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Beulah ... if I could catch the critter I would take the batteries out of the beast ... whoever put those duracells in there should be spoken to, with feeling ...




I would lock the critter up and throw away the key..for all the tricks he's played on me.


Glad you are feeling a bit better.

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Hi all...hope some of you are having a better day.  I am in the soup a bit but I think I know why.  I ate out and accidentally ingested some gluten in soy sauce.  Didn't think I was so sensitive but I had intense stomach pain within thirty minutes and my tummy went bad.


Do you have Celiac disease? 

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Nope...but I definitely have a sensitivity to gluten which I never had before tapering(or I just didn't recognize it since I always felt bad). On an interesting note I always complained to my GF beer would clog my sinuses up.


I actually think this revving is from the steroid cream buy maybe the gluten.  Regardless keeping both out of diet and off skin.  My migraines are down a lot since giving up gluten.  Also, muscle and nerve pain way less.   

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Nova...nope...you are not alone in this..none of us are..Glad to hear that it is moving along...I understand the lingering " on edge"....tires us out .. Yep, I thought I would be getting some of my former life back by now. ..but still coddling these sx along. I do thing I am doing more than I did last year but the mental sx are much worse. The eye exams this month totally set me back...On the up side...yesterday afternoon I had a few hours of window.. no anxiety for awhile...was a little look into what life will be when this is done. ..Today...more anxiety and like you Nova, feeling just on the edge...barely distracting. ...But another day closer ...

.....Nova.  I hope your day continues to settle. .  coop

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Hi Coop ... was nodding off so tried to sleep for a bit ... and tried and tried and tried ... slept made 30 mins ... oh well ...


Good to hear you got a bit of respite ... seems my stuff had dialed down some, waiting to see if there is another encore ...

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Hey you guys..I was doing some reading on here and it seems a lot of people's symptoms are worse because of spring allergies...and some have never had them before.



I have never had seasonal allergies in all my life...till now. I think all of this congestion and fluid is all withdrawal related...but does it make us more sensitive to pollen, ragweed and the others?


What do you guys think?

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Beulah ... my "congestion" and "faux asthma" showed up in late December after the first cold I have had in years ... it was a humdinger, lasted three weeks ... and my wife is experiencing the same process ...


The "sensitivity" issue would not surprise me ...

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I notice I now have seasonal allergies.  Again, I may have had this stuff all along but since I always felt crappy as long as I can remember I'm not sure about anything anymore.  :idiot:  Anyone else feel like this?   
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My allergies got way better after stopping pain killers 3 years ago....since quitting xanax no allergies at all.  This is the second spring with zero problems (so far) and I used to have to take Claritin all spring and summer in years past.  Just my .02
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I've had allergies my whole life, got hit about a month ago and was so sick.. It definitely hit me way harder than it normally would have-- I was bedridden for a few days..
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I think everything is multiplied in benzoland.  If you had a slight sensitivity it is now a major one until complete healing time.
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Sky...I am also experiencing a kind of ' regression' of ability to endure sx ...mental and physical stamina just like a balloon deflsting. ..The only thing I can think is that we are just worn down from months and months of enduring and coping. ...Like you, I am needing extra rest...after months of not being in bed during the day, this month I have had several days of being in bed in the afternoon ...Sky, I think this is all part of late healing ...I also still have days where my concentration is not good enough to read...other days..no problem. ...We are going to get through this....we all are...sending you love....coop
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Couldn't agree more Coop, I'm having a lot more days in bed.. I think I spent most of yesterday in bed-- just exhausted. I have noticed though that when I'm in a window I feel better than ever-- way better windows than last year.
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Thanks guys...I think you are all right...it can be benzo withdrawal related or not...probably depending on how sensitive we all are and our weakened immune systems.


I've been blessed to not having many headaches in my lifetime ...I've never had a migraine..don't know what it feels like..but many people I know suffer with them and I hear how painful they can be.


This past year I can't remember one day without a headache...they range from moderate to severe..I do know they are withdrawal headaches because I never had them before.

I think in withdrawal ..anything is possible.

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Hi Jenny.....well.. as much as I don't want any of us to have this fatigue, it's reassuring to know that I am not the only one. And yes.. me too, my normal days are more normal and my windows are almost like my life used to be...not as much as that kind of window euphoria.  just absolutely normal.  Like w/d never happened.. Hoping for more of those.. .

....How are you doing today?.  This can not be over soon enough.  Hope you are getting some sunbreaks.  coop

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Beulah ... anything IS possible ... this is such a "foreign" land ... and add to that we are all unique ... and despite everything - we are getting there ...  :smitten:
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Hi Jenny.....well.. as much as I don't want any of us to have this fatigue, it's reassuring to know that I am not the only one. And yes.. me too, my normal days are more normal and my windows are almost like my life used to be...not as much as that kind of window euphoria.  just absolutely normal.  Like w/d never happened.. Hoping for more of those.. .

....How are you doing today?.  This can not be over soon enough.  Hope you are getting some sunbreaks.  coop



Hi coop,

My muscles are just in a lot of pain.. I get cramps in my calves at night when I sleep, so they are just so tight-- it's hard to walk, feels like they could tear they are so tight. Tons of muscle weakness too... I'm very fatigued too, anxiety is gone.. For now. How are you feeling ?

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Hi all...survived this revving so far without panics but I'm close.  I finished a meeting where I was starting to drip sweat.  Ugh!  Last night I was sweating like crazy too.  I keep getting these heat flushes or something. Trying not to let it scare me.  Will meditate now.
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Coop ... I had a couple of respite hours around noon ... so for a couple of hours I am sitting here thinking ... "what the hell just happened" ... and it really did not make any sense ...


And ... now I am back in it again ... not revving ... just sort of a malaise feeling with all the stuff circling around ...  :crazy:


My wife has gone to bed early, trying to get a decent sleep, after two nights of broken sleep and spending so much time with me ... and I am sitting here .. humming to myself ... watching nerves fire randomly in my arms and stomach and legs ... staring out the window wondering who wrote this script and why am I living it ...


And sometimes wondering when I am going to wake up ... there is some kind of weird disconnect here ...


Oh well, for the umpteenth time ... it is what it is until it isn't ...



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Hi Jenny ... the tightness and contractions are, pardon the pun, a real pain ... and the sensation of weakness is crazy making ...


Hell, this whole thing is crazy making ... hope you get some relief soon ...  :smitten:

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Jenny...so glad you don't have the anxiety.. hope your muscle pain let's up...does anything help it.  dumb question, if there was you would have done it.  ...feel better....coop
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Jenny..the muscle and nerve pains in my legs are still my worst symptom.

This might be my longest lasting symptom..it sure feels like it might be.

I feel like when my legs heal...it's time to celebrate!!


In Windows the pain is still there ..just a little better...the squeezing tight feeling never leaves.


Even though we know all of this will get better...it's still hard to live with.

Feel better.




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I notice I now have seasonal allergies.  Again, I may have had this stuff all along but since I always felt crappy as long as I can remember I'm not sure about anything anymore.  :idiot:  Anyone else feel like this? 


Yes!!!! >:(

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Drew, .. I had a mini panic today..it was brief but the lingering anxiety has hung on all day. Like you, I felt it circling last night...started with dizziness.  Hold on ...you are so good with the CBT and meditation...I hope it dies out without landing....My warning for panic is always dizziness.  Do you get the sweating as a warning? ...Go peel some more garbanzos to ward it off...jk ...that is one of the best benzo w/d stories I have ever heard...take care Drew....hoping you side step the anxiety attack....coop
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