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Well...Belau...my dad is convinced by his docs he cant have any anxiety or racing thoughts left over by the opiates he withdrew from thirty days ago.  he is now going to take lexapro which is better than the benzos but it is so frustrating.  I told him to just go do it because if he believes the dr's then go with that theory.  I can't help someone who trusts their dr.s word like that.  It is what it is.  At least it's not the xanax and if it he believes it will help it will help him mentally. 


Well drew, we can talk and try to explain to people till we are blue in the face...but until they are open to listening what we are saying...then they have to have it their way.

Yes, we were taught to listen and learn from the docs...they have an education in the medical field...therefore they must know what they are talking about....people fall victim to this way of thinking.

We need doctors...yes..we need medicine...yes..but we don't need close minded..egotistical...under educated docs prescribing drugs to patients that they have no education in, ....the risks, dependence, withdrawal.

All of this is a world wide epidemic...to which I see no end. They like to prescribe and practice...but don't listen..and I mean really really listen to their patients.


At least your dad isn't taking a benzo...thank god!!!! Maybe your dad will be ok with the lexapro...short term. You're a good son looking after him the way you do...and it has to be hard ...of everything you're going thru yourself. I nominate you for "the son of the year "award.

If we can keep getting the word out of the dangers of these drugs...a lot more people would hopefully not ingest them. :smitten:


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At ER.  Was in a meeting n hit crazy new pain deep in head.  Freaked out.  Client was concerned.  Nurse not concerned about strike cause no major symptoms on admitted.  Pushing bentos like crazy      Trying to calm myself.  Eye feels weird
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Drew ... I have recently experience a deep head pain ... travels from neck, up over ear and then to temple ... it is deep feeling ... this has happened three times ...


First time freaked me out ... and I do not have headaches ... if yours is similar I would suspect stress, tension, that sort of thing ...


Hope everything checks out ...

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Hold on Drew,.. I have had wierd head pains as well...from internal head...heavy 'blow ' like pressure and pain.  Sometimes in temple. Sometimes from top of my head down the back to neck..

.....You will be greatly reassured to have the evaluation.. My eyes have been hurting as well . ..

....I am thinking of you.  We all are.  Keep us posted...we live you...coop

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Drew, I was hit with another one of these today as well!  Maybe once a month, maybe less, I'll get a searing pain on top of my head where our soft spots used to be, otherwise it'll happen above an ear or a temple.  Hurts like hell, comes on lightning quick, scares the shit outta me.  I don't know what an aneurysm feels like, but in my mind it would feel like that.  Like vessel pressure pain or something....  Sometimes lasts a few hours, sometimes all day, like today.  Hurts really bad to comb or push on that spot.  I think it's just a nerve flaring up or something.  Tomorrow I won't feel a thing there.....which is amazing since these things can feel like a really bad bruise too.  So mysterious.


Get your eval, try to calm down.....already a couple of us have shared the same type of story.  Hope that provides some reassurance you'll be ok.  Be well my friend.

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Mike, yes.  L8ke a bruise on the I side of the te.0le. I just posted a couple of posts last night to ITSMYLIFE over on the post recovery board...I tho k under the ' eye pain' subject I started...You are a hero for refusing the benzos.  Maybe they could give you something like benedryl or another non benzo calm down med. I can't imagine being in er without something to help the anxiety of just being there...I am supporting you Drew.. coop
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I'm calm now. Just waiting on the results of scan.  My fiancé is upset w me for ending up at ER plus I feel humiliated I had to leave client meeting. The client suggested I go to ER.  Wish fiancé was more understanding. 
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At ER.  Was in a meeting n hit crazy new pain deep in head.  Freaked out.  Client was concerned.  Nurse not concerned about strike cause no major symptoms on admitted.  Pushing bentos like crazy      Trying to calm myself.  Eye feels weird


Drew, I have head pain all along and I never had head before.

Try to do the self talk...talk it down....it's withdrawal and you have weird symptoms.

Breathe slowly and deep...you know the drill. :smitten:

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This was a very sharp and fast pain that was deep inside my head and then went to my eye. Freaked me out.  Settled now. It only lasted maybe three seconds but the damage was done on my coping ability.
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Btw-every doc and nurse look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I still have symptoms one year out.  It's unfathomable how not one person knows about this.
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Drew ... this can be very frustrating right now ... you are the one that is important ... and yes, the feeling of humiliation shows up, and is probably not useful ...


Watching how goofy some docs are around this benzo stuff may be a helpful distraction right now ...  >:D


And the pain thing can be very frightening in the moment ... you are doing what you need to do ...  ;)

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Hi all...I'm fine...the test would have shown tumors, aneurysms, etc.... 


God that was scary


Oh...they said it wouldn't show ms and the like but I'm not concerned.

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Drew...do not waste one mili second feeling anything negative about going to er. You did exactly the right thing. I have been in the doctor's office every single Friday this month. Nobody gives a whit what the doctors and nurses think. They are notoriously gifted and not listening and not believing pts.  It doesn't matter what they think. How many of them do you wanna bet are on an antianxiety or antidep. themselves.  Every single one of us knows exactly what you are going through...I am sorry your gf doesn't understand.  How can she....she doesn't live in your body. ...

....This is how I view trips to the er and urgent care.  First of all that's what they are there for.  The reassurance that comes from an er visit takes so much stress off of us and allows us to let go of some of the fear. Much better a trip to er than a rescue dose or reinstatement.  ..I would have done exactly the same thing ....and have.  You are doing what most can not... getting off benzos....you should be so proud...coop

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Drew,...Happy Happy for you.  Now...that is a health fear that you can put to rest. And if you get a migraine again ever you have the reassurance that it was none of the things you worried about. This er visit will go miles and miles towards reducing some health fear. I would sign up for every test known to man if I wasn't afraid of the tests themselves. 

...Go home and rest.  .and have a good weekend.  Love to you buddy.. coop

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yes..very true on the health anxiety being put to rest on brain stuff.  they may pop up when the symptoms hit me again but I now know there is nothing deadly going on.  Oh my do teh surprises in this journey ever end?  I was so sure of myself(not cocky) that I had experienced it all and here is another surprise.  I am a bit shell shocked but not too much as I don't feel stupid for going on that.  If I didn't go that would have freaked me out to no end.  spoke to client and he was very understanding.  Told him it was related to my migraines.  GF seems better and I will explain later as best I can that it is rare but once in a while all bets are off in this mess and we need to see someone ASAP to get reassurance.  Nothing more than that and nothing less.  Whew...thanks all...lots of love as always.  Leaving work now(came back) and off to food shop and then a well deserved nap. I am not dwelling on this and looking on it as a regualar dr appt with a test that turned out well.     
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Coop ... how are you doing? ...


Spent most of the day sitting on my bum ... took the day off ... still floating in and out of this stuff ...

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Good for you Drew ... when we need that reassurance we need it now ... it doesn't happen often ... have a good evening ...
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Drew, glad everything checked out fine. I lived at the ER in my first withdrawal.

It's always best to get checked out...if for nothing else...peace of mind. :thumbsup:

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I was also at the doctor's office this morning to check out the breathing issue. ...and I still felt like death this morning after I got up.  Sick.  nauseous, shaky, trembly, dizzy, anxious and scared. POT-sy, .. head pressure, etc. ...on the edge of health fear panic.  Couldn't do the chest x-rayvbecause the tech. was out. My doctor is so great. He explained to ME how one dose of v potentiates w/d sx.  He explained once again that when you take one dose of v after w/d it more than likely will give you w/d sx for the next week or so. If you take a dose of v on one day and another on the next day you at some point ( probably 12 hours from second dose) are actually getting hit with the weight of both doses and add another 6-10 days to the w/d sx you just triggered. ...After really listening to me and doing a pretty decent objective exam he explained .. again, that even though I took only one dose of 2.5 v 2 weeks ago ,I could continue with triggered w/d sx for another 3 or 4 weeks. because your brain thinks you are in w/d again. I really don't understand alk of what he said..  but I believe him because that's exactly how I feel...back in w/d. He further cautioned me about adjunct meds "such as Wellbutrin...unless I still felt bad each day for the next month...and told me to come in every other day for a 'check in' if I got scared about about sx...This guy is so good and eccentric...and smart ( I don't understand half of what he tells me).. and he gets it....except the 18-24 month timeline.  he is totally convinced that my continuing sx are solely related to the rescue dose...of course I think it's both....rescue dose ..and not healed yet). 

.  ..So I guess that makes 2 of us feeling reassured again because of a worried visit to the doctor.  Was worth it to me.

....The breathing thing?.  .I am still going for the x-ray next Tuesday to r/o lung cancer, COPD, lung embolism, missing lung etc etc. ..hehe....coop


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Nova, you and me and Green.  Just mowed down. I think we are doing the right thing...listening to our bodies.  If the body says " give it a rest".. best to listen up. Some days our job in life is to just heal.  ...I ate today.  Half a sandwich and gingerale....didn't get sick....still dizzy, but not sick. Still on the bed watching the Waltons but not as pathetic as yesterday but I am not pushing it. Another 5 pounds gone, but I feel the cravings for ice cream coming back.  Will take me about 5 minutes to get those 5 pounds b a k

....Nova...just keep your bum planted until you feel better.  Trying to rush the wave is like trying to move moutains. 

We have been working so hard without breaks for 18 months, if not more, how could we not be tired and completely worn down....The Waltons are having a Walton Christmas in the woods.. they are all so pure and kind and understanding to each other in working out thier problems...I want to slap each one of them....coop

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Coop ... you make me laugh ... yep ... going out and slapping a Walton ...  :laugh:


If nothing else, at least we seem to be sleeping ... tomorrow is another day ...


Go get that ice cream ...

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I am going to eat ice cream...Sit on your patio Nova and enjoy the sun.. in a few more days you will be rambling around again.. maybe not shooting right out there for 4 hours.. Today, your split pea soup sounds wonderful....get the Fed-X.....coop
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Very very encouraging post on first topic on post-re over board...by Tina..." It really does get better".. practically a success story ...at about 22 months if I read the signature line right..  Happy reading all....everytime I try to cut and pate it gets knarled....coop
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Coop ... the soup was really good ... and had a sausage with it ...


Going down to the farmer's market tomorrow ... need eggs and stuff and another chicken ... will see how that goes ... I really am getting a bit stir crazy ... and I do stop when I need to stop ... there will be lot's of pleasant tomorrows ...

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