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Lonely And Confused


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I feel lonely, but I don't want to be around anyone.  I'm too scared or angry to be around others.  Does this make sense, and does anyone feel the same?



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Yeah, I totally relate. I have my wife around in the evenings and on weekends, but during the day I am totally alone. I've tried to go to AA and NA meetings but they are so incredibly boring. I know it's a way to be around people, but I just get antsy because I get so bored.


I was just thinking an hour or so ago about how sick I am of staying at home. I went down to the UPS store and shipped my father and stepmother their Christmas gifts. As I was leaving I thought how the woman who worked there probably didn't like working for low wages, but how lucky she was and didn't know it to be able to function well enough to work that job, or any job.


I try and break up my day by walking in the morning, watching some TV, then getting on line, then watching more TV and then later in the day maybe doing some yard work. Even so, it's just so lonely. But it's also so damn uncomfortable being around people and having to try and relate to them, so it's kind of damned if I do, damned if I don't.


All I can do is hope that it eventually gets better. I was on benzos for 15.5 years and I've been off since jumping c/t on May 26. I'm 6.5 months out and still just feel like I have so far to go. I know I have gotten better, but right now I'm on Day 9 of a wave and it's hard to feel positive when in a wave.


Hang in there. You're not that far behind me. I hear it gets better at about 7 or 8 months. I sure hope so!



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Same here, just want to be alone, but when i,am i feel alone.....

But one day i,am angry and the other really depressed.....not much fun to be around with.


When i,am around the people i love they i get irriteded by them, the most little thing wil get me angry.

And i hate it, because they are the most caring people i know.....


It wil pass, it became wors for me when i got of the ssri....


Take care.



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