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Hello, i keep feeling the need to apologize for being worried, but its been almost 3 weeks since i stopped xanax. Typical answer i get elsewhere is that theres no way i could still be feeling anything. Lately ive been so sensitive to lights and sounds where im super jumpy and shaky over the slightest things. Im so worried that the xanax has done something permanent to my body chemistry and i wont feel normal again. I had a physical recently and all tests, even blood tests were normal. Can anyone please help with some advice because im literally so depressed and upset over it. Could i just be focusing way too much on it and convincing myself that something is wrong? or could my body/brain still be adjusting to being done with it? Thanks :)
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Hello, i keep feeling the need to apologize for being worried, but its been almost 3 weeks since i stopped xanax. Typical answer i get elsewhere is that theres no way i could still be feeling anything. Lately ive been so sensitive to lights and sounds where im super jumpy and shaky over the slightest things. Im so worried that the xanax has done something permanent to my body chemistry and i wont feel normal again. I had a physical recently and all tests, even blood tests were normal. Can anyone please help with some advice because im literally so depressed and upset over it. Could i just be focusing way too much on it and convincing myself that something is wrong? or could my body/brain still be adjusting to being done with it? Thanks :)


For those of us who have trouble getting off three weeks is not surprising to still have withdrawal symptoms. Hang in there because you do not have permanent damage. Time is needed to shake Xanax.


Seriously, if Xanax did permanent damage do you think it would still be on the market?

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I am three weeks off Klonopin/Librium today.  And I continue to have a constant gut ache and back ache.  I had this before, and still have it, I am only guessing its tolerance withdrawl/withdrawl because I have no other answers.  I am frustrated and want to see a ray of hope, so I hope you get some more answers to this thread so I can read them too.  I keep thinking about taking a rescue dose, but just am trying to count one day at a time, but I have seen nothing so far, maybe worse at times, I am discouraged as well.
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I had huge light and noise sensitivity during my taper and acute withdrawal. It's a common side effect of withdrawal. I couldn't look at a computer screen without sunglasses and had to wear ear plus everywhere.


Once you get through the acute stage, which I'm told is typically two months, it will likely be gone. Maybe sooner.


Rest assured, you are in benzo withdrawal.


Practise meditation, relaxation, mindfulness, yoga and it will help calm your senses.

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