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I think I am coming with a cold/flu I have a sore throat and my tonsils and Uvula is red. 


Hell this is what I exactly needed now?


so what Can it take for it? would the following rev up symptoms? not sure if its strep throat yet?

Vitamin C



stuff like Theraflu OTC


What about antibiotics? what to stay away from in case?








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I think I am coming with a cold/flu I have a sore throat and my tonsils and Uvula is red. 


Hell this is what I exactly needed now?


so what Can it take for it? would the following rev up symptoms? not sure if its strep throat yet?

Vitamin C



stuff like Theraflu OTC


What about antibiotics? what to stay away from in case?





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I just recently got over a cold/sinus with real bad congestion. Haven't had a cold in about 10 yrs never used to get colds damn benzos! It was awful. All i did was take 2 extra strength tylenol and knocked me right out.  Went to tie dr. & he prescrbed a decongestant, but i never took it, just sucked it uped.  Cold only lasted 7-10 days. I can breath now.        What about zinc lozenges, echinacea,  things to help boost the immune system, PRO-BOOST you put under the tongue to  to help fight off infections.  Zinc is good for the immune system.
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Take whatever you need, but watch any medication that has "non-drowsy" components as they may rev up your withdrawal symptoms similar to caffeine. I can't remember the name of the drug that's used to make things nondrowsy, but your pharmacist will be able to help u.
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