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Green-  sorry, I haven't figured out how to highlight in purple what people have written, but your last graph to me is exactly on target of how I have felt on occasion.  A couple of months ago, before I officially joined, before this past long, bad wave, I was at the gym feeling exactly like that.  Just totally kick butt.  Who cared whether people helped me out or paid any attention while I was sick?  I was gonna get well now and make new friends, make up for lost time etc.  I came home just HIGH.  Just now checked my charts and damned if that wasn't the day just before I slid into this previously unprecedented string of bad days.  Now I'm emerging from the bad times feeling better, but not high, just kind of steady.  I can believe I'm gonna get there.  Can't say I'm symptom free, but my brain is clear and I feel in no danger of falling off the cliff.


One more thing about visiting your ex--certainly if we feel the things we do for others are appreciated, that's very good for us.


Not high, just kind of steady.  This is it, this is exactly where I am, I think where Coop is.  I'm still a little tired, started having nerve pain in my foot and leg -- but I know Jenny had this for a month, and it went away, so it doesn't faze me -- if this is it, if I can hold onto my brain, I can do the rest of this standing on my head.  I want to enjoy this, but I don't want to get so comfortable I can't adjust to rough times again.


FJ, let's hope this is it.  And if it isn't, hopefully it's manageable.


^^^This. Yes. Exactly this. I feel exactly the same way! Once the "brain" "stays within grasps", the rest of this will be spanked. Spanked!


Mrs :smitten:


Mrs., I suspect withdrawal is making you quite naughty, lol!


That is the truth, I can handle a lot, I just need the old brain, lol!! :laugh:

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Hi Peace,


Funny you should mention supplements as I'm totally revved up now from taking something earlier today. I was feeling constipated (sorry if its tmi) so I took an all natural fiber supplement that I've taken before with no problem, and now I'm revved. I think our bodies are constantly changing/healing and what might work for us suddenly doesn't anymore. Also, a few weeks ago I could not sleep so I decided to take a tiny amount of magnesium and it made me feel so weird and my brain felt like jello. I know is so frustrating!! I do take a multivitamin everyday and occasionally I will take some vit c, but unfortunately my body cannot handle much anymore... I think once your supplement free for a while you will notice yourself feeling better and better. Hope your doing well, jenny

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Peace...kick and scream all you want. That's what I love about you so much...you are so honest. You always end up on the other side. So nobody cares about the kicking and screaming along the way. We have all been there ...over and over.. You are just so darn close Peace.  I will help you kick and scream if it makes it more bearable.

    We are almost done with this temporary insanity...Can't believe we have been holding each other up so beautifully for months and months and now we are watching each other really slide into home...I love all of you . .a lot!  coop

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Hi Peace,


Funny you should mention supplements as I'm totally revved up now from taking something earlier today. I was feeling constipated (sorry if its tmi) so I took an all natural fiber supplement that I've taken before with no problem, and now I'm revved. I think our bodies are constantly changing/healing and what might work for us suddenly doesn't anymore. Also, a few weeks ago I could not sleep so I decided to take a tiny amount of magnesium and it made me feel so weird and my brain felt like jello. I know is so frustrating!! I do take a multivitamin everyday and occasionally I will take some vit c, but unfortunately my body cannot handle much anymore... I think once your supplement free for a while you will notice yourself feeling better and better. Hope your doing well, jenny


Hi, Jenny, so glad to "see" you.


Was wondering, that nerve pain you had, is it like burning, deep in the foot and leg, it feels so deep it goes to the bone?  And how long did it last?


Withdrawal never, ever gets boring.


Hope you are almost symptoms free! :smitten:

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Hi Green!


Yes, its a deep burning with pins and needles along with some shooting pains for good measure. Its complete hell and one of my worst sx .. I had it for the whole month of October with not one break, but normally it will come and go for me. Right now I just feel numb with slight burning. Are you experiencing this sx ? I hope your doing well, you sound good. Miss you, jenny

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Mrs....you are so funny!....yes, we are going to spank those sx..lol....I meant to post you the other day to thank you for posting regarding Sir William...it helped me so so much I have an inner ear RA related condition too ( Meiners Disease)...I could have written his journey story myself. It was wonderful to read that his ear condition is better along with his w/d success.  Does he ever come back on to followup on his success story? ...You are such a help to us Mrs with all the research, articles, success stories,links and humor you share with us here....thank you....hope you are still feeling good. . coop
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FJ...yes, you are going to to heal all the way too. That big wave before hitting a stable improved baseline just about killed me and Green...but here we are feeling like we turned a corner.  Btw.. we all care about you . and you are doing so great...so glad that you jumped on I love to follow you....yes PU not U of P ....I never got that straight even when my son was attending...and that was long before benzos. I have a friend who earned her RN degree from PLU ...so I am completely mashed on the Portland schools....copp
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Hi Green!


Yes, its a deep burning with pins and needles along with some shooting pains for good measure. Its complete hell and one of my worst sx .. I had it for the whole month of October with not one break, but normally it will come and go for me. Right now I just feel numb with slight burning. Are you experiencing this sx ? I hope your doing well, you sound good. Miss you, jenny



Yes, I am, ditto.  Deep burning, I keep thinking it's deep into the bone -- of course I would, there are so many more interesting diseases to worry about there!  I didn't have this, it's new for me.  It hurts enough to make me limp.


Okay, as long as one of my buds has it...where is yours located?  Mine is left foot, spreading up the leg.


I miss you, too, Jenny.  We've come a long way!  I guess we'll have to hang around until our group all writes success stories.


Have a good night.


And I feel good, much, much better. 

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FJ...yes, you are going to to heal all the way too. That big wave before hitting a stable improved baseline just about killed me and Green...but here we are feeling like we turned a corner.  Btw.. we all care about you . and you are doing so great...so glad that you jumped on I love to follow you....yes PU not U of P ....I never got that straight even when my son was attending...and that was long before benzos. I have a friend who earned her RN degree from PLU ...so I am completely mashed on the Portland schools....copp


"That big wave before hitting a stable improved baseline just about killed me and Green..."  Yes, it did.  That last one almost did me in!

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Iam so very, very happy to hear you are feeling better. I get the burning in all my limbs... Its all w/d and it will go away. Still more healing to do, but we are getting there!  :smitten:

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Green...hI buddy ..sorry to hear that you are having nerve pain...I hope it is momentary. You are doing so good, nothing can stop you now!...We fought our way through the 10/11 month wave from the seventh circle of hell...we've got this!

.  .I am still feeling that steady improved baseline too ( thank you god). I had a little stress today and could feel some old familiar sx wanting to nibbe on my sanity....but it went away. It was momentary...I'll take it. 

    Green, I am so sorry your ex had a stroke so severely. I am sure that the care you show to him makes it xmas each time you are there. When I was in college I worked in a nursing home...you are so right...forgotten invisible people...heartbreaking. ....so so glad that you are feeling the healing....sending you wishes for good sleep.  And another day of better. ...coop

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Hi Jenny....you are sounding good too. ...We have been through it and come so far. We have all been together ...finding our way out of the cave. Green was so right, " no one is getting left behind"  It just makes me so happy to watch all of us getting our lives back..

....thank you so much for your support all through this long trek..  Our worst days are,behind us....our best days right in front of us..  coop

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Iam so very, very happy to hear you are feeling better. I get the burning in all my limbs... Its all w/d and it will go away. Still more healing to do, but we are getting there!  :smitten:


Jen, I'm sorry to hear that, all over.  I only have the one leg, and IT HURTS.  But I am feeling better, much better, and I have hope.  and, yes, we are getting there.  :smitten:

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Green...hI buddy ..sorry to hear that you are having nerve pain...I hope it is momentary. You are doing so good, nothing can stop you now!...We fought our way through the 10/11 month wave from the seventh circle of hell...we've got this!

.  .I am still feeling that steady improved baseline too ( thank you god). I had a little stress today and could feel some old familiar sx wanting to nibbe on my sanity....but it went away. It was momentary...I'll take it. 

    Green, I am so sorry your ex had a stroke so severely. I am sure that the care you show to him makes it xmas each time you are there. When I was in college I worked in a nursing home...you are so right...forgotten invisible people...heartbreaking. ....so so glad that you are feeling the healing....sending you wishes for good sleep.  And another day of better. ...coop


Coop, if you think about it, we were forgotten, invisible people.  We hid in our homes suffering.  I am very grateful to feel better.  And the more my mind clears, the more I realize just how horrific this was, 12 solid months of torture...how did we ever do it?


The nerve pain is tolerable. 


Sleep tight.  Have fun with the best boys tomorrow.




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Good Morning ... having very rough time, again ... started yesterday morning ... today's goal, as it was yesterday ... stay out of ER ... go slow ...


This looks pretty good in a way ... this is heavy anxiety and stomach stuff ... two very old friends ... and they say ... "first in, last out" ... so I am taking that as a "good sign" ... another "weathering" weekend ...


Reading the posts ... and having a hard time staying "connected" and generating a response ... so I will stay in "monitor mode" ...


The "Ride of the Valkyries" comes to mind ...


And I am very "okay" ... just quite tired and "discombobulated" ...



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Cool ... we get through this stuff ... one day at a time ... nowhere to "hide" ... I just try to find the "rhythm" of whatever is going on and let it be ... there usually seems to be some subtle waxing and waning within each cycle ... if I "listen" long enough and "slowly" enough I can usually find it ... doesn't help with relief ... yet, does give me a sense of things are "okay" ...


Be well ...



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I hope you feel better today, you seem to always do a great job of holding it together and I'm sure today will be no exception. I have a hard time connecting and responding to posts some days too, must be another lovely  w/d sx .... Keep holding on Nova! Jenny

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Good Morning ... having very rough time, again ... started yesterday morning ... today's goal, as it was yesterday ... stay out of ER ... go slow ...


This looks pretty good in a way ... this is heavy anxiety and stomach stuff ... two very old friends ... and they say ... "first in, last out" ... so I am taking that as a "good sign" ... another "weathering" weekend ...


Reading the posts ... and having a hard time staying "connected" and generating a response ... so I will stay in "monitor mode" ...


The "Ride of the Valkyries" comes to mind ...


And I am very "okay" ... just quite tired and "discombobulated" ...






The hard time listening and generating  response, I've been there.  I hate that place.  Hopefully it will pass very soon.  Tired, discombobulated.  Healing is going on.


Feel better, buddy.


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Jenny, Coop, Sue,

I am beyond tickled that you're feeling better. It was the topic of our breakfast conversation, "My friends are feeling better!" What a blessing and what a relief. I am so happy for each of you and know so well all of the time and suffering you've logged. It's looking like there's a chance for some merrier holidays this year. I'm so glad. Please, please stick around to shed your light!



Hold on, dear one. You have taught me so much about moving slow when things kick up. I chant your words like a manta.


I will go slowly and take one thing at a time. That's all and that's enough on this sunny Saturday.



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Jenny, Coop, Sue,

I am beyond tickled that you're feeling better. It was the topic of our breakfast conversation, "My friends are feeling better!" What a blessing and what a relief. I am so happy for each of you and know so well all of the time and suffering you've logged. It's looking like there's a chance for some merrier holidays this year. I'm so glad. Please, please stick around to shed your light!



Hold on, dear one. You have taught me so much about moving slow when things kick up. I chant your words like a manta.


I will go slowly and take one thing at a time. That's all and that's enough on this sunny Saturday.




Peace, I just looked at your signature, and the 13th of December is 11 months for you!!  OMG, girl, where did the time fly? :)


Yes, it is much better. I turned a significant corner.  I think I could manage to work part time.  That's huge.  However, I suspect I have some waves left, on the order of Nova's and HH's.  I'm not being negative, just realistic.  And hopefully not such long waves as my last big one.


My major big improvement is the mental clarity, mood and energy.  I know that is something you struggle with, we've talked about it, the DP/DR, which can be a very severe symptom. 


Just wanted to let you know if a hopeless case like me can start feeling better, there's hope for everyone!

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Hi Green,


The same thing happened to me I got much better mental clarity around month 12, its amazing isn't it? Such a nice feeling to be able to think clearly. I'm so happy to read this about you! Your next Peace!!

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Hi Green,


The same thing happened to me I got much better mental clarity around month 12, its amazing isn't it? Such a nice feeling to be able to think clearly. I'm so happy to read this about you! Your next Peace!!


Thank you, Jenny.  And, yes, Peace is next. 

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