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What a beautiful weekend this is going to be, too bad I feel HORRIBLE.  Started last night around 7:00.  Intense waves of dizziness and the feeling that for a second I'm falling.  Every 10-30 seconds I get another "mini-head rush?"  This is insane.  I somehow got to bed and slept 7-8 hours.  Woke up, started doing my normal chores and realized it was still with me.  Took a shower, had a V8 and some good cereal.  Nothing has changed.  Vision keeps getting blurry, feel like I am completely stoned or drunk or something.  I'm not nervous or revved up, just the opposite.  Very tired and dizzy.  I can't remember ever getting frequent waves off dizziness like this.  I have felt generally dizzy many times before, but it hasn't come in obvious waves like this.  I am supposed to take the little guy bike riding today then start staining a bunch of lumber for my next outdoor project.  Right now I feel like ralphing and going back to bed.  No clue what's going on around me.  This needs to stop, NOW!


ditto on the symptoms, ditto, it needs to stop.  ditto, ditto, ditto.

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My question of the day...

....For those of us caught in this crappy wave...is anyone else shaking like a leaf for some portion of the day?.  This is still so acute like for me.. The mornings are a misery of nausea. dizzines and shake and shudder.. oh...and throw in a good portion of anxiety. It will break for a few minutes and then rev right back up again Yesterday it lifted in the afternoon but this morning it was right back. I am not drinking any coffee at all.  Totally that feeling of, . " please, somebody let me out of my body"..

....thanks buddies.. Wishing all of you  a day of sunbreaks.  .coop


Coop, I'm not getting the shaking, it's the only thing I'm not getting, I think, I still don't have any anxiety-based sx.  but I'm familiar with it because Baylissa's posts at the end, before she healed,, she had the shakes, as I remember.  it has to calm down a little, it can't go at this intensity for four months, it just can't

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Green.. my shakes are a little better this evening.. it is an unbelievable sx.  I can't even zip my sweater or get my mailbox key into the mailbox without trying a time or two. I am half convinced that I have Parkinsons...of course I know that I dont, but this is a wild sx. 
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Mike, it has to be all w/d.. my dizziness is the same except for a sense of falling I get an immediate sinking sensation and the head rush with a wave of nausea. I got a break this afternoon .  It is a hideous feeling. It was actually your post about taking your son for that bike ride that made me dig down deep and deeper for the determination to show up today for my date with my little grandson for his birthday shopping trip. It wasn't easy...I am sure that if it had been for anything except my grandson's birthday date I would have backed out. I am so glad that I didnt.  Your post helped me so much. 

.  .The posts today from those on the healing side have breathed hope back into me too.  We are on our way dear friend.  coop


Yes, hideous, that's exactly what type of feeling it is.  I wish I never had to feel what I've been feeling, but at the same time it helps me empathize with people like yourself who have been dealing with this side effect.  So many times I have heard about intense dizziness, nausea....etc....but it really didn't mean very much to me until now. 


That's excellent to hear you made it to your grandsons today.  Love it!  Keep pushing yourself if you can.  As uncomfortable as it can be, I really believe it heals something else within us that has nothing to do with our actual heal date.  Our confidence. 

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Holy crap, the lurker finally reached 100 posts after 19 months, hahahaha.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I always felt surprised when people say they had been following this thread!  I think I used to think of this thread as more private than it is....like no one other than those of us who posted regularly would be much interested in it.


Suddenly twelve people we have never heard of post and claim they have been lurking since 1995......

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Holy crap, the lurker finally reached 100 posts after 19 months, hahahaha.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I always felt surprised when people say they had been following this thread!  I think I used to think of this thread as more private than it is....like no one other than those of us who posted regularly would be much interested in it.


Suddenly twelve people we have never heard of post and claim they have been lurking since 1995......


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Hi all...I had a good night. I went over a friends house to watch the boxing match.  I haven't seen most of them for two years. They all said I looked and sounded really good.  It was nice to go to a party w screaming kids and other chaos and not have many symptoms.  No head stuff just minor anxiety.  I remember the last time I was there my brain was frying.  It just felt good to be almost normal. 

I also did cbt to help alleviate my fear of that crazy head pain.  It really helped and allowed me to put the ER visit a little further behind me.


One of my friends is a nurse in a facility for elders w dementia.  She is nauseated by how they just give benzos and AD's out to all of them basically upon admittance.  She is looking to get out of that and be more of a holistic nurse to fight the machine.


That is so awesome to hear!!!  High five!!!  :thumbsup:


I love reading posts about social adventures.  The more of them that get posted the better.  I try to get out there and do normal things as much as I can, it's good for us to hear about others pushing themselves into those situations.  Really happy for you Drew!  What is your age if you don't mind me asking?  37 here.  (and so eager to get back to hanging with the guys)



Mike-I'm 46 and I mysteriously fell off the earth 3 years ago.  Just getting back.  :laugh:

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Green.. my shakes are a little better this evening.. it is an unbelievable sx.  I can't even zip my sweater or get my mailbox key into the mailbox without trying a time or two. I am half convinced that I have Parkinsons...of course I know that I dont, but this is a wild sx.


Coop, glad the shakes are a little better.  Now I'm worried this is not the great mother of all waves because I'm not shaking.  I've got plenty of other stuff, though :crazy:


Funny, you said before you couldn't wait for Chianti and calm spaghetti.  I love your spellcheck.  It was clam, wasn't it?


The dizzy/spin feeling, not good.

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HH-glad to read your updates. Very inspiring. Btw-I gag often in the am when brushing my teeth. Doesn't everyone w anxiety? :D


I had another good day. I had rehearsal, went and renewed my cannabis card, hiked my 3.5 miles, bbq scallops, had a short talk w my fiancé about supporting me during rare meltdowns which went well, and noticed my cog fog and most of head symptoms like low level headaches are strangely absent.  Think my gluten free diet is really helping w head stuff. 


Hope everyone gets out of the soup. 



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Oneday--Many posts on, sorry!  You will be Super Man!!!!  Nothing femmy about your post  :D, I just had you mixed up with somebody else's name, I guess.


For the people lurking for positive posts, I FELT PERFECTLY FINE TODAY.  This is after yesterday afternoon having the oh-no-I'm-going-to-die heart racing all afternoon.


Driving home from the beach with my husband, it seemed like a perfect happy ending.  Only trouble with this is, I've had a lot of windows like this, only to get yanked back down.  But at this point I'm just trying to go with calling a good day good and enjoying it!


FinallyJoining, 20 months out. (28 from opioids)

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Green.  Not to worry.  Nova said he is not getting the shakes either. I think HH and Sas were the only ones who said they are shaking and trembling too. If this is not the mother of all late healing I am throwing in the towel...jk.. but this one took the few drops of determination that I had on reserve

....yes.  heehe...I meant clam sauce spaghetti.. although I wish someone would invent 'calm' spaghetti...maybe just pour the chianti directly into the sauce. ..


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HH-- so great to hear from you! I'm in month 19 and I would say my anxiety has been debilitating since month 15 - I'm going on 5 months of this. I sure hope I follow your healing pattern and month 20 will be better for me. I had a pool party to go to today, was sick all day-- nervous, anxious, wanting to just crawl out of my skin.. I got through it somehow, we were there for 5 hours. I've been nauseous all day today too, everyone was offering me food and I would take two bites and pass it to my husband-- just couldnt eat, too nervous. The odd part is, I'm fine around people i mean I look/act calm and normal but I'm crazy anxious on the inside.
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Jenny...this is exactly what I have been experiencing for most of the last 2 months. The anxiety is toxic and feels chemical and just goes on forever. I took my daughter to the bookstore yesterday and just wanted to run out of there the whole time. She thought I was doing ok and having a good time. The toxic anxiety is so different than what I have had throughout. Are you shaking and trembling. I can't eat either...nothing. I did have some luck with thick potato chips ( Ruffles) and Gator Aide.  I never eat potato chips but those and soda crackers helped. ... So sorry you are going through this Jenny.  It is just about inpossible...I did get a break this afternoon....Can't believe you held it together for 5 hours...Wishing you some rest and Peace from this....coop
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Coop, thank you  :smitten: this anxiety is crazy, its just nonstop all day. I'm home now ready for bed, and I'm still want to crawl out of my skin. It lasts all day?! How is that even possible?
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Jenny, yep mine too ( although tonight, after weeks of it it is not quite as bad).  It starts the minute I get up.  At first it would only set in after I had been up for awhile.. It's been screaming crazy. Nova has it too...cycling all day for him too. Are you getting the shaking too? ...This can't just keep going .

  I have nothing that helps.  nothing . Just getting through it...extremely exhausting...I am sleeping at night...how about you?...Jenny I am thinking of you and hoping you get a break very soon....coop

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Coop, no I don't have the shaking.. Not yet anyway. My sleep is good right now.  Mine starts the moment I wake up too. Ive been very depressed from all this, I don't know how I can keep going on like this.. I try meditation, but when I'm this worked up it does not help at all.. Coop, I'm thinking about you too, and praying we get a break from this very soon.
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Jenny, coping strategies didn't help me either. I just rolled myself up in my blankets in my bed and tried to endure it ,but I don't have 2 little boys to care for. Hot packs to the back of my neck helped a little, but I think it was just the comfort of the warmth.  It is depressing because it doesn't let up and nothing helps it. The only reassuring thing about this is that so many of us are hit with it right now.  It is clearly ( imo) w/d.  It will eventually fade, but it took all my courage to keep going... at least we are sleeping.  ..coop
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Hi Coop .. I got some sleep and woke up in the soup ... anxiety, dizzy, shaky, just very out of sorts ...


Just doesn't make any sense ... and same as you, nothing makes any difference ... we just keep slogging through ...

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Jenny and Green ... sorry to hear you are still "in the soup" ... we just endure and get through this ...  :smitten:
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brutal anxiety this morning. I'm just struggling to get out the door to work. Days like this I wish I didn't go back yet. Hopefully I'll feel better once there. I'm encouraged that HH is doing so much better. Lets just get through this purgatory so we can join in the healing.
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Green.. my shakes are a little better this evening.. it is an unbelievable sx.  I can't even zip my sweater or get my mailbox key into the mailbox without trying a time or two. I am half convinced that I have Parkinsons...of course I know that I dont, but this is a wild sx.


Coop, glad the shakes are a little better.  Now I'm worried this is not the great mother of all waves because I'm not shaking.  I've got plenty of other stuff, though :crazy:


Funny, you said before you couldn't wait for Chianti and calm spaghetti.  I love your spellcheck.  It was clam, wasn't it?


The dizzy/spin feeling, not good.


I love calm spaghetti with clams. We all want the same things you see, even your spellchecker Coop !

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brutal anxiety this morning. I'm just struggling to get out the door to work. Days like this I wish I didn't go back yet. Hopefully I'll feel better once there. I'm encouraged that HH is doing so much better. Lets just get through this purgatory so we can join in the healing.


Sas, be brave, the anxiety is awful. I am having some today. It makes me stomach ache, how is that even possible, but there you are, how weird.


HOpe it gets better at work, I know it gets better for me when I work but then, a second later it returns.


HH's post is very encouraging, I bookmarked it for darker moments.  I really appreciate it when  a healed buddy takes the time to post about their normal life.


Today is rather calm for me but I have the anxiety and then, I am having a harder time writing, which is always very frustrating, that's why I post less. 


I am going to have lunch now, speak later.

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HH-- so great to hear from you! I'm in month 19 and I would say my anxiety has been debilitating since month 15 - I'm going on 5 months of this. I sure hope I follow your healing pattern and month 20 will be better for me. I had a pool party to go to today, was sick all day-- nervous, anxious, wanting to just crawl out of my skin.. I got through it somehow, we were there for 5 hours. I've been nauseous all day today too, everyone was offering me food and I would take two bites and pass it to my husband-- just couldnt eat, too nervous. The odd part is, I'm fine around people i mean I look/act calm and normal but I'm crazy anxious on the inside.


Jenny, the anxiety is awful but I think it's great that you were able to push yourself. And it's great you are able to look normal ! We look far better than we feel, that's all there is to it.


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