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Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group


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I take 5 mg and 146ml 3x a day of Valium.  I cannot remember if I took my morning 5mg pill.  I usually put them in my pill box so I don't forget, but I fell asleep early and didn't.  Should I take an extra pill in case?  Should I take half of one? 10%?  Today is my son's birthday party, so I'm super stressed out.  I *think* I took it, but really can't remember and don't want to be in hell of a 33< cut catches up to me.  Please help.  Today's already sucks. Lol.  Thank you!


Just my 2 cents, I've taken my pill up to 12 hours late. I figured better to take it late than to skip it.


If you take it now and it turns out to be "extra" I don't think it will ruin your taper.


I know someone who accidentally skipped a 2mg dose of Valium and never took it. He had symptoms that were bearable but very unpleasant.


Just some thoughts. Hope they were helpful.


Gard :smitten:


Thank you.  I appreciate it.  I went ahead and took two halves, one with the other two doses I had left yesterday.  I'd rather one time updose than be in agony.


I'm sure you'll be fine. Many people have done "emergency" doses and then gone right back to tapering.

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HI Builder, I know this is not a dlt question, but I know you hang out here....:).  I have asked this before, but I just NEED an informed opinion to give to my doc.  I am on 6.25 controlled release Ambien and  8 mg of v.  I am struggling a lot and feel like some of it is tolerance to the ambien....it has been suggested by a fb group, that I take my zopidem and just switch it over to 3.125 v,  OR, go to the .5 mg regular ambien and cut down from there and not crossover to more valium....I do not find the valium to be relaxing at all, so switching to more would not make me sleep I think, but I know my sleep will suffer, but am getting only around 5 hours now.  I just wondered if you have dealt with anyone else who had this situation.  I want to go to my doc with somekind of plans or he will just say I can drop it, he doesn't think it causes withdrawal for more than a week or so...(I wish).  If you could just give an opinion it would be sooooo appreciated.  I know none of it will be easy.  I have been holding my 8mg v for over three months now and getting nowhere.  THANK YOU!!!!! Stella

(sorry, don't mean to be a pain in the you know what) 

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Man, I hate to see this thread die out! I know I'll need some serious detailed help when I get down to the lower doses. Of course, the world may have come to an end by the time I get to that point, but still.


Hugs to the whole gang!



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Man, I hate to see this thread die out! I know I'll need some serious detailed help when I get down to the lower doses. Of course, the world may have come to an end by the time I get to that point, but still.


Hugs to the whole gang!




Hugs, back, Jeff! It's been a rough day and it was good to come on and see you post. However, I do not believe the word will end before you get off the benzos! You and I are going to hang around here for as many years as it takes!


Gard :smitten:

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I hope someone answers me!

I had to reinstate after a horrible 4 weeks of acute back in February.  I am now on Liquid Diazepam oral concentrate.  I use a 1 ml syringe that has .01 increments.  How do i daily taper???  I think I did too much to fast and now I'm having some bad symptoms.  Cutting .01 everyday seems way too fast so I was just cutting .02 and holding and then .02 again and holding for about 9 days each time.  then I cut .08 for some dumb reason went back up after two days but can't stabilize at all.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM DOING.  Can someone direct me with some advice if you use the pharmacy liquid compound of diazepam.

Thank you.

BUILDER I hope you see this because I think I read you were on the same thing.  How did you do your cuts?

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I hope someone answers me!

I had to reinstate after a horrible 4 weeks of acute back in February.  I am now on Liquid Diazepam oral concentrate.  I use a 1 ml syringe that has .01 increments.  How do i daily taper???  I think I did too much to fast and now I'm having some bad symptoms.  Cutting .01 everyday seems way too fast so I was just cutting .02 and holding and then .02 again and holding for about 9 days each time.  then I cut .08 for some dumb reason went back up after two days but can't stabilize at all.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM DOING.  Can someone direct me with some advice if you use the pharmacy liquid compound of diazepam.

Thank you.

BUILDER I hope you see this because I think I read you were on the same thing.  How did you do your cuts?


Pooky, I am not a math guru, but I can tell you some basics. Diazepam does come as a liquid that you only have to dilute with water. If you can get a script for the liquid then you can easily dilute it so you can make accurate, small cuts.


If you are in trouble with symptoms, I would advise stop tapering until you feel stable again.  It can sometimes take quite awhile to stabilize, so don't lose hope. You will. If you're very badly destabilized, you might want to check out the support group Long Hold.


Meanwhile, investigate how to do a daily liquid taper. Someone can do the math for you. If you don't get an answer here, try asking on the Titration sub-forum.


The basic idea of daily tapering is to make a very dilute solution so you can measure more easily. Decide your taper rate. For example, maybe you want to taper 10% per month. Figure out what 10% of your diluted liquid is. Then divide that number by 30. Now you have how much you would cut every day. Sorry, I can't do math well any more so I can't give details for your situation, but do try the titration forum if builder doesn't show up here soon.


You can do this! (Believe me, if I can do it, anybody can!)


Gard :thumbsup:

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Thank you for your reply!  Im actually on the liquid diazepam.  I didn't know I was supposed to dilute it with water.  Im horrible at math and withdrawal makes it impossible.  So Im still confused about how much to cut and now adding water?  I hope someone can explain.  Thank you for the info.

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I hope someone answers me!

I had to reinstate after a horrible 4 weeks of acute back in February.  I am now on Liquid Diazepam oral concentrate.  I use a 1 ml syringe that has .01 increments.  How do i daily taper???  I think I did too much to fast and now I'm having some bad symptoms.  Cutting .01 everyday seems way too fast so I was just cutting .02 and holding and then .02 again and holding for about 9 days each time.  then I cut .08 for some dumb reason went back up after two days but can't stabilize at all.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM DOING.  Can someone direct me with some advice if you use the pharmacy liquid compound of diazepam.

Thank you.

BUILDER I hope you see this because I think I read you were on the same thing.  How did you do your cuts?

In the US, there are 2 Rx liquid diazepam formulations. 


The most commonly used for tapering is Roxane Diazepam Oral solution 5mg=5ml.  This is a PG based 1mg=1ml solution, and is usually diluted 9:1 with water, to make a final concentration of m1mg=1ml.  (This is the Rx liqud I used)


The other product is Roxane Diazepam Intensol Concentrate 25mg=5ml.  This is a concentrated liquid, and is a 5mg=1ml ratio.  Because of its high concentration, it is less well suited for tapering, but can be used.  If you dilute this in a ratio of 49:1 with water, you will also have a finished concentration of .1mg=1ml.  I will need to know which product you have to give you more specific instructions.


After repeated failures with dry cutting, and attempts at water tapering, I successfully taperd off of diazepam doing daily cuts with a combo of tablets and diluted liquid.  Only occasional, minimal sxs during my taper, and zero residual sxs after I jumped.


BTW, any updose with diazepam may not be fully effective for 5-7 days.

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Builder thank you for responding!

I have the concentrate 5mg/1ml formula.  Im sorry, your going have to explain it to me like a first grader because my brain is not understanding the process.  How do I make sure I get my correct dose each time if i'm mixing it with water?  Do I mix my intended dose with a certain amount of water and then reduce that mixture daily?  What did you use to measure and how much did you reduce each day?  Would it be a good idea to ask my doctor for the other formula when i run out of this?  THANK YOU so much for helping.  Im sorry for all the questions.  Im just really confused.  Also you said when you did this you got off smoothly.  Did you have bad symptoms before you moved to the daily taper?  I've been reading peoples stories on here and its scaring the hell out of me that I'm not going to be able to do this.  I have two kids.  I can't go back to acute.

thank you

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I hope someone answers me!

I had to reinstate after a horrible 4 weeks of acute back in February.  I am now on Liquid Diazepam oral concentrate.  I use a 1 ml syringe that has .01 increments.  How do i daily taper???  I think I did too much to fast and now I'm having some bad symptoms.  Cutting .01 everyday seems way too fast so I was just cutting .02 and holding and then .02 again and holding for about 9 days each time.  then I cut .08 for some dumb reason went back up after two days but can't stabilize at all.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT IM DOING.  Can someone direct me with some advice if you use the pharmacy liquid compound of diazepam.

Thank you.

BUILDER I hope you see this because I think I read you were on the same thing.  How did you do your cuts?


Pooky i was wondering if you are only on diazepam at this time. I noticed that  you have what i would consider some rough months since the lst of this year. My heart goes out to you as I read over your sig -

"1/2/17 .50mg clonazepam & 20mg librium

4 wks later librium c/t per dr

2/17...4 wks of Acute

2/22/17...reinstated 5mg of diazepam to slow liquid taper

3/17 - 4/20/17 slowly tapered down to 4.5 mg

4/22 -4/25 lowered .08 because I felt good...then muscle spasms, T, jelly legs, anxiety. 

4/25 back to 4.5mg"

If i am understanding this correctly in January you were on clonazepam and librium. in February - endured c/t acute for 4 weeks. mid February reinstated to 5mg of L Diazepam. ( that in and of itself is tough on the brain and body)

Then you held for a month and began or resumed dlmt of .01ml/02ml.... then reduction of 08ml at one time - have been holding since you updosed back to 4.5ml.  ( i hope that i have this correct)

May I say you have endured much and most certainly are a strong person! congrats of how well you have done - all be it very painful, but you have made huge progress. I can also imagine how important it remains for you to reach 0 and healing.

If you are not being pushed by a physician or any other reason to rush this taper, I would wonder if your body and brain may need a time of resting to allow things to settle down & 'recover' a bit.  That seems to be a lot of adjustment in a relatively short amount of time.

Please do not be discouraged you  most assuredly conquer this, Gard and builder have given you great information as well.

FWIW - I too c/o to V, held for a while to adjust and find a 'baseline' then was able to resume a LMT. ( it's on my sig)

Hang in there friend you will make it! :smitten:

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Thank you for that.  I know my sig is a little confusing.  I was on clonazepam 1mg for 6 years.  I wanted to get off.  I had cut to .75 without any problem.  My n"not smart" Dr told me to just stop clon and crossover to librium and do a quick 4 week taper.  I did that and for the following 4 weeks I though I wasn't going to be able to live.  I had EVERY symptom.  the worst thing was the DP/DR i didn't recognize myself or my kids in a normal way and I had strange suicidal thoughts.  That is not me.  I found a benzo wise DR and he reinstated my at 5mg liquid diazepam.  It took about a week but felt normal again!  Over the next few months I slowly lowered to 4.5 with only a little anxiety.  then just recently I made too big of a cut.  I then went back up but I can't stabilize!  Its been 15 days and is intensifying.  I don't know what to do.  Should I update a little more of hold even longer.  Im shaking so bad right now its difficult to type.

Thank you for responding.

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Thank you for that.  I know my sig is a little confusing.  I was on clonazepam 1mg for 6 years.  I wanted to get off.  I had cut to .75 without any problem.  My n"not smart" Dr told me to just stop clon and crossover to librium and do a quick 4 week taper.  I did that and for the following 4 weeks I though I wasn't going to be able to live.  I had EVERY symptom.  the worst thing was the DP/DR i didn't recognize myself or my kids in a normal way and I had strange suicidal thoughts.  That is not me.  I found a benzo wise DR and he reinstated my at 5mg liquid diazepam.  It took about a week but felt normal again!  Over the next few months I slowly lowered to 4.5 with only a little anxiety.  then just recently I made too big of a cut.  I then went back up but I can't stabilize!  Its been 15 days and is intensifying.  I don't know what to do.  Should I update a little more of hold even longer.  Im shaking so bad right now its difficult to type.

Thank you for responding.


Pooky, there are support groups under that sub-form for Long Hold and Updose. People there would be able to give you lots more help than we can. All I can tell you is a long hold helped me, but if you get more input from more people, you may be able to decide better what will work for you.

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I replied to your post earlier but I'm adding this to it.  I've read your signature and some of your posts and I gives me so much hope.  I'm going to stay at 4.5mg of the liquid diazepam solution until I finish my months supply.  I see my dr saturday for a refill script.  Should I have him change it to the diluted formula?  I would need help with a plan and method because as I said before I do not understand ratios and percentages.  Im not a math brain at all.  I'm not dumb but this is making me feel quite dumb. 

I'm a 41 year old mother of a 9 yr old girl and 11 yr old boy.  They are the most important thing in the world to me.  If you could help me I would be immeasurably grateful.  I want to stabilize and then do what you did.  Daily micro and hopefully get off smooth without agony.

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Man, I hate to see this thread die out! I know I'll need some serious detailed help when I get down to the lower doses. Of course, the world may have come to an end by the time I get to that point, but still.


Hugs to the whole gang!




Hugs, back, Jeff! It's been a rough day and it was good to come on and see you post. However, I do not believe the word will end before you get off the benzos! You and I are going to hang around here for as many years as it takes!


Gard :smitten:


Hey, Miss Gard!! You're an angel and offer many people powerful hope. Keep being you. We need ya! Maybe a day will actually come when we can both do the math and help other people. I'm not a lot of help because I see most people doing the valium cutting thing (and some liquid). I've been a pure klonopin tablet dude until I went with the liquid. Cutting dry tablets is foreign to me. Anyhoo, I wish you a super positive day with a bright light at the end of the tunnel (no trains allowed)!!


Mega hugs,



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Thank you for that.  I know my sig is a little confusing.  I was on clonazepam 1mg for 6 years.  I wanted to get off.  I had cut to .75 without any problem.  My n"not smart" Dr told me to just stop clon and crossover to librium and do a quick 4 week taper.  I did that and for the following 4 weeks I though I wasn't going to be able to live.  I had EVERY symptom.  the worst thing was the DP/DR i didn't recognize myself or my kids in a normal way and I had strange suicidal thoughts.  That is not me.  I found a benzo wise DR and he reinstated my at 5mg liquid diazepam.  It took about a week but felt normal again!  Over the next few months I slowly lowered to 4.5 with only a little anxiety.  then just recently I made too big of a cut.  I then went back up but I can't stabilize!  Its been 15 days and is intensifying.  I don't know what to do.  Should I update a little more of hold even longer.  Im shaking so bad right now its difficult to type.

Thank you for responding.


Holy moly, Pooky!! Bless your heart for surviving all this nonsense up to this point. I've been through some rocky times too, and my experience has taught me to hold when things get this nuts. Looking at your situation, I would say.... HOLD until you stabilze and then move forward!! Just FWIW.


Builder will be your saving grace.


Hang tight!



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Thank you for that.  I know my sig is a little confusing.  I was on clonazepam 1mg for 6 years.  I wanted to get off.  I had cut to .75 without any problem.  My n"not smart" Dr told me to just stop clon and crossover to librium and do a quick 4 week taper.  I did that and for the following 4 weeks I though I wasn't going to be able to live.  I had EVERY symptom.  the worst thing was the DP/DR i didn't recognize myself or my kids in a normal way and I had strange suicidal thoughts.  That is not me.  I found a benzo wise DR and he reinstated my at 5mg liquid diazepam.  It took about a week but felt normal again!  Over the next few months I slowly lowered to 4.5 with only a little anxiety.  then just recently I made too big of a cut.  I then went back up but I can't stabilize!  Its been 15 days and is intensifying.  I don't know what to do.  Should I update a little more of hold even longer.  Im shaking so bad right now its difficult to type.

Thank you for responding.


Holy moly, Pooky!! Bless your heart for surviving all this nonsense up to this point. I've been through some rocky times too, and my experience has taught me to hold when things get this nuts. Looking at your situation, I would say.... HOLD until you stabilze and then move forward!! Just FWIW.


Builder will be your saving grace.


Hang tight!




Does holding always stablize people?

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Do Long holds work:  It depends on the person. For some people a long hold does help, to me a very long hold is really not a 'hold' it is letting your body acclimate to a lower dose of the benzo and you stop tapering.  After a few months you start your taper again - for some they do much better after this stable period for others once the taper begins again they are back to having s/x, then they hold again for a long time and repeat.  This process can take many years - but again there is no rush if you are able to live your life while you taper (except of course that we know continued use of benzos is not good for other reasons). 


For others even the above process does not help - that is even with a long hold of months they continue to have s/x and sometimes they get worse vs. better.  This process is very individual so no one knows what will help  until you try it.


I can only speak to what worked for me - long holds sent me into a nightmare - it was the worst I had ever felt and I even updosed.  I updosed, held my dose, and felt better, then all he#$ broke loose for me. It was then and there I was determined to get off. It was only as I got to the lower doses that my body started to recover. If I had done long holds I would still be living in a nightmare.


What I suggest you do is read the success stories here and also look at people's signatures to see how long they have been tapering or if they have been successful in getting off. Also you must take into account that many people on this site have been on and off other drugs or substances which may impact their taper of the benzo.  You need to take your own medical history into account when you taper.


Unfortunately the nature of this site is that most of us who are off and back to living our lives hardly come here anymore so you are only hearing from people still tapering or who are having issues once they are off, so the advice is skewed.  What I will say is that tapering off benzos is very hard for those of us who get s/x. It is not an experience I would ever want to repeat, but it is doable and you can live through it and get back to living your life. 

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Did you go through acute when you jumped?  Were you able to function as you continued to taper?  Thank you for your input.  Im going to hold a little while longer and then make a decision because its bad right now.

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I replied to your post earlier but I'm adding this to it.  I've read your signature and some of your posts and I gives me so much hope.  I'm going to stay at 4.5mg of the liquid diazepam solution until I finish my months supply.  I see my dr saturday for a refill script.  Should I have him change it to the diluted formula?  I would need help with a plan and method because as I said before I do not understand ratios and percentages.  Im not a math brain at all.  I'm not dumb but this is making me feel quite dumb. 

I'm a 41 year old mother of a 9 yr old girl and 11 yr old boy.  They are the most important thing in the world to me.  If you could help me I would be immeasurably grateful.  I want to stabilize and then do what you did.  Daily micro and hopefully get off smooth without agony.


My heart really goes out to you, Pooky. My kids are in college now, also a boy and a girl. I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. But you also have the best motivation anyone could have to beat the benzo beast! You will do it!


Gard :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Man, I hate to see this thread die out! I know I'll need some serious detailed help when I get down to the lower doses. Of course, the world may have come to an end by the time I get to that point, but still.


Hugs to the whole gang!




Hugs, back, Jeff! It's been a rough day and it was good to come on and see you post. However, I do not believe the word will end before you get off the benzos! You and I are going to hang around here for as many years as it takes!


Gard :smitten:


Hey, Miss Gard!! You're an angel and offer many people powerful hope. Keep being you. We need ya! Maybe a day will actually come when we can both do the math and help other people. I'm not a lot of help because I see most people doing the valium cutting thing (and some liquid). I've been a pure klonopin tablet dude until I went with the liquid. Cutting dry tablets is foreign to me. Anyhoo, I wish you a super positive day with a bright light at the end of the tunnel (no trains allowed)!!


Mega hugs,




We can dream, right?  :laugh: And I can almost hear builder laughing!


Gard :smitten:

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Do Long holds work:  It depends on the person. For some people a long hold does help, to me a very long hold is really not a 'hold' it is letting your body acclimate to a lower dose of the benzo and you stop tapering.  After a few months you start your taper again - for some they do much better after this stable period for others once the taper begins again they are back to having s/x, then they hold again for a long time and repeat.  This process can take many years - but again there is no rush if you are able to live your life while you taper (except of course that we know continued use of benzos is not good for other reasons). 


For others even the above process does not help - that is even with a long hold of months they continue to have s/x and sometimes they get worse vs. better.  This process is very individual so no one knows what will help  until you try it.


I can only speak to what worked for me - long holds sent me into a nightmare - it was the worst I had ever felt and I even updosed.  I updosed, held my dose, and felt better, then all he#$ broke loose for me. It was then and there I was determined to get off. It was only as I got to the lower doses that my body started to recover. If I had done long holds I would still be living in a nightmare.


What I suggest you do is read the success stories here and also look at people's signatures to see how long they have been tapering or if they have been successful in getting off. Also you must take into account that many people on this site have been on and off other drugs or substances which may impact their taper of the benzo.  You need to take your own medical history into account when you taper.


Unfortunately the nature of this site is that most of us who are off and back to living our lives hardly come here anymore so you are only hearing from people still tapering or who are having issues once they are off, so the advice is skewed.  What I will say is that tapering off benzos is very hard for those of us who get s/x. It is not an experience I would ever want to repeat, but it is doable and you can live through it and get back to living your life.


Agreeing with KGirl, long holds help a lot of people but not all people. And by long hold, we mean months, not weeks. Unfortunately, the only way to know is to try. Try holding and pay attention to your body and symptoms. Are you getting windows, even small ones? Or are you getting worse? You need to specialize in yourself. It is a winding road. You try things. You pay attention to what your body is telling you. You adjust. And you will get through and get your life back. It's just not linear. Kind of think of w/d as a part-time job you have to add to your life and plan to take the time and rest and work you need. First that means getting educated and then it means taking care of yourself (eating right, learning coping techniques, keeping your focus on the things in life that really matter to you). For some, it's a full-time job, sadly. But it does work for those who put in the work.


One caution I would give anyone new to this, read and get educated and then be cautious what you read after that. Do not read every horror story posted. Find a few threads that are helpful and stick with them. As K said, the worst of the stories are posted here. The ones who got off and are doing well usually do not come back to post. There are success stories posted on that sub-forum, though. It's good to read them and know that one day you will have your own success story to post. :thumbsup:


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Pooky here again - you asked about acute  - yes for me I had acute but I say that with a caveat.  I felt awful, horrible but looking back I realize that I was better than I had been.  During my taper (and I was only on 1.35 mg of K as my highest dose) I lost too much weight- I was down to 99 lbs, my hair was falling out in clumps in the shower, I had awful GI issues every single day, I could not eat many foods - so I lived on chicken/rice and oatmeal.  I drank ginger tea, I had horrible headaches, and agoraphobia to the point I would cry when I had to go to a restaurant to eat out.  I obsessed about any plans I had made wondering if I could actually drag myself out the door.


So yes at the end I had acute - but my acute was better than my taper - I was gaining back my weight, my hair stopped falling out, my GI issues started to get better, I had anxiety sometimes all day every day, but the agoraphobia was better, not gone but better.  I don't want to frighten people but even after 10 months off I am still healing.  There are days when I feel disgusted with this entire process but with that being said - I am now working again, I make plans to go out and don't give it much of a thought, I gained back all of my weight, I can eat what I want (except I don't want chicken!!). Today I worked, went to the beach, and then out for dinner - I could never have done this during my taper - yesterday I walked 3 miles again with not much of a thought - after working during the day.  So yes, a semblance of normal life will return once you are off and you give your body the time to heal. 


As Gardner told you- stay away from the horror stories, read the success stories - make friends with buddies here who are positive not negative, and listen to your own body.  Do not let anyone, including me, talk you into doing something that you feel is not right for you, you need to get through this and you will find your own way to success. 

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Pooky here again - you asked about acute  - yes for me I had acute but I say that with a caveat.  I felt awful, horrible but looking back I realize that I was better than I had been.  During my taper (and I was only on 1.35 mg of K as my highest dose) I lost too much weight- I was down to 99 lbs, my hair was falling out in clumps in the shower, I had awful GI issues every single day, I could not eat many foods - so I lived on chicken/rice and oatmeal.  I drank ginger tea, I had horrible headaches, and agoraphobia to the point I would cry when I had to go to a restaurant to eat out.  I obsessed about any plans I had made wondering if I could actually drag myself out the door.


So yes at the end I had acute - but my acute was better than my taper - I was gaining back my weight, my hair stopped falling out, my GI issues started to get better, I had anxiety sometimes all day every day, but the agoraphobia was better, not gone but better.  I don't want to frighten people but even after 10 months off I am still healing.  There are days when I feel disgusted with this entire process but with that being said - I am now working again, I make plans to go out and don't give it much of a thought, I gained back all of my weight, I can eat what I want (except I don't want chicken!!). Today I worked, went to the beach, and then out for dinner - I could never have done this during my taper - yesterday I walked 3 miles again with not much of a thought - after working during the day.  So yes, a semblance of normal life will return once you are off and you give your body the time to heal. 


As Gardner told you- stay away from the horror stories, read the success stories - make friends with buddies here who are positive not negative, and listen to your own body.  Do not let anyone, including me, talk you into doing something that you feel is not right for you, you need to get through this and you will find your own way to success.


I am sooo happy for you, KGirl!  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Builder thank you for responding!

I have the concentrate 5mg/1ml formula.  Im sorry, your going have to explain it to me like a first grader because my brain is not understanding the process.  How do I make sure I get my correct dose each time if i'm mixing it with water?  Do I mix my intended dose with a certain amount of water and then reduce that mixture daily?  What did you use to measure and how much did you reduce each day?  Would it be a good idea to ask my doctor for the other formula when i run out of this?  THANK YOU so much for helping.  Im sorry for all the questions.  Im just really confused.  Also you said when you did this you got off smoothly.  Did you have bad symptoms before you moved to the daily taper?  I've been reading peoples stories on here and its scaring the hell out of me that I'm not going to be able to do this.  I have two kids.  I can't go back to acute.

thank you


1) You have 1ml of liquid and it contains 5mg of diazepam.  If you add 49ml of water, now you have 50ml liquid containing 5mg diazepam, or .1mg per ml.

2)  So you need to take 10ml of liquid for each mg of diazepam you need.  For 4.5mg diazepam, you would take 45ml of the diluted liquid.


Actually, I would suggest making approx. a 10-12  day batch, or approx. 50mg.  Start with 50ml of your concentrate, add 450ml water, and then you will have 500ml of dilute diazepam.  If you want to stay at 4.5mg, just draw up and drink 45ml.


Your dilute liquid will be stable and non-perishable,  with no loss of potency.  It can be stored at room temp in a closed container.

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