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On the Road with Benzos




     Hey there, knackered here.  If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, you probably haven’t felt the earth tilting toward the sun, but there are signs of spring in the air.  If you don’t believe me you can look out the window or check the calendar.  Fair skies always leave me with a desire to go somewhere, or at least it has in the past; i.e. the quintessential road trip. Which brings to mind loading our VW bus with the family and camping gear and hoping that the engine doesn’t blow up, again, somewhere along the line.  

     If you’re so inclined these days, you might want to consider what condition your condition is in as you navigate the ‘benzo way’.  As you read this, stand up.  If that was tough, you should probably stay at home.  While planning, think about why you’re heading out in the first place.  Do Harold and Edna or Biff and Susie really need you on their patio in Texas this year?  Emails or Facebook posts only involve walking down the hall.  Foremost in your mind should be the length of your trip.  Since I doubt you can sit in one place for more than 10 minutes tops without squirming around, you may wonder about your ability to do so in a car. 

     Special caution must be taken as you plan your route.  Download the app for NPR (not the radio station for heaven’s sake-Nearest Public Restroom).  We know we need to hydrate incessantly.  That water has to go somewhere.  If your game plan involves stopping at each historical site you’re advised to either stay in the auto or get out and slouch in the shade.  Personal experience has shown that it’s best to stay in the parking lot while everyone else skips down the trail to who knows where.  And under no circumstances, leave the house without extra medication.  Your engine may not incinerate, but you will if you have to go cold turkey in the middle of Wyoming or France. Happy travels.  Leave a light on.  You may be home sooner than you think. 


Edited by [kn...]

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The NPR made me laugh out loud...while I was drinking all that water that we need.  In this case, the "somewhere" it went was down my chin and shirt and just a little drop or two on the keyboard.  Thanks for the laugh, @[kn...], I needed it today. :) 

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