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The Struggle Goes On



Been a really rough couple of days, particularly today. I think I accidentally took my mirtazapine twice on Sunday night, which has led to a reoccurrence of the muscle twitching and the anxiety. Not nice, particularly as I had been experiencing pretty linear recovery since my slip up due to the Citalopram two weeks back, with only the odd half hour or so here and there of feeling anxious. It's got me wondering. These probably aren't waves, right? I mean, it's been two years, I had gone a year without a wave. So it's not that.

It shouldn't be the citalopram anymore. I weaned down to tiny, tiny crumbs of that. So it should be, it probably is just having taken an extra dose of my mirtazapine. Which in itself is a bit strange as I don't remember feeling anything like this when I intentionally increased my dose in the past. So maybe it's something else. Maybe it's just my mental health. Maybe taking the citalopram two weeks back threw things off. My mind has even gone to worrying about serotonin syndrome. Which is nonsense, surely. Once I've stopped the citalopram there should be basically zero risk of that. 

Anyway, I don't have anything artistic or creative to add to this particular blog entry. Today I've just been surviving minute to minute. Not as bad as acute WD or anything, but not nice at all either. I seem to have started to feel a little better in the last 10-20 minutes or so, so here's to hoping it continues throughout the evening.

And hoping that whatever it is, it calms down. It always has in the past; through all of my health related a

Anxiety over the past month, I've been lucky to never really get multiple days in a row this bad. The last time this happened, two weeks ago, I only really had a bad day and a half. It came over me in the evening, then the next day was horrible, then I was much better and every day had gotten better after that. Please  please please let it continue.

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