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Sigh - moral support


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Hi buddies. Looking for some moral support. Was doing great - generally very mild symptoms and down to 1.9.  Take my evening dose in milk - and just switched my day dose to milk 1.5 weeks back.  Hit w symptoms for a few days - then ok - now for last 4 days have had strong symptoms.. haven't felt like this in a long time. Sigh..


I remember when i switched to milk w evening dose it was tough for a few weeks.. so assume I am dealing w same issue - feeling like a good sized dry cut moving a dose to milk.


So close, yet so far..


Thanks for your advice and support


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Sounds like this is no big surprise and that you know the drill.  This happens so often with dry-to-liquid switches.  I assume the problem is that somehow the liquid dose does not get as much benzo where it is needed so it is in fact a cut.  If this is true then one answer is to correct the dose upwards to get the right amount of benzo.  The other is to wait it out as you have done in the past.
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I am so torn whether to taper up. Have never done it..always suffered through:).  Weird that its hitting me harder 10-11 days after switch.. but guess thats valium for you.  Frustrating because it makes me think I should have just actually dry cut this dose and would have felt the same :P


Anyway - guess I will try and wait it out for another week and see how things go.

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It would help a lot if you knew how much you needed to go up.  I think it is very logical to taper up and expect a good result since not much time has passed.  But giving up ground is emotionally hard to do, I know.  That very thing got me in a lot of trouble.  Just waiting seems to work.
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It's a tough call to make - whether to ride it out or to do a dose correction. Ironically sometimes the dose correction is the faster route because you might feel better faster and then you can get back to cutting, but maybe at a slightly lower amount if you need to. However, there is the psychological side to feeling like you're going back over ground you've already covered, and if you keep holding, tomorrow could be the day you feel a lot better.


I did a dose correction 3 times (I think) and I was comfortable with that decision each time. I wish I could give you some help in working out what was the right thing for you. What was the last dose you felt okay on? If it was only a little above where you are now maybe that could be your answer.

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I was feeling pretty good at 1.9 - then switched my day dose to milk.. felt light symptoms for a few days.. then felt good for a day and cut for 3.. then some symptoms and then boom... feeling strong symptoms off and on in afternoon.  So basically have not cut much .. just .05 mg.. so think I am likely dealing with the switch to  milk from my pill form... since i felt good prior.

I do remember suffering when I switched my evening 4mg dose to milk last fall - but didn't expect it on such a low dose..


I can easily add back the little I have taken out in last few days.. but more concerned about going back above 1.9.



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Yes it could well be the switch to milk. If you have only cut 0.05mg that's not too much to reinstate if you think it might help you feel better faster. In a month's time you probably won't even care about going back that 0.05mg because your overall dose will be lower anyway. It's your call though. :)
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I agree with DP, Mark.  That .05mg was added to whatever the shortage caused by the switch so a good idea to put it back as at least that is quantifiable.  But of coarse it is your call.
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