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ok guys im hoping to hear this isnt to worry about but im seeing the skeletal bones in my hands wrists and top of feet like an old lady. am i beginning to waste again?? im 50 and wonder if its part of aging? my back is boney. at least my jeans arent falling off. and i have "leftover" muscle from when i was athletic.

i slept pretty good last night so muscle feels somewhat repaired from yesterday.

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I just posted this in the Post Withdrawal section, but I think that the folks on here will have more insight into my boyfriend's injury issue--


My boyfriend is at 19 months out.  About 2 weeks ago, he injured his knee while trying to get some exercise (this was the first real exercise that he has been able to get in 3 years).  We think the knee injury is an MCL and/or Meniscus tear.  He has been able to do some basic physical therapy exercises on the knee over the past four days.  We’ve also purchased a bike so that he can ride slowly for some good physical therapy.  However, the injury is somewhat bad and the knee is still swollen and weak.  The most troubling aspect of the injury is that knee hurts a decent amount when he puts weight on it, so he still can’t walk.  We’ve done some research on the internet and he should be getting to the point where he can put weight on the knee and walk again, but that isn’t happening.  Do people find that their bodies (muscle strains, sprains, ligament damage, etc.) heal VERY slowly when they’re recovering from Benzodiazepines? 

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Eric thanks for always responding to me! :smitten: 

Today i got 8 hrs and dreamed! not much pain! so i tried to stay in the groove and accomplish things, did a bunch of weeding in garden and planned to hike as well but after weeding, i was pooped and  shakey inside so i laid down a bit. Not gonna let it piss me off though. I dont want to be pushing if I shouldnt. Did lotsa stretching too.

Valiumhead - I dont exercise if I feel squirrely like you say. I do slow yoga and breathing. just me though. I know for sure if i exercise without eating a good meal or 2, i will exhaust and have to quit. i guess adrenals are too sensitive

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Ok friends my only exercise yesterday was some weeding outside. I was feeling good after good sleep. I woke at 4 today w anxiety cause of my body so tight n pain full I could hardly move. I've felt like vomiting.

Any of you have this? I was hiking in winter. now i cant life a gallon of milk. Is it muscle sx waking me?

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Hi everyone havent been in this room for a short while.


I hope everyone is exercising or just being as active as they can.  I know as you start to heal more and more the better and harder you can exercise. 


I still have sleeping issues and who knows if those will ever be 100% better but keeping your mind and body busy and off the bad thoughts really does help.


Today I ran a 5K that a club put on at our local city.  Did pretty good considering almost 38 ran 3.1 miles in 25:54 came in 4th in my age group 34-39 so i was happy, now my friend wants me to train for a half marathon not sure how I feel about that.  But guys just try the best you can and try to challenge yourself however you can it really does help both mentally and physically.  :thumbsup:

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I am up to 2.1 miles running a few times a week and 30 minutes elliptical a few times a week.  The only muscle training I do is situps, planks, pushups, curls and calf raises.  I do not exercise when I get my bi weekly adrenaline rush from withdrawal.  I also have to make sure I don't push it too hard as I can really feel it.  I increase my mileage very slowly at about .05 miles per session.  Kind of like a reverse taper on my running mileage.  I am staying at the 30 minutes eliptical for awhile as I don't want to push it too hard.  Once I hit 3 miles I'll stay at that for awhile.


The exercise also helps me with sleep.  I exercise in the morning and by 10pm I am ready to go to bed. 

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I finally pushed myself to get back into the gym after a month of horrible weather made me not even want to leave the house to do anything.  I was only able to ride 6 miles on the stationary bike but I felt a lot better afterwards.  I'm hoping it will help me with my sleep and weight loss as well.  Since Depakote is almost all gone from my system and I am eating clean almost every day, I am down to a new low weight that I haven't been to since the year 2011.
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This is my first time posting in this thread so hey everybody! I love to exercise ad back before my tolerance to benzos I used to lift and run 4-5 times a week. My agoraphobia and social anxiety has gotten pretty terrible so for the time being I'm doing yoga and just going for walks outside, trying to go a bit further each week. I'm thinking of pushing myself to get back in the gym but I'm reticent to do so as I know how uncomfortable it'll make me. Maybe I just have to get through that and realize it won't kill me, even if I have a panic attack I'm not sure! I had read so often that strenuous exercise should be avoided during the taper because of adrenaline spikes that I hadn't even thought about it. But I miss having that outlet for releasing stress that listening to music and lifting/running provides.
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FuzzyDunlop Personally, I think it's bad advice to stop or lighten exercise. I was doing crossfit STILL the first 2 1/2 months of ACUTE from a cold turkey. Yes I did have to stop and it was because of panic. The reason I am not back yet is not because of adrenaline spikes or it making me feel worse, because it made me feel BETTER. I haven't gone back yet because of panic and anxiety. It's irrational I know and I am working on it. I am walking and doing more and more Yoga and it's helping me trust my body again.


My point is we are all different. Someone gave me the advice in here to take it one workout at a time. I think that is the best advice. We know our bodies better than anyone and we have to listen to them. There is way too much evidence that exercise can actually help up in this process more than hurt us. Read John Ratey's book called "Spark." It's available in audio format too.



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Thank you, I think that's good advice. I agree about the anxiety too. I had a panic attack at the gym ad beung surrounded by all those people and all that noise with nowhere to run to made it a pretty terrible one so I haven't been back since. I'm really tired of letting fear rule my life,
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Thank you, I think that's good advice. I agree about the anxiety too. I had a panic attack at the gym ad beung surrounded by all those people and all that noise with nowhere to run to made it a pretty terrible one so I haven't been back since. I'm really tired of letting fear rule my life,


meeeee tooooo


But I've noticed my fear and anxiety slowly is lifting, very slowly, so I am hopeful that when it does lift to a more manageable level I will be able to go back to my gym. I miss them a LOT but I think it's best to give my body a break. I'm listening to my body and instead of it saying NO F**KIng way are you going back, now it's more like a Ummm NO Not yet. So that is progress



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I was going to ask if you did it during your taper but I see by your sig that you went c/t. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been. I'm doing the Ashton liquid taper and despite taking forever the side effects/symptoms aren't a whole lot worse than when I was at tolerance withdrawal. It's truly unbelievable how long it takes to get off of this fucking drug.
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a few days back swimming made me sleep and have a partial window. Yesterday I walked 7500 steps through out the day (so less than recommondation but still more than I usually do) And I did not sleep, akathesia and a lot of pain now (combination work out not sleeping much is awful)

What are your thoughts about this?

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I also do 3 walks a day and sometimes a dance.. but i don't push it to hard... for the walks sometimes i have to push myself but i feel better afterwards. Walking is Always good when you're in withdrawal i read somewhere. You get vitamine D and some movement which is good for sleep. Sometimes i feel some muscle pain but most of the times not so just go where you feel upto doing and don't push it to far but just enough to go out !

Love Sh x

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My point is we are all different. Someone gave me the advice in here to take it one workout at a time. I think that is the best advice. We know our bodies better than anyone and we have to listen to them. There is way too much evidence that exercise can actually help up in this process more than hurt us. Read John Ratey's book called "Spark." It's available in audio format too.


That is a great book! I read it a few years ago and picked it back up two weekends ago and reread half of it on a sunny Saturday sitting in my back yard. Excellent book.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi fellow exercisers. Does anyone lift weights? I joined the Y about a month ago and started lifting, in addition to my hiking. I absolutely love it! I am getting stronger and more coordinated with each session. The thing Ive found out is that it helps sooo much with anxiety.  :thumbsup:
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Hi All,


Anyone else get calf cramps the night after a good jog or power walk?  Put in a good amount of time at a good rate. Middle of the night woke up to an agonizingly tight calf. 24 hours later, there is still some muscle soreness. Dang that hurt!



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Ouch Ed, no I have not experienced that. I do walk every single day but not more than 45 minutes. I feel like I've been pretty lucky with not getting sore or stiff because I've kept my physical activity as high as possible throughout all of this. I am slammed by mental symptoms more than physical which I've heard tends to be one or the other for all of us.


I hope you feel better but continue to stay active! IT's just so good for us!

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Finally found some upper body exercise that I love doing: Kayaking. Paddled around Lake Union yesterday for a couple hours with a friend. So much fun.


Keep up the good work everyone.

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Finally found some upper body exercise that I love doing: Kayaking. Paddled around Lake Union yesterday for a couple hours with a friend. So much fun.


Keep up the good work everyone.


Is this you  ???..................  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:




Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Wow, Nova. That's exactly where I was, in much the same pose, enjoying the sun. No hat for me, though. It was a most beautiful day.


I think of everyone here often, always wishing you speedy healing and peace in your recovery.

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I posted here about 5 weeks ago about injuries healing slowly...just wondering if this is happening/has happened to anyone else?  After some deep searches on the site, there is a little bit about people having problems with muscle injuries that heal very slowly, but has anyone had issues with joints as well?  My partner is trying to heal from a knee injury (he was finally able to start an exercise routine after nearly 4 years of being housebound/bedridden and now has an MCL injury) and it is going very, very slowly...almost no progress has been made in 5 weeks. 


Any information would be much appreciated!!

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I posted here about 5 weeks ago about injuries healing slowly...just wondering if this is happening/has happened to anyone else?  After some deep searches on the site, there is a little bit about people having problems with muscle injuries that heal very slowly, but has anyone had issues with joints as well?  My partner is trying to heal from a knee injury (he was finally able to start an exercise routine after nearly 4 years of being housebound/bedridden and now has an MCL injury) and it is going very, very slowly...almost no progress has been made in 5 weeks. 


Any information would be much appreciated!!




Hi Cali  :hug: unfortunately healing an takes LOT longer where Benzo  and withdrawal/healing are concerned, and also makes you more prone to injury as well  :( I used to heal any wounds like a super human, even after major surgery now everything takes a LOT longer and I get injured doing  practically nothing as well  :sick: And yes its common too. ::) uggh!



Love Nova xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Wow, Nova. That's exactly where I was, in much the same pose, enjoying the sun. No hat for me, though. It was a most beautiful day.


I think of everyone here often, always wishing you speedy healing and peace in your recovery.




I hope you doing well  :hug: lovely to see your feeling good at this point VEP, I'm glad you posted, I was wondering how you were doing  :)

Keep rowing and growing my friend ;)



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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