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My waves are changing.


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I don't know if this is good or bad but my waves are different than a few months ago. Well I cant say that totally. The choking feeling like there is a lump in my throat is still there and indigestion but my cortisol surges have lessend. The only thing is my anxiety in general is amped up like I could have a cortisol surge at any second but it doesn't happen. I am like this all day. I also just feel sickly all the time. These two feelings would come and go before but after my last window a few weeks ago it has been constant. No ups and downs during the day just always high. Its high all the way till I finally fall asleep. I swear when I sleep is when my life begins. When I wake is when I'm thrown into hell. Months ago my anxiety was at its highest in the morning. Now when I get up it seems to be constant until bed. I am 5 months out. If I had known taking the klonopin would be this bad I would have stuck with the steroid body tremors and insomnia till they went away on there own! Anyone feel this way 5 months out? Anyone heal from this that went through this faze?
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Yes, I went though almost exactly this at almost the exact same time!


Weird swallowing stuff and super high anxiety. My sleep improved I think month 4 or 5 through around month 6 or 7 when the cortisol spikes at 4am get better and better. Then around 6 or 7 months it came back and was keeping me awake 1-2 hours in the middle of the night. Now it is fading back down again. Same with the anxiety. For weeks it is high and constant, then went away pretty good for a month, then back again. It will get easier for you. The anxiety will go away, but I found it was soon replaced by something else  :D  But when it comes back the next time it should be a little milder. All this stuff keeps getting a little easier for me over the months, it will for you also!  :thumbsup:

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