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Nova, when you say revving do you mean anxiety or other sx? So sorry you are getting hit so hard, just keep breathing-- do some meditation if you can. It will pass Nova, it always does. Thinking of you, jenny
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Jenny ... this is like a nerve storm ... random firings all over ... and some pain ... and the anxiety is very strong ... haven't been in this place in a long time ...
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Tried to stay quiet all day hoping to avoid any extra stimulus ... didn't seem to help ...


This will pass eventually ... it always does ...

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Green ... I am not in good shape ... hanging on, sort of ... very tired ...


I know you're not, Nova, I can hear it.  Just hang on.  It has to get better soon.

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Thanks folks ... nothing else to do but hang on ... there isn't an answer anywhere else ... and this will get better some day ...
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Nova. ...are you getting any rest at all ?.....Does anything help at all?...With all my heart I wish you were not going through this....coop
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Hi Jenny.  So sorry you are in the soup too. Do you have the breathing thing too?  It's practically debilitating.  This second year thing is so discouraging.  I feel like I will be either be better or dead by the 24 month mark. 

....On a good note...I slept better last night than I have in months and months with real REM dreams and deep sleep. I was ok for and hour and then the dizziness and anxiety just folded over me out of nowhere.  Hoping for some breaks today.  for all of us.  Love to you....coop


COOP, the dream thing..... before Easter and before my bad stretch started.....I had vivid dreams and remembered them well every night for about 10 days.  It was remarkable because I haven't been able to recall dreaming at all in so long.  Maybe that's another good sign for us late stage folks?  Getting sick, dreaming...etc...  Just felt like mentioning that, maybe it's something positive to ponder later.


Hope your day got better.  Haven't finished reading yet.... 

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Coop ... not getting any rest today ... have taken a couple of ibuprofen and had a long shower ... lessened some of the knots and seems to help the nerves a bit ...


Just have to wait it out ... can't seem to find the "eye" of this storm ... maybe it doesn't have one ...

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Thanks folks ... nothing else to do but hang on ... there isn't an answer anywhere else ... and this will get better some day ...


Sorry Nova...that's about all we can do is...hang on. It gets very old and tiring ...you just want the day to end in hopes of a better tomorrow.

Yes, someday all of this madness will be gone....till then ...keep holding on.

How brave we are!! :smitten:

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well everyone no depression or anxiety today..i went out to the mall and shopped i'm so proud.. i hope i don't pay for it tomorrow.. :thumbsup:


Woah!  What the...?  Who wrote this?  ;D



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Nova, glad to hear that the Ibuprofen and hot shower helped even a little. I get really tired just when the anxiety and fear peak. Do you have an electric blanket that you can wrap up in...sometimes that was helpful for me...Nova, I so hope this is leveling off for you.  At least to tolerable...I am thinking of you Nova  we all are...coop
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Jenny...thanks...I hope you are right.. today has been better...sx are still here but not the intense terror anxiety. My yardstick is always if I can concentrate on reading or tv , its manageable...I have been able to concentrate most of the day. I had about an hour of d/r and 3 hours of hard anxiety this morning but I was able to putter around and get stuff done. The afternoon I have been able to watch a couple of movies.  Not much, but definitely better than the last 4 weeks

.    I think we are al going to make it through this.  And the longest part is behind us.  coop

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Hi Coop ... don't know about tolerable ... but it is survivable ...  :laugh:


And it has not moved into that panic stuff ... I am very happy about that ... really, really hoping I am finished with the panic stuff ... been over four weeks now since that last bad one ... I can feel the occasional hormone rush but it hasn't escalated to the panic stage ... quite curious ...


Good to hear your day is manageable ...  :smitten:

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Carry on Nova....no panics...give them the sign of the be gone vampire...very glad to hear that the panic backed down...got tea?..are you able to concentrate on anything like an audio book.....you sound a little better.  Keep us posted if you are up to it...if not just know we are supporting you.  Hunker in...rest....coop
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Coop ... not really better ... and not worse ... been listening to audio books all day ... starting to get a little sleepy tired ... 10 pm here ...


Tomorrow will be a better day ... I hope ... have a good evening ... gonna turn off my light and try for some sleep in a while ... thanks for being here ... you and everybody ...  :smitten:

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Good Morning ...


Suffering is not the same as helplessness ...


I posted that to someone on Saturday who was having a tough time ... little did I know that I would need those words very soon ...


Still in this nerve storm place ... didn't get any restful sleep ... it is what it is ...


This stuff is so damn "personal" ... for me, it seems to conjure up so much old stuff ... and then that gets tangled up in what it going on right here, right now ...


It is a miracle how sane I, we, can stay during this stuff ... truly remarkable ... and very encouraging ... especially with the reassurance and acceptance of those I speak with on BB and with Mrs Nova ...


I need to remember I am not alone ... and this stuff is only temporary ...


I am hanging on, doing "okay" ... waiting for this one to pass ...



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Good Morning ...


Suffering is not the same as helplessness ...


I posted that to someone on Saturday who was having a tough time ... little did I know that I would need those words very soon ...


Still in this nerve storm place ... didn't get any restful sleep ... it is what it is ...


This stuff is so damn "personal" ... for me, it seems to conjure up so much old stuff ... and then that gets tangled up in what it going on right here, right now ...


It is a miracle how sane I, we, can stay during this stuff ... truly remarkable ... and very encouraging ... especially with the reassurance and acceptance of those I speak with on BB and with Mrs Nova ...


I need to remember I am not alone ... and this stuff is only temporary ...


I am hanging on, doing "okay" ... waiting for this one to pass ...




I couldn't agree more with you Michael. The help I got yesterday on the board was priceless and the support I get from my family is so unconditional. I have to say that while unwavering, it is quite hard for mr Sky, he is tired too. It's normal, quite understandable.


And wd is not a fever or a common illness, it is very very personal, that might be the worst part, actually.


As these days are going to be quite wavy, I am trying to cut down on some of my lessons.


Yesterday, after reading Green's reply to my Pm and posts, I turned off the computer and went to bed with a book. I can' t truly concentrate when reading, but I am afraid that the concentration I do most certainly have at the computer, is too much for me in the days to come. I have to choose the minor evil.


What's the opposite of reentry ?  ;) Just kidding, but I have to say, I was not expecting to still be hiding this far out.


Have a better day everyone from a very vibrant girl !  :smitten:

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Morning all

Nova, I hear what you're saying..I had hoped to be done with this also....or at least a lot further along.

Sometimes the beast really beats my brain up with " if you hadn't reinstated" ..." you're probably kindled for life" ... " fear this and fear that". While I know all of this is garbage...it really grinds on me.



Better days are ahead!! :thumbsup:



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Hi all...hope some of you are having a better day.  I am in the soup a bit but I think I know why.  I ate out and accidentally ingested some gluten in soy sauce.  Didn't think I was so sensitive but I had intense stomach pain within thirty minutes and my tummy went bad.  I also got itchy skin on my calves which seems to be a recurrent thing to me.  I used to cortisol/steroid cream which I now think was a mistake.  I very rarely have bad evenings around bed but I kept revving more and more with racing heart and other stuff.  Woke up every hour and was dripping sweat throughout the night.  I put two and two together and figured it must be the cream.  Funny thing is I was able to use it no problems for years.  Seems like I am getting more and more sensitive to everything except caffeine. :sick::crazy:
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Drewmatic ... sorry you are in a bit of soup ...


Couple of things ... Aveeno makes an "anti-itch lotion" which I have used without problems ... has a bit of a scent initially but that goes away pretty quick ... and ... I gave up on soya sauce some time ago ... we use a gluten free, organic, tamari sauce ... there are several brands out there ...


BTW ... thanks for one of the best "distractions" I have ever heard of ... peeling 1000 chick peas ... that has to be on a to-do list somewhere ...  :laugh:


And ... we make hummus without engaging the distraction ...  >:D


Be Well ...

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Beulah ... if I could catch the critter I would take the batteries out of the beast ... whoever put those duracells in there should be spoken to, with feeling ...



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Hi ... keeping my fingers crossed ... this benzo energy storm seems to be moving out to sea ... got a bit of a background headache, probably from all the shaking and baking and the ibuprofen ...


Still "on edge" ... will wait and see what the afternoon brings ...


And ... it is SNOWING ... well a snow shower anyway ...


Thanks for all the kind support and reassurance ...  :smitten:

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