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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group


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Are there any daily micro taper spreadsheet template links available on the site anywhere that anyone knows of?  Would like to avoid reinventing the wheel, if possible.

Can anyone chime in here?  Would really appreciate some guidance on liquid micro tapering.  Doesn't this thread support both dry cut and liquid micro tapers?  I can't find a thread limited to liquid micro taper, only.  Thanks!!


Since tapers are unique to individuals, you really need to create your own personal "spreadsheet"  Its really pretty simple.


1)  Choose a taper rate and time frame...

ex 5% per 10 days


2)  Multiply taper rate to current dose...

ex 5% X 5mg= .25mg


3) Divide the total cut by the days...

ex  .25mg/10 days= .025mg per day.


4) Make a schedule ("spreadsheet") based on the  daily cut...


ex  5mg, 4.975mg, 4.95mg, 4.925mg, 4.900mg, etc.


:thumbsup: There's our math man!


Thank you, but its arithmetic...add, subtract, multiply, divide.  And you can do it all with the calculator on your phone (just like I did).  ;)

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Are there any daily micro taper spreadsheet template links available on the site anywhere that anyone knows of?  Would like to avoid reinventing the wheel, if possible.

Can anyone chime in here?  Would really appreciate some guidance on liquid micro tapering.  Doesn't this thread support both dry cut and liquid micro tapers?  I can't find a thread limited to liquid micro taper, only.  Thanks!!


Since tapers are unique to individuals, you really need to create your own personal "spreadsheet"  Its really pretty simple.


1)  Choose a taper rate and time frame...

ex 5% per 10 days


2)  Multiply taper rate to current dose...

ex 5% X 5mg= .25mg


3) Divide the total cut by the days...

ex  .25mg/10 days= .025mg per day.


4) Make a schedule ("spreadsheet") based on the  daily cut...


ex  5mg, 4.975mg, 4.95mg, 4.925mg, 4.900mg, etc.


:thumbsup: There's our math man!


Thank you, but its arithmetic...add, subtract, multiply, divide.  And you can do it all with the calculator on your phone (just like I did).  ;)


Yes, sir! Arithmetic! (Do you see me saluting? :laugh:) If only my calculator could tell me the equations, I would have no trouble at all! ::) 

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Thank you, Gard and builder!!!  You're the best!!


You're very welcome! I am only passing on what others gave to me. If you look back in the thread you will see clueless and paranoid me pestering builder to death! :laugh:


Gard :smitten:

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Yes, sir! Arithmetic! (Do you see me saluting? :laugh:) If only my calculator could tell me the equations, I would have no trouble at all! ::)


But that's my point...there are no equations, no unknowns to solve for. 


Multiply the percentage by the dose, divide by the days, subtract the cut from the each days  dose.


People assume that planning a microtaper is complicated...its NOT.  If I can just get folks to actually look at the procedure and see how simple it really is, that would relieve a lot of the anxiety.

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Yes, sir! Arithmetic! (Do you see me saluting? :laugh:) If only my calculator could tell me the equations, I would have no trouble at all! ::)


But that's my point...there are no equations, no unknowns to solve for. 


Multiply the percentage by the dose, divide by the days, subtract the cut from the each days  dose.


People assume that planning a microtaper is complicated...its NOT.  If I can just get folks to actually look at the procedure and see how simple it really is, that would relieve a lot of the anxiety.


Yes, builder, it all seems so simple when my brain is working. But since that doesn't happen a lot these days, I'll just keep borrowing yours as needed. ;)


Gard :laugh:

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Ditto. What seems simple to some is a mountain to others. I know exactly how Gard feels. It SHOULD be simple but somehow, sometimes even the simplest things just keep going round and round and round
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Ditto. What seems simple to some is a mountain to others. I know exactly how Gard feels. It SHOULD be simple but somehow, sometimes even the simplest things just keep going round and round and round


That would explain why I feel so dizzy in the morning! :idiot:



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Builder, you are relieving anxiety when you do arithmetic for people. You don't need to convince people the arithmetic is simple to relieve their anxiety. You need to convince them that they are not facing this taper alone. You help with that every time you answer a question about tapering for someone.  :thumbsup:
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Builder, you are relieving anxiety when you do arithmetic for people. You don't need to convince people the arithmetic is simple to relieve their anxiety. You need to convince them that they are not facing this taper alone. You help with that every time you answer a question about tapering for someone.  :thumbsup:


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I'm very new here.  This is my first post, explaining how I've got to here:




So, I'm on 0.5mg Clonazepam and have been for over two years and I'm very keen to get off it. 


Having watched the linked YouTube videos, titration appear the most controllable way of doing this.  My plan is, based on the suggestions in the video (presuming 100ml of whole fat milk):


17 days reducing by 2ml (2% per day), so down to 0.33mg on Day 17.

33 days reducing by 1ml, (1% per day), so down to 0.165mg on Day 50.

65 days reducing by 0.05ml (0.5% per day), down to 0.00mg on Day 115.


Does this sound reasonable?


Also, the fat content of the 'whole fat' homogenised milk in my local store is around 4g per 100ml.  Does it need to have more fat?


I'm now at day 9, dropped by 0.08mg so far, and feeling fine. Two hours interrupted sleep last night but ok. I'm a little paranoid that the titration isn't removing a consistent amount but can't do much about that. Crush the table to a fine powder. Mix with milk. Leave a while. Stir a little. Remove the amount. Drink.


I'm exercising hard, my diet is good and I'm tee total until this is over. Restricting screen time and having pre-bed baths with a paperback are also helpful.


I could have done without splitting up with my partner of 12 years last week but I'm getting by okay!

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It sounds like you have created a reasonable time frame for yourself! But most of us, maybe with the exception of Crash ended up throwing our plans out the window after a while and just going with a symptom based taper. We taper when we can and hold when we need to. But to me that sounds like something that might be a reasonable goal, depending on how quickly your brain is willing to heal. Most of us just start off and see how it goes then slow down if needed. The good thing about MT is you can usually start feeling when you need to slow down without having made too drastic a cut which might cause a big CNS shakeup leading to an even longer hold or even an updose. Im not gonna touch the math on there, hopefully someone else will chime in for you there. I wish you luck!
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It sounds like you have created a reasonable time frame for yourself! But most of us, maybe with the exception of Crash ended up throwing our plans out the window after a while and just going with a symptom based taper. We taper when we can and hold when we need to. But to me that sounds like something that might be a reasonable goal, depending on how quickly your brain is willing to heal. Most of us just start off and see how it goes then slow down if needed. The good thing about MT is you can usually start feeling when you need to slow down without having made too drastic a cut which might cause a big CNS shakeup leading to an even longer hold or even an updose. Im not gonna touch the math on there, hopefully someone else will chime in for you there. I wish you luck!

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Sorry, eggs, I can't follow your math because my brain doesn't do math any more. But I know that Ashton and most people recommend 10% cut per month. That's what I'm trying to work up to, but my brain seems to prefer the 6-8% per month range.


Best wishes,


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I'm having a hard time getting stable - I held a week at .732mg, updosed to .75mg a week and a half ago. Some days I'm able to semi-function and some days I'm just horrific, hopeless and ready to give up.


Should I continue to hold and feel like I'm not moving in the right direction or start a .002mg taper every other day to see if that helps at all?

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I'm having a hard time getting stable - I held a week at .732mg, updosed to .75mg a week and a half ago. Some days I'm able to semi-function and some days I'm just horrific, hopeless and ready to give up.


Should I continue to hold and feel like I'm not moving in the right direction or start a .002mg taper every other day to see if that helps at all?

I would personally give it a little more time. You're still progressing even though you're holding as you're allowing your CNS the time it needs to adjust to the changes.  :)--V

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So you think it's pretty normal to be having these major swings in sxs? Yesterday I wasnt perfect by any means, but my pins and needles were gone, I wasn't as emotional, nausea was minimal and I was able to pick up/clean the house. Today, every thing is back in full force.
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I'm having a hard time getting stable - I held a week at .732mg, updosed to .75mg a week and a half ago. Some days I'm able to semi-function and some days I'm just horrific, hopeless and ready to give up.


Should I continue to hold and feel like I'm not moving in the right direction or start a .002mg taper every other day to see if that helps at all?


I feel the same way.

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So you think it's pretty normal to be having these major swings in sxs? Yesterday I wasnt perfect by any means, but my pins and needles were gone, I wasn't as emotional, nausea was minimal and I was able to pick up/clean the house. Today, every thing is back in full force.

Yes. It sounds normal as sxs wax and wane until they fade out to a manageable level.  :)--V

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I feel like it's a mind game- One minute I'm so desperate I want to updose more, next I want to cut bc I'm depressed I haven't tapered, then 5 minutes later I want to hold another week or so.
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I feel like it's a mind game- One minute I'm so desperate I want to updose more, next I want to cut bc I'm depressed I haven't tapered, then 5 minutes later I want to hold another week or so.

Been there and done that myself.  :thumbsup:

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I'm very new here.  This is my first post, explaining how I've got to here:




So, I'm on 0.5mg Clonazepam and have been for over two years and I'm very keen to get off it. 


Having watched the linked YouTube videos, titration appear the most controllable way of doing this.  My plan is, based on the suggestions in the video (presuming 100ml of whole fat milk):


17 days reducing by 2ml (2% per day), so down to 0.33mg on Day 17.

33 days reducing by 1ml, (1% per day), so down to 0.165mg on Day 50.

65 days reducing by 0.05ml (0.5% per day), down to 0.00mg on Day 115.


Does this sound reasonable?


Also, the fat content of the 'whole fat' homogenised milk in my local store is around 4g per 100ml.  Does it need to have more fat?


I'm now at day 9, dropped by 0.08mg so far, and feeling fine. Two hours interrupted sleep last night but ok. I'm a little paranoid that the titration isn't removing a consistent amount but can't do much about that. Crush the table to a fine powder. Mix with milk. Leave a while. Stir a little. Remove the amount. Drink.


I'm exercising hard, my diet is good and I'm tee total until this is over. Restricting screen time and having pre-bed baths with a paperback are also helpful.


I could have done without splitting up with my partner of 12 years last week but I'm getting by okay!


I'm down by 20% after ten days,  I.e. Down to 0.40mg from 0.50mg. Had two nights with a little sleep interruption, although last night better, and a little bit of head fuzziness but nothing unmanageable. My biggest issue is looking for symptoms and worrying about it (horror stories - but usually from people in dramatically different situations)! There's definitely a bit of impatience, although it's clearly a lot more controlled than cold turkey or cutting by quarters at once. I've had very little help from medical 'experts' who saw no need to be cautious which is rather sad.


I'll keep cutting at 2% a day with 4mg melatonin to help sleep and keep a close eye on it. I think I might be close to holding or changing to 1% (I took my  cutting figures from one of the recommended milk titration guides on here). I think because I consider myself pretty mentally stable and very proactive about my physical and mental welfare (good diet, no booze) I feel pretty safe. Had I problems with depression, I'd be much more wary. It appears some people successfully cut much quicker and I guess it is one of the most individual things ever.


I will keep you all updated!

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