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Sorry to read that coop about your panic.  Peeling all those chickpeas has made my fingers, hands, and forearms sore.  Not kidding. Who uses their fingers in a rolling motion for 1 hour straight.  Add that I have a sore shoulder from whipping my olive oil mayo.  I tell my gf remind me when I'm sore from this in the next day or two what it's from and not to freak out. When I'm anxious I connect all these dots that don't exist or add up to anything.  Hmmm...sore fingers and sweats...must equal death. Lol  :crazy:aren't we a silly bunch. 


Sweating isn't my usual thing or a whole night of revving thank goodness. I really think it's the steroid cream that revved me but who knows anymore.  It is what it is and it will pass. Think panic will stay at bay. Did all can't stuff and meditated.  Wish I could nap cause lack of sleep ain't helping.  Off to a warm bath.


I also felt really good this weekend so I jogged a few miles on Saturday and did a decent hike on Sunday. My body is all over sore and fatigued.

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Drew...well in spite of immenent death from cooking exhaustion ..you sound like you are more than managing...a muscle relaxing bath should keep the anxiety in its own lane.

.....have a good night Drew. ...coop 

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Thank you Coop, Nova, and Beulah!

I can't believe at 19 months I'm still dealing with this much physical pain... Ridiculous! I haven't been able to exercise for the last 4 days which is making my mood even worse..

Coop, Epsom salt baths help but its short lived...

Btw-- has anyone ever broken out in a sweat after a Epsom salt bath? I know its suppose to detox, but the last few baths I took broke me out in a sweat..

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Jenny...everything is making me sweat lately. I thought I had fevers breaking at night from sickness but  I'm sweating after a bath with and without epsom salt, eating, sleeping..it's weird.

I'm eating more garlic and drinking ginger tea...that could be contributing to the sweats...but I don't know.


The weather here is cool so I know it's not weather related.

I guess it could be a good  thing...sweating out toxins....just uncomfortable.


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Btw-I'm amazed every time as soon as I get walloped my brain tells me I'm going to be stuck like this. My rational brain knows I won't be but benzo brain is pure evil.  Just being mellow on the couch and waiting for bedtime in a few hours.
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Well...low and behold I'm getting a cold sore outbreak.  That may have contributed to my increase in symptoms and the other steroid cream might be coincidental.  The herpes virus hangs out in our nerves and sets off the cns when active.  Oy!  Had this before but it is hard to tell from benzo. Same stuff... Increased nerve pain, burning patches, and tingling.  Also heavy legs and revved sleep. Fucking yay!  All I can do is laugh so I don't cry.  Got that sexy lip look for the next week :smitten:
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Drew.  You are so funny...I know it's not at all funny, but your humor puts a little different spin on this that we can use. ...

..sorry about the cold sore...Glad it wasn't a panic or migraine......carry on Drew...you are getting there...coop

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Coop-I'm really sick and tired of everything effecting my nervous system!  Migraine, herpes type 1, and benzos. Argh!!!!    Everything is multiplied in withdrawal.  Just tired of it all like everyone else here.  :smitten:
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Drew...I know...I didn't at all mean to laugh at what you are experiencing...just your expression..

...It is all so tedious and exhausting...I know exactly what you mean, I was talking to my little grandson on the phone tonight. His sweet little voice just filled my heart with happiness....which immediately triggered anxiety...that awful over sensitive cns that you talk of...where even positive emotions trigger crappy sx

  ...If I minimized your frustration in my reply it was so unintentional and I apologize....coop

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Jenny & Beulah - I too, have terrible muscle pain and cramping. Only mine is in my butt and abdomen. My benzo Belly actually gets muscle cramps.  The only thing that helps is lying down. So I spend more time in bed than before. Will not in bed, but on the sofa.  Of course, I still have that boaty feeling 24/7. I'm actually getting used to it after all this time.  When will this ever end. I'm going to be 70 in May and I given almost 3 years to this withdrawal counting the taper. That's too much time at this time in my life.


Ok, I've whined enough. Hope we all feel better tomorrow.



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My allergies got way better after stopping pain killers 3 years ago....since quitting xanax no allergies at all.  This is the second spring with zero problems (so far) and I used to have to take Claritin all spring and summer in years past.  Just my .02


I too had awful allerigies with benzos and I thought I was saddled with them for life. But, as soon as I Ctd they all got better. I have something now and then but nothing compared to the debilitating allergies  I had before, so at least that is a plus.


Yesterday my day got worse and worse. Started having head pain, it was like something was being put  through my brain and it was awful and kept me from distracting. Then,  I started getting passing pains in what felt like my ovaries and private parts.


I was screaming in pain.


I was so bad and I could not even drag myself to the computer and complain, the pain was too strong. I had sweats, and they stink so much and then, my light sensitivity was back.


The worst day in over a year.


Yesterday i could not help thinking that I can't go through this again next month, it's related to my period. Every period is getting worse, much worse. But yesterday was unbearable and there is no way out.


I just took my Baylisssa book and started doing some of the relief techniques to at least stop the fear.

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Korbe and Sky...I couldn't sympathize with you more today

The butt and female pain is horrid...it was my very first withdrawal symptom.

I was in bed for almost four months laying on my sides because I could not sit or lye on my butt.

The female pain set in and It was so painful that it felt like my organs were falling out of me.

I thought I had some prolapse going on...I was checked and I didn't.

I was sent to pelvic floor pt....no relief ...just more pain.

Didn't know at the time that any of the pain I was experiencing was withdrawal.

While I still have some of these symptoms...it is so much better.

You are not alone in this....it does get better.


Sending you both big hugs. :smitten:



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Korbe, ...I am 65 ...like you I feel that it is outright depressing the years that benzos have gobbled up . I can only think that I will never have tolerance or w/d again and things will get better from here...This is what I know...10 days ago I was given 2.5 v in my doctor's office for panic and elevated b/p...except for a 2 hour moderate relief from my panic sx ,I have felt acute sx since.. I can only go through to to move forward... I hope you start feeling better...I hope we all feel better....I thought I would be much better by now.. Hoping for all of us....coop
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Sky...my heart is with you.. .I am so sorry that you are feeling so dreadful...I don't know how any of us do this day after day with the hope of 'someday' being better. It gets the best of me sometimes and I can't help but think enough is enough. Then I think of all of you here slogging through the same fight without giving up.  I think of Beulah's story ...and HH's story every morning when I wake up...I think of every one on this thread.  I want Drew and Beulah's Island Healing Commune

....Sky...I am thinking of you and sending love.....coop

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Oh no....I meant my post to be funny.  Puhleeease....if we lose our humor through this we're finished.


BINGO!  Humor is the only thing that keeps me from setting my face on fire and putting it out with an ax!!!  :laugh:

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Mike...well, there's an image.  Lol. .sounds about right...

....Put away the matches and tell us how you are doing. I hope the worst of your wave has passed..


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Good morning all...I feel better this am so I am hoping it was a one off day for now but I will ahve to deal with whatever the day brings me.


Sky-so sorry to read what pain you have. 


Everyone else...carry on in our journey as well as you can. :smitten:

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Korbe, ...I am 65 ...like you I feel that it is outright depressing the years that benzos have gobbled up . I can only think that I will never have tolerance or w/d again and things will get better from here...This is what I know...10 days ago I was given 2.5 v in my doctor's office for panic and elevated b/p...except for a 2 hour moderate relief from my panic sx ,I have felt acute sx since.. I can only go through to to move forward... I hope you start feeling better...I hope we all feel better....I thought I would be much better by now.. Hoping for all of us....coop


Coop, do you think the acute sx ever since are from the valium? 

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Oh no....I meant my post to be funny.  Puhleeease....if we lose our humor through this we're finished.


BINGO!  Humor is the only thing that keeps me from setting my face on fire and putting it out with an ax!!!  :laugh:


my personal favorite was:  unzip my skin so my soul could run screaming down the street.  that said it all for me!  I know ppl forget this, or so they say, but I'm thinking more and more about it, remembering things I forgot, how bad it was.  I hope I never, ever forget.  I don't want to.  because there's always going to be some well meaning doctor very happy to hand out a script.  It doesn't matter if you tell them you had a problem.  they will still give you a prescription.  it's on me to remember this. :thumbsup:

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Hi, everyone.  Finally caught a little break.  I don't know how long it will last, maybe only hours, so I need to get out and do a few things I've let go.  I haven't read the last few pages, but i'm hearing comments that you're not doing so well, Sky.  Hope you get a break, even a little one, soon.


Guys, this is so unbelievably challenging, so far out. Why does it seem so hard?  We've been through worse.  It's tedious, getting by minute to minute sometimes.  I'm really good at distracting and putting one foot in front of the other and gently pushing, but it's hard right now!


Anyway, I've got this little sunbreak, so I'm off for some groceries.  feels like my brain unlocked?  it was frozen in a miserable place.

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Well, Beulah told me that v can hit you with sx 10 days after a single rescue dose...yesterday was day 10...I belive her. I don't know why I am feeling so bad this past 6 weeks. I have 2 or 2 decent days or half days. I am in bed again with dizziness, mild nausea and tinnitus. I haven't had tinnitus since early acute. I just know that today I feel like I have bad flu..  It could be my Meniers which I think was triggered by the eye exams..  I am seeing my doctor again on Friday to r/o stuff....Who knows...I am just sick ...I can get the dog out a few times a day and then I am back in bed...Sat. was good.. had some hours of feeling normal...and that was that.. crap since then....This is no way to live.

.....Sorry for the whine...I can't find my positive today.. except for being so grateful for everyone on this thread.  coop

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