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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I need help. Or constant reassurance. I am attempting to identity with someone on BB who has similar symptoms. Mine are all mental, emotional, cognitive and psychological. Anxiety/ depression/ dr/dp Severe.


My earlier posts describe it.


I am trying so hard to figure out my best approach and to figure out if this acute is withdrawal and to just hang in there in spite of the madness or if it is something else.


I am unable to change my thoughts at this time. I just slug through my day with my mind in agony.


Now I really, really, really, don't want to take any more medications. I really fear what they could do to me.


And at this same time I am hoping for a shift that never comes.


I did have some challenges with negative thoughts before and some anxiety that was tolerable and maybe back then I would have had a better chance to deal with it.


I have always had some self esteem and confidence issues.


But it is so contorted and horrible now that at least I know it was never like this!


I need some sound advice because I am having trouble just slugging it through each day. It is not getting worse. But it is groundhog day everyday..


Do I tough it out for a year and wait and see if the symptoms abate?


Or do I take medications and take a chance?


I can't decide. I just don't want it to get worse or not change.


I need your help in making this decision.


Ask your heart for me and let me know.


My access to intuition is nill.







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Hi dolphins1,you're in acute withdrawal, it is wicked to say the least, mine lasted five months and it was brutal. But I got through it, . My heart goes out to you ,my friend. Starting a medication to help might just hurt you more, I had to suck it up and it really does get better, by my 6th mo it's some physical problems and my vision, things I can handle., Acute withdrawal is very difficult, on the good side I have no mental issues at all now, distract yourself as much as you can and get yourself through the day, Every day is a step closer to freedom....Peace and love to you my friend Diane :smitten:
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I decided for me not to take any meds during withdrawal because I was terrified it would hurt me even more......I can tell you it does not last forever you will recover :) Diane
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i definitely think the brain needs to heal without taking any other medications. there are too many side effects and could quite possibly not be a real answer for what's going on with your brain right now which is a restructuring phase. must keep telling yourself this is all withdrawal and i really hope you get a window soon so that will tell you that it's just withdrawal, another benzo lie.


the buddie, Woofs would be an excellent person to communicate with regarding your symptoms as he has been experiencing many of the same symptom for a long period of time. i think he could be of some good help. and may help him too.


love, pretty

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I would also encourage you to give it more time Dolphins! I'm sorry you are suffering so much after 2 and a half months. Concentrate on the stories of others here to support you who felt so bad at this point and went on to feel better and better. You will too - I BELIEVE that!


This is only how you feel RIGHT NOW. Not forever!

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Your doing great dolphin..I'm proud if you,it will get better, I think your a month or so away..and you will be so happy you got to a breaking point.
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