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Medications I'm thinking of asking the dr for. Are they ok?


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I'm thinking of asking the dr for hydroxyzine for sleep and anxiety, buscopan for stomach pain, quinine sulphate for the cramps and restless legs, a blood pressure tablet(any suggestions) and propranalol(beta blocker) for the palpitations


Can anyone see why any of these things would be a problem for me personally?




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hi, well i can't see your signature so i don't really know your benzo-history.

as for myself i decided not to take any meds because my task is to have a live

without pills for this and pills for that.

i know its hard but i pushed through this hell and my insomnia is gone, my bp is back to normal

and so on. but i mean everyone has to decide for himself. i preferred suffering for weeks

and to wait it out.

good luck

claudia :thumbsup:

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Propranolol should lower BP as well. It's the only one of your list that I've used in a small dose in withdrawal. I only take as needed and not more than 10mg. I also use under 1mg of melatonin at night sometimes.


I also think it's better to push through if you can. Our bodies react in different ways and if you want to try something take a small dose and see what happens. Nobody knows what your own reaction will be.

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I think the propranalol my help with regards to the feelings of my heart stopping and palpitations. They are the most bothersome symptom for me at the moment. I can deal with crushing chest pain bowels constantly in panic mode kidneys aching but the heart palpitations worry me. The stomach cramps can be bad. The cog fog and concentration is bad too.


I come down from 6mg xanax and 40mg of diazepam to just 35mg of diazepam in les than 30 days.


None of the drugs I mentioned are habit forming also hydroxyzine helps with sleep strong antihistamine.

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Sounds like you did a pretty fast taper. Why? The heart stuff is a withdrawal sx. I just started having it this week. I get a forceful thud in my chest and then a muscle spasm in my throat. As soon as i found out that others on this board have heart stuff going on too I relaxed about it and don't let it bother me. Perhaps you can do the same? Do you live alone? You can get quinine on your own at the grocery store. Tonic water contains it. Schweppes and Canada Dry someone said.
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True my dad has a load of quinine sulphate anyway. Reaason doing rapid taper is because I have 2 months to get back to work done gradual taper before failed but I felt much less positive than I do this time. I have it set in my mind what I need to do once down to 10mg then I shall titrate I think.
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try benadryl instead of vistaryl (hydroxyzine), cabbage or raw potatoes for the stomach pain, magnesium glycinate for the cramps and restless legs, the BP and heart issues. Also, many find relief with baby doses of propranolol (I'd say it's the placebo effect though as the therapeutic effects of it start at much higher doses...80 mg and up). Fwiw I tried 20 mg propranolol - gave me sleep issues and chest pain. Some docs prescribe melatonin along with it just because it's notorious for sleep issues. I couldn't tolerate melatonin (I tried it for sleep) as it didn't really help (at 6 mg) and it lowered my BP to 80's making me dizzy, lightheaded and overall ...blah.

My 2 cents.



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I am on 10 mg propranolol and my Doc assured me it is a super low dose and it has helped the heart stuff... i did not want to take it but at such a low dose it's no biggie really.



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If you do end up asking your doctor for these medications, I would recommend starting only one med at a time . If you end up having side effects from any of them, you will have a better idea of which one is causing it. I also take a beta blocker as needed for heart palpitations and find it very helpful but I can only take it occasionally or it makes my depression worse.
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