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Need advice water titrating off of 3.5 mg Temazapam


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I'm currently at 3.5 mg (capsules, no tablets) Temazapam and would like to water titrate off.  I am lactose intolerant so cannot use milk.

Can someone please assist me in how I actually do this? I need a breakdown of what I will need and how to actually do it. I really appreciate your help in advance.

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Some people put benzos into water and have some success, but I never advise it as benzos don't dissolve in water and so you get a poor suspension.  I'm not sure milk would work for T either.


I'm not familiar with what liquid will dissolve temazepam, but there is a good suspension liquid called Ora Plus that will work with any benzo.


As far as what to do, I can help with that as much as needed.

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Thank you.  I also have a micro gram scale.  Would that be as effective?  I mean I can weigh every pill and then discount the 7-10% weekly or 1% daily. What do you recommend?
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My concern is that ora plus is not gluten free, and my stomach has some issues.  I want the easiest and safest on the tummy.  If I could use the scale that would be easier but I'm not sure as safe.
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If you got a script for compounded T that would be a good liquid option.


If you tell me the weight and dose of a pill (and if it is a capsule or pill) I can give you an idea what to expect with using a scale.


And does your scale measure to three digits or two?

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It measures to 3 digits...and the capsules are between .177 and .192 (they are all 3.5 mg but somewhat different in weight as I have weighed all of them individually.

I prefer to weigh and titrate through them that way if at all possible.

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It measures to 3 digits...and the capsules are between .177 and .192 (they are all 3.5 mg but somewhat different in weight as I have weighed all of them individually.

I prefer to weigh and titrate through them that way if at all possible.


I need to know the weight of the empty capsule and the weight of the powder in the capsule.

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Okay, here is what I've got...


Capsule wgt=.051g

T powder wgt=.129g

T dose=3.5mg

Scale accuracy=.001g


If the scale "truly" can weigh .001g accurately, which is in doubt, then it can divide your T powder into 129 doses.  So 3.5mg/129=.027mg.  This means the smallest cut you can make with the scale is .027mg.  Not bad at all.


You may even be able to do a daily taper with that setup.  But I would be wary of the scale actually delivering .001g accuracy.

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Thank u.  Scale seems pretty accurate. Question: so how much am I actually down dosing? .027 the first day, then .054 mg 2nd day, .081 mg 3rd day? Seems low. Your thoughts? And some of the capsules and powder weighed out a little higher that .180, some were .194.
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That's a problem with scales.  I don't like scales, but they are way better than dry cutting.  You've got a 10-15% error associated with your measurement.  Liquid would never be off that much.


Yes, drop .001g on day 1, .002g on day 2, .003g on day 3, and so on.  Each .001g is .027mg T.  If you drop .001g per day at your dose it may work out.  Those little amounts add up.  It's about .8mg a month.  But go by how you feel.  If symptoms start to increase stop and hold.  I think you will feel better making tiny cuts like this.

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Thank u for the assistance.

If you were estimating, How long might it take me going at this rate?

Appx 2 months (without any issues occuring of course) before I can jump altogether? 

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If it were me I would not jump.  I'd keep tapering all the way to zero.  It would take you about four months if no problems, but the way to do this is by managing and staying away from symptom increase.  Give yourself the time needed to do that.
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Would the time and my w/d symptoms be decreased if I substituted the low Valium dose?

And tapered that way? Or would that extend it?


Valium might help with interdose withdrawal, but not regular dosage reduction withdrawal, IMO.  In other words, dosing less often during the day might be a possibility. Switching to Valium generally extends taper time, IMO.  Some people cross over to Valium expecting withdrawal to stop.  This isn't the case for most.  As long as a person crosses over for the right reason, I think this can be a good thing.  But when they cross over thinking Valium is some kind of magic bullet, they are often disappointed.  Valium is a good tool to combat interdose withdrawal, for folks who can't or who aren't wanting to break up and spread out their benzo dose during the day.  But a Valium taper often takes much longer than a shorter acting benzo.  Take Valium and dose less but increase taper time, 'possibly' feel better during taper and 'possibly' not.  I was not willing to switch for a 'possibility'.  Had it been a sure thing my taper would be easier, I would have done it.  There are no definites during this process.

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Yes, the lowest doses are 7.5 but a compounding pharmacy has been creating capsules for me at this dosage based on my doctors prescription. I am just so nauseous and weak. No matter what I do. So much is in the balance now and I have no idea which way to go.
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