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The Dizziness Group: For those who are floating, boating, falling or flying


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Great ideas, Thomas! Another exercise is to stand on one foot, and hold it as long as you can. You can make it harder by closing your eyes.
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Did your guys' dizziness start from the beginning or late onset. I'm 18 months off and mine started 3 weeks ago.
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Mine started right from the beginning, while I was still on the medications. It was the dizziness that led me to find out how the benzodiazepines work. In the medical literature, they are known as "vestibular suppressants", and as such, they interfere with the process of "vestibular compensation", which is your body's way of normalizing balance. It's in the Ear, Nose and Throat medical textbooks.


In the first few pages of this support group, I put up a number of related links, so you can have a look at some of those posts if you want to do a bit of reading on it. Antihistamines and another group of medications, anticholinergics, are also known as vestibular suppressants, and none of them should be taken long term.


The other thing to keep in mind is that there are many neurotransmitters that are involved in the vestibular system. So, any of the meds that affect them (e.g. antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzos, Z-drugs, etc.) can all affect balance. Antibiotics can affect balance too. Really, there are so many meds that can affect it. There's a list of "ototoxic" (toxic to the ears) medication that is very, very long. If anyone is interested, they can do a Google search.


Of course, balance can be affected by other issues, including blood pressure, vestibular illnesses, viruses, etc. If you're not sure what is causing your dizziness, you should get it checked out by an appropriate professional. There are so many possible causes.

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Does anyone get the feeling that they are about to fall off of the bed even if lying in the middle of it?


I am presuming this is a kind of vertigo.


It is a feeling that everything is too bouncy. Even my breathing makes the bed feel like it is bouncing uncontrollably and that I could topple off of it.


It makes it feel like the furniture is not solid on the floor and that everything could topple over or float off.


It is a horrible sensation.

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Hi Ajusta,

Yes, agreed, it is definitely horrible. I can relate to your very good descriptions of what you're experiencing. On the very first page of this thread, I put up a number of descriptive terms that I'd come across on BB from people experiencing this type of sensation. I think this type of dizziness is referred to as "disequilibrium" rather than "vertigo", which usually refers to spinning. However, you'll find that there's lots of inconsistency in that.


Personally, I've never had a spinning sensation, but I'm sure people do get it. There's a type of vertigo called "Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo", which includes spinning and nausea, and one's head position can affect it a lot. It's highly treatable. That seems to be rather different from what most BB people have, which is sometimes called "floaty-boaty dizziness", since people tend to feel like they're on a boat or in a current or something. But yes, I can relate to "bounciness" and to feelings of boatiness even when I'm lying down or sitting. On better days, I can feel relatively okay in sitting or lying, but I still feel floaty-boaty in standing and walking.


I know you're still tapering, so I think it's a matter of taking one day at a time, and just trying to be patient, if possible. If you can stay strong, that will help. Take good care, and please be careful. Use a cane or a walker, if you need to stay safe. Falling is NOT an option!

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Ajusta: I recognize this. It was like the palms, and the soles were stuck in the ceiling. I have seen a drawing on this, here at BB. Then "I fell through the bed". I asked my friend, if I lay on the bed, or on the floor. Saw a TV on the wall, but it was just a hallucination. It was northern lights, with all the colors of the rainbow. All this, happened at the same time, and was a strange feeling.
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Yes, I would say that you're in good company here. Before I ever joined BB, I was reading it as a non-member, and I came across many different threads on dizziness. That's why I eventually joined, actually. I knew the meds were responsible for my dizziness, but I felt really alone with it all. I think it's a pretty common symptom that most people get at some point while taking benzos, tapering or once totally off them.
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Ajusta, is this the whole time? I experienced this, during the acute phase, for 4-5 months. But, then it went over. I hope, it will soon pass you too!  :)
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Translator, it's great news that the dizziness went away for you! Thanks so much for sharing that with everyone here.  :)
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Ajusta, is this the whole time? I experienced this, during the acute phase, for 4-5 months. But, then it went over. I hope, it will soon pass you too!  :)


Great Translator! 👍👍👍

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Hope everyone ok today. I have a question. I’m now at 3 mg Valium abd began tapering 1 mg with DLMT about two weeks ago. Yesterday I woke after a nap in a hot room and I swear it felt like the whole room flipped upside down. I’ve ne we been so scared. I felt lightheaded headed for rest of the day but otherwise okay. This morning I woke up after a not so great sleep and by the time I was at the bathroom I was dizzy, sweating, hadto crawl back into bed and ask husband to get kidsto school. No work either. I’m terrified! Never had anything like this before and I’ve had four surgeries in my left ear. Thisfeels untelated. Wondering if it could be connected to taper? I’m scared to stand up!! Don’t even know what dr I’d call and I dread the rabbit hole. Anybody? I’m so upset. Thanks.

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Hi bluepill,

Can you elaborate on what medication you're taking, please? What is DLMT? Did you switch from Valium/daizepam to this other medication suddenly? Or did you add it in? Is there a doctor following you?


The thing with dizziness is that it can be caused by so many things. It's very common while taking benzos, while tapering and afterwards. It can be caused by many types of medications, but also blood pressure issues, serious illnesses, viruses, inner ear issues, etc. If you're concerned, you should definitely contact your doctor to get his/her advice. There are different types of tests to do when it comes to dizziness, and they're usually carried out by an ENT or related specialist, but the first stop is usually the family doctor.


In the meantime, take it easy, take good care, and if you feel unsafe, sit or lie down. Check the first few pages of this thread for some links to info about benzo-related dizziness. Let us know how it goes, okay?

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Thanks Lapis. Appreciate the fast response. I did read first few pages. Daily Liquid Micro Titration is what DLMT stands for. I started using liquid Valium to taper more steadily 2 weeks ago and am wondering if this may be cause. Other medication is lexapro which I started 2 months ago, bad I know, but it’s helped with sleep and depression and hope is that I could use it to help me through awful taper. I guess I’ll call family dr but I’ve lost all faith in doctors. Depressing g. This s/x, if that’s what it is, in just untenable!
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Aha! Got it! Thanks for the translation. What is the liquid that you use for that DLMT? I'm not familiar with how these things are done.


Both benzos and SSRIs can cause dizziness and disequilibrium, so it can be one or the other or the combination of the two. I took both for a time, and really, I just regret having taken the SSRI. I know it made things worse for me.


What symptoms are you having? Can you relate to the descriptions on the first page of this thread? Lots of people get the floaty-boat type of dizziness, which is what I have. It feels like I'm being pushed and pulled, or like I'm in a strong current. It's very disconcerting, and it makes it hard to walk, stand up, sit down, or just be calm and comfortable in your own skin.

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I agree with Lapis, I took SSRI drug for 3 weeks and my dizziness was really bad because of them. I could not go to the bathroom without taking support fom the walls. I c/t:d SSRI drug and started feeling much better in couple of weeks so dizziness caused by SSRI drug went away. I do not know if minor part of it still present because who knows what are all the causes.
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Lapis thank you. I had no luck with valium, but some limited relief with the new addition of buspirone. My doctor is very understanding but I don't think he grasps just how long recovery can take. Have you had any luck with vestibular balance exercises? I just began them and I sure hope it helps. My doc also took me off a diuretic triamterene hctz  because he thinks that may be a dizziness  contributor.  Hope you have a spin free day, and thank you again.

Hi Joyatlast51!

I take  triamterene hctz  37.5/25 for my HBP. I've been taking it since 2006. Dr said I was on a "baby" dose and it should not cause me to be dizzy.


If you don't mine me asking were you on a higher dose?


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Gardenia, have you tried Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy? There are physiotherapists who can teach you what to do. Perhaps it's worth trying, if you haven't done so. I've done it a number of times, but the last time was during my withdrawal from Prozac, which caused intense dizziness. It sounds like some people are helped by these exercises. I hope others can chime in with their VRT experiences.


I'm doing physical therapy for my BVVP (Vertigo) and it does help.

I found out yesterday that I have a congested ear canal which could very well be contributing to my dizziness and feeing unsteadiness.

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I agree with Lapis, I took SSRI drug for 3 weeks and my dizziness was really bad because of them. I could not go to the bathroom without taking support fom the walls. I c/t:d SSRI drug and started feeling much better in couple of weeks so dizziness caused by SSRI drug went away. I do not know if minor part of it still present because who knows what are all the causes.


When you add another medication into the mix, there can be so many issues. We all metabolize meds differently, and one medication can cause the effects of the other to change. It's unpredictable. Thomas, it's good that you only took that medication for a short time and didn't experience long term issues.


I was on Cymbalta for a short time, then I tapered down, but another doctor wanted me to try Prozac to see if it helped the dizziness. It made it worse, but I only figured out later what was going on. Then I had to taper it slowly, after giving myself a break from my benzo taper. It took so long to go through those processes.


Of course, it's up to each person to decide what to do when it comes to other meds, but people should certainly be made aware of the risks so that they can go into it with eyes wide open. SSRIs have their own withdrawal effects, not to mention side effects.

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Gardenia, have you tried Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy? There are physiotherapists who can teach you what to do. Perhaps it's worth trying, if you haven't done so. I've done it a number of times, but the last time was during my withdrawal from Prozac, which caused intense dizziness. It sounds like some people are helped by these exercises. I hope others can chime in with their VRT experiences.


I'm doing physical therapy for my BPPB (Vertigo) and it does help.

I found out yesterday that I have a congested ear canal which could very well be contributing to my dizziness and feeing unsteadiness.


I'm so glad you're getting good results with the VRT, sadoneme! Good news! My understanding is that it can work quite well for certain types of dizziness.

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Gardenia, have you tried Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy? There are physiotherapists who can teach you what to do. Perhaps it's worth trying, if you haven't done so. I've done it a number of times, but the last time was during my withdrawal from Prozac, which caused intense dizziness. It sounds like some people are helped by these exercises. I hope others can chime in with their VRT experiences.


I'm doing physical therapy for my BPPB (Vertigo) and it does help.

I found out yesterday that I have a congested ear canal which could very well be contributing to my dizziness and feeing unsteadiness.


I'm so glad you're getting good results with the VRT, sadoneme! Good news! My understanding is that it can work quite well for certain types of dizziness.

Thanks it does!

This is my 3rd time in the 12 years I've been on benzos that I have had it.

This time I hope that by getting off of them that it will go away for good as well.


Good luck to you :smitten:

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Lapis and Thomas: The liquid is Diazapam. 1 mg liquid and 2 mg dry. So I am just under 3 which is when it all gets bad. My worst s/x has been freezing hands and fingers (doesn't sound so bad but it is). Rheum told me to forget it and wear gloves. So, doing that--in CA! The vertigo attack happened first time yesterday, after a nap. It was def debilitating--not really floaty but I had to sit down so room stopped spinning. This morning it happened again upon waking--but not as bad---I have felt floaty in-between but functional. I am wondering if maybe it's from crossing to liquid--almost exactly 2 weeks later--so I posted over there- Mixed responses. All I know is that it really scared the heck out of me. I mean, don't know how one could get through the day if that happens a lot. I gotta work and drive kids around. I can't feel like I'm being tossed about in a washing machine. ACK!

Thanks for letting me vent. Of course I/m going straight to brain tumor. Clearly I have health anxiety too.

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Hi bluepill,

See how it goes, but you should definitley consider getting things checked out. There's something called Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), which can manifest with intense vertigo (spinning) and nausea, plus an eye movement symptom called nystagmus. Have a look online to see if the symptoms fit your situation. There's effective treatment for it, so if it's that, help is definitely available. They can do some tests.


With the benzo- and SSRI-related dizziness, it's more difficult to diagnose, because it has more to do with eliminating other possibilities. But yes, it can be very debilitating, so one has to have a lot of patience to get through it.





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Have you guys been dizzy or boaty the whole time or did it hit at some point. I'm 18 months and have had gravity pulling me down and dizziness for a month now.
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Bluepill, I had my spinning moments as well something like 2-3 months back. It was BPPV type of ear problem type of dizziness. It is easy to get checked by doctor and there is manual treatment availabe as Lapis wrote. My spinning went away in couple of days after my doc diagnosed it, showed me how to make treatment called epley maneuver and I followed the instructions given. I think it is worth of checking with your doc.
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