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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Go slow Jackie !

I think it’s the sedative antihistamine receptor bit you are missing but you will make that soon.

Maugham1 will know


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Thanks guys! Leaving for the celebration in a few minutes. I’ve calmed down in the past hour. Not as intense. Digestive issues getting hit. Lots of bathroom breaks. Geez! Teva is not manufacturing my Mirtezapine until June. They gave me a different manufacture. Thankfully I have about 130, 15 mg Mirtezapine and a bunch of broken pieces that are Teva. I figured 7, 15 mg pills a month so this should get me through a 19 month taper if I needed it to. I could even slow down to 2% a few months if I had to. I’ll get through this and so will all of us. Thanks Brave and Forty, you’re the best!


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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At night I still take Seroquel 25 , Diaz 5 pregabalin 125 and mirtazipine 15. 

I failed to reduce the Seroquel unfortunately.  I fell again in the night.

I have to reduce something soon at night and dunno which to taper.

Mirtazipine does nothing for depression !  Perhaps I will be brave and cut that by ten percent this week.

Ideas welcome. 

How was the party J?.


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Hi Forty, you can try 10% from the Mirtezapine. But why not get rid of that last 5 Valium? I don’t know really. I say do whatever will help you get off each one. None of us are professional taperers. Just do what will work for you. You fell? Was it a bad fall? Are you ok? Do you have a nightlight you can use? Too many questions, sorry. The party went well. I’m noticing stressors can trigger things worse. Must teach myself to sit back and breathe. New car bumper sticker I’m going to make, “No to the fear” now to believe it.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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The Valium is tempting but it’s 5mg at night and 12.5/12 during the day depending on the cut n supply.

So thought I would try to get the Diaz down to 5/5/5 and then start on the mirtazipine.

I have a lot of family and dog resistance to changing anything sadly.


I ate late and my pudding came up so I was chocking. I got out of bed to be sick if necessary and ended up on the floor.  This is the pregabalin mirtazipine combination. I often totter at night.


I was due to help at church but having to lie down and snooze, and missing my favourite rugby matches.

I did too much yesterday and have CFS wobbles today, which mimic withdrawal.

Not injured but could have been.

I wonder why the docs kept adding stuff, especially as I am getting old — Pam would have stopped them. !!

Dick.  Cyber hugs required for elderly gent !



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Glad you are ok. Sounds like a good plan with the Valium. I’m not sure why these doctors keep loading people up on so many drugs, it’s very wrong IMO and you are right, your wife would have probably said something. What kind of dog do you have? I have 2 Cocker Spaniels. Love my dogs.


:smitten: :smitten: Jackie

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Yellow lab Jackie


Just want to mention tapping again for anxiety in withdrawal


On Y Tube a man called Zafrir Amitai who has done some good letting go of tension videos. I has worked whenever I get wound up


Best wishes




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Hi Forty! Yellow Labs are awesome dogs! How old and what’s the name? I’ll look up The video. Any help I can get. How you doing?


I’ve had to completely change my diet to low histamine and also I feel diabetic from this taper. I’m not but it feels like my blood sugars are a mess. I feel anxious and super jittery all the time. I’m drinking tons of water and peeing a lot. This sucks and thinking I have 15 months of this just makes me cringe.


I have some questions to anyone who can answer. I’ve been cutting my 15 mg pill in 1/4s and then I shave off and weigh in grams to get .034grams. I just weighed out 2 weeks worth and I’m not changing that now but I’m wondering if I crushed a couple pills with a mortar and pestle and then weighed the powder if that might be better distribution for my dose. I hate to lick up the powder because Mirtezapine is very nasty tasting and makes your tongue feel numb. I could put it in applesauce, like a spoonful. I was hoping I could get farther down before I had to do this. Also I don’t want to have to weigh my dose every night. Any thoughts or opinions?


Ps: I’m not going to liquid. Not because I don’t think it works but because it’s far to confusing to me.



Thanks for your thoughts

Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made another 5% cut to .032grams. This is day four and this cut is making me very lethargic. In the morning when I wake up I can’t get it together for at least a couple hours. I use to be able to make all my appointments in the morning but now have to make them in the afternoons. One symptom I’m getting is feeling paralyzed and unable to take deep breaths in the middle of the night.  Not sure if I’m dreaming or what this is. Feels real when it’s happening.


I hope others are doing better. I wish there were more people tapering Remeron. I’d like to hear how you are doing.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Hi never thought in my wildest dreams tapering an AD

would be this painful. Almost done but it’s been a nightmare.

I liquid tapered by taking a 15 mg pill putting it in water

and with an eye dropper taking out how many mgs I


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Hi all! Can I join this group?


i think I need to. I have been on 3.75 for 5 years or more, all through a librium taper and now almost 3 years from the jump date, June 16.


I can't sleep well now, and I have restless leg really bad. I have gone two nights without the R recently and it was hard. I thought I would try to taper 1 mg at a time down to 0.


I had a bad discontinuaton from 30 mg of Remeron back when this whole thing was starting. I had Dp/DR and TMJ, and that began my benzo adventure. So I have a lot of catastrophic thinking around this, as per usual.


I wonder if I should make a cut to 2 mg, and see how it goes.


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Much slower cut I think.

I have liquid and a syringe  There is also a solution for you to titration down

But you need to taper at ten percent is the usual advice. 

Advise go to liquid tapering part of site.

Good luck


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Hi Herewegoagain, dread dog and Forty,


Herewegoagain, what mg you at now? I’m sorry you are going through this and hopefully you can get off it and begin to fully heal.


dread dog, I remember you and I remember how hard thisall has been for you. Welcome to this group and I hope we can help you. Can you cut smaller and hold longer or does that make any difference? Keep your chin up, you’ll get off this drug. One step at a time. I’m doing 5% cuts and weighing on a scale in grams. Hoping it all works out. I definitely couldn’t cut any faster.


Hi Forty, I sent you a pm. Glad to hear you are off the Seroquel. Hope you get passed the pain soon.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi Herewegoagain, dread dog and Forty,


Herewegoagain, what mg you at now? I’m sorry you are going through this and hopefully you can get off it and begin to fully heal.


dread dog, I remember you and I remember how hard thisall has been for you. Welcome to this group and I hope we can help you. Can you cut smaller and hold longer or does that make any difference? Keep your chin up, you’ll get off this drug. One step at a time. I’m doing 5% cuts and weighing on a scale in grams. Hoping it all works out. I definitely couldn’t cut any faster.


Hi Forty, I sent you a pm. Glad to hear you are off the Seroquel. Hope you get passed the pain soon.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


Hi Jackie! Yeah I have been on the same doses for 3 years but something has to change starting now.

I'm going to try a cut to 3 from 3.75.


I was going to go in 1 mg increments, because I can't take the idea of all the mathematics, mixing and alchemy.


5% was the rate at which I dropped my benzo. But this is "supposed" to be a more minor thing. How do you drop 5% of 3.75? Is it liquid? How is the taste?


How have most found the lower doses? Is there a relief of the bad side effects?


It looks like an expected taper, (no matter where you start?) of 20 cuts. How long before most cuts?


For comparison: I dropped 40% of my benzo load in the first week, crossed to L, and tapered for 19 months.  My 5% drops sometimes needed 3 months.



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Hi drad dog, I am cutting my 15mg pill in quarters then weighing my quarters to weigh .032 grams and cutting once a month. I might speed it up to cutting every 3 weeks. I’ll have to see how I feel. I started taking 3.75 mg and figured out what that was in grams. At some point I might have to crush a 15 mg pill and weigh out my grams to get more even doses which would mean putting the powder in a bite of applesauce or something but for now I’m just cutting and weighing the tiny piece.


I found out today that  Teva manufacture is stopping making the Mirtezapine that I take. They will no longer be making them. This is a good time for me to quit. I’ve tried other manufactures and they really messed me up. Luckily for me my doctor always wrote my script for 15mg pills and gave me a 30 day supply so I have 146 pills. I only use about 7 pills a month. I’ll be able to do my 14 month taper. I’ll be glad when it’s over.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Down to less then a mg, this stuff is pretty powerful, comparable

To benzos not much difference. Feeling almost myself though for this

I’m grateful.

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Herewegoagain, that’s wonderful and reassuring. You will be free before you know it. How long has it taken you from 15mg?


Jackie  :smitten:

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Hi drad dog, I am cutting my 15mg pill in quarters then weighing my quarters to weigh .032 grams and cutting once a month. I might speed it up to cutting every 3 weeks. I’ll have to see how I feel. I started taking 3.75 mg and figured out what that was in grams. At some point I might have to crush a 15 mg pill and weigh out my grams to get more even doses which would mean putting the powder in a bite of applesauce or something but for now I’m just cutting and weighing the tiny piece.


I found out today that  Teva manufacture is stopping making the Mirtezapine that I take. They will no longer be making them. This is a good time for me to quit. I’ve tried other manufactures and they really messed me up. Luckily for me my doctor always wrote my script for 15mg pills and gave me a 30 day supply so I have 146 pills. I only use about 7 pills a month. I’ll be able to do my 14 month taper. I’ll be glad when it’s over.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


Jackie: Just a couple of questions:


How do you research who manufactures mirtazapine, and did you consider the 7.5 mg pill?


I get confused about numbers. You are making 1/4 pills out of 15 mg ones and then using that as your daily dose by cutting off a part of that to make the right weight? I just didn't get how you are calculating the weight. Isn't 1/4 of 15 = .0375 grams?  How much is each reduction?



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Hi drad dog, I looked on my bottle and saw it was Teva. My old pharmacy had switched my manufacture several times and I became really crazy feeling so I switched pharmacies around October last year and found a pharmacy who would supply Teva manufacture. That worked good but last month my pharmacy told me that Teva was holding production until June. I called Teva yesterday and they told me that they would no longer make the Mirtezapine anymore. I would have to take another manufacturer if I wanted to stay on them. Not going to happen, I’m over it.


I have tried the Teva 7.5mg and they are so small to cut also it doesn’t change that Teva will no longer produce them either.


I take my 15mg Mirtezapine, I can’t remember what it weighs now but I cut the 15mg pill in half then quarter. I am at .032grams now so I weigh my quarters to equal.032. I do have to use a sharp blade to scrape each quarter to get to .032. I carefully weigh and put in a 2 week pill case. I hold for 3 weeks to a month then cut 5% again. My next cut will be 0.030. I just go by .030 the first 3 numbers on my scale. Believe me I’m bad at math. I had Bella write me up at 5% and a 10% taper. I chose to do the 5% for now. So yes 1/4 of a 15mg pill is 3.75mg I just converted it to grams and then I go from there. I’m sorry if this sounds confusing. Are you thinking about using a gram scale?


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi drad dog, I looked on my bottle and saw it was Teva. My old pharmacy had switched my manufacture several times and I became really crazy feeling so I switched pharmacies around October last year and found a pharmacy who would supply Teva manufacture. That worked good but last month my pharmacy told me that Teva was holding production until June. I called Teva yesterday and they told me that they would no longer make the Mirtezapine anymore. I would have to take another manufacturer if I wanted to stay on them. Not going to happen, I’m over it.


I have tried the Teva 7.5mg and they are so small to cut also it doesn’t change that Teva will no longer produce them either.


I take my 15mg Mirtezapine, I can’t remember what it weighs now but I cut the 15mg pill in half then quarter. I am at .032grams now so I weigh my quarters to equal.032. I do have to use a sharp blade to scrape each quarter to get to .032. I carefully weigh and put in a 2 week pill case. I hold for 3 weeks to a month then cut 5% again. My next cut will be 0.030. I just go by .030 the first 3 numbers on my scale. Believe me I’m bad at math. I had Bella write me up at 5% and a 10% taper. I chose to do the 5% for now. So yes 1/4 of a 15mg pill is 3.75mg I just converted it to grams and then I go from there. I’m sorry if this sounds confusing. Are you thinking about using a gram scale?


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


Yeah I had a to do with my pharmacy about the 7.5 pills. I guess teva made them like little brown discs, that were hard to split. But there is one that is oblong and easier to cut.


So you make 1/4 pills and then work on them with a razor and weigh them until it hits your target dose. I dread weighing or cutting anything. If the cuts are meant to be held for a month I could have pills compounded I suppose. I had a terrible experience trying to wrangle powder onto something and then weigh it with a scale that shut off every 30 seconds. That's the last time I used the scale.


I think I will begin by reducing with a big cut. It's the only way I'll know if I can do it or not. It worked with benzos and I think I saved a year or so. But who knows? It's not a science alas.

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Yep drad dog you need to see for yourself what you can do. The only problem with taking the large cut is if you need to reinstate you will have to possibly hold until you get somewhat stable again. I do understand though. Whatever you do just know there are a few of us tapering Mirtezapine and will be here for support.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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why did you decide to quit remeron..side effects? just want to be clean? why not wait till you are totally healthy off benzos and or other bad drugs first? just wondering. im on it few yrs now . heard some people did better quitting if they waited

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Hi Kris, for me I am 31 months off from my benzo so I’m hoping that is long enough. I am tired of manufacture changes and tired of feeling like I’m in a fog. I just don’t feel the best but also these drugs are not the answer, eventually they poop out. I also don’t like being under the thumb of any doctor. I have been on Mirtezapine for over 2 years too. How about you?


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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