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After doing a LOT of reading and research, I think microtapering with a scale might be best for me. I will go back and read the threads on here.


I am hoping for some advice- I tapered down to 1.0 K from 1.25 and I am ready to make another cut. Should I begin the microtaper now or wait until I am taking a smaller dosage?


I ordered a gram scale (Genesis 20). Should I get a razor blade to make the cuts? Do you cut daily and if so, how much? Any advice on easiest way to do this is appreciated! I am so glad that I found this forum. Thanks!


I ground about 10 pills into a powder and weighed out my doses for the day and put them in bottles with a little water and stored them in the fridge

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After doing a LOT of reading and research, I think microtapering with a scale might be best for me. I will go back and read the threads on here.


I am hoping for some advice- I tapered down to 1.0 K from 1.25 and I am ready to make another cut. Should I begin the microtaper now or wait until I am taking a smaller dosage?


I ordered a gram scale (Genesis 20). Should I get a razor blade to make the cuts? Do you cut daily and if so, how much? Any advice on easiest way to do this is appreciated! I am so glad that I found this forum. Thanks!


I ground about 10 pills into a powder and weighed out my doses for the day and put them in bottles with a little water and stored them in the fridge


Oh my gosh, jr, that is brilliant! I always wondered how people managed not to spill their little powder piles.  :thumbsup:

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If I take 15 mg of temazepam at night and dissolve it with PG, and fill up the container to 150 ml that equals 0.1 mg to 1ml correct for one dose. How much would I/should I withdraw daily for a microtaper of apx 10% per month? I know it would change each day, but where would I start?  lol Thanks in advance for any help. :)
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If I take 15 mg of temazepam at night and dissolve it with PG, and fill up the container to 150 ml that equals 0.1 mg to 1ml correct for one dose. How much would I/should I withdraw daily for a microtaper of apx 10% per month? I know it would change each day, but where would I start?  lol Thanks in advance for any help. :)

10% is 1.5 mg/30=.05. You would reduce by .05 a day.  :)--V

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Good morning,


I need some help again. I go through these spurts of feeling so good. I've been tapering .001mg of klonopin per day. I will feel symptoms then they disappear for 3-4 days, I start living life and doing all the stuff I wasn't able to do before, and then slammed with sxs. My wife and I don't think it's the taper since I actually feel good and nothing sneaks up on me.... but when I'm feeling good I do a lot. Probably bc I'm so laid up when I'm feeling crappy that I have a laundry list of things I want to get done so i go and go until I basically crash.


Could i be ramping up my sxs by doing too much? Is that possible? Or could it be something else? I've eliminated grilled meats, all meats in general now, sugar, honey, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, gluten, caffeine, alcohol and dairy.


Am i making my meds right? Maybe sg and builder can chime in....I put 6 .5mg klonopin tabs in 30mL milk. Shake it before dosing. I dose three times a day (8am, 3pm and 10pm). It's evenly split among all three doses.



2.42ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.41ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.41ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.40ml, 2.42ml


Any thoughts would be helpful. I want to continue with dlmt and my wife is thinking that if I'm having good days that it has nothing to do with the taper but maybe something I'm doing (like manual labor all day for 4 days).

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Your solution is very strong at .1mg/ml.I think I would put 6@.5mg into 6ml vodka and add 294ml water.That will make your solution .01mg/ml. You will not have to refrigerate this so temperature will not affect your solubility.your dose would then be 24.2ml x three in a day.I am thinking you are not getting a constant dose because of temp and strength.Just a suggestion. Hope you will figure it out



Good morning,


I need some help again. I go through these spurts of feeling so good. I've been tapering .001mg of klonopin per day. I will feel symptoms then they disappear for 3-4 days, I start living life and doing all the stuff I wasn't able to do before, and then slammed with sxs. My wife and I don't think it's the taper since I actually feel good and nothing sneaks up on me.... but when I'm feeling good I do a lot. Probably bc I'm so laid up when I'm feeling crappy that I have a laundry list of things I want to get done so i go and go until I basically crash.


Could i be ramping up my sxs by doing too much? Is that possible? Or could it be something else? I've eliminated grilled meats, all meats in general now, sugar, honey, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, gluten, caffeine, alcohol and dairy.


Am i making my meds right? Maybe sg and builder can chime in....I put 6 .5mg klonopin tabs in 30mL milk. Shake it before dosing. I dose three times a day (8am, 3pm and 10pm). It's evenly split among all three doses.



2.42ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.41ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.42ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.41ml, 2.42ml

2.40ml, 2.40ml, 2.42ml


Any thoughts would be helpful. I want to continue with dlmt and my wife is thinking that if I'm having good days that it has nothing to do with the taper but maybe something I'm doing (like manual labor all day for 4 days).

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Not trying to be argumentive, but the "strength" of the liquid (mg per ml) has absolutely nothing to do with how you respond. 


The reason we dilute (to whatever ratio) is simply to allow us to make smaller measurements/dose reductions.  And it is the ability to make a series of tiny reductions that makes withdrawal more tolerable.  The key is how many milligrams do you take, NOT how many milliters.


Think about it...many folks do a dry taper, so the "strength" is 1:1, or 100%

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Dad- a lot of physical activity especially all of a sudden can definitely rev up sxs. As an experiment at least, next time you feel well, resist the urge to do so much more- in fact, just do the same Amy- or maybe slightly more- bc I know it's fun to "live" again, but try no extra manual labor. See what happens. If your w/d doesn't kick in after a few days, see how long you can go feeling good. Then you'll know if it's the extra labor. I think even when we feel good in taper we are still really sensitive and if you're fluctuating so much b/w good and bad, then when you're good, you're probably just on the border of good instead of at a solid good. But even at a solid good, I think the extreme activity can drag you back down.

My theory anyway- hope it makes sense.

Let us know how the experiment goes if you do it.

Doesn't seem like the food avoidance is making a difference for you?


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He Builder...its me again.. the princess of paranoia  :-\

So Im on the 5mg / 1ml liquid diazepam.  I still holding but feeling A LOT more stable so Im getting ready to do the plan you gave me.  I've been practicing by mixing in the morning and I take my dose three times a day.  It just helps me personally.

My question...1.

On the box it says to dilute and use immediately.  If I make a batch will it go bad?  When I mix the intensol in the morning my evening dose tastes weird.  I know you tapered off the other 1mg/1ml solution.  Are you sure the liquid intensol will stay good once diluted?

2.  It says do not use after 90 days of opening.  Is that true as well?


Have you helped people come off with the intensol version where you know it won't go bad?


Thank you builder!

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Hi guys,


I have put off ever wanting to go the scale and razor method as it seemed inexact and meticulous but after trying yet again to switch to a liquid titration I think I have to give the dry cut method a shot. I've tried to just substitute even one of my dosages with a liquid solution and I immediately get rocked by side effects. I don't know if I metabolize it too quickly, or I'm not absorbing it or what but it's unbearable. Has anyone here made the switch from liquid to dry microtapering and had success? Thanks.

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He Builder...its me again.. the princess of paranoia  :-\

So Im on the 5mg / 1ml liquid diazepam.  I still holding but feeling A LOT more stable so Im getting ready to do the plan you gave me.  I've been practicing by mixing in the morning and I take my dose three times a day.  It just helps me personally.

My question...1.

On the box it says to dilute and use immediately.  If I make a batch will it go bad?  When I mix the intensol in the morning my evening dose tastes weird.  I know you tapered off the other 1mg/1ml solution.  Are you sure the liquid intensol will stay good once diluted?

2.  It says do not use after 90 days of opening.  Is that true as well?


Have you helped people come off with the intensol version where you know it won't go bad?


Thank you builder!


Yes, it will remain stable after dilution.


The reason for the 90 day instruction is it uses an alcohol base, and is subject to evaporation.  Keep it tightly sealed, and you'll be OK.


Not sure why you would ever be using one batch more the 90 days anyway.

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Thanks Builder

I asked about the 90 days because I have an extra bottle of intensol that was opened and I haven't used it in about 3 months.  I was just wondering if it was ok to use.



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Dad- a lot of physical activity especially all of a sudden can definitely rev up sxs. As an experiment at least, next time you feel well, resist the urge to do so much more- in fact, just do the same Amy- or maybe slightly more- bc I know it's fun to "live" again, but try no extra manual labor. See what happens. If your w/d doesn't kick in after a few days, see how long you can go feeling good. Then you'll know if it's the extra labor. I think even when we feel good in taper we are still really sensitive and if you're fluctuating so much b/w good and bad, then when you're good, you're probably just on the border of good instead of at a solid good. But even at a solid good, I think the extreme activity can drag you back down.

My theory anyway- hope it makes sense.

Let us know how the experiment goes if you do it.

Doesn't seem like the food avoidance is making a difference for you?


Do you think over doing like that could cause 5 days of sxs to be increased? I'm still feeling a lot of sxs. Has it ever happened to you?

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Dad- a lot of physical activity especially all of a sudden can definitely rev up sxs. As an experiment at least, next time you feel well, resist the urge to do so much more- in fact, just do the same Amy- or maybe slightly more- bc I know it's fun to "live" again, but try no extra manual labor. See what happens. If your w/d doesn't kick in after a few days, see how long you can go feeling good. Then you'll know if it's the extra labor. I think even when we feel good in taper we are still really sensitive and if you're fluctuating so much b/w good and bad, then when you're good, you're probably just on the border of good instead of at a solid good. But even at a solid good, I think the extreme activity can drag you back down.

My theory anyway- hope it makes sense.

Let us know how the experiment goes if you do it.

Doesn't seem like the food avoidance is making a difference for you?


Do you think over doing like that could cause 5 days of sxs to be increased? I'm still feeling a lot of sxs. Has it ever happened to you?


Dad, I've had symptoms kick up from overdoing it and from emotional jolts. We are very sensitive to stress when we are tapering. Of course, there's the natural windows and waves thing. Our nervous systems seem to go through periods of being stable and unstable as they try to fix themselves and it can often seem quite random. But, in the end, they do fix themselves. Our bodies and brains have an amazing capacity to heal. :thumbsup:

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I am down to 3mg Valium and have eczema for the first time in my life. I have tried the topical solutions but it is still itchy and painful. Now my dermatologist is suggesting a Kenalog shot. Is this unadvisable while tapering Valium? Google gave me conflicting advice. Thank you.
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I am down to 3mg Valium and have eczema for the first time in my life. I have tried the topical solutions but it is still itchy and painful. Now my dermatologist is suggesting a Kenalog shot. Is this unadvisable while tapering Valium? Google gave me conflicting advice. Thank you.


Sleepy, if anyone here knows, I'm sure they'll chime in, but I think this is the board you're looking for:


Other Medications

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Not trying to be argumentive, but the "strength" of the liquid (mg per ml) has absolutely nothing to do with how you respond. 


The reason we dilute (to whatever ratio) is simply to allow us to make smaller measurements/dose reductions.  And it is the ability to make a series of tiny reductions that makes withdrawal more tolerable.  The key is how many milligrams do you take, NOT how many milliters.


Think about it...many folks do a dry taper, so the "strength" is 1:1, or 100%


Dilution is as you said. The ability to make smaller reductions and thus making withdrawals more tolerable.

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Ok, I will try there and maybe the Valium group would help me. Thank you.


I am down to 3mg Valium and have eczema for the first time in my life. I have tried the topical solutions but it is still itchy and painful. Now my dermatologist is suggesting a Kenalog shot. Is this unadvisable while tapering Valium? Google gave me conflicting advice. Thank you.


Sleepy, if anyone here knows, I'm sure they'll chime in, but I think this is the board you're looking for:


Other Medications

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So is it pretty normal to have days of varying degrees of sxs intensity? Like yesterday I was still having sxs but they weren't as intense as they are today. Today I feel like I took a 20% reduction or something.
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So is it pretty normal to have days of varying degrees of sxs intensity? Like yesterday I was still having sxs but they weren't as intense as they are today. Today I feel like I took a 20% reduction or something.


this is a darn good question. i hope everyone chimes in with his/her experience. are you in:


a) perpetual withdrawal (while tapering)?

b) asymptomatic?

c) up and down? unpredictable?


i started dlmt 2 days ago and i guess i am still 5 days away from turbulence -- but mighty curious (and nervous).


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So is it pretty normal to have days of varying degrees of sxs intensity? Like yesterday I was still having sxs but they weren't as intense as they are today. Today I feel like I took a 20% reduction or something.


Waves and windows are absolutely normal for w/d. It's what makes w/d so darned annoying. You think you've found a way to get rid of the suffering and then it comes right back. The idea with DMT is to lessen the intensity and/or to shorten the waves by reducing the size of the cuts. If you're getting more waves than windows or if they're intolerable, you might want to slow down. Some people also incorporate short holds (a week or so of not cutting) on a regular basis to even further mitigate the effects of tapering. I'm planning to start trying that myself tomorrow.


Gard :)


edit: typo

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In the last week there have been no windows per se but the waves have been less intense at times. So waves within a wave... today seems to be the worst day of the week and I've held a good chunk of this week.  I just don't get it. Ive been dlmt since February and I cannot get myself stable for longer than a few days.
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In the last week there have been no windows per se but the waves have been less intense at times. So waves within a wave... today seems to be the worst day of the week and I've held a good chunk of this week.  I just don't get it. Ive been dlmt since February and I cannot get myself stable for longer than a few days.


That sounds like what happened to me, big waves, little waves, but always waves. Pure misery. I ended up doing a long hold. My doctor wanted me to and I could not function to take care of myself, so I did it. It was nearly a year, but I got stable enough to resume my taper. I think my mistake was thinking a DMT and slowing down was going to be enough to stabilize me, but I was past that point. Once I was seriously destabilized (nearly constant waves), slowing down or a hold of a week wasn't going to stabilize me. The long hold stabilized me. Long holds are not 100% fool proof and some doctors won't cooperate, but if it's an option, it's worth looking into.


I see your choices as:


1. Push through if you can tolerate the waves and still function and your priority is getting off. (I've seen this work for people having an adverse reaction to the drug who need off at all costs, but more often it seems to send the person into post w/d misery.)

2. Slow down even more and incorporate regular holds, maybe a week on, a week off.

3. Go over to the Long Hold support group and ask Valley what he thinks.<-- my vote ;)


Gard :)


Long Hold

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Not trying to be argumentive, but the "strength" of the liquid (mg per ml) has absolutely nothing to do with how you respond. 


The reason we dilute (to whatever ratio) is simply to allow us to make smaller measurements/dose reductions.  And it is the ability to make a series of tiny reductions that makes withdrawal more tolerable.  The key is how many milligrams do you take, NOT how many milliters.


Think about it...many folks do a dry taper, so the "strength" is 1:1, or 100%


Dilution is as you said. The ability to make smaller reductions and thus making withdrawals more tolerable.


This is all true, but measurement errors are always an issue, especially with smaller volumes.  With more dilute solutions, if an error is made when measuring, the error will not be noticed as much as when using smaller volumes (or less concentrated solution).  The same error when using a more concentrated solution will be magnified. So, yes, I agree with JR.

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