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A/D's Just Not Working...Advise??


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Hello  :)


I am currently tapering off of the nasty Klonopin (YAY!) But am having a lot of problems with depression (anxiety too, but that's another topic  >:()  When I went to see my Pdoc 8/9 months ago, I was only suffering from mild anxiety.  Now, eight months later, I am suffering from severe anxiety and major depression, which I know is all down to the Klonopin.


My question is, every A/D the doc's have given me have either done nothing at all or made my anxiety symptoms even worse without helping the depression (I've tried about 8 different A/D's)  Has anyone else had this problem?  And do you think it has to do with the benzo's in my system?  I have been on an tricyclic for the past 3 weeks and noticed that when I increase the dose (as advised by my Pdoc) within an hour of taking them I start to have a bad anxiety attack and the heart palps/chest tightness kicks in...very annoying and dishearting as I see some folks on here are experiencing relief from their A/D during withdrawal.


My doc has suggested another A/D (which worked for me many years ago when I suffered from the same problems, however Benzo's were not in the mix back than) but I'm wondering if I should wait to take them until after my taper is complete?? as this Klonopin seems to be getting in the way of anything I try to take to help me.  I just don't know what to do for the best  ???  Any advice would be gratefully received  ;D

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I think your instincts here are good. I was severely depressed on klonopin. I didn't realize it was the klon at the time, but it started a week or so after i started it, and began to life as I tapered. By the time I was done, no more depression!


The thing with AD's, they do initially cause the symptoms you  describe, anxiety, heart palps, etc. This usually goes away and the benefits kick in within 4 or 6 weeks. So maybe you (or your doc) isn't giving them a long enough chance.


If you feel they aren't working, you might want to just grin and bare it and finish your taper. You might be pleasantly surprised when the depression begins to lift. BUT, if your depression is severe, especially if you are having any sort of suicidal thoughts, you need to work with your doc and find an AD that works for you.    

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Thanks Eljay  :)


Although the depression is very bad at times, thankfully I am not having any unwanted thoughts of harming myself...I just want to kick this and get my life back!


Your experience has definitely given me some hope that once I am off of this horrid Klonopin and begin to heal, this dark cloud of depression may lift...I hope the same thing happens for me  :yippee: 


I think you are also right regarding the A/D's...I don't think I am giving them enough time to work because I assumed that if they were making my symptoms worse, I should immediately jump off of them (and my doc agreed, but then he also told me I could be off Klonopin within seven days...OMG!)  I didn't realize that these symptoms usually disappear after 4 weeks or so.  I have only been on this particular A/D for 3 weeks, so I think I will keep taking it and see if things get better within the next few weeks.  My Klonopin taper is slow so I am desperate for some relief from this horrible depression in the meantime.


Thanks so much for your most welcome advice  :smitten:

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Hi Bevoir-


I have had 3 different doctor's tell me that Omega 3 helps with depression as well as exercise, of course :thumbsup: Curious if you ever received and tried the Suntheanine?


JB :smitten:

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Hi Bevoir,


Have you had any blood work done recently?  I read that certain vitamin deficiencies can lead to or cause depression ???



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Forgot to mention that I tried Remeron 15 mg the end of January.  I was so tired of crying and not sleeping I was desperate.  I took it for almost 2 weeks, it did help me sleep better but that's about it. I started feeling different can't really explain but it wasn't making me feel better so I stopped.  And most of all I felt like I was just trading one poison for another.  I kept worrying about having to wean myself off later. 


Like you I work (it's hell everyday), have dinner out with family occasionally and socialize with difficulty.  I used to enjoy all those things not so long ago.  I totally understand you just want to feel like yourself again.  It's really hard to fake it every day. 


On the other hand I have come a really long way since my c/t. 



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While on benzo I tried 4 different a/d and all made things much worse unfortunately.  However, I now realise I was in tolerance w/d with benzo and I think when there, nothing helps at all.  The key is to taper off, knowing the depression etc will improve on their own with time.  At 18 mths off (I fast tapered off knowing no better) I did start 10mg amitriptylene and that has been fine and has helped.  So my advice is to leave it until tapered, doing usual diet and exercise as you can and relook at things again later :D

Good luck

Spring :smitten:

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Thanks for all the responses, guys  :)  It's so great to have your support and advice...It's been a BAD day  :(


Hi Just Breathe - I'm taking Omega 3 and have recently started exercising again over the last week.  I do feel MUCH better and less depressed on the days I do jump on the treadmill, so that's a definite plus  :yippee:  I also received my bottle of suntheanine but, as yet, I haven't noticed any improvement...will keep taking it though as it's only been a few days  :) *fingers crossed*  Thanks for your advise x


Hi Hopefull - I did have some bloodwork done and it showed a vitamin D deficiency.  That was about 6/7 months ago now and I have been taking a supplement ever since and my numbers have increased.  Unfortunately, it hasn't helped with the depression  :(  That came along after a month or so on Klonopin...Grrrrrrrr!!!!  I tired Remeron too, and like you it made me feel odd and wasn't helping, so I kicked that to the curb along with many others...soooo disappointing.  Working everyday is hell, isn't it?  Ugh!  Monday's are the worst!  I spent all day today just trying not to cry and, like you said, faking it is sooo hard when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and hide.  Thanks so much for your post x  It's so comforting to know I'm not alone.


Hi Spring - I think you are right about the tolerance w/d...ever since I was thrown on klonopin nothing has worked to help with the added symptoms that this poison has given me over the past 8 months of hell!  I think I will take your advice and wait until my taper is done before trying another a/d.  I'm so pleased to hear that you are doing so well and healing...it gives me hope.  I'll keep on with the exercise and try to stay positive.  Thanks again for your sound advise  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Once upon a time, I tried Prozac and it always made me feel like I had tooooooooooooo much coffee.  I have tried various of the SSRI's with mixed responses. Celexa is suppose to be good and has gone generic. 


I am taking Tryptophan (?) on spelling, and it seems to help allot regarding sleep, I take it all at night, bottle says it is okay.


I should try Omega 3.


Thanks for sharing with me :D :D :D

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  • 2 weeks later...



I live in TX so I think I get lots of Vitamin D.  Remoron (spelling) is just another way to get your brain moving all over the place (my opinion)  It was recommended when I first started this detox business but I dd not want to try it.


Again, I heard that a/d are not helpful for benzo w/d, but their is a member who swears by Lexapro, so I don't know.


I have tried many SSRI's and they seemed to work at first, but then they would not work as well, and I would be switched to a different SSRI.  The klnopin was 3mg as a maintenance medication.  I don't think that part is the way to go.


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my only advice would be if your are going to try an ssri.  hold don your withdrawal.  see like eljay said the beginning stages of starting up an ssri can be very intense.  insomnia, increased anxiety so on and so forth.  so all this happening while coming off of klonopin.  as you know benzo withdrawal causes these same symptoms.  so you have two drugs going the opposite way in your body causing the same symptoms multiplied by two. 


so again if your starting ssri or any a/d my advice would be to hold the taper for like 6-8 weeks at whatever dose your at.  i'm telling you starting these drugs can be intense.  another IMO is to stay away from prozac and paxil.  prozac is a good a/d  but is the highest IMO for increased anxiety and insomnia.  and i have nothing good to say and never will about paxil.  i have heard a lot of bad stories about effexor and never heard 1 single good thing about cymbalta.  celexa on the other hand i have heard good things about.  prozac is a good ssri when withdrawing from ssri.  i tried remeron for several weeks absolute heavy weight gain, and i had like racing heart.  no clue about lexapro.  and i've heard good things about trazadone...but only for sleep...doesn't do crap for depression.  so that's click in experience.  PAXIL IS HORRIFIIC i don't see how any human being can handle that drug.  oh yeah and i was on zoloft.  eh a lot more tolerable than some but still has it's nasty side.  IMO ssri goes celexa, zoloft, lexapro.  after years if you want taper cross over to prozac.  i wish i did becaus I am living with protraced ssri withdrawal as well as benzo.  :tickedoff::idiot::D :'( :idiot::tickedoff:  could go on and on and on!!


you've always been so supportive and caring of me B so I'm just giving you as much info as i have on it personally.  i will try to find a link to a big study that was done with several ssri's and which ones did the best.






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Hi Bevior

I have been SO depressed during my taper that I went days without brushing my teeth or hair.  I just did not care...at all.  Fortunately this has begun to lift over the past 6 weeks.  Could be that I am lower in dose or more spring sunshine (I do try and sit outside in the sun everyday).  I sure can empathize with you...depression is rough.  It was the worst at about 10mg of valium.  I tried to find one small thing I liked...a meal, a hot shower, some old movie, the feel of my flannel sheets, snugling with my little dogs and focus on that as much as I could.  Also my therapist kept telling me, "it's just the drugs" and I repeated this over and over and over...and did what I could do...


Also I had some general depression as I got older (over 35) and had more hormone fluctuations...  I used natural progest creme and it worked but would not recommend while on your taper.  Maybe check into it once you are done.


Hang in there!


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Thanks so much for your most welcome advise and support Mimi & Click  :smitten:


You guys are such wonderful BB's  :smitten:

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  • 4 weeks later...



Thank you so much for sharing.  Again, to me personally prozac made me feel jittery and again as if I had one cup of coffee too many.  Just my experience.



My p/doc wants me to do the following.

___I am worried about going down on lamictal (which has no (supposed) w/d effects according to pharmacetogal studies, as long as you wean off at less than 10% every two weeks.  (turns out other doc had me on twice the normal amt = even for seizure disorder!


____start zoloft due to pre-existing depression


____continue benzo taperl

:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

I feel overwhelmed, I think the zoloft is making my K symptoms worse.  :smitten:


I redid my math and between the xanax and klnopin, I was on 19 milligrams of benzo's/

I am now to 5 mg of K.  Should'nt I hold off on the benzo taper?


So that is two med's down and one med up,


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IMO an ad is working on an issue that didn't cause your depression. The benzo is causing it, or benzo wd in my case.  My depression went when most of my sx's were gone, because the sx's were causing it! I was depressed because of the way I felt. But that's me, not you  :)


Exercise can really help with depression and so can getting some sun...but judging by your avatar you look pretty tanned to me LOL however there are foods that can help depression to go away. Omega 3's, magnesium, natural sources of b's, chromium, barley, beans, nuts seeds...and more.

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I just read this thread where you described your experience with ADs while in post-withdrawal recovery from benzos.  You also provided comments to my initial introduction when I mentioned my difficulties with Zoloft.  Your present experience with AD is very similar to mine.  My best guess as to the reasons behind this reaction has to do with the sensitivity of the brain during recovery.  My current prescription regimen includes Zoloft, Metroprolol, Vitamin D, and Androderm.  The only drug I'm taking at the present moment is Zoloft because my brain (body) can't tolerate the others.  Shortly after administration of any of these drugs, I develop intense anxiety, palpitations, derealization, tightness of the throat, and headaches.  Have you since managed to adjust to your AD?  Me, I'm in the process of working with my Pdoc to figure out what the heck can be done.



Nearly 5 months off Xanax XR 2mg

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