oh no- I need a math person! 2 hours of sleep for 2 nights, my stepdad died and my dog is going lame- but I think its more the benzos, I need to slow down again. Im runnimg out of my old pills. Im going to see if I can make sense since this is a 2 in one- change in pill weight and change in taper rate- I need to see how long my stash will get me through. Any help most welcome.

Present pill weight is .160 for a 5 mg V - new pill weight is .177 for a 5 mg

Present reduction rate is .001 g every 3 nights- gonna change it to every 4 nights.

I have 4 bottles of 15 mg a day, which is 1800 mg plus one bottle of 2 mg pills 60 mg total not weighed those yet)

If anyone is willing to tackle that my very sad and sleepless brain would be very grateful. If not, boy do I understand cause I cant even start to figure this one. I mean two.

KittyBB, sorry to hear of your loss of you step dad.... very tough to be going through this while tapering.

I really would go to Builder for any Math  stuff.  He's super good with the math and is very patient with us math-impaired.

I hope all goes as well as can be expected at this time, know that you have buddies behind you here.


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On the home stretch of my taper. The microtaper is a god send for reducing the benzo. I wish I knew about this earlier in my taper. It really is the new gold standard in coming off the benzo. :thumbsup:


Congratulations of coming down so far, and being in the home stretch!  Such an accomplishment, and from Xanax too, that nasty nasty drug....!!!

Isn't this the truth for so many of us that micro-tapering is the way to go!! It has changed my taper from one of yowl suffering to wanting to change my BB name!  Not exactly easy but so doable at the moment.



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Oh no- I need a math person! 2 hours of sleep for 2 nights, my stepdad died and my dog is going lame- but I think its more the benzos, I need to slow down again. Im runnimg out of my old pills. Im going to see if I can make sense since this is a 2 in one- change in pill weight and change in taper rate- I need to see how long my stash will get me through. Any help most welcome.

Present pill weight is .160 for a 5 mg V - new pill weight is .177 for a 5 mg

Present reduction rate is .001 g every 3 nights- gonna change it to every 4 nights.

I have 4 bottles of 15 mg a day, which is 1800 mg plus one bottle of 2 mg pills 60 mg total not weighed those yet)

If anyone is willing to tackle that my very sad and sleepless brain would be very grateful. If not, boy do I understand cause I cant even start to figure this one. I mean two.

Kitty, I'm so very sorry to hear that you lost your stepdad, that's a lot to deal with, and your sick puppy too...My heart goes out to you. Hopefully Builder, JR or another math guru can help you with precise calculations. In the meantime, here is my very rudimentary, limited  stab at the problem:


This only addresses your 4 bottles of 15 mg/day for a total of 1800 mg. The calculations are static (based on your current dose of 5.3 mg/day). I can't figure out a sliding scale...need Excel for that one...which is way beyond the capabilities of my benzo brain. Forgive me if you already figured this part out....I wanted to help in some way and let you know that I care.


.160 g / 5 mg = .032 g = 1 mg


1800 mg x .032 g = 57.60 grams


(daily dose 5.3 mg x .032 g = .170 g per day)


57.60 g / .170 g = 338.82 days


338.82 days / 30 = 11.29 months (static calculation)


Sending you prayers and hugs, Left :smitten:

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Thank you so much Left- thats very helpful! I hope I can get through in a year. I guess if I go by that and I have to go with the slower rate it would be just under 16 months but with that extra bottle of 2 mg pills that would last a long time in the ass end of the taper. I had HOPED to get to 5 mg before I run out of my present bottle but with this latest hit it seems I may have to switch before hitting the 1 pill EZ swap mark. Which is ok I guess I will just updose a little just im case. Thanks for the kind words- it has been pretty sad around here. I need to go swim. But now doggie cold laser therapy visits supercede my exercise time. Thank you for the help❤️
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I'm doing a very slow microtaper, as slow as I can possibly go and I am still getting worse and worse everyday. I'm literally tapering .001 g's of Klonopin everyday (off of one .5 mg tablet from my total 2.5 mg dosage). Has anyone tapered from a non stabilized place reached any sort of stability? Going this slow while feeling this terrible just seems utterly impossible.
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I'm doing a very slow microtaper, as slow as I can possibly go and I am still getting worse and worse everyday. I'm literally tapering .001 g's of Klonopin everyday (off of one .5 mg tablet from my total 2.5 mg dosage). Has anyone tapered from a non stabilized place reached any sort of stability? Going this slow while feeling this terrible just seems utterly impossible.


I think if you go nice and slow like that, you will gradually get better and better. Physically and mentally, it may still feel like hell on a lot of days, but as you establish yourself into that nice and slow taper, you will start to build up some confidence and psychological strength. I think that your brain and body will thank you for doing this.


It feels to me that it's not just about a med taper, but also about slowly regaining our strength and confidence back, and maybe becoming confident in a way we'd never been before.

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I'm doing a very slow microtaper, as slow as I can possibly go and I am still getting worse and worse everyday. I'm literally tapering .001 g's of Klonopin everyday (off of one .5 mg tablet from my total 2.5 mg dosage). Has anyone tapered from a non stabilized place reached any sort of stability? Going this slow while feeling this terrible just seems utterly impossible.


An idea might be to hold for a bit.  I know that holding for a few days does change the sxs for me -- and there are many who hold for a long time when  the sxs get too tough.  We are still healing when we are holding -- perhaps even healing faster as we tend to stabilize...

Sometimes It seems hard to contemplate holding as it "seems like I'm not making any progress" in numbers  -- but it really gives the body a chance to atch up and continues to heal..... I know holding works for me and allows me to stabilize before I continue with the micro taper.


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I'm doing a very slow microtaper, as slow as I can possibly go and I am still getting worse and worse everyday. I'm literally tapering .001 g's of Klonopin everyday (off of one .5 mg tablet from my total 2.5 mg dosage). Has anyone tapered from a non stabilized place reached any sort of stability? Going this slow while feeling this terrible just seems utterly impossible.


I started my slow DMT after a big crash and from a very unstable place. I know exactly what you mean about going so slowly and being utterly miserable. I felt that way for months and months and was losing hope. I did not stabilize until I stopped tapering and did a long hold. About 4 months into my hold, I began to get regular windows and to believe I was going to make it. By 6 months I was functioning much more independently and worried less about burdening my friends and family. After nearly a year, I was stable enough to taper again. This time I am tapering with much less pain. When I get wobbly, I put in a short hold of a few weeks until I get my feet back under me. Adding holds to your taper could be what helps you get through it.


Gard :)

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The only thing about holding is that I have a finite supply of medication at the moment. My agoraphobia is so bad that I told my prescriber that I simply could not handle going to see him twice a month anymore (his office is in the middle of downtown Boston and the traffic both ways is too much for me to handle). I thought by tapering so slowly (.001 g a day) I could make *some* progress while stabilizing. I've held for several months in the past to little to no benefit since I've been in tolerance withdrawal for so long. I just feel so lost. I don't know how anybody gets through this. I suppose I'll try and hold for a few days to start out with at least and see where I'm at. I'm glad it worked for you but I can't fathom holding for a year. This wretched poison has already taken five years of my life. Thanks for the replies.
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I don't know how anybody gets through this.


it's difficult. some go down the path you are -- taper in a non-stable condition. some try to shorten the torture by doing a rapid taper (at home or rehab). i was in a similar position in january this year. i was in tolerance withdrawal and severely depressed. i took my first cut in february regardless (to hasten recovery) and got hit by withdrawals very hard. i decided i could not taper in tolerance withdrawal. it took me three months of trial and error till i found prozac to work for me -- during this time some ADs made me worse and i was in pure hell. getting on the prozac was a two weeks of startup torture -- no less than a benzo ct but i grit my teeth through it. prozac eventually kicked in and i stabilized. i have been doing a dlmt since: i am making progress and leading a normal life.

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The only thing about holding is that I have a finite supply of medication at the moment. My agoraphobia is so bad that I told my prescriber that I simply could not handle going to see him twice a month anymore (his office is in the middle of downtown Boston and the traffic both ways is too much for me to handle). I thought by tapering so slowly (.001 g a day) I could make *some* progress while stabilizing. I've held for several months in the past to little to no benefit since I've been in tolerance withdrawal for so long. I just feel so lost. I don't know how anybody gets through this. I suppose I'll try and hold for a few days to start out with at least and see where I'm at. I'm glad it worked for you but I can't fathom holding for a year. This wretched poison has already taken five years of my life. Thanks for the replies.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Yes, Boston traffic is dreadful. Perhaps your prescriber could refer you to someone closer? Not running out of your benzo would seem to be your top priority right now.

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The only thing about holding is that I have a finite supply of medication at the moment. My agoraphobia is so bad that I told my prescriber that I simply could not handle going to see him twice a month anymore (his office is in the middle of downtown Boston and the traffic both ways is too much for me to handle). I thought by tapering so slowly (.001 g a day) I could make *some* progress while stabilizing. I've held for several months in the past to little to no benefit since I've been in tolerance withdrawal for so long. I just feel so lost. I don't know how anybody gets through this. I suppose I'll try and hold for a few days to start out with at least and see where I'm at. I'm glad it worked for you but I can't fathom holding for a year. This wretched poison has already taken five years of my life. Thanks for the replies.


Hi Fuzzy,

I see how difficult things are with the position that you are in, and having tried a long hold that wasn't helpful.  I wonder if a few days of a hold might lessen some of the sxs you are having.  It can work wonders for me, to provide a bit of relief when the going gets tough,  And I get it -- I've been taking this poison for a long time.  I also added a 5 mg dose of Remeron to help with sleep and anxiety -- got that idea from BB.  Again simply a suggestion that has worked for me, and everyone's story is so different....  Wishing you luck and hoping you'll continue to check in.



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Thank you. Yeah, I'm going to hold for a few days and see where I'm at. Not sure what else to do at this point. I asked my psychiatrist for a referral closer to home he couldn't provide one unfortunately.
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The only thing about holding is that I have a finite supply of medication at the moment. My agoraphobia is so bad that I told my prescriber that I simply could not handle going to see him twice a month anymore (his office is in the middle of downtown Boston and the traffic both ways is too much for me to handle). I thought by tapering so slowly (.001 g a day) I could make *some* progress while stabilizing. I've held for several months in the past to little to no benefit since I've been in tolerance withdrawal for so long. I just feel so lost. I don't know how anybody gets through this. I suppose I'll try and hold for a few days to start out with at least and see where I'm at. I'm glad it worked for you but I can't fathom holding for a year. This wretched poison has already taken five years of my life. Thanks for the replies.


Tapering .001 g (or milligrams?) per day?? Mercy, I'd give my left n*t if I could do that! I guess that one person's nightmare is another person's dream. I'm fortunate if I can do a super tiny cut each week or two. Twenty three years of this trash and I'm still controlled by it. A looooong way to go, but I'll keep leaning in a forward direction. Just listen to your body and try not to worry about the speed of the process. For most people, you can't go too slow but you can definitely go too fast. You'll get there! Maybe another prescriber will come along when the time is right. I've been there. I almost completely ran out of med and was freaking out. Things happen when they're supposed to. Just keep staying positively active in your recovery. Half the battle is mental. Bless ya!!



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Thanks, Jeff. It's .001 grams a day which is lower than 5%. Last year doing a liquid taper I got from 2.5 mg's to 1.5 in ten months and it went pretty smoothly for the most part. Now I can't cut at all and it's hard not to feel completely hopeless. Ever since I updosed and ultimately reinstated this nightmare has gotten so much worse. I'm pretty much bedridden.
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