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I've been benzo free for about a month, During my taper, at about the two week mark, I would start to feel normal again and so I would make another cut.  I'm finally free from that medicine. I feel a little better and people have told me that my mood has improved but these symptoms drive me crazy.


I assumed that after two weeks I would feel better, like when I was tapering. It's been over a month and new symptoms are present. Insomnia, depression, anxiety, blurred vision, and muscle spasms at night. Every week I have two good days and five bad days. Time is really slowing down which is making things progress at an excruciating rate. And I hate never getting any sleep!  >:(


What's worse is I feel like a crazy person. When does this crazy mess ease up? 

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It will take a little more time probably, isaac188… recovery is about nerve regeneration and it takes some time for that to happen completely.  You'll begin to see some improvement before long.  I kept a list of symptoms and checked back every week or two to see if they'd left or diminished. 


Challis  :)

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It all depends and there are no good answers.  I'm at 4 months and going through a wave to match anything I have been through on this journey.  I guess the answer is that it will be over when it is over, so don't be to upset when it doesn't go according to your plan lol.  This is hard and you are still early in the process. Good luck
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I'm at 20 months and doing great.  I was on benzos for 31 years and tapered for nine months.  Started seeing significant improvement after a few months, fully healed at about 15-18 months. 


Everyone's journey is different.  Look for improvement and you'll find it…  :smitten:

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I'll hit 7 months off in one week from today (the day after Christmas!). I went through two months of hell when I first jumped off, then things got easier gradually for two months, then I had two months where there was NOTHING going on (an "emotional plateau"), and the past month has been a mix of waves and windows.


Hang in there. Even though you tapered sensibly, there's no guarantee that your withdrawal will be easy. I've seen people c/t and do great and I've seen people taper down to "fumes" and still have a lot of trauma when they jumped. We're all different. It's best to just take an attitude of "going with the flow." If you try and fight the symptoms, it's just going to be more difficult.


My philosophy, learned the hard way over seven months, is: "It's going to be what it's going to be."


Am I healed? No. Am I on my way? I would like to think so. Time will tell...


Hang in there. It DOES get better!


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I'll hit 7 months off in one week from today (the day after Christmas!). I went through two months of hell when I first jumped off, then things got easier gradually for two months, then I had two months where there was NOTHING going on (an "emotional plateau"), and the past month has been a mix of waves and windows.


Hang in there. Even though you tapered sensibly, there's no guarantee that your withdrawal will be easy. I've seen people c/t and do great and I've seen people taper down to "fumes" and still have a lot of trauma when they jumped. We're all different. It's best to just take an attitude of "going with the flow." If you try and fight the symptoms, it's just going to be more difficult.


My philosophy, learned the hard way over seven months, is: "It's going to be what it's going to be."


Am I healed? No. Am I on my way? I would like to think so. Time will tell...


Hang in there. It DOES get better!


Tex it sounds like you came out of that bad wave a little? 

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Yes, thank goodness! I'm still not sleeping great, but the 2-week wave is finally letting loose a bit! Whew! I hate those motherf*@#&ers!




Thanks for being there with your words of encouragement. I'll do my best to reciprocate when you hit a tough patch...

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Yes, thank goodness! I'm still not sleeping great, but the 2-week wave is finally letting loose a bit! Whew! I hate those motherf*@#&ers!




Thanks for being there with your words of encouragement. I'll do my best to reciprocate when you hit a tough patch...


I'm neck deep in it right now lol.  The depression and anxiety are unrelenting these past two weeks

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Yeah, I didn't want to reply while in a wave. I was actually doing great at 1-2 mos. If my mind could loop on something other than my health, I'd be fairly OK. Well, I think that now. I hate to think what stupid thing it'd loop on otherwise.


Isaac, that is the worst part. Being a temporarily crazy person. That and the irrational fear. Everything gets way too scary, when it really isn't. I had loads of windows though, right at where you're about to be.

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Going on 4 months for me and I just came out of a miserable wave. Had an ok 5 days or so and now I'm going back into another wave. I'm gaining a lot of weight and it is making me really depressed. I was a lot better at 1-2 months off and once the 3rd came around it was misery. Hope you heal quickly!
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