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Tenacious Tinnitus Club – Ear Pressure, Noise and Hyperacusis


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Did your withdrawal hit you in the ears?


After going cold turkey I developed three levels of tinnitus.


The first level was your basic high pitched buzz.

The second level sounded like a dentists drill that was cutting through my ear drum 24/7, I name this sensation "The Drill" and it got really bad every evening.

The third level was like this dentists drill noise had cut through my left ear canal and the drill bit felt like it was imbedded in my brain tissue and vibrating my gray matter to the point I got double vision.  It was the most nasty feeling in the world!


I did a ton of research and collected lots of data and met so many other buddies who were really freaked out with their ear symptoms.


This thread will address Tinnitus and Hyperacusis concerns:

Is it permanent damage? 

Will it ever end?

How long until it heals!

How can I live with this? 

What tricks can aid me as I heal?


In this forum you can hopefully find the answers that are haunting you.


For me it is still my worst symptom to the point where it is my only symptom since all my focus is on it.  If I have other symptoms I do not notice them since this one dominates so fully.


If your tinnitus or hyperacusis is really worrying you ask questions and please post your experience's here.


Thank you and welcome to the TENACIOUS TINNITUS CLUB





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Hey, I'm joining!!!


Mine started as soon as my dose got low -- 4 mg or so. I've had it for 9 mos.


It is like a bunch of cicadas in my ears. Yeah, Birdman, like a high-pitched buzz. It does get lower and louder and sometimes stops momentarily in one ear (that scares me) only to start up again.


I don't have it 24/7 though. When I take my valium at night, I notice once the damned drug works, that it stops. That's a grotesque thought. That I need valium to stop this!


Anyhow if I'm working or engaged in doing something that keeps my attention, I don't notice it so much.


So that's me.


How is it for the rest of you?



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Great thread!!


Been having quite a bit of the level one here lately. Ativan related, I'm sure.


I just keep the noise around me at a tolerable level, to drown it out.


Oddly enough, I wear ear plugs at night, and it doesn't bother me then.


Denise  :smitten:

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Hello I never noticed the ear ringing.... Even when i was taking 2mg Ativan per day last year and cold turkey it.... After ten days I freaked right out!!! For sure!!! And still no ear ringing.... But about a month ago I started taking Remeron 7.5mg and bang!!!!! So as I would wake up around 5 am.... The ear ringing sounded like someone trying to tune in an old radio station...that high and low pitched noise( especially since my house is so quiet at 5am) drove me crazy!!  And tried the Remeron a few more times and each time soon as I woke up tintius drove me insane. So that's it for Remeron for me!!! I'm lucky the benzos haven't done this too.


Mr scared Ottawa Canada






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I have also found if I have some noise or sound like TV or radio I become distracted and don't notice the T. The T does also get worse if I don't have a good night of sleep or if I become anxious.


For some reason the ear plugs do help but I still have a rain sound playing on my computer speakers all night while I have the ear plugs on. It sort of muffles the rain sound and sometimes the T seems less annoying maybe I am focusing more on the sound of the rain which is soothing




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Hi Bird! You know that this is one symptom that I didn't have so I am here to support you, this thread and other people who suffer with tinnitus. I hope you are coming along nicely with your taper. The only auditory problems I had was "hearing" the radio playing when it was off! :-) Odd but nothing like the seriousness of tinnitus. Great thread and I hope everyone gains some useful info!





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mine is more of sizzling sound in the brain.

got this crap about year and a half ago(19 months) after mixing triazolam, retoril, and klonopin for two days.

it's not getting any better. in fact, it seems to be getting worse lately.

crossing my fingers that this will not be permanent along with other crazy symptoms.

thank you for this thread birdman.

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Had the hyperacusis super super bad during taper--still have it but its gotten a bit better. 


Have the tinnitus always in one ear.  It's constant, no let-up.  Been drug free for 3 months.  Also have ear popping.  My taper was a bit fast.  Was also on Remeron but off it all. Hope the tinnitus eases one day.  It's a really nasty tough symptom, especially when its constant with no let-up.  I feel for everyone who has this nasty ear symptom.  If you have hyperacusis on top of it, it's just terrible.  I had hyperacusis so bad that when I typed on a keyboard, that sound hurt my ears bad--that's how low my sound tolerance level was.  Thank goodness that has improved.  With the T, no real improvement, but i've only been drug free for 3 months. 

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I forgot to mention -- I have a white noise machine that mimics different sounds and I put it on loudly for sleep. The rain setting (like rob says)  works for me.



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Hi Bird

Thanks for starting this thread. My T started a year ago September. I was just below .8mg in my taper and had come down with a nasty case of flu. It's low grade and I'm usually not aware of it but the T hasn't really changed much. It does get a little worse when my other symptoms flare up. I hope something can be found that will help.


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mine is more of sizzling sound in the brain.

got this crap about year and a half ago(19 months) after mixing triazolam, retoril, and klonopin for two days.

it's not getting any better. in fact, it seems to be getting worse lately.

crossing my fingers that this will not be permanent along with other crazy symptoms.

thank you for this thread birdman.


does anyone have this sizzling sound in the brain?

mine is getting worse as time goes by. sigh.

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hi birdman

i got it a few mo before i c/t.


its really Loud. my left ear is the worst.


i dont think theres much i can do. i keep fan, radio, on.

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I've been noticing that I get this on and off in my cuts, very mildly until this last cut that had some lag. I thought I would pop in and ask you all about it. It's in my right ear and there are times I don't have it. Right now I'm holding primarily for this, some blurry vision and days with a bit of anxiety that aren't my norm. I let it carry over a little bit into each cut for the last three cuts because it was so small then this cut, when I get my side effect days it would get loud and I'd get headaches.


I'm looking for some input... would you recommend holding for it? I've seen people keep cutting with it, but since mine seemed to get worse, I'm thinking at some point holding for it would be smart. But I don't know if it goes away once you start getting it.


What would you all recommend? Thanks!


I'm sorry that you all have to deal with this. I can't imagine how bad it is for some of you. I hope it gets better soon for everyone here.

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i do have the tinnitus just a little if you can believe it after this c/t. i also have an on-going sizzeling sound Pacific Ocean but my most pressing ear symptoms are the hyperacusis and misphonia. the misphonia isn't talked about too much. what it is is "a hatred of sound"... it's different than hyperacusis which is a sensitivity to sound and where one can hear frequencies from a very far away place and certain frequencies that are way too loud. it's almost like being an animal except i don't think they have the hatred of sound.


thanks God, i only have about 5 main noises and sounds that absolutely make me enraged otherwise i don't hate all sound--that would be quite unbearable to have that with all sounds.


thanks for starting this thread Bird!


by the way i am noticing the hyperacusis getting a little better but it's very slow along with everything else.

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Hi Birdman


I just wanted to come and wish you and everyone on this thread good luck with their symptoms and hope they clear as soon as possible.

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My T is one of the worst and most tenacious sxs I have. It started at two weeks post my jump and was like a mix of a tea pot whistling and a dentist drill. It's mostly in my left ear. The good news is that for the first three months it was constant 24/7. It has since then settled into a cycle of the 1 day of torture and 1 to 2 days where it's significantly diminished. I would sure like to know the medical reason for it.
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I notice that mine is worse when my other s/x are worse . .  nausea, cog fog. Then I'm truly miserable. At its worst it is accompanied by hyperacusis  which is so bad that I feel noises in my body and it's pretty agonizing. I have to go to my bedroom and close the door because my partner making dinner in the kitchen and making normal kitchen sounds is too much for me. This all goes away when my valium starts to work after I take it around 6 p.m. Grotesque.


And as I said earlier, some days are worse than others.


BTW I am going to split my valium dose because my s/x are so awful and I will let you all know if the tinnitis gets any better. I sure hope so. Actually the tinnitus I could live with. It's the hyperacusis that is excruciating.



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I notice that mine is worse when my other s/x are worse . .  nausea, cog fog.


Mine does the same thing except it can ramp up with side effects as well. Right now is a notable side effect day with the vibrations and I have a headache, some tinnitus and blurry vision with a tad of dizziness. Initially it was more random, but it can get worse with side effects or when WD upticks for me as well. It's like everything amps up with side effects or more WD.


sorry you are feeling so unwell. I hope you feel better soon.

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I know what you mean OMG. The hyperacusis is truly awful. Hearing sounds and having them make your ears vibrate is bad enough but feeling them in your body is really the pits. It's like your body is being assaulted by sound waves. Fortunately this doesn't happen unless I am really sick.


Crossing my fingers. Today I updose and begin splitting my doses to cover the hours when I feel the worst s/x.


Crossing my fingers again!



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I know what you mean OMG. The hyperacusis is truly awful. Hearing sounds and having them make your ears vibrate is bad enough but feeling them in your body is really the pits. It's like your body is being assaulted by sound waves. Fortunately this doesn't happen unless I am really sick.


Crossing my fingers. Today I updose and begin splitting my doses to cover the hours when I feel the worst s/x.


Crossing my fingers again!




I think that it will help. If you have a portion of the day that you are feeling symptoms worse while taking your dose only once a day then that sounds like interdose WD to me. And the updose should stabilize you from and WD you might have had from going faster than your body heals.

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Raising my hand. I've had tinnitus and hyperacusis. Both have gotten progressively better as I get lower in dosage. I hope that trend continues when I'm free, because hyperacusis has been my most debilitating symptom.


When the hyperacusis was at its worst, I found this on YouTube:


It's 9 hours of "pink noise." I'm not sure it helps in the long-run, but it's temporary relief, anyway. 



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this has also been one of my horrible symptoms.  Mine got worse at 11 months off.  Just like a light switch.  Since then I have been on a 3 day cycle.  Loud, Med and low.  This stayed this way for almost 2 years.  Only had a change in this cycle twice.  At 33 months off, this Nov. it has really started to change.  I am getting 2 quiet days in a row.  So now my cycle is Loud, Med and 2 days of very low.  Its a dream.  My Med day is also a little quieter.  Today of course back into Hell.  lol  When mine is the Loudest I also have other symptoms.  Mine sounds like sizzling also or a very loud sea shell.  I know it will eventually fade away.  Can't wait for that day.  Linder

Thanks L for starting this post. xo

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Hi Linder, P2, oregonkatz, goga, rob742au, Gardenia, Mr scared, pacific ocean, prettydaisys, OMGWTH, journey, illgetthrouh, bart, SophiasNana and If I forgot anyone please forgive me :)


Wouldn't you know it that the day after I start a thread I got slammed with way too many tasks today. This weekend I'm going to post some of the data I have collected and talk about Tinnitus maskers and vitamins to take that protect hearing from oxydative glutamate stress and may also actually speed up tinnitus and hyperacusis healing times.


Thanks so much to everyone for coming.


Hey NoKlonoNo, I really love this link. It really helped mask my T.

When the hyperacusis was at its worst, I found this on YouTube:


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Another great thread!


    I have had T for a long while, I noticed it resting, a buzzing in my ears, ringing etc. T to the MAX


    Good to have support through this. Yet again, another Gift from the B group(s). :tickedoff:


    Thanks, Bird!!


    NFM :angel:

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The Pink Noise utube audio is great.


For those who do not have a white noise machine (they're pretty cheap) a wonderful alternative.


Folks will find it helpful!


I'm glad you started this group, Birdman. Maybe you/we will discover a supplement that helps with this horrible condition.



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