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Theresa Stepping Down


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Hi all,


I am sad to announce that Theresa has decided to step down from her role as Administrator of the forum. She has given invaluable service as an Admin for more than a year, and as Senior Moderator before that. I am glad to report that she will be staying on as a BB Friend, so we should still see here about.


I owe Theresa an enormous debt of gratitude. A little over a year ago, eljay and I stepped down as admins (we were burned out). At very short notice, I asked for new Administrators to take over the running of the forum.  Theresa stepped up to the role of Admin, even though she hadn't long been in her role as Senior Moderator. If not for Theresa, I probably would have had to close the forum. I doubt we ever would have reopened.


Thank you, for everything, Theresa.


Colin. x

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T2....eagle eyes ;)


Thank you for all you have done for me, the members and BB..you are aweseome. Thank you for staying on as a BB friend....we need you.


Just Breathe :smitten:

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Dear Theresa  :mybuddy:


I will never forget that awful period in BB history when it seemed the place might go down in flames.  You and tropicalsoul stepped up and helped put out the fire and then you carried on mostly alone for a very long time.  You must be exhausted!  Time for you to get some R&R from BB, T.  ;)




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I will miss you, Theresa.  You have been such a calm and steady influence here.




Thank you so much, your words mean more than I can say.  :-*

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Thank you for all the help and encouragement you have given to me.  Your wisdom, and this blog have been invaluable as we have progressed through this nightmare of Daughter's withdrawal.  Being able to read your posts and all of the others who post here gives me the courage to continue with Daughter's withdrawal.  It really is the scariest thing I've ever done and I'm not certain that I would have gotten this far along if I were not able to get online and read this blog and learn that we're not going through anything that someone else hasn't already been through and survived.

Thanks again, Love and good wishes, Athena

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Hi Theresa,

thank you so much for all your support and understanding, and dedication to the forum and members, the support you have given me so kindly aver the months made all the difference to my recovery,


take care and keep in touch,


Mr B x

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Hi Theresa:


You have certainly helped me through so much and I sure do appreciate all you have done.  I know I will be calling upon you again at some point - you have some great knowledge about the thyroid and I think I'll still have some questions once in a while.  Hope that's OK.


I'm glad you'll still be hanging around - you would be sooooo missed in this forum.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Theresa


I just found this board tonight and see the changes made that I have been noticing on the titles but did not know there was a dedication page

After reading Colin's introduction I am so vary thankful you stayed and kept the forum going.

I would have been one of those that did not make it if I never found BB's in March of this year.


Everyone here has been awesome and I cannot imagine not having this place to come to and just share, laugh, cry and support each other.


You and Pamster have been some of the solid rocks I clung too these past months.


I do not know the inner workings of the staff and team but I can only imagine the time and dedication it must have taken

all involved to keep this place running..


I look forward to seeing you in the BB areas of my life now.


Please just try and enjoy yourself now if I may be so bold as to say that


I have enjoyed immensely the time and effort you have given to my Beach thread...

The pictures have made all the difference what otherwise might have been a boring blog.. ::)


Now Pamster can do pictures she will take up the banner lol


I love you guys and look forward to some fun without the stress to you



Pennyblue :smitten:


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