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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Hi BarbaraAve, I’m sorry you are having a hard time still. NJstrength is right we will check on you. What a mess these drugs cause us and it takes so long to get better from them too.


Hi Forty and everyone. Today is day 11 of my last cut down to 0.030 grams. I’ve been pretty weirded out since day 8. Today was very hard with anxiety and some nausea. I hate feeling so anxious, it makes everything so much harder. Thank God for my daughters and son. They help me so much. Anyway I will hold this cut until the end of month or beginning of July. God only knows how hard this is but we will get through this, all of us.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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No, nobody is checking on me.  Which is why Baylissa kinda said she was not so sure I could get off these things.


We will check on you! How are you doing today?


Aww, tht is sweet.


Uh I am flat out lying in bed today.  Can't believe i could mov or be out inlight andlying in bed...

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Well I too spent most of the day in bed. Barbara, hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Keep checking in with us. We will lift you up.
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To anybody that's hyper-sensitive to Remeron, that happens when it's the only drug in your system, lookup the brassmonkey slide taper method on surviving antidepressants; it's something different than we are used to in this board but looks promising.


I've tried the optimist version that we hear on the board, but halving was impossible, lowering 20% or even 10% is not possible for me, I have to be on an exact brand of generic; these antidepressants are a different beast, quite strange that you can feel much better after cutting, and then hit hard a few days after.

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To anybody that's hyper-sensitive to Remeron, that happens when it's the only drug in your system, lookup the brassmonkey slide taper method on surviving antidepressants; it's something different than we are used to in this board but looks promising.


I've tried the optimist version that we hear on the board, but halving was impossible, lowering 20% or even 10% is not possible for me, I have to be on an exact brand of generic; these antidepressants are a different beast, quite strange that you can feel much better after cutting, and then hit hard a few days after.


Thanks for sharing this. I like this idea. While it was difficult, I did shave the first half of my Klonopin dosage (since updosed--long story--too much family stress) by reducing 3 percent a week for about six months. I did some holds. I am trying to get a work from home job so I can possibly restart tapering something, probably the mirtazapine rather than the K. I don't think I can taper and work outside the home while I have so much life stress at the moment.

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Thanks for sharing that NJStrength, good to know those smaller weekly reductions can be better!


Barbara, the gist of it is:


Week 1: Reduce 2.5%

Week 2: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 5%)

Week 3: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 7.5%)

Week 4: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 10%)

Weeks 4-6: Hold


So instead of going straight for the 10% cut and then holding a month, you "slide" into it. I see it as a happy medium between cutting and a micro taper.


His original explanation can be found here:





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Thanks for sharing that NJStrength, good to know those smaller weekly reductions can be better!


Barbara, the gist of it is:


Week 1: Reduce 2.5%

Week 2: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 5%)

Week 3: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 7.5%)

Week 4: Reduce a further 2.5% Based on original dose (Total 10%)

Weeks 4-6: Hold


So instead of going straight for the 10% cut and then holding a month, you "slide" into it. I see it as a happy medium between cutting and a micro taper.


His original explanation can be found here:




I see you were on librax ... I took that beginning when I was 8 until mid 20s! Yikes, had no idea of the dangers. I have often thought of crossing to that from the K as I have so many issues with nausea. Have no idea if it would help or not.

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I see you were on librax ... I took that beginning when I was 8 until mid 20s! Yikes, had no idea of the dangers. I have often thought of crossing to that from the K as I have so many issues with nausea. Have no idea if it would help or not.


Wow, 12 years on Librax, I short circuited after a year on it :) I've realize it's taking any of these bad boys daily that's the issue. I haven't really done a deep dive in researching if a cross would help; just today I was thinking of switching from Remeron to something else and then slowly tapering it, other than one of these micro tapers I think it may be the way out. A few years before librax I C/T Prozac like a champ.

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I see you were on librax ... I took that beginning when I was 8 until mid 20s! Yikes, had no idea of the dangers. I have often thought of crossing to that from the K as I have so many issues with nausea. Have no idea if it would help or not.


Wow, 12 years on Librax, I short circuited after a year on it :) I've realize it's taking any of these bad boys daily that's the issue. I haven't really done a deep dive in researching if a cross would help; just today I was thinking of switching from Remeron to something else and then slowly tapering it, other than one of these micro tapers I think it may be the way out. A few years before librax I C/T Prozac like a champ.


Well I was 8 years old and did not know any better. I threw up all the time and that helped. I c/t it because this was a long time ago and no one told me not to do that and I was sick for about two months. Then better. Now I cannot get off anything, but I am holding on tapering for right now as I am barely able to manage with some life stress I have. I have to be as well as possible to help my son who is sick (16 years old).

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I am not as functional as you guys, in fact flat on back.  I wonder if have something else going on other than benzo withdrawal.


This all started with mirtaz, taken right after antibiotic,  then feeling ill and me CT mirtaz.

So that was my starting point:  acute.


I assumed had to get off benzo-- my assumption after gtting input--  but might be wrong.  for first year or so had hope, but not now.


I went for walk other day, normal errand running, about 20 mins.  Proud of self then so tired couldn't interact on phone even.  And the like one or two hrs sleep and here I am.


Needhelp but no idea how to get it or what type most beneficial and so limited abilities/energy.


Sleep disorder was primary problem... I do feel nobody else here has has the life of srewed up hrs leading to sleep anxiety/ fear appt scheduling, etc... which was my life before these meds did what they did.  I was on disability for the sleep.  I realize I complex case  and social situation (isolated) makes it worse.


ps.  why do some people have longer sigs than others?  I want to update but it wont allow more room. thx


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NJ, who is the person you suggested i get hold of with the various drugs they were on but got stable??


How are yu today?

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Hmm.. I think it is BeGood?. She tapered down to zero then reinstated and is doing a slow taper and seems to be doing well. In the Long Hold Support Group.


Things here not good as my son is going downhill, doctor recommended some heavy duty drug as next step and I am a mess. I was in bed until 4 p.m. today. My therapist told me I should try to rest and cry and sleep as much as I can on the weekends. I usually exercise and meditate but have done neither since Wednesday. It's just hard as we are now on 10 months of this craziness with his health. he is in a lot of pain and losing weight again.

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No, that was not the name you gave me.

Was someone who wound up on 2 diff benzos... wish i could find your note! 


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No, that was not the name you gave me.

Was someone who wound up on 2 diff benzos... wish i could find your note!


kgirl10 added valium on to her k before tapering. She is sometimes on but if you find her signature you can see how she did it. She got off, had a rough taper, but is doing well.


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Hello all,


Luckily this post is not for me...My sister took Mirtazapine for several years. She decided to "taper" In January. The taper was complete by March 6th.( Way Too quick at 7.5) She had no issues sleeping until May 20th, when she was bolted awake by a "buzzing" in her ears. Since then, she has not been able to sleep more than 3 hours. She is 72, alone and can't function  (Had to stop working). The doctor has given her ambien, which doesn't help. I have been through this agony several times and want to help her. She has no history of benzo use. The only drug she ever took was mirtazapine.  She is now convinced that this buzzing is from the Wi-Fi use next door. (*&^%$) Does this sound like tinnitus? Could it be a delayed reaction from the mirtazapine? Or do you think the two are unrelated? What would be the most helpful thing for her to do? medical marijuana instead of ambien? She lives in California and I live in FLorida.  Any feedback would be so appreciated.

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hi magnolis,


as a person who has successfully tapered off of both benzos and mirtazapine, my advice would be to have your sister reinstate her mirtazapine at a lower dose and see if that alleviates her symptoms. her taper was far too fast and her nervous system did not have any time to catch up. if she takes 3.75mg for a week or more and begins to stabilize, this is an indication that she has a withdrawal syndrome from mirtazapine - and she should wait some time (meaning a couple months or more) before beginning to taper again, but at a speed of no more than 10% her dose every 30 days. and if at the end of a 30 day period she does not feel stabilized, she should hold until she is before making her next reduction.


it'd be worthwhile to see if a reinstatement of 3.75mg is effective. if it is not, then she could consider reinstating slightly more. but starting lower is always preferable as her nervous system is likely already sensitized. if she can find a liquid preparation or a pharmacy who will compound it for her 1mg to 1ml, it will make her measurements much more accurate.


i hope all works out well for her.


best wishes,



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yes, tinnitus was one of my personal mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms early on (i also had discontinued too fast and needed to reinstate) and the onset of tinnitus from rapid discontinuation is not unusual. hopefully reinstatement and subsequent stabilization will alleviate that symptom for her.
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18 months off 15mg of Remeron after a 14 month taper. I am still suffering badly. Nausea constantly, Tinnitus, Crushing feeling in the head, electrical zaps all over the body. Anyone else this bad this far out? I had one good month inf March with only one bad day. That disappeared and now it's bad 4 out of five days. This is a nightmare!
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Hi Everyone,

I am a 71 year old male that has had anxiety and sleep issues my entire life. About 5 years ago my insomnia became a real problem. I tried Ambien, several antidepressants and Ativan. The benzos gave me temporary relief. I took Lexapro for about 5 months and my life stabilized tremendously. I was able to taper off the Ativan rather quickly. Then I decided I would taper off the Lexapro and that went fairly well also. My psychiatrist did not inform me of the rebound effect from tapering off of these drugs so I hit a wall fairly soon. I could not sleep, I was depressed and super anxious. I was trying to retire from my business at the time so I was under great stress. So I reinstated Ativan and tried Lexapro again. Much to my surprise Lexapro did little to nothing this time around. I still have yet to figure that one out. In desperation my shrink prescribed 60 mg of Remeron for me to take at night. It was a life saver because I actually was able to sleep. I still wanted to get off of these drugs so I switched from Ativan to Valium. After a year on this combo I decided to try tapering my Valium using a liquid prescription. It was going well. I also tapered my Remeron to 45mg. So far so good. Then I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and I reinstated again. Sorry this is so long. Now I am being treated for my Prostate with Lupron and it seems under control at this time. So my question to you is how do I begin tapering down off the 60mg of Remeron without throwing my health into turmoil.

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Hi everyone! Spinner, my best advice is to taper no more then 5 to 10% a month. I am tapering 5% a month and I’m in the thick of withdrawal right now. I can’t imagine tapering any faster. I have read of others who were able to taper faster, I’m just not one of them, wish I was. So sorry about your cancer diagnosis. My dad had that. It is good to be on top of it and you should be good. I wish you the very best!


Sasquach, I agree, this drug is a nightmare. I am still tapering and this month has been terrible. The head fog and anxiety is through the roof. I keep wondering how I can do this for a year and then how long will it last after like you. I feel so crappie that I would be too scared to go any faster. I guess we just keep moving forward and trust we will heal.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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