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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Thanks for your input Jackie Brown, I am going to look into getting liquid Remeron. My shrink will already give me liquid Valium. I don't know for sure but I think the best place to start tapering would be the Remeron since I am taking so a large amount. I really don't wake up fully until about 4:00pm every day. I am awake but feel like I just want to lay around. If I can lower the Remeron down to 45mg over time then it might make sense to taper my Valium for awhile and then go back to the Remeron. I have no clue really. First place to start is to see if I can get liquid Remeron. I appreciate your time and caring. I think all of us know what a nightmare these drugs can be. They can also be helpful in a crisis so all we can do is to try and get off of them and stay off of them if at all possible. Thanks for your support, it goes a long way toward making me feel better just to know that somebody understands and cares.
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Hi Forty! Yellow Labs are awesome dogs! How old and what’s the name? I’ll look up The video. Any help I can get. How you doing?


I’ve had to completely change my diet to low histamine and also I feel diabetic from this taper. I’m not but it feels like my blood sugars are a mess. I feel anxious and super jittery all the time. I’m drinking tons of water and peeing a lot. This sucks and thinking I have 15 months of this just makes me cringe.


I have some questions to anyone who can answer. I’ve been cutting my 15 mg pill in 1/4s and then I shave off and weigh in grams to get .034grams. I just weighed out 2 weeks worth and I’m not changing that now but I’m wondering if I crushed a couple pills with a mortar and pestle and then weighed the powder if that might be better distribution for my dose. I hate to lick up the powder because Mirtezapine is very nasty tasting and makes your tongue feel numb. I could put it in applesauce, like a spoonful. I was hoping I could get farther down before I had to do this. Also I don’t want to have to weigh my dose every night. Any thoughts or opinions?


Ps: I’m not going to liquid. Not because I don’t think it works but because it’s far to confusing to me.



Thanks for your thoughts

Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


Hi Jackie,

If you crush, you can weigh the powder and then put them in a capsule to swallow, rather than applesauce if you don't like the taste.  Edzo's Buddy Blog showed how to do this in a video right before he jumped.  He crushed his valium, weighed the powder and encapsulated it for each dose.  Not sure about distribution, but his video post is very detailed if you can find it.


Sorry that your taper is so rough.  You are such a kind and encouraging voice to others.  May you experience the same in return!  I'm not on forum much currently, but sending healing thoughts your way.  :smitten: :smitten:  I too have a Mirt taper in front of me in the not too distant future.



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Hi Sharkie and thank you for all your help and your sweetness to me. When will you be tapering the Mirtezapine? Let me know because I’ll still be tapering for about another 12 months.


I made my cut down to 0.028 grams on Sunday night, today and yesterday my lower back is excruciating. I remember going through really bad lower back pain when I tapered Valium, it’s awful. Last month my cut produced bad anxiety and depression. So far just back pain with a little depression, stomach pain and the dreaded D word. I hate these drugs more then words can say.


I hope others are holding on and trusting this process. I have days when I feel like how did I get here again but I try real hard to put that out of my mind. Here’s to another day.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Jackie I'm sending loving thoughts to you . I know how hard multiple withdrawals can be and the remeron one is a biatch . But you are on the winning side of it all and every day you hang in there is a day closer to the magic final day of healing . We are strong nd we can do this . It just takes time .  :smitten:

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Thank you brave! How are things going with all your plans? Are you feeling good? It’s July 3 and people are already shooting off fireworks, scaring our sweet doggies. I’m always happy for this holiday to be over with.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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I have had a few really good weeks but now find myself down the rabbit hole with pain and muscle tension . :'(


The house is on the market and we have rented a nice apt. up in Portland . Hopefully the house will sell soon and we can start  in on the long range plan of building our own new place in Portland . Meanwhile we are making trips up I-5 to the new apt. with the stuff we want to keep and downsizing and getting rid of the rest . It's all stressful and probably the worst thing I could be doing , but sometimes life does not give you a choice .

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Hi Brave, I can see how stressful a move is. I would hate to move all my stuff. Over 40 years accumulated and I love my stuff so hard to pitch anything. Building your own house will be stressful too. I put a whole new kitchen in while knee deep in withdrawal. Didn’t enjoy the process at all and I wish I could have. Now I have this beautiful kitchen so the end result is always worth it. Sorry your in the rabbit hole again. The muscle spasms and pain have been so bad for me too. Will we ever be totally pain free?  Good luck with your trips moving.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:



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Jackie , more proof of how bat - sh-t this whole process is !!!!! After one of the worst 4ths in living memory and believe me when I say that there have been a few  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I had an amazing night and am back to my usual semi- perky self . I felt well enough this morning to cope with my much loved husband whingeing his darn fool head off about his upset tummy ( which he got by foolishly eating two hot dogs. one hamburger , potato salad , bean salad and they Lord knows what else ) at the disaster known as our daughter's family holiday picnic . OY and then some. It's all about survival girl friend .  :thumbsup:

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Your funny Brave. Poor husband but at least he had fun while he was doing it. :) Survival, I feel like I’ve been in that mode for past 6 or 7 years.  ::) I guess I’ll keep going.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Everyone


I just wanted to stop in here with with a question about Remeron. It seems like quite a few on the board are taking it to help with benzo withdrawal, but I have also heard of quite a few people having a bad experience with it. I am having a rough taper and my doctor suggested Remeron. I took it for five days and felt great, but on further research had some reservations so I stopped taking it while I still could. I am desperate for an easier taper, but I don't want to have additional problems from Remeron. It seems like it's a miracle for some, and a curse for others. I'm really conflicted as to whether I should take it. I feel like it could be what saves me, or puts me in my grave. I can't afford to get much worse. I would appreciate any input or advice you could give me. Thanks!




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Hi Jackie


I am tapering off of Valium. I was on xanax 1.5 mgs for five years then crossed over to 15 mgs of valium to taper. I am currently down to 6.8 mg. I started with pills and did cut and hold. Now I am on liquid valium and  reduce .2 mg every seven days. That reduces by a rate of 1mg every 35 days. I was tapering much faster in the beginning. I have just about every anxiety related symptom and insomnia. I have become agoraphobic, sensitive to sensory overload, and have trouble interacting with people. I used to be a very sociable and happy counselor, so this is quite a rough adjustment for me. I have strange aversions, for example I can't watch tv, read books, or listen to music without getting super anxious. Very strange symptoms and I have a hard time finding distractions. Thanks for your response!



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Hi Tom. In 2012 I c/o from 2mg Xanax to 40mg Valium and dry cut tapered all the way down so I hear you loud and clear with sx’s how bad they can be. As far as the Remeron goes for me I had to take it due to not eating. It was a life saver for me but here I am tapering it now. Some people can get off from it with little trouble, others have a very hard time. I think if I could manage without it I certainly would. You are very low in dose right now 6.8 congratulations! Valium tends to sneak up on you or at least that’s what it did to me. The anxiety can really be hard to get through but it is doable. Are you getting any windows?



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Hi Sharkie and thank you for all your help and your sweetness to me. When will you be tapering the Mirtezapine? Let me know because I’ll still be tapering for about another 12 months.


I made my cut down to 0.028 grams on Sunday night, today and yesterday my lower back is excruciating. I remember going through really bad lower back pain when I tapered Valium, it’s awful. Last month my cut produced bad anxiety and depression. So far just back pain with a little depression, stomach pain and the dreaded D word. I hate these drugs more then words can say.


I hope others are holding on and trusting this process. I have days when I feel like how did I get here again but I try real hard to put that out of my mind. Here’s to another day.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


Hi Jackie,


Congrats on your cuts!  You are so low!  That is awesome.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


As for me, I'm not sure about when to officially start.  I have a couple of dental procedures I need to do and possibly a colonoscopy.  I thought I'd tackle those first.  I'm still very compromised after 18 months off Benzo.  Still 24/7 symptoms.  I was hoping for far better improvement before tackling this taper, but it hasn't yet come.  Of course, I wonder if the Mirt is delaying.


In a weird sort of way, I have been tapering a bit.  I was having numerous side effects in the fall of 2018 and I suspected the Mirt was the cause (joint pain, muscle stiffness, super groggy in am plus some others).  So in December, I made my first 10% cut from 7 mg.  Then something weird happend that interrupted my progress. 


I have a number of digestive issues including SIBO and had a flare up in January.  I eliminated three things from my very standard (eat the same things each day) diet.  The next morning, I woke super early (can never do that since on Mirt) and had very little joint pain and stiffness in my hands.  I wasn't really sure what was happening, but thought maybe one of the foods was causing the inflammation and joint pain.  By day three, I was in full blown withdrawal, as if I had stopped taking the Mirt or made a huge cut.  Long story short, after trial and error of putting each of the foods back in separately, it turns out a cheese I eat daily from Trader Joes (with various enzymes), was the culprit.  Apparently, the enzymes are inhibting the Mirt causing increased serum levels in my body which cause the above mentioned side effects.  Could hardly believe it myself, so took it out and added it back in 3 times.  Same thing happened each time.  As a result, I tapered the cheese down from 2 pieces a day to a half a piece in January.  It took me 2 months to stabilize so who knows how much my body thought I was on.  Crazy, I know!  But at least now, I can wake up at 8:30 and the joint pain, muscle stiffness and other side effects are much less.  I also lost 10 of the pounds I gained on the Mirt.


Just when I was feeling better I had another flare this month of the SIBO and I started a garlic supplement.  Only the second supplement I've tried since my Benzo taper as I was forced to go off almost everything due to interactions or worsening symtpoms.  Same thing started happening as with the cheese, so I tapered the garlic down quickly.  But I'm really feeling it.  Messing with my already sensitive CNS.  This is giving me some indication of how difficult this taper may be for me.  Since then, I've been studying up a lot on what inhibits or induces the Mirt enzyme pathways.  Many, many things!  And for some reason, wtih my genetic make up, I am very impacted by it.


On another note, I am in the same boat you are with the TEVA brand.  I have some backstock too.  Do your expiration dates vary or they all the same?  My furtherst date out is Jan 2020.  I wonder how long beyond that, the drug would still have full potency.  Any ideas?


Talk soon.


Shark :smitten:



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Hi Tom,


I don't like to give advice, but I can share what the Mirt. did for me.  I was in a really bad way tapering from Ativan then cross over to Diazepam with under 2 mg left.  I had two pretty serious drug intreactions on the Diazepam that threw me into acute and there I stayed for the duration of my taper.  I slowed things way, way down since every cut hurt and took 12 more months to get off 1 mg.  I was hoping, I would heal at the same time.  I had insomnia, anxiety and extreme restlessness that became unbearable.  I was also very underweight.  When I started to feel like I was going crazy, I decided to add the Mirtazapine.  For me it helped with the anxiety, the extreme agitation, sleep and weight gain.  I had many other symptoms that it did not help, but those were the ones most debiliating for me.  I increased it very slowly.  Started with 3 mg and took 7 months to bring it up to 7 mg.  I did not want to take any more than just to stabalize those symptoms and so went slow and stopped when those symptoms were in check.  I was still in acute, but somewhat functional at that point.


I don't know that I could have managed if I hadn't.  I was in really bad shape and in many ways it was a huge help in moving me from debiliating to functioning and enabling me to get off the benzo.  That said, I am 18 months off the Diazepam and still have 24/7 symptoms.  Some sx have resolved, but I have 3 stubborn ones that won't quit.  I wonder if the Mirtazapine has delayed healing for me.  Since it fairly quickly resolved some of those debilitating symptoms mentioned, I recognize that it is a great cover up and I may have to deal with these symptoms once again when I taper the Mirt.  I hope a slow taper will make it more bearable and that the healing I have experienced will prove helpful in the process.  But if the cheese incident I wrote about above to Jackie is any indication, it won't be a cake walk.


Additionally, Mirtazapine has had some nasty side effects for me.  Joint pain, muscle stiffness, fatigue or low energy, high cholesterol, weight gain (although I needed that) and at one point high BP.  It has plenty of known drug/herb interactions that make taking other supplements difficult for me which makes it hard to address other health concerns that require herbals.


Ultimately, if you can stick with one drug and one taper, that is ideal!  Healing may come more quickly once you are off everything.  However, if necessary to cope and gain an ability to function, it would be very easy to understand your choice to give it a go.  One thing I would encourage.  Don't take any more than you need to recover some stability.  Titrate up slowly until you find that spot.  Be mindful you will someday have to taper.


May God guide you on your journey.  He did for me.


Sharkie  :)

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Hi everyone, Tom what did you decide to do? Hope you are doing ok.


Sharkie, I am100% convinced that since being on Mirtezapine that certain foods can really affect me so I have no doubt about what you’ve been through.


I waited until I was 29 months off the benzo before I started my Mirtezapine taper. One reason was because the Teva manufacture was starting and stopping production several times and I was afraid of getting stuck on a different manufacturer.  I really felt like it was time to do it. My benzodiazepines sx’s we’re getting better so that was the green light for me. I also kept feeling like my diet needed to change if I was going to feel better. Every time I ate sugar or carbs I became super shaky and my anxiety would go through the roof. Depression was horrible for me. Anyway 3 weeks ago I decided to make the change and stick to it. Soooooo glad I did. I have been eating a Ketogenic diet and my anxiety and depression has lifted. I also have not had the insane shaking. I am convinced diet is huge with this drug.


Teva has now completely stopped manufacturing Mirtezapine but lucky for me I have enough pills to finish my taper. Another thing I would like to note and maybe I’m wrong but I feel like the Teva Mirtezapine is not as strong as other manufacturers of Mirtezapine. I think this but could totally be wrong. As far as drug potency I asked a pharmacist friend that question about my benzodiazepines and he said a couple years so I think you will be ok. My husband has taken 4 years out Hydrocodone before and was fine. Lastly I too have a strong faith in God. That’s what keeps me going.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:



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Hi Tom,


I don't like to give advice, but I can share what the Mirt. did for me.  I was in a really bad way tapering from Ativan then cross over to Diazepam with under 2 mg left.  I had two pretty serious drug intreactions on the Diazepam that threw me into acute and there I stayed for the duration of my taper.  I slowed things way, way down since every cut hurt and took 12 more months to get off 1 mg.  I was hoping, I would heal at the same time.  I had insomnia, anxiety and extreme restlessness that became unbearable.  I was also very underweight.  When I started to feel like I was going crazy, I decided to add the Mirtazapine.  For me it helped with the anxiety, the extreme agitation, sleep and weight gain.  I had many other symptoms that it did not help, but those were the ones most debiliating for me.  I increased it very slowly.  Started with 3 mg and took 7 months to bring it up to 7 mg.  I did not want to take any more than just to stabalize those symptoms and so went slow and stopped when those symptoms were in check.  I was still in acute, but somewhat functional at that point.


I don't know that I could have managed if I hadn't.  I was in really bad shape and in many ways it was a huge help in moving me from debiliating to functioning and enabling me to get off the benzo.  That said, I am 18 months off the Diazepam and still have 24/7 symptoms.  Some sx have resolved, but I have 3 stubborn ones that won't quit.  I wonder if the Mirtazapine has delayed healing for me.  Since it fairly quickly resolved some of those debilitating symptoms mentioned, I recognize that it is a great cover up and I may have to deal with these symptoms once again when I taper the Mirt.  I hope a slow taper will make it more bearable and that the healing I have experienced will prove helpful in the process.  But if the cheese incident I wrote about above to Jackie is any indication, it won't be a cake walk.


Additionally, Mirtazapine has had some nasty side effects for me.  Joint pain, muscle stiffness, fatigue or low energy, high cholesterol, weight gain (although I needed that) and at one point high BP.  It has plenty of known drug/herb interactions that make taking other supplements difficult for me which makes it hard to address other health concerns that require herbals.


Ultimately, if you can stick with one drug and one taper, that is ideal!  Healing may come more quickly once you are off everything.  However, if necessary to cope and gain an ability to function, it would be very easy to understand your choice to give it a go.  One thing I would encourage.  Don't take any more than you need to recover some stability.  Titrate up slowly until you find that spot.  Be mindful you will someday have to taper.


May God guide you on your journey.  He did for me.


Sharkie  :)


Can I ask what supplements interact with mirtazapine? I take melatonin, ltheanine, taurine, magnesium and vitamin d. Are any of these contra-indicated?

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Hi everyone, just wondering how everyone's doing with the mirt taper?

I have been on 3.75 for the past 3 weeks, so far stable (as in no significant pain/torture). I wonder if I should find a compounding pharmacy or compound it myself using maple syrup. I'm weary of any alcohol liquid used by a pharmacy to compound it As well as the price. If anyone has advice on how to compound it using maple syrup that would be super helpful!

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Hi Jackie and Sharkie


Thank you so much for your responses. I have decided to stay off of the Mirt for now. I have been in rough shape, but am still surviving. I would have responded sooner but have been unwell since the several days ago I posted my inquiry. Three doctor appointments this week for health issues unrelated to benzo. It would sure be nice if these challenges could just present themselves one at a time! I wish you all the best in your healing.  Thanks again!



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Hi everyone, just wondering how everyone's doing with the mirt taper?

I have been on 3.75 for the past 3 weeks, so far stable (as in no significant pain/torture). I wonder if I should find a compounding pharmacy or compound it myself using maple syrup. I'm weary of any alcohol liquid used by a pharmacy to compound it As well as the price. If anyone has advice on how to compound it using maple syrup that would be super helpful!


I managed to compound librium caps for about $1 a pill.

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Good morning everyone!  Today is day 15 of my cut down to 0.028grams and I’m getting hit with some nausea and off balance feelings. Not sure how many days I’ll have to deal with this. There really is no rhyme or reason to this withdrawal. I feel just a little shaky too. Thank goodness I’m only tapering 5% a month. I felt ok up to today. Lower back a little sore also. If I was cutting every two weeks these cuts would catch up to me. Once a month is plenty. I can only hope once I’m off that I’m not feeling too bad from stopping. I guess I’m hoping as long as I’m going slow that I’ll be ok.



Hope everyone else is doing better. Hi drad dog!

Good luck Tom!

Hi PTSD, Sharkie NJ,Brave!

Where’s my friend Forty? I hope you are ok.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:



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Hi Jackie :)

Wow your only on 0.028g of mirt?? Did you use a compounding pharmacy to be able to titration so little at a time?? Just curious how come you haven't jumped since it seems like such a tiny dose. I'm currently on 3.75 and planning to start decreasing tonight.

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Hi PTSD, it’s just under 3mg. Not planning on jumping for another 11 months. I’m cutting and weighing on a scale. How are you going to taper?


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Oh LOL my bad, your unit is grams, not mg. Benzo brain  ::)


I'm planning on going down by 10% every 2-3weeks from 3.75mg starting tonight.

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