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12-18 month support


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Coop- I'm in a mild wave again.. Started last night with horrible insomnia and nerve pain that had me wishing I was dead. The pain sometimes is just too much. Anyhow, the pain is better now but still here. Its so funny how when I'm feeling good I think it will never end and I forget all the pain Ive been through and then another wave comes and I'm shocked that I'm still dealing with this... You would think I would know better and that I would expect a wave, but no I'm always shocked by them  :idiot:


Jenny, I get shocked, too, stunned.  Then scared.  Reading Baylissa's book helped a lot.  she had journal entries, and I was counting the days as I read them.  She went to a little under two years (but she was really bad!)  and she had waves, like Lostdog, right up until it was over.  I think that's how it goes.  And it's so hard.  so I guess it's not over 'til it's over, I guess it's not over 'til the fat lady sings!  A lot of success stories said they saw major improvements in months 16-18, which is where I am, and I guess that's happening, but it feels like I'm paying in blood for the improvements, plenty of symptoms.  I guess we have to remember that symptoms are signs of healing.  I believe that.  sometimes now I can feel the healing, even as I'm suffering.  sounds crazy.  but what about this whole experience isn't crazy?  Feel better. :smitten:

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Green...you are not crazy...w/d is crazy.. We could all write our personal One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest...this is so long and so difficult I don't know how any of us emerge with our minds. All the success stories say it all just comes back...our old selves ...and all of the w/d nightmare fades. I hope so because I feel traumatized from this trek through hell in army boots.

......Green, we still have 6 months ( or less) ....so much healing will happen in that 6 months. I noticed in some of the early success stories that many were written by BBs who were also taking an adjunct medication like an AD or non'benzo antianxiety.

.....I have had much more fatigue in year 2. Actually some things were better in year one. I had much more energy. My body didn't hurt as much and unbelievably my sleep was better. Other things are so much better in year 2. My windows are much better, I can hold conversations with people, my concentration, for the most part is better, my endurance is better and I am not in bed all day.

.....You are going to heal Green. This has been the worst wave of year 2 for me...I hope that means healing is only a few months off...for both of us.



Coop, are you saying people who had "early" success stories, they were taking ADs?  other meds?

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Green ... I probably know what you have been going through ... especially not wanting to come on BB ... not trusting myself ... and that is okay ... not much unusual in that ...


Messy, yes ... disturbing, yes ... unusual, no ...


We do what we can, when we can ... and turn another page ...  :smitten:




my mental symptoms were so crazy, mind racing, thoughts really not sound, reliable, from rational to irrational in 10 minutes. so I just decided to distract and not try to make sense out of the "thought salad" in my head.  just wait until it all went away.  I think it's safe now, lol :smitten:

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Hi Folks ... this is going to be long-winded and I hope interesting ...


Met with a sleep disturbance specialist this morning ... why did I do that? ... because I am a wimp ... well, that's part of the reason anyway ... turns out that moron I saw in internal medicine a couple of months ago regarding the blood pressure issue I had a couple of months before that ... wrote back to my GP that I had sleep apnea and needed to go back on the pap machine without delay ... this was the guy who told my I had no issues with clonazepam ... I was old, over-weight and he really didn't have any time to go over any more with me because he was very busy ...


Anyway, my GP got me to agree to be tested for sleep apnea again ... and she knew my utter reluctance and told me it would be two or three years before they got around to me ... so I agreed ... the wimp strikes again ...


So, the sleep clinic called late yesterday and told me they had a cancellation and would I come in ... I said okay ... wimp strikes again ...


Went in, they gave me several pages of forms to fill out ... which I did ... and wrote across the top of each one ... "Do not come to any conclusions until you show me the courtesy of talking to me first" ...


Well, the sleep doc came out and got me ... took me back to her lair and introduced two med students whom she asked my permission to be involved in the consult ... okay by me ...


Two and a half hours later ... actually had to have a pee break ...


1. clonazepam contributes to sleep apnea as a muscle/facia/tissue relaxant, especially on a high dose ... can actually cause it sometimes ...


2. clonazepam can set the stage for pedal edema ... which is then triggered by mid to high dose beta blockers ...


3. it is dangerous and counter productive to be on all benzos and ssris long term ... and ... they have no proven long term efficacy ... to be used only short term as an adjunct therapy ...


4. unless otherwise needed ... slow tapering is the best way to come off these drugs ...


5. however you come off the drugs ... stay off them permanently ...


6. recovery can take 18 months to as much as three years ... remembering that everyone is unique ... nothing is written in stone ...


7. everything I presented to her from the last 25 years is benzo related ... tolerance, withdrawal, and recovery ... every damn symptom ... digestive, heart and bp, muscle pain and spams, head pressure, mood stuff, intrusive thought stuff ... the entire nine yards ...


She is a sleep doc with a degree in psychopharmacology from Britain ... small world ...


When we were done ... she turned to the med students and asked if they had any questions for me ... they both sat there with kinda stunned looks on their faces ... maybe a little shell shocked ... they had said nothing during the whole process ... the entire conversation was between the doc and I ...


She said to them ...


1. the first thing you have to do is listen ...


2. the second thing you have to do is validate his story ...


3. then you can begin the process of diagnosis ...


Then she asked them, "how would you recommend we proceed?" ... silence ...


Then she asked me that question ... I said that I would consider doing the sleep apnea test again if she felt it worthwhile ... she asked me why ... I said that because I am still out of shape, overweight, and a smoker that it would probably be a good idea ... she said okay ... she would get back to me in a while ... she had to consider how she would go about the testing ... we will talk again ...


I am still in shock ... my whole world has been turned upside down ... somebody actually listened ... when she told the med students they must validate the patient's story I actually wept ... for a while I felt a lot of the anger, rage, releasing out of me ...


She asked what was happening for me just then ... I told them being seen, being heard, is so very, very necessary ... and that this was the first time anyone listened ...


So, I had a very good morning ... and ... you just never know ... the old adage ... showup, be present, tell the truth ... really means something ...


Have a good day Folks ...



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Thank you Coop and Nova :) coop, no I have not had my heart checked or been to a Dr since my tolerance days. I still have too much fear. Last time I was there they said my heart rate was too fast and I had a EKG done- everything was normal. She did listen to my heart and said I might have a heart murmur, but wasn't sure.. I'm hoping all of that was w/d related as I was in heavy tolerance at the time. I just keep thinking there must be something else wrong with me, but in a window I feel all of my sx are 100% w/d.


Jen, you are a healthy young woman, your heart is fine.  I will keep your dad in my prayers.

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Woke up remembering something else from the consult ... I was asked why I often "closed down" for the night quite early ... sometimes 7 pm or earlier ... and we spoke about "night owls" and "early birds" ... early birds being those who often wake up just before sunrise and really thrive early in the morning ...


She suggested getting out in the sun early in the afternoon ... 1 or 2 ish ... not late in the afternoon ... seems I often have a shut down pattern that starts early in the afternoon ... and there is nothing "odd" about early birdness ... different strokes for different folks ... not trying to fix anything ... rather a suggestion to add something to my repertoire ... a place where I might engage a pattern ...

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Hi Green ... seems we have a passing of the night owls and early birds this morning ...


How are you, my friend ...

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HAPPY 17TH ANNIVERSARY, SKY!! :smitten::yippee::clap:

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Hi Green ... seems we have a passing of the night owls and early birds this morning ...


How are you, my friend ...


Actually, Nova, I'm feeling very uplifted, after reading your validating doctor post.  Wow, validation goes a long way.  I think our suffering is intensified because of the lack of recognition by the medical community.  I'm so glad you could share this tonight, for both of us.  It's hopeful.  And her "atta boy," basically saying, yes, this is hard, you're really amazing for persevering, I'm feeling good.  Thank you for that.  She may be the only doctor on the continent who would have said that, and you found her in Nova Scotia!

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HAPPY 17TH ANNIVERSARY, SKY!! :smitten::yippee::clap:


Thanks Sue! So much healing to do still, but we are slowly getting there.


Nova, mixing up, experimenting with new activities might be interesting, might add something to your healing.


what a detailed and exhaustive  session you had, making up for all the time until now, I guess.  ;)


Btw, today I have my vibrations back and I feel a little insane.  Hope it gets better, lovely day out there.  :smitten:

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Good Morning, Sky ... congrats on 17 months out ... been a long road for you and you are doing it so well ...


Yes, I am always curious about my "patterns" ... and when someone can suggest there might be a pattern present and is helpful with suggestions in how to explore them I find that very encouraging and validating ...


Sunshine ... wow ... we should be getting some today and tomorrow ... going to be out it in as much as I can ... still lots of snow/ice to melt and it is not warm yet around here ...


Enjoy your day my friend ...

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Green ... hope you have a good rest ... I will look after the worm gathering thingie ... just have to wait until all this stuff melts to get to the worms ...  >:D
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Woke up remembering something else from the consult ... I was asked why I often "closed down" for the night quite early ... sometimes 7 pm or earlier ... and we spoke about "night owls" and "early birds" ... early birds being those who often wake up just before sunrise and really thrive early in the morning ...


She suggested getting out in the sun early in the afternoon ... 1 or 2 ish ... not late in the afternoon ... seems I often have a shut down pattern that starts early in the afternoon ... and there is nothing "odd" about early birdness ... different strokes for different folks ... not trying to fix anything ... rather a suggestion to add something to my repertoire ... a place where I might engage a pattern ...


Getting out earlier, might be also good for your vitamin D intake. Remember how Parker said that 20 minutes in the sun gave us the right daily amount of vitamin D ?


I tried to take my dog for a walk, but I barely got out and I already felt exhausted. A little discouraging. Also, I still find the sun too bright. Uff.


OK, speak later. :smitten:



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Green, I don't think all early healers ( for lack of a better term) took or are taking adjunct meds for depression or anxiety or lingering sx. However I have read many success stories of those who are healed by year one or sooner and I noticed that many had through thier w/d were or were still taking a non benzo something to treat sx or underlying issues. Things like seraquel, remeron, hydroxyzine, Lyrica ,etc etc. I still consider that healed if benzo is not on board. Others who wrote success stories at a year or less came back later to say some sx came back and they still had a ways to go. I am not criticizing adjunct meds ( I just think at some point they don't work anymore and getting off of them is another w/d , though probably not the hell of benzos) . I also am not dispariging a y healing that seems complete by one year that circles around after weeks or months to set up tent again. I only point it out to support the idea that 18-24 month healing timelines really do seem to be the typical. I have looked at so many success stories and cried because some people are good and done at a year while I am a breath away from protracted. When I looked at some of them closer I realized that some had adjunct meds to offset sx. I see nothing wrong with that. When I looked closer it was apparent that coming off adjunct meds is not easy either. I actually combed through the 'other medications' board because I went looking for an adjunct med that would help me with the torture of health fears, dizziness and panic. None of them looked right for me, though I desperately wanted one I couldn't stand the thought of yet another wd.

    That's just my take on it.  And I think there are people who do heal in a year with nothing...and without sx returning.. I just wished I and all of us were in that group.

..  On the upside, I am not thinking that I am protracted until I complete 24 full months..7 more months. I still have an entire one fourth of way to go and I hope...hope hope that the rest of my healing happens in that 7 months because I am pretty sure that's all I have left in me

    So goid to see you back on .  Thank you so much for the honest, respectful caring posts. Your support along with everyone here keeps me going. Today so far is looking better than the acute of yesterday. You had talked me off the ledge of reinstatement a few days earlier and Nova and Jenny walked me through a panic like I haven't seen since early acute and tolerance. Again leaving thoughts of reinstatement in the dust. I would not be anywhere close to 17 months without this group....so grateful to every single one of you.  ♡♡...coop

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Green....HAPPY HAPPY 17 Month Anniversary....♡♡♡♡.

....I am wishing you huge windows and progress in this month. Thank you for  being here with us.. your presence here is invaluable...."Nobody gets left behind".. thank you so much for all the support along the way. 

.. ...love love to you.  Coop

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Green, I don't think all early healers ( for lack of a better term) took or are taking adjunct meds for depression or anxiety or lingering sx. However I have read many success stories of those who are healed by year one or sooner and I noticed that many had through thier w/d were or were still taking a non benzo something to treat sx or underlying issues. Things like seraquel, remeron, hydroxyzine, Lyrica ,etc etc. I still consider that healed if benzo is not on board. Others who wrote success stories at a year or less came back later to say some sx came back and they still had a ways to go. I am not criticizing adjunct meds ( I just think at some point they don't work anymore and getting off of them is another w/d , though probably not the hell of benzos) . I also am not dispariging a y healing that seems complete by one year that circles around after weeks or months to set up tent again. I only point it out to support the idea that 18-24 month healing timelines really do seem to be the typical. I have looked at so many success stories and cried because some people are good and done at a year while I am a breath away from protracted. When I looked at some of them closer I realized that some had adjunct meds to offset sx. I see nothing wrong with that. When I looked closer it was apparent that coming off adjunct meds is not easy either. I actually combed through the 'other medications' board because I went looking for an adjunct med that would help me with the torture of health fears, dizziness and panic. None of them looked right for me, though I desperately wanted one I couldn't stand the thought of yet another wd.

    That's just my take on it.  And I think there are people who do heal in a year with nothing...and without sx returning.. I just wished I and all of us were in that group.

..  On the upside, I am not thinking that I am protracted until I complete 24 full months..7 more months. I still have an entire one fourth of way to go and I hope...hope hope that the rest of my healing happens in that 7 months because I am pretty sure that's all I have left in me

    So goid to see you back on .  Thank you so much for the honest, respectful caring posts. Your support along with everyone here keeps me going. Today so far is looking better than the acute of yesterday. You had talked me off the ledge of reinstatement a few days earlier and Nova and Jenny walked me through a panic like I haven't seen since early acute and tolerance. Again leaving thoughts of reinstatement in the dust. I would not be anywhere close to 17 months without this group....so grateful to every single one of you.  ♡♡...coop


Coop, something I wonder about early healers, some of them, the ones who haven't had as hard a time as you, for instance, it just seems like if you have not suffered  that much, it can that much easier to get caught again ?

When I hear that when we get better, we sort of forget what we have been through, that might add up to make some people reinstate ?


I have no idea, I am just musing out loud.


I have not read as many success stories as you have, so I am not as well informed. Seems to me, I did most of my heavy reading, hanging on every word, in acute, when things were bad and I had no brain to really understand any of what I read. And now, I am just too tired.


Today, I am one vibrating girl ! And my thoughts are so awful, I am so tired. During my nap I kept having thoughts a bout Death, decay and losing loved ones.  :-\


Ok, speak later.  :smitten:

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Green, I don't think all early healers ( for lack of a better term) took or are taking adjunct meds for depression or anxiety or lingering sx. However I have read many success stories of those who are healed by year one or sooner and I noticed that many had through thier w/d were or were still taking a non benzo something to treat sx or underlying issues. Things like seraquel, remeron, hydroxyzine, Lyrica ,etc etc. I still consider that healed if benzo is not on board. Others who wrote success stories at a year or less came back later to say some sx came back and they still had a ways to go. I am not criticizing adjunct meds ( I just think at some point they don't work anymore and getting off of them is another w/d , though probably not the hell of benzos) . I also am not dispariging a y healing that seems complete by one year that circles around after weeks or months to set up tent again. I only point it out to support the idea that 18-24 month healing timelines really do seem to be the typical. I have looked at so many success stories and cried because some people are good and done at a year while I am a breath away from protracted. When I looked at some of them closer I realized that some had adjunct meds to offset sx. I see nothing wrong with that. When I looked closer it was apparent that coming off adjunct meds is not easy either. I actually combed through the 'other medications' board because I went looking for an adjunct med that would help me with the torture of health fears, dizziness and panic. None of them looked right for me, though I desperately wanted one I couldn't stand the thought of yet another wd.

    That's just my take on it.  And I think there are people who do heal in a year with nothing...and without sx returning.. I just wished I and all of us were in that group.

..  On the upside, I am not thinking that I am protracted until I complete 24 full months..7 more months. I still have an entire one fourth of way to go and I hope...hope hope that the rest of my healing happens in that 7 months because I am pretty sure that's all I have left in me

    So goid to see you back on .  Thank you so much for the honest, respectful caring posts. Your support along with everyone here keeps me going. Today so far is looking better than the acute of yesterday. You had talked me off the ledge of reinstatement a few days earlier and Nova and Jenny walked me through a panic like I haven't seen since early acute and tolerance. Again leaving thoughts of reinstatement in the dust. I would not be anywhere close to 17 months without this group....so grateful to every single one of you.  ♡♡...coop


Coop, we're in the same wave boat, lol.  it feels like that little boat in the movie Jaws!  yes, this by far has been one of my most difficult, trying times.  they all have.  but there's an absence of "lulls" here, I think.  IDK, really, why.  I keep thinking of Lostdog's post, I think it was him?, about shore being so close, yet being too tired, too exhausted to swim another stroke.  that about says it for me.  I hate to think of you suffering so, but I must admit it is soothing to me to know I'm not alone.


On the other med, adjunct med issue, I think I would probably take anything I thought would really work.  I think when I tried to get off in 2009, Seroquel did help with sleep, but I had to take quite a lot of it, and I was a zombie, drooling really.  but I was able to hang onto my job, so that was good.  and I was benzo clueless then, didn't know what was going on, and gave up after nine months.  As I said, I would take a med if I thought it would help.  But this time, my body and brain are so sensitive, I can actually feel revulsion at the thought of taking anything. I think my body is trying to tell me don't do it, and I'm listening.


Jennie said earlier she got used to just taking a pill for anxiety, insomnia, whatever, and we're paying a steep price for that.  Knowing how these pills work, I'd rather just wait for my brain to do it the old fashioned way.  We're almost there. :smitten:

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Hi Folks ... was out and about all morning ... except for all the mounds and mounds of snow and ice it is quite pleasant outside ...


Got back my blood results ... asked to have them done because I was concerned about an infection ... all this sinus and ears and throat congestion stuff ... been hanging around for three months ... all clear ... so guess what ... benzo beast gets the blame again ...


What's up with vitamin D ... I was low there ... isn't it a seasonal thing? ... or should I consider a supplement for a while ... doc is useless ...


Got the cholesterol speech again ... but my ears were so plugged up I couldn't hear it ...  >:D


Have a good day everyone ...

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Green, I don't think all early healers ( for lack of a better term) took or are taking adjunct meds for depression or anxiety or lingering sx. However I have read many success stories of those who are healed by year one or sooner and I noticed that many had through thier w/d were or were still taking a non benzo something to treat sx or underlying issues. Things like seraquel, remeron, hydroxyzine, Lyrica ,etc etc. I still consider that healed if benzo is not on board. Others who wrote success stories at a year or less came back later to say some sx came back and they still had a ways to go. I am not criticizing adjunct meds ( I just think at some point they don't work anymore and getting off of them is another w/d , though probably not the hell of benzos) . I also am not dispariging a y healing that seems complete by one year that circles around after weeks or months to set up tent again. I only point it out to support the idea that 18-24 month healing timelines really do seem to be the typical. I have looked at so many success stories and cried because some people are good and done at a year while I am a breath away from protracted. When I looked at some of them closer I realized that some had adjunct meds to offset sx. I see nothing wrong with that. When I looked closer it was apparent that coming off adjunct meds is not easy either. I actually combed through the 'other medications' board because I went looking for an adjunct med that would help me with the torture of health fears, dizziness and panic. None of them looked right for me, though I desperately wanted one I couldn't stand the thought of yet another wd.

    That's just my take on it.  And I think there are people who do heal in a year with nothing...and without sx returning.. I just wished I and all of us were in that group.

..  On the upside, I am not thinking that I am protracted until I complete 24 full months..7 more months. I still have an entire one fourth of way to go and I hope...hope hope that the rest of my healing happens in that 7 months because I am pretty sure that's all I have left in me

    So goid to see you back on .  Thank you so much for the honest, respectful caring posts. Your support along with everyone here keeps me going. Today so far is looking better than the acute of yesterday. You had talked me off the ledge of reinstatement a few days earlier and Nova and Jenny walked me through a panic like I haven't seen since early acute and tolerance. Again leaving thoughts of reinstatement in the dust. I would not be anywhere close to 17 months without this group....so grateful to every single one of you.  ♡♡...coop


Coop, we're in the same wave boat, lol.  it feels like that little boat in the movie Jaws!  yes, this by far has been one of my most difficult, trying times.  they all have.  but there's an absence of "lulls" here, I think.  IDK, really, why.  I keep thinking of Lostdog's post, I think it was him?, about shore being so close, yet being too tired, too exhausted to swim another stroke.  that about says it for me.  I hate to think of you suffering so, but I must admit it is soothing to me to know I'm not alone.


On the other med, adjunct med issue, I think I would probably take anything I thought would really work.  I think when I tried to get off in 2009, Seroquel did help with sleep, but I had to take quite a lot of it, and I was a zombie, drooling really.  but I was able to hang onto my job, so that was good.  and I was benzo clueless then, didn't know what was going on, and gave up after nine months.  As I said, I would take a med if I thought it would help.  But this time, my body and brain are so sensitive, I can actually feel revulsion at the thought of taking anything. I think my body is trying to tell me don't do it, and I'm listening.


Jennie said earlier she got used to just taking a pill for anxiety, insomnia, whatever, and we're paying a steep price for that.  Knowing how these pills work, I'd rather just wait for my brain to do it the old fashioned way.  We're almost there. :smitten:



Yeah, there is no way I can touch another pill. Im definitely kindled. I took these pills for 6 months after my second son was born and looking back I was going through a very mild w/d  only I didn't know what was wrong with me at the time. Then I had my first miscarriage and got back on benzos after being off for about a year. I also drank heavily all through tolerance w/d, yet again I had no clue what was wrong with me I just knew that I needed relief from my anxiety. There is no doubt that I am kindled so I know its gonna take me a long time to fully heal. No more drugs for me ever.

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Hi Folks ... was out and about all morning ... except for all the mounds and mounds of snow and ice it is quite pleasant outside ...


Got back my blood results ... asked to have them done because I was concerned about an infection ... all this sinus and ears and throat congestion stuff ... been hanging around for three months ... all clear ... so guess what ... benzo beast gets the blame again ...


What's up with vitamin D ... I was low there ... isn't it a seasonal thing? ... or should I consider a supplement for a while ... doc is useless ...


Got the cholesterol speech again ... but my ears were so plugged up I couldn't hear it ...  >:D


Have a good day everyone ...


Nova-I live in a sunny area and my D is low.  It seems to be a very consistent theme among us benxo peeps.  I was taking a supp but I stopped everything at least until I feel healed or 2 years off


I am part of the kindled.  Stopped several times and never this bad and drank heavily when anxiety was horrendous. 


Hi all...didn't read the thread back at all...jsut popping by to say hi and send my love and healing thoughts :smitten:


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Nova. Salmon and mushrooms are very rich in Vit. D ...and metabolized easier than the synthetic. As you know fish oil is so good for our hearts. I eat salmon or tuna 2x a week. The salmon from wild caught Alaskan waters is the safest in terms of mercury content...D is important to the thyroid.

....I am on my way to the doctor this morning for a thyroid draw.  Not nervous...just a blood draw. 

....Nova..you sound like you are having a nice morning...out early in the sun....enjoy a good day....coop

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Thanks for the vitamin D info ... I kind of suspected as much ... my thyroid was just fine ...


Having a bumpy afternoon ... I think the beast is sending a message he is still around ...


Hi Drew ... Coop have a good afternoon ...


I probably did some kindling stuff too ... don't think about it much ... what's done is done ... we have climbed out of the benzo ditch ... just need to enjoy the walk home ...



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Hi Folks ... was out and about all morning ... except for all the mounds and mounds of snow and ice it is quite pleasant outside ...


Got back my blood results ... asked to have them done because I was concerned about an infection ... all this sinus and ears and throat congestion stuff ... been hanging around for three months ... all clear ... so guess what ... benzo beast gets the blame again ...


What's up with vitamin D ... I was low there ... isn't it a seasonal thing? ... or should I consider a supplement for a while ... doc is useless ...


Got the cholesterol speech again ... but my ears were so plugged up I couldn't hear it ...  >:D


Have a good day everyone ...


Hi Nova,

I was low in D last year and my dr had me taking 5000u of D a day for 8 weeks.  Interestingly, symptoms of low D include insomnia and anxiety....both of which I had in abundance at the time.  My sleep started improving within a week of taking the supplement and I really haven't had many problems with it since.  I don't know if it's a result of taking it or if it was coincidence, but I think D is an easy and important supplement to take if one is low in it.  I didn't have any negative reactions to it, and at the time I couldn't even take a multi-vitamin without freaking out.

Hope this helps,


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