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My Epiphany


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I know I'm a newbie and all, but from all my exhaustive research-I'd like to share.  I watched the video here, and remembered how easily the generic Clonazapam dissolved on my tongue in the past.  So I have begun my descent into "utter hell"..OMG what a horrible drug-half life is close to 90hours, and for each person the nightmare may last 8months to 2years.!  That being said, for many months I've tapered from 4mg to 1mg.  Tonight I have started the water-titraion, which is supposed to be the best.  It's extremely easy to dissolve my new dose of .5.

This is how I did it, no fancy equipment need-just a 30cc syringe-I split the 1mg in two, ran very hot water#2-dropped in the half

swirled it in the very small amount of the hot water #3-pulled the syringe of another batch of water equal to 90cc into my starbucks glass bottle #4-dumped the dissolved Klonapin into bottle, rinsing that glass of hot water it was in, with the least amount of water to get it all, then finally #5-shaked it well in starbucks bottle (with the 90cc water) and presto-drank it all.  I will keep you guys "posted"  I intend on doing this final step for 3-6days.

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