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I'm cutting every 3rd day now, too. Actually, I'm holding now. But I will be cutting again in August and have decided to go with every 3rd day. Or maybe twice a week. I cut for a month or two and the I hold and then I cut. It seems to work well. The trick is finding what works well for you.
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HI Gard :)

So do you keep your Librium solution in the fridge during summer? It seems like it'd be too warm at room temp.... Wonder what happens to it in the fridge?  :P

Love MiYu  :smitten:

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I'm cutting every 3rd day now, too. Actually, I'm holding now. But I will be cutting again in August and have decided to go with every 3rd day. Or maybe twice a week. I cut for a month or two and the I hold and then I cut. It seems to work well. The trick is finding what works well for you.


Yep if I have enough I will probably hold for a week every 4th week. Still looking for a taper doc but if I cant find one I at least have enough for the once every 3 day taper if all goes well. Good luck with it Gard!!!

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HI Gard :)

So do you keep your Librium solution in the fridge during summer? It seems like it'd be too warm at room temp.... Wonder what happens to it in the fridge?  :P

Love MiYu  :smitten:


Nope. I only keep it 24 hours, so don't refrigerate. (I'm using vodka, not milk.) Besides, the capsules say to keep at room temperature. I guess it's between 70 and 80 degrees in my house in summer, so that's room temperature. I never leave it in the car on a hot or cold day, but keep it in my purse to keep it at room temperature.


I do clean the little bottles out fairly regularly so they don't get funky. Biofilms can be very funky smelling and hard to remove. Need to be manually scrubbed off. When I had my tiny amber bottles for Xanax, I learned that the hard way! Needed the tiniest brush ever to clean them. Will not store liquid meds in a narrow-mouthed bottle ever again!


Gard :)

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I'm cutting every 3rd day now, too. Actually, I'm holding now. But I will be cutting again in August and have decided to go with every 3rd day. Or maybe twice a week. I cut for a month or two and the I hold and then I cut. It seems to work well. The trick is finding what works well for you.


Yep if I have enough I will probably hold for a week every 4th week. Still looking for a taper doc but if I cant find one I at least have enough for the once every 3 day taper if all goes well. Good luck with it Gard!!!


Oh dear. Have you been cut off by your doctor?  :o

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I'm cutting every 3rd day now, too. Actually, I'm holding now. But I will be cutting again in August and have decided to go with every 3rd day. Or maybe twice a week. I cut for a month or two and the I hold and then I cut. It seems to work well. The trick is finding what works well for you.


hi gardener! suddenly lots of folks tapering librium. librium has become retro art. ok, tell me, if you are in a wave and you hold, generally how long does it take for you to feel better? also, roughly what are the wave symptoms? lastly, does it, on an average, always take the same # of days to recover from a wave and hold?

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I'm cutting every 3rd day now, too. Actually, I'm holding now. But I will be cutting again in August and have decided to go with every 3rd day. Or maybe twice a week. I cut for a month or two and the I hold and then I cut. It seems to work well. The trick is finding what works well for you.


hi gardener! suddenly lots of folks tapering librium. librium has become retro art. ok, tell me, if you are in a wave and you hold, generally how long does it take for you to feel better? also, roughly what are the wave symptoms? lastly, does it, on an average, always take the same # of days to recover from a wave and hold?


retro art! :laugh:


I have been holding 2 weeks and will go another week for sure. I get crazy ups and downs. One day OK, the next awful. I want to see a week of low symptoms before I cut again. I get a whole range of stuff, anxiety jolts, depression, neuropathy, agoraphobia, alone-aphonia. The usual. It usually starts about a week after the cut, kind of like Valium. They are very similar drugs.


How long a hold I need depends on how bad I let myself get before I had the sense to slow down.


At one point it was so bad I stopped tapering for nearly a year to get stable enough to taper again. I am in favor of being cautious and taking it slow. It seems that those who do, have the softest landings when the taper is over.


Gard :)

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I have been holding 2 weeks and will go another week for sure. I get crazy ups and downs. One day OK, the next awful. I want to see a week of low symptoms before I cut again. I get a whole range of stuff, anxiety jolts, depression, neuropathy, agoraphobia, alone-aphonia. The usual. It usually starts about a week after the cut, kind of like Valium. They are very similar drugs.


How long a hold I need depends on how bad I let myself get before I had the sense to slow down.


At one point it was so bad I stopped tapering for nearly a year to get stable enough to taper again. I am in favor of being cautious and taking it slow. It seems that those who do, have the softest landings when the taper is over.


Gard :)


thanks, that was helpful! 

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Hello Buddies

I guess this group is where I fit in.  I started liquid tapering almost a month ago.  Before that I was doing a 2 month hold.  My question relates to this:  I have had terrible depression-the kind that deters me from getting out of bed; throw in some anxiety too.  I have other physical symptoms but really only one symptom that is over the top annoying and is hard to explain.  I'm hoping the slow taper -.001 daily will chase that symptom away.  I feel so guilty with this depression;  sometimes I can get things done- office work, make dinner, even some errands-but then there are days I can't get out of bed.  I've stopped going to the gym-the last time I trained with my trainer I thought I was going to die-it was like my previous 13 years of training didn't exist.    I don't want to ask is this normal because I realize there is no normal here-but am I alone here?  Any suggestions-I don't want to go in an anti-depressant.  I've got another year to taper if I don't have to hold too often and don't want to spend it in bed watching mindless tv. 

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Hello Buddies

I guess this group is where I fit in.  I started liquid tapering almost a month ago.  Before that I was doing a 2 month hold.  My question relates to this:  I have had terrible depression-the kind that deters me from getting out of bed; throw in some anxiety too.  I have other physical symptoms but really only one symptom that is over the top annoying and is hard to explain.  I'm hoping the slow taper -.001 daily will chase that symptom away.  I feel so guilty with this depression;  sometimes I can get things done- office work, make dinner, even some errands-but then there are days I can't get out of bed.  I've stopped going to the gym-the last time I trained with my trainer I thought I was going to die-it was like my previous 13 years of training didn't exist.    I don't want to ask is this normal because I realize there is no normal here-but am I alone here?  Any suggestions-I don't want to go in an anti-depressant.  I've got another year to taper if I don't have to hold too often and don't want to spend it in bed watching mindless tv.


This is absolutely "normal" for benzo w/d. I still have bouts of depression that I think are too painful to bear. But I refuse to add an antidepressant to my mix. I just keep trying to adjust my taper and holds to minimize my symptoms. I did a hold of nearly a year to get my symptoms manageable. My goal wasn't huge, just be able to take care of myself and have some good days again. I mostly do that now with a slow taper and short holds.


I have no idea how long this is going to take. Maybe 2 more years? I try to accept that I am ill and people who are ill are often in bed watching mindless TV. Nothing to feel guilty about. Mindless TV is something I rely on as a coping and distracting method, especially in the evening. And I almost never watched TV before my taper. I hated it! When I start hating TV again, I will know I'm really cured! ;)


Remember that each day, no matter what it brings, you are one day closer to freedom.


Gard :)


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Thanks Gard for your reply.  I was raised with guilt so it is like a bad penny that shows up, moves in and wears out it's welcome.  I think my taper is slow-about 8% a month-and I've had several long holds just to this point, so I don't think I'm going to fast.  This is just the nature of the Benzo Beast.  I'm sorry you are experiencing this also but glad I'm not alone.  Again, thanks and I wish you the best on this journey. 
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You can do this, Iwish! I am averaging about 8% and still need holds. I think I would do better at 5%. Ah well, my doctor has other ideas.


Old tapes telling you are guilty are just old tapes. Something that you heard that your brain recorded and plays over and over. (I'm so old, I'm remembering recording on cassette tapes!) I like to say, "Old tape," just to remind my brain not to pay a lot of attention to it. I don't fight it; I just identify it and sort of let it play without paying too much attention to it. "Old guilt tape." It loses some of its power if you identify it and let it be. Takes practice but eventually it became almost automatic.


And now I think I will go watch and old Doris Day movie. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as mindless TV.


Gard :)

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Thanks again.  I must say my doctor is great- I am in control of my taper- he is being very supportive and very understanding.  I haven't brought up the issue of depression with him because I didn't feel there was anything he could do, other than an anti-depressant and I'm not open to that. 


  And sorry to say I remember cassette tapes too!!


I will just keep on  keepin on.  So nice you you to come to my rescue. 

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Thanks again.  I must say my doctor is great- I am in control of my taper- he is being very supportive and very understanding.  I haven't brought up the issue of depression with him because I didn't feel there was anything he could do, other than an anti-depressant and I'm not open to that. 


  And sorry to say I remember cassette tapes too!!


I will just keep on  keepin on.  So nice you you to come to my rescue.


I'm just sharing. Doing what so may others have done for me. So glad to hear your doctor is supportive. Makes a world of difference! :thumbsup::)

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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!

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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:

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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:

Kids always listen to their parents... right? ...Said the childless woman. :)


I too get blindsided by the depression. I now understand it's part of WD and the healing process, but it is hard to cope with while in the throws of its grip. Great advice Gard. Thank you for taking on the role of moderator...your witty humor, words of compassion and advice make this experience more bearable.


Wishing all peace and healing, Left

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Yup, its a horrid SX that hangs on for me... -knowing helps to a point...

Its bad when im waking up... not sure I would want to try and push through it. -That could get dangerous maybe..??

From what I have read, I wont be adding an AD in as my Dr tentitivly suggested...


I have thought of changing benzo, but at this point I cant justify that...


This stuff is nuts...


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wow, so many of us are struggling with depression throughout this ordeal!  I'm still finding it wild that these things do so many insidious things to us, I'm so new to the tapering game.  And naively thought that getting off this s--t would be relatively easy and quick.  I think we call that denial! :D 

It's so good we have an army of BB to help us with this battle.

And it sure relieves the pressure on my friends and partner around wanting to talk about this stuff.  My partner is a rock but sheesh he must be tired of hearing about the minutia of tapering benzos!  No wonder he's going mountain climbing for ten days  :laugh: :laugh:

I wish everyone has a great day!

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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:

Kids always listen to their parents... right? ...Said the childless woman. :)


I too get blindsided by the depression. I now understand it's part of WD and the healing process, but it is hard to cope with while in the throws of its grip. Great advice Gard. Thank you for taking on the role of moderator...your witty humor, words of compassion and advice make this experience more bearable.


Wishing all peace and healing, Left

I know what you mean. When you're in the depression, it seem like it was always there and always will be.  It's been a long, hard 2 years and probably 2 more to go, but I've learned a lot along the way. I do think when I'm through this, I will be a much better, stronger, more patient person.


As for that darn word under my user name....makes me uncomfortable! Gives people the crazy idea that I'm sane. :crazy: 


Gard  >:D

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wow, so many of us are struggling with depression throughout this ordeal!  I'm still finding it wild that these things do so many insidious things to us, I'm so new to the tapering game.  And naively thought that getting off this s--t would be relatively easy and quick.  I think we call that denial! :D 

It's so good we have an army of BB to help us with this battle.

And it sure relieves the pressure on my friends and partner around wanting to talk about this stuff.  My partner is a rock but sheesh he must be tired of hearing about the minutia of tapering benzos!  No wonder he's going mountain climbing for ten days  :laugh: :laugh:

I wish everyone has a great day!


I thought so, too. My doctor told me a few months and I would be off. Don't know what I would have done without this site. Given up maybe? I will never give up!!!! (I say bravely during this window.)


One day closer to freedom. :thumbsup:


Gard :)

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Imagine the shock I got..!!


I was back down to taking 5v every 4-5 days much of the time (10 days at times), with not a clue, When my Dr casually said "watch this stuff, -it can be worse than opiates"... And here we are...

-Had she not said that, I would never had googled "mums little helper", the day I crumbled to the dirt, out fishing with the kids...


I think we need some anti-benzo bumper stickers...!!


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Welp it's validating to know that depression is part of the tapering process for many.  I just got hit with super low mood, and wasn't seeing that as "just another symptom".  It's one that is most difficult to deal with for me right now.... Thanks for raising this point on this thread Iwish, a good reminder and point.  I hope we all get some relief soon.


And thanks Gard for being such a voice of reason....


thanks for your input everyone!


Oh, can I copy this and send it to my kids?  :laugh:


Congrats, Gard!! You're the expert. Told ya!! :)



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