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Beautiful Moments



Right now there's an owl hooting outside. I think it's a great horned owl. It always takes me by surprise because I live close to a major metropolitan area, and owls should (I'd think!) be rare. So hearing one outside, in the night, feels like an honor and a privilege.

Yesterday there were two adolescent boys on one bike riding together with huge, huge smiles, dark hair whipping in the wind, legs all over the place, pumping and balancing. Their smiles just transfixed me; sheer joy, just short of out-loud laughter. I almost missed it.

Lately I've been milking every lovely moment that comes my way. I used to let them pass by fleetingly; I don't think I let many even register. I think I've been missing a lot. I hope so. I want more. 

I think, for us, it's healing to learn to let ourselves enjoy what we can. I don't need a big house, a Maserati or a vacation. I need to be able to let myself enjoy things again. 

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