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Citalopram for anxiety anyone?


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Hi everyone,


I spoke with my Doctor today and told him I was feeling anxiety again and pretty badly and that since I was doing so well for the past few months, I was now feeling depressed also and so I asked him about Mirtazepine to help with the anxiety in my taper and he was not agreeable and said it was substiting one drug for another but he did say that when my taper is over he would prescribe me Citalopram as it is good for both anxiety and depression.


I just wondered if anyone on the board took this A/D and if so, is it effective at all for anxiety?



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My younger brother, step brother and myself were all on citalopram. It has helped both my younger brother and step brother. I do not really know how well it was helping me as I was on diazepam before I was put on citalopram. I can tell you it is very effective for depression. I wouldn't be able to cope with depression + the other mental crap that is going on in benzo w/d. I am taking sertraline and mirtazapine.  As for your doctor saying the mirtazapine substituting the benzos, that sounds quite uninformed and idiotic to me. Although doctors (especially GPs) do not know what the hell they are talking about at all. Mirtazapine is an antidepressant that is very sedating and also boosts your appetite, I think it is quite helpful in benzo w/d. I would not be able to deal with insomnia as well as the other crap. You should fire your doctor and get a new one to prescribe mirtazapine. I have not taken a diazepam pill for 3 months now and I have not abused mirtazapine like I use to with diazepam. With diazepam I was taking about 4-6 more pills than I was suppose to a day. With mirtazapine I take one at night...
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