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Floaters keep getting worse


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I'm a little over three months out of a ct from Ativan and my floaters will get a little better than come back worse and repeat I have heard that for some people they get worse around the 3 month mark. I didn't have any floaters before all this which makes me assume it's the withdrawal causing them. Does anyone else have some insight on this topic. Thank you


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Did you have your eyes dialated?  I have floaters too and went to eye doctor, had eyes dilated, and he found that the vitreous gel was pulling away from my retina.  This is not  a good thing.  So if you havnt had eyes dilated maybe you should go back to doc and do so.



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Yes had my eyes dilated 3 times all said my eyes were perfect and also had an octomap scan. Takes a picture of the eye and you can see all the veins nerves and everything. Also looked perfect. I think it has to do with nerves from withdrawal and perception being over sensitive. So I hope anyways
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Hi front:


Ive had floaters my whole life but I never REALLY notice or concentrated on them till w/d. In acute w/d I really concentrated on them, thought there was something wrong with my eyes. There wasnt. When acute w/d passed and my heightened anxiety became manageable I no longer paid attention to the floaters Ive always had.


Withdrawal puts us in a very heightened state of anxiety and we become hypervigilant. We notice every slight change our bodies make, changes or states we would not have noticed but for our heightened state of anxiety. As your brain normalizes  you probably wont notice the floaters anymore


Thats what happened for me

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i had a floater or two before wd. now i have 30 huge ones in each eye. in my right eye half my vision is obscured by them and theyre black and visible anywhere. my vitreous humor is crystal clear and no floaters can be seen by a doctor.  these came with light sensitivity and afterimages and have only gotten worse. i think i am seeing past a filter that used to mask these. they sure are not the floaters i used to have. and the doctors cant see them.


floaters that appear large to the observer and are not seen floating around the vitrous are probably very close to the retina,  hence why they cast such huge shadows on it. i am guessing that our brain used to tune these out but that anxiety or withdrawal has caused a chemical change in the brain where the brain no longer ignores these.i think thuu were always there.

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Same thing happens to me. I could barely see a few times today because of it. I didn't have floaters before withdrawal unless I was getting a tan n I could see that one when I closed my eyes.
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I've heard for a lot of people that they do improve once your receptors and the rest of your body also heal. Sucks now but just hope they get better. I also have after images and tracers some days worse than others but I'm just a little over 3 months out. So lists of healing time left just frustrating.
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