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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Dear chin

Sorry you are in such a dire time.  Yes mirtazipine does calm me. Too much though gave me a serotonin kick.

My opinin only now-)

I endorse your use of say camomile or green tea or Passion flower as long as you know they have weak gaba qualities so will slow your taper (some say.) 

If you can cope with crumbs like me I would use half a 3.75 morning and evening til your dip slows.

Then look at the diazepam again.  It is quickly absorbed and though has a long half life I would start with quarters of tab 4 x a day and when used to that throw away an eight every other day.  So you will be reducing at 1/16th and should stay on that til feel ok, before throwing another eighth etc.

I wouldn’t use amitriptyline unless you are ok feeling groggy. 

I exercise my dog when agitated and have a hot magnesium bath, but only relax when have my 125 ml of red wine.

PM me or update here when you get to 1.5 Diaz. I am sure you will. 

Worry about the mirtazipine later .....it’s a small dose. 

Best wishes


PS most gps think you can just stop 2mg Diaz. I don’t agree.  Hold on.


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Hi buddies!


ChinChuck, I’m so sorry you are struggling. One thing to know is I doubt you will get off Valium with no symptoms. When I came off Valium every cut scared me but I knew I had to make them and with every cut I suffered, it’s withdrawal and unfortunately I was not the one who was able to slide off with no sx’s. I think stopping and going back on any of these meds is not good for your CNS. The most important thing is to keep your weight on. I almost died from becoming so ill and not being able to eat anything. That is why I am on the Mirtezapine. I had to make a decision if I should take Mirtezapine. I knew from other buddies that I would probably have to taper off from it. I took it very reluctantly. Now I am tapering the Mirtezapine but I don’t regret taking it. I was very close to being on a feeding tube. We pick our battles. We are all here to support you in whatever you decide. That’s just my story.


BarbaraAve, I feel bad that this happened to you. Are you still on K? Have you been off the Mirtezapine and K for 2 1/4 years?  I believe we all heal from this nightmare but it takes a whole lot of time to do it. It ducks to be sick everyday and agoraphobia is the worst. I feel like a spaced out crazy woman but the good news is that most people can’t tell how much suffering we are doing. We are here for you BarbarAve.


Some of the sx’s I have been feeling from a 2% cut from Mirtezapine and this is the 3rd week are jaw pain and super bad headfog. The jaw pain is off and on. Also teethe sensitivities. Can’t wait to see what the 5% brings.


:smitten: :smitten: Jackie

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Thank you folks for your replies. I think I have already got myself into  a bit of mess with Mirtazapine, and not sure of my next move.

I am in a bad way most of the time , but yesterday afternoon I developed akathisia, for the first time during my taper, and my tinnitus has now ramped up to unbearable. It got so bad that I took another tiny crumb of Mirtazapine to try and calm the agitation. I could not believe a crumb that was probably less than 1mg could hit me so hard and fast. Yes it did stop the agitation, but it made me incredibly sedated in an very unpleasant way. I was forcing myself not to shut my eyes. but in the end the Mirtazapine won and for a second without me being aware I banked out ,and came to, with a massive jerk filled with dreaand d  and fear, plus nausea.

I have been like that since then. I got hardly any rest last night, but decided I had to try even though I was so anxious and full of dread, shaking inside, but I kept waking endlessly through the long night, constantly jerking, awake, I have felt agitated again today and very sickly, with extreme tiredness. All to much for an oldie to cope with.


I think that the mirtazapine has a terrible effect on me, as now I am back the nausea that had gone months ago, and the toxic napping is back which had also gone. I do hope this does not last. I am so exhausted by it. I guess I had good reason to stop it twice before after a week, but had hoped such a tiny amount would help me with sleep, However it has made everything so much worse. I hope the damage is not permanent. Hard to say though with such a damaged CNS.



All I can do is pray it fades, oh my I do feel so sick. Not good at all.




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So sorry Chinchuck, I had all those sxs when I tapered Valium. All these drugs cause such devastating sx’s. I’ll just be glad to be done with this as I know you will be too. I hope this all evens out for you soon. Let me know if I can help you. The one thing I love about BenzoBuddies is the support I have received since 2012 not to mention the understanding and knowledge. My doctor never knew anything about withdrawal from these drugs. I love my doctor, he’s a good man but he just was never taught this could happen. Thankfully he allowed me to use the knowledge I learned from here and do the taper I presented to him. Take it slow Chinchuck and you will get through this.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Wow, a lot of people suffering severely from tapering and getting mixed up with Remeron too.  It did help me a lot with my V taper, but now I seem to be battling coming off it too. I know it was HELL for me to taper off of V,  but I just had to push myself each cut till I was done.  Remeron seems different though.


I was able to taper from 3.75 down to 2.50 mg’s but every time I go from 2.60 to 2.50 mg’s I become so ill and always end up dosing.  The symptoms I get are massive headaches, nausea and dizziness.  I know these are common, but they are so bad and daily.  The only way to relieve them is to updose, which always works, so I know it’s my Remeron cuts.


I have 1 mg compounded capsules and a 1:1 ratio liquid compound that I am using to do a daily (nightly actually) taper.  I cut one teeny line a night.


What I’m wondering is, if I should do one line every other night, I know that’s not a huge decision, but I’m having a hard time convincing myself to try.

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I get the jerky wakeup thing on Mirtazipine-

I also have used a crumb when very tense and had wonderful calm feeling.

Its an odd drug methinks.

Great advice in this thread thank you all


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Hi Buddies, Rhernanhtown, I don’t know how to taper Remeron.im just going by what others have said to me so hopefully someone who is liquid tapering will com along. I am dry cutting and actually just getting started. I remember meeting you awhile ago. I was wondering how long you have been off your benzo taper and when you say this Remeron taper is different what do you mean?


Hey Forty, how are you coming along?


Chinchuck, how are you today, are you feeling any better?


I started taking MSM to help with stomach issues and yesterday I upped the dose from a 1/4 teaspoon to a 1/2 teaspoon. I was on day 5 of taking it. I’m telling you I felt like I was dying. I was extremely anxious and felt So sick. I about had a full blown panic attack in Walmart. My daughter was with me so she got me checked out. I couldn’t even handle paying for my stuff. It was terrible. I stopped it today. I’ve come to realize I can’t take anything until I get through this withdrawal stuff.


MSM is Anti-Inflammatory and Helps Improve Digestion. Due to MSM's ability to remove metabolic wastes from cells, its can help rebuild the lining of the body's digestive tract and lower the inflammation reactions to specific foods. ... Sulfur needs to be present for these toxins and wastes to be removed from the body.


It also is supposed to help with joint and muscle pain. I think I need to just stick with food to heal my body. Live and learn.


Jackie  :smitten:


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Hi buddies!


ChinChuck, I’m so sorry you are struggling. One thing to know is I doubt you will get off Valium with no symptoms. When I came off Valium every cut scared me but I knew I had to make them and with every cut I suffered, it’s withdrawal and unfortunately I was not the one who was able to slide off with no sx’s. I think stopping and going back on any of these meds is not good for your CNS. The most important thing is to keep your weight on. I almost died from becoming so ill and not being able to eat anything. That is why I am on the Mirtezapine. I had to make a decision if I should take Mirtezapine. I knew from other buddies that I would probably have to taper off from it. I took it very reluctantly. Now I am tapering the Mirtezapine but I don’t regret taking it. I was very close to being on a feeding tube. We pick our battles. We are all here to support you in whatever you decide. That’s just my story.


BarbaraAve, I feel bad that this happened to you. Are you still on K? Have you been off the Mirtezapine and K for 2 1/4 years?  I believe we all heal from this nightmare but it takes a whole lot of time to do it. It ducks to be sick everyday and agoraphobia is the worst. I feel like a spaced out crazy woman but the good news is that most people can’t tell how much suffering we are doing. We are here for you BarbarAve.


Some of the sx’s I have been feeling from a 2% cut from Mirtezapine and this is the 3rd week are jaw pain and super bad headfog. The jaw pain is off and on. Also teethe sensitivities. Can’t wait to see what the 5% brings.


:smitten: :smitten: Jackie




Yes off mirtaz 2 1/2 years.

The clon was trying to go over to from valium as felt so bad.  Clon is the one I did come off of.

But I don't know if it caused a problem since was not aware of anything much til mirtaz.  I mean I thought clon was not helping much so had figured I'd get off.  So yes was off about year and a half and on valium instead.


My system totally screwed up and don't know how to remedy it.  I just want it stable so I functional, and take it from there.

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Jackie how goes the mirtazipine reduction? 

I know you were ambivalent about it.

Do hope it’s paonless. What cuts are you at.?



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Hi BarbaraAve, I’m so sorry you are suffering so much. So are you off everything now for 2 1/2 years? I know it takes so long to get better even after we are off from the drugs. I’m living proof of that. Trying to stay positive even in the storms can be overwhelming. I’m thinking of you. I hope you will get stable soon.


Hi Forty, how are You today? I am at .036 grams and will drop to .034 grams on Sunday night. 5% drops here I come. I think I’ll be ok, lol. I have to be ok. Really I do think 5% a month should be doable but what do I know. I just walk around in a fog all day pretending I am normal. I’ve become a excellent actress. The good news is because this is the 2nd time I’ve  come off Benzos, I know that we heal and feel normal again and that is what keeps me going.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten: :D

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How is every one today?  Mirtazapine is such an odd drug. It can really help some people, but not everyone. I think for me it's made things worse if that is possible. It seems to help for a night, but  that night is not worth the rest of how it makes me feel, I think the agitation is connected with taking it again for the 4 days/ Stupid of me to do it when my body warned me twice that it did not suit me. Just I thought a tiny dose, even a crumb two of the nights would help me. I shows how powerful it is. All the nausea came back. I thought I had got rid of that, even though I have no appetite,  I have been able to force food down, but when nauseous too it becomes impossible.

I am not surprised if any of you suffer that symptom when tapering.. I have heard that mirtazapine is water soluble so it can be tapered in much the same way as the benzo's. I wish the Valium was water soluble as I would use that method to help me with the last 2mgs of Valium ,but it makes a suspension and not a solution, so it's not recommended on here. I am not sure I could tolerate the milk and would worry that it had not dissolved properly as you would not be able to see it had in milk, and I am loath to use vodka and water, even though only a very small amount is used as I do not drink at all with reason. I have the RX liquid but it feels like a big cut on trying to use it. Dry cutting is not accurate enough at the low doses when you are very sensitive, and there are no guarantees that the active ingredient is evenly distributed through the tablet.  so I am stuck how to move further down. I will hold a little longer anyway till I get over my reaction the Mirtazapine.

I am thinking of you all. I know Mirtazapine has to be tapered with care, but hopefully it  wont be too hard a journey. Surely an easier one than  the benzo's.


I am pretty sure the agitation, head zaps  and the returned nausea was from stopping the mirtazapine again, but bare in mind it is the third time of taking, and I think those two symptoms are easing now, but really suffering from the Valium. I guess we will all have to taper slowly off either drug.


Might be worth looking into water titration?



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Chinchuck, why can’t you? I know that a lot of people have liquid titraited Valium. If you can tolerate the change then that would give you smaller deductions.


Jackie  :smitten:

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Last night I cut to .034grams. Last week I had already cut some of my pills to .035 and have started getting agitated and some mild itching. I feel more clearer at the moment but also feel a little off. So I’ll stay at .034 for 3 weeks to a month. How is everyone else doing. This can be a lonely journey. It’s good to hear from others.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Only you know how fast to take it down. I would be guided by sleep quality, as that’s so important. 

As the antihistamine effect drops you may well itch. You are doing great

I have come down from 15mg to 10mg before and felt really tense so will take it slowly when I start that taper again from the 15.



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Hi Forty! How are you feeling? I’ve been thinking about you. I actually feel better when I cut or at least these last two cuts. I hope it’s sign that I’ll just get better as I go. The problem is we never know and especially with this Remeron I don’t know what to expect. When I tapered Valium I knew what was going to happen after a cut. There are so many  stories of bad withdrawal coming off Remeron that I almost scared myself into not coming off from it but now I feel like I have to do this. I want to be free. Too many years have been taken away and I’m 60 now.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Hi everyone, I've been on Mirtazipine for 3 years. Since I jumped from Valium 5 weeks ago things have been ok. No panic attacks, sleeping ok (thanks to Mirtazipine). I feel calmer in myself and much better since being off Valium. I'm having some horrible WD symptoms but they are manageable.


I want to also slow taper from Mirtazipine but am wondering if I should leave it a few more months?

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Why not do it at 5% a month and see. Gps can give you liquid but reluctantly!!!

Nomorepills has give me good advice on liquid taper also.

There is no rush. You done well off benzos!

Best w


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Hi NoMore and Forty,


How you doing today Forty? Are you still able to sleep?


Hi NoMore, I would give yourself a little more time to heal. I had talked to a few people who came off Mirtezapine with little problems but also said to wait until most of the benzo withdrawal is past. Eli and Susie both told me that. It makes sense to me.


I’m on day 3 of my 5% cut. Yesterday my stomach was bad. Today semi itchy skin. I also keep going over things in my head. I have to conscientiously stop doing it. Still feel apprehensive on things.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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I am now in week four of a setback .Lots of muscle aches , agitation which happens mostly at night with that weird feeling of being a too tightly wound spring  , sleep averages in at about four hours of interrupted sleep . Mirt seems to feed into motor problems .  Oh yes !!!!! the stomach thing . I gave my husband a lift this morning and barely made it back to the house  for a blessed crap . Explosive does not describe what goes on between me and my bathroom pot. I'm also pretty exhausted most of the time.


As I have said ad nauseum remeron is a nasty drug to get off . I am now sixteen months post rapid jump so all things considered probably not doing too badly . This wave was proceeded by three weeks of health worry over the repeat mammo , and shows me how significant stressors can be in the recovery process . Life being what it is we will always have stress , and sh-t happens .( hopefully in the bathroom loo )


Sending everyone love . Jackie you are doing great . I'm also in my golden years and innit to winnit .


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I hear ya Brave, I worry about things that are way down the road. I never use to be like this. For example, I have to get my drivers licenses renewed in February, February of 2020 and I’m already worried if I’ll be too sick to cope with it. Sounds crazy but this is what these drugs do to us. I did it on line last time so I have to go in this time and if I want to fly I have to bring my social security number, marriage license, birth certificate and two pieces of mail andddddddd my marriage license can’t be from the church it has to be from the courthouse. I can’t remember if I have it or not. That was 40  years ago :o The good news is she said I could come in August to renew. They let the snow birds do this. I know I sound like a crazy woman. Could it be because I am half crazy from these drugs :crazy: I’ll do it because I’m not ready to stop driving even though I haven’t driven out of my small town in a long time. I hate this. Que Sera Sera.


:smitten: :smitten: Jackie

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Why not do it at 5% a month and see. Gps can give you liquid but reluctantly!!!

Nomorepills has give me good advice on liquid taper also.

There is no rush. You done well off benzos!

Best w



Thanks. I will probably try a slow taper next month.

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Hi NoMore and Forty,


How you doing today Forty? Are you still able to sleep?


Hi NoMore, I would give yourself a little more time to heal. I had talked to a few people who came off Mirtezapine with little problems but also said to wait until most of the benzo withdrawal is past. Eli and Susie both told me that. It makes sense to me.


I’m on day 3 of my 5% cut. Yesterday my stomach was bad. Today semi itchy skin. I also keep going over things in my head. I have to conscientiously stop doing it. Still feel apprehensive on things.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:


Thanks Jackie. I will give myself more time and it will be a slow taper when I'm ready. I can only try.

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Hi everyone, today I am nauseated but drinking lots of water and walking on my treadmill for 30 minutes. I read a post from someone who said exercise and diet helped tremendously so I started yesterday. Today is my5 th day at this dose. Hope everyone else is hanging in there. Knowing this is temporary even when it seems like forever.


:smitten: :smitten:, Jackie


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Day 6, hot flashes and anxiety so bad. Definitely couldn’t tolerate bigger cuts of more then 5%. Nausea was present this morning but now super strong anxiety.


Hope others are doing better today. My grandsons birthday party tonight. God help me. I feel a wreck.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Jackie my love . I'm sending good thoughts to you and hoping you have a good family celebration . Hopefully as so often happens your day will get better as time passes.

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