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Daily Micro-Tapering Support Group


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Liquid is easier,  more uniform, and more reliable than scale/dry taper.


But the scale method will work.


Most folks that to do liquid tapers off of V use a combo of tablets and liquid.  I took most of my dose dry, and only used liquid for the "cut" portion of my dose.

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Liquid is easier,  more uniform, and more reliable than scale/dry taper.


But the scale method will work.


Most folks that to do liquid tapers off of V use a combo of tablets and liquid.  I took most of my dose dry, and only used liquid for the "cut" portion of my dose.


Did you use PG as solvent? Not sure how the proccess works to make up the liquid.

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Could I have just screwed up my microtaper by donating plasma and platelets? I never even thought to ask before doing this but since its circulating in our bloodstreams- and valium hangs out for a long time...-anyone heard of this causing a problem? I see " valium is highly bound to plasma proteins" and that is not encouraging to read. I feel pretty scared...
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Could I have just screwed up my microtaper by donating plasma and platelets? I never even thought to ask before doing this but since its circulating in our bloodstreams- and valium hangs out for a long time...-anyone heard of this causing a problem? I see " valium is highly bound to plasma proteins" and that is not encouraging to read. I feel pretty scared...


I think you should be ok Kitty. The Valium is everywhere, not just your plasma, and they just take a small percentage of your overall blood volume anyway. Drink some fluids, have something to eat, and take some deep breaths!

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I love you Hope❤️I hope you are right...after over a year of scale measuring to the nth degree it would suck to throw myself into a mess trying to be helpful...I donated whole blood a few months ago but dont remember if it caused issues or not - ups and downs and all. But plasma🤕Im such a dumbass

*update* yep it does. Slept a few hours and woke to the stupid carousel music or whatever it is, went outside which is usually somewhat pleasant and was disoriented...hope it gets better and not worse

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Liquid is easier,  more uniform, and more reliable than scale/dry taper.


But the scale method will work.


Most folks that to do liquid tapers off of V use a combo of tablets and liquid.  I took most of my dose dry, and only used liquid for the "cut" portion of my dose.


Did you use PG as solvent? Not sure how the proccess works to make up the liquid.


staunch, the Titration Plans forum should be able to give you advice on preparing a liquid. The basics are: you dissolve the tablet in a small amount of either PG or 80 proof vodka (I use 80 proof vodka) and then dilute it with a lot of water. Now you have a dilute solution to work with. Some benzos come as a liquid already and you just have to add the water.  One of the chemistry gurus can give you more precise directions. It's not hard once you get the hang of it.



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I've been at this now for about eight months and it's taken me that long to reduce about four mg. Every month something happens in which I have to hold, self-induced mistakes. Ie increasing taper , messing up taper amounts. It wasn't until now ,I realized that I cannot do a dlmt daily without holds.  I resumed the taper 19 days ago after several holds in prior 30 days due to my mistake and family visit. My sleep patterns were great.This is the #1 issue for me because i go into depression when insomnia hits.


I was feeling wonderful. Just last Friday . I said I feel like I am healed. Then Fri nite insomnia, broken sleep patterns and increased ibs symptoms. Thats where i am now.This time it was different because I had done everything right and made no mistakes. I'd taper for straight 19 days. The daily rate was about .02 or .32% daily.

So I am holding again. I am looking for some guidance. I am doing a symptom based liquid mt. Do I build in holds every 2 weeks?  For how long? Or do I taper until the first sign if symptoms. I had ibs symptoms last week but sleep was not affected, so i continued


  I assume I hold until symptoms go away. What is a good length of time to hold once symptoms emerge. Thanks for any feedback.

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I've been at this now for about eight months and it's taken me that long to reduce about four mg. Every month something happens in which I have to hold, self-induced mistakes. Ie increasing taper , messing up taper amounts. It wasn't until now ,I realized that I cannot do a dlmt daily without holds.  I resumed the taper 19 days ago after several holds in prior 30 days due to my mistake and family visit. My sleep patterns were great.This is the #1 issue for me because i go into depression when insomnia hits.


I was feeling wonderful. Just last Friday . I said I feel like I am healed. Then Fri nite insomnia, broken sleep patterns and increased ibs symptoms. Thats where i am now.This time it was different because I had done everything right and made no mistakes. I'd taper for straight 19 days. The daily rate was about .02 or .32% daily.

So I am holding again. I am looking for some guidance. I am doing a symptom based liquid mt. Do I build in holds every 2 weeks?  For how long? Or do I taper until the first sign if symptoms. I had ibs symptoms last week but sleep was not affected, so i continued


  I assume I hold until symptoms go away. What is a good length of time to hold once symptoms emerge. Thanks for any feedback.


Hi Magnolis,

I am tapering from temaz also, though my doc would not let me do a cross over with val. It's been about 8 months now. Switched to DLMT 2 weeks ago which has helped me a lot. I had 2 days last week where I felt great and was sleeping pretty well for me. Then the fog, fatigue and memory issues, etc set in again. I think I experienced my first 'window' then back to the 'wave' of sx. I doubt it's possible to never experience any sx as they are part of the healing process as I understand it. If my sx become too intense, I plan to hold until they subside. It's hard to be patient but going too fast will not help me  :sick: The healing process is such an individual journey for each of us, listening to our bodies and taking in to account life events. I don't know if this helps but wanted to at least reach out.

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Crow girl,


I wanted to do a direct taper from temaz but I was in such horrendous shape, I had to cross over to valium. There are pros and cons.  But direct would have been ideal. You are very lucky because temaz is 20 times less potent than Xanax and klonpin. You have and excellent shot at a complete recovery with little problems. Valium is not so easy. What has your sleep been like through this taper.?

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I've been at this now for about eight months and it's taken me that long to reduce about four mg. Every month something happens in which I have to hold, self-induced mistakes. Ie increasing taper , messing up taper amounts. It wasn't until now ,I realized that I cannot do a dlmt daily without holds.  I resumed the taper 19 days ago after several holds in prior 30 days due to my mistake and family visit. My sleep patterns were great.This is the #1 issue for me because i go into depression when insomnia hits.


I was feeling wonderful. Just last Friday . I said I feel like I am healed. Then Fri nite insomnia, broken sleep patterns and increased ibs symptoms. Thats where i am now.This time it was different because I had done everything right and made no mistakes. I'd taper for straight 19 days. The daily rate was about .02 or .32% daily.

So I am holding again. I am looking for some guidance. I am doing a symptom based liquid mt. Do I build in holds every 2 weeks?  For how long? Or do I taper until the first sign if symptoms. I had ibs symptoms last week but sleep was not affected, so i continued


  I assume I hold until symptoms go away. What is a good length of time to hold once symptoms emerge. Thanks for any feedback.


Gee!!! You decreased 4mg in 8 months??!! It would take me YEARS to decrease 4mg of my K. I started tapering when I was at 6mg/day of K. Well, congratulations to you! I think that's great. One person's misery is another person's dream. I didn't notice which med you're tapering from, but who cares at this point. Just keep doing what you're doing. I'm not sure there's a perfect answer about when to hold and for how long. I just do it based on sx. If I'm feeling half way well, then I cut, see what happens, and go from there. My taper is totally sx-driven. Unfortunately, I'm so crazy sensitive to everything, so I can barely cut at all. I think I'm really just in reverse. At least it seems that way. I also hold if I know I have a stressful situation coming up. Other than that, I just go with whatever. Follow your gut feeling. I think your body knows when it's time to hold or time to cut. It often outweighs reasoning :)


Keep kickin' booty!!



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Actually one mg every 2 months is pretty common- and that much closer to being off. I cant cut that fast - Im at around .5 mg every 6 weeks. Probably every 8 weeks right now. That may just be a little too fast for your brain to catch up with, maybe? I know we all want off but our brains are going to dictate our speed. So many people push and then dnd up with symptoms afterward. Me, I would rather get them under control and be healed on the way off if I can!
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My drug is valium not k. The 4 mg was from 11 to 7. I already see now that it is going to take longer from this point down. 100% symptom based taper for me. My new charts will no longer be dated.
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Follow your gut feeling. I think your body knows when it's time to hold or time to cut. It often outweighs reasoning :)




:thumbsup: Wow, that's some great advice! I tend to "reason" too much too. 

Mag - your cut rate is not too slow...it's actually quite reasonable  - 0.5mg per month is really very good. No need to attempt to go any faster. And you're right that you may need to go slower as you go on...but that's no reason to despair either. A few BB that I've analyzed moved down to 0.25 mg per month as they got lower - builder and hikingchik come to mind but there are others too.

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Just curious about this post "jump" with daily microtapering...do you think it's easier for us? Do our bodies get more healed by doing the slow taper?


Anyone have any success stories they'd share about what your jump was like sxs wise and how long it took to feel pretty decent?


I'm hoping that since I'm listening to my body, taking my time, holding as I need to that when I jump I won't feel any worse or "acute" sxs.

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Not sure where to post this exactly. But I made a cut that was too big for me (stupidly). This was 5 wks ago and I've been suffering for 4 wks. Maybe overall it's a little better but certainly not baseline. Prior to this cut, I was feeling fairly good w/ mild tolerable sxs. I have updosed once before on Librium last year. I tried MT which didn't work out - tried it for 10 days, held for 11 days, then updosed back to my last stable dose. It still took 3-4 wks to reach baseline....so I'm not sure if the updosed helped?

Now that it's been 5 wks since my cut, is it ever "too late" to updose?  All this uncertainty and decision paralysis is so hard. I'm afraid of making another mistake. Thank you for your input!

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Not sure where to post this exactly. But I made a cut that was too big for me (stupidly). This was 5 wks ago and I've been suffering for 4 wks. Maybe overall it's a little better but certainly not baseline. Prior to this cut, I was feeling fairly good w/ mild tolerable sxs. I have updosed once before on Librium last year. I tried MT which didn't work out - tried it for 10 days, held for 11 days, then updosed back to my last stable dose. It still took 3-4 wks to reach baseline....so I'm not sure if the updosed helped?

Now that it's been 5 wks since my cut, is it ever "too late" to updose?  All this uncertainty and decision paralysis is so hard. I'm afraid of making another mistake. Thank you for your input!

  Hi libr  :hug: There is no ''magic window time frame'' regarding up-dosing' To save me typing along explanation  :)..........


Hi all  :hug:



I've started a support  as there's is quiet a few of us on here that have had to up-dosed or recently, or are seriously  considering it, and other than posting all over the forum there's no actual support for those of us who have actually done it, or want to try it. And  If you do post regarding up-dosing your more likely to get frighted off by  people who haven't tried it giving negative replies out of fear of what they've read with no actual personal experience, or they did it as a one off and it never worked.



Or they took a tiny insignificant dose that would never had worked as it was way too low to be of any help.  I up-dosed just over 10 weeks ago and am still cycling with symptoms. People also need to know that  as it can commonly  take anything  from a few weeks up to a few months to stabilise. Its not often you get relief in a matter of days, and most people don't hold the up-dose long enough for it to work, and some peole will actually feel worse before they feel better that's another common factor.



And sometimes you may feel your going backwards before you establish stability too, you have to have patience and hang in there. I've had some oh my God WTF !! days then the next, day has been really good, as  its not linear while you wait to stabilise, it still shocks me how things can turn around for no logical reason I can find anyway.



And you will still get waves  before you stabilise, that's another reason people think the updose has gone wrong as they expect instant stability or at the very  least 3 days then it should  work. That not true, in most cases it takes a longer time time, I was I a mess at  3.45mg and barely surviving  struggling to get under 4mg for the last 2 years and couldn't taper no more so up-dosed back to 5mg where I was last in January 2015, on November 19th 2016.




My original dose was 20mg and it took me along time to get down from there as I was also taken CT off other Benzos and high doses of all sorts of poly drugs. I'm having some good, bad, okay and hell days still so I'm not stabilised yet so will continue holding here, if I feel in a few months I need to updose again I will do so, If I feel I am able to cut then I will cut. I've been housebound in agony for most of the last two years, so I had to change tactics. I hope this group will be of help to sort out the myths, repeated fear with no substance, except people who get scared to try anything different to help their self  by what they read.




I myself fell into that camp before I decided to be the master of my own fate and that if I didn't try I would never know what will or won't help me, there is no one size fits all or any guarantees about anything in life, and we can't gage ourselves by others. Everything and anything is maybe it will or won't work for us situation but only we can know that by trying it for ourselves.



I am not putting myself forward as some expert,  I no no more or less than anyone else I'm  just another soul trying to find their way out of the suffering we're all going through, and I've chosen to updose. I live alone with no help or support and if I can't function then I can't survive, I'm hoping for at least 30% better or more than I am now. I can cope with discomfort, but I can't cope with being physically and mentally disabled any longer and do nothing to try make it better, I know it takes time but it takes trying something too if you possibly can at anytime.


Love Nova xxx    :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

UPDOSING SUPPORT GROUP http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=174254.0



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Nova, thank you for sharing your heart, your wisdom and starting the up dose thread. I am encouraged by what you have said and even feel empowered to talk with my physician about a 'reasonable' time table to taper off.

Libr - hang in there friend, you are on the way to freedom and healing is happening!


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Just curious about this post "jump" with daily microtapering...do you think it's easier for us? Do our bodies get more healed by doing the slow taper?


Anyone have any success stories they'd share about what your jump was like sxs wise and how long it took to feel pretty decent?


I'm hoping that since I'm listening to my body, taking my time, holding as I need to that when I jump I won't feel any worse or "acute" sxs.


It kinda stands to reason that if you are low and slow and having no symptoms you should be able to slide right off and it not be any different but there are some folks who do have problems. Of course the majority probably dont and they leave the forum! I have noticed a lot of folks jumping at like .25 because they say its not a " therapeutic" level but we arent taking it for that, we are tapering, so I know Im going to be tapering down to crumbs my scale cant even measure if I still have em. Hopefully yours will go just like it should.

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Liquid is easier,  more uniform, and more reliable than scale/dry taper.


But the scale method will work.


Most folks that to do liquid tapers off of V use a combo of tablets and liquid.  I took most of my dose dry, and only used liquid for the "cut" portion of my dose.


Did you use PG as solvent? Not sure how the proccess works to make up the liquid.

  My doc wrote scrips for my Rx liquid diazepam, but I would not have hesitated to use PG or vodka if I didn't have the Rx available.


Procedure is very simple.  Follow a ratio of 1mg benzo to 2ml vodka or PG and 8ml water.  That gives a finished liquid with a concentration of .1mg per ml.  Make enough to last 10-14 days, and just draw up and drink what you need each day/each dose.


You can store it at room temp.  It's non-perishable and the med will not degrade.  You can take your whole dose with liquid, but most folks do a combo of tablets and liquid, and just use the liquid for the "cut" portion of their dose.

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I take 5 mg and 146ml 3x a day of Valium.  I cannot remember if I took my morning 5mg pill.  I usually put them in my pill box so I don't forget, but I fell asleep early and didn't.  Should I take an extra pill in case?  Should I take half of one? 10%?  Today is my son's birthday party, so I'm super stressed out.  I *think* I took it, but really can't remember and don't want to be in hell of a 33< cut catches up to me.  Please help.  Today's already sucks. Lol.  Thank you!
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I take 5 mg and 146ml 3x a day of Valium.  I cannot remember if I took my morning 5mg pill.  I usually put them in my pill box so I don't forget, but I fell asleep early and didn't.  Should I take an extra pill in case?  Should I take half of one? 10%?  Today is my son's birthday party, so I'm super stressed out.  I *think* I took it, but really can't remember and don't want to be in hell of a 33< cut catches up to me.  Please help.  Today's already sucks. Lol.  Thank you!


Just my 2 cents, I've taken my pill up to 12 hours late. I figured better to take it late than to skip it.


If you take it now and it turns out to be "extra" I don't think it will ruin your taper.


I know someone who accidentally skipped a 2mg dose of Valium and never took it. He had symptoms that were bearable but very unpleasant.


Just some thoughts. Hope they were helpful.


Gard :smitten:

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I take 5 mg and 146ml 3x a day of Valium.  I cannot remember if I took my morning 5mg pill.  I usually put them in my pill box so I don't forget, but I fell asleep early and didn't.  Should I take an extra pill in case?  Should I take half of one? 10%?  Today is my son's birthday party, so I'm super stressed out.  I *think* I took it, but really can't remember and don't want to be in hell of a 33< cut catches up to me.  Please help.  Today's already sucks. Lol.  Thank you!


Just my 2 cents, I've taken my pill up to 12 hours late. I figured better to take it late than to skip it.


If you take it now and it turns out to be "extra" I don't think it will ruin your taper.


I know someone who accidentally skipped a 2mg dose of Valium and never took it. He had symptoms that were bearable but very unpleasant.


Just some thoughts. Hope they were helpful.


Gard :smitten:


Thank you.  I appreciate it.  I went ahead and took two halves, one with the other two doses I had left yesterday.  I'd rather one time updose than be in agony. 

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