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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Hi dear jackie,

very, very much thank you for the answer. Thank you very much for your answers. Can I ask Bella Amis for advice? How can I join her?


I am really very desperate. Tonight I slept for about 1 hour. Unfortunately I have tolerance for Remeron. Remeron does not help me to sleep well. That's why I decided to reduce Remeron. No AD helps me sleep. According to a psychiatrist who prescribed me another sleeping AD, I'm resistant " to all drugs. I have no choice but to wait for my body to survive with a little sleep. But it is very psychologically and physically demanding. I often have black thoughts and I do not want to live. Excuse me. It's really very hard almost without sleep. If at least I knew the sleep would be adjusted to sleep again once again? But I'm afraid that after 26 years of Klonopin, my brain is badly damaged, so I will never sleep well. It's so hard to endure.

Thank you.



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Margit. If you read the insomnia support board posts you will see that people have survived the worst insomnia and after a period of stabilization returned to an acceptable sleep pattern . It's incredibly hard to be sleep deprived and it is probably one of the worst side effects. I am completely sympathetic and I do understand how miserable you must feel.


It helps if you can first accept that the insomnia is a symptom , one that like the others will eventually go away. Fighting it won't help.

Instead come up with coping ideas. I read , colour , listen to music and sometimes watch T.V.


Hugs  :smitten:

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Hello brave,


thank you very much for your words. Yes it is very difficult and I fear I am very old and my body very tired of sleeping nights. Thank you for your help. I will endeavor, try very hard, take insomnia as a normal thing.

I have just read some posts on the Insomnia forum - thank you for bringing me to this forum brave. Thank you for having this forum. Thank you, there are very good people here. Thank you everyone helps everyone.

You are incredibly all kind  :smitten:.





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I understand and I want to encourage you that you will get better. I took benzo for over 20 years and this is my 2nd withdrawal. The first time I tapered and this time was a c/t. Keep the faith you will get better. I would type in Bella Amis and send her a pm or go to the team and send her a message. So just click on benzo buddies community forum and then contact the team. You will find her that way.



Love, Jackie :smitten:

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Hi jackie,


thank you very much for the reference to Bella Amis, to her story. It's a very strong story. An incredibly strong person, an incredibly brave person.


Thank you.



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I understand and I want to encourage you that you will get better. I took benzo for over 20 years and this is my 2nd withdrawal. The first time I tapered and this time was a c/t. Keep the faith you will get better. I would type in Bella Amis and send her a pm or go to the team and send her a message. So just click on benzo buddies community forum and then contact the team. You will find her that way.



Love, Jackie :smitten:


Hi Jackie,

power, thank you very much for the encouragement. It's so beautiful. I also send you great encouragement.

Thank you for everything. Thank you all.  :smitten:



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Ho everyone,


I am new to this group as I just finished my V taper a few weeks ago.  I started taking Remeron a little less than a year ago when I was not able to eat, sleep and was very sick for a very long time.  I was very hesitant to add anything and did research.  Upon my doctors advice I decided to try remeron.  I found that 1.875 mgs was my “sweet” spot and stuck to that.  I have to admit it helped me a lot and I think helped me complete my taper.


Fast forward to last week...we went camping and I forgot to take it for two nights.  Once I realized I thought, hey, I’m not sick so maybe I don’t need it.  Well as you can imagine that was a mistake and about 4-5 days later WD set in.  I really tried to hold out, but last night I took a teeny tiny bit and had a horrible reaction!  Dizziness, heart palps, zaps, nausea, sweats and couldn’t sleep. 


I don’t understand what happened and if I should just stay off or try again?  I never had this reaction before and today I’m very sick.


Any ideas???  Thanks so much!



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Oh my goodness Rhernanhtown, so sorry to hear this. I would say just drop it but you said you just finished your Valium taper a few weeks ago so I would be concerned that you might still have w/d sx’s from that and this could compound it. If it were me I would reinstate and let some time pass to heal from the Valium . This stuff is strong. I had a manufacture change recently and seriously thought I was going crazy. I had to switch pharmacies and it’s been 2 days now and I am feeling better. I’m on 3.75mg. I c/t Lorazepam 20 months ago and still ave w/d from that so waiting a few more months before tackling the Mirtezapine.


Love, Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you Jackie Brown for responding.


Yes, I stupidly thought because I was on such a low dose I’d be ok, but I should have known better or at least done some research.  Even on the Ashton Manuel it recommends not tapering so soon after stopping another.


I did sleep well last night and only had a few of those cortisol rushes wake me, but I’m still considering reinstating the Remeron if it continues this week.


I don’t mind taking the low dose Remeron for while if needed as it did help me in my V taper.


Congrats on finishing your Lorazepam taper...such a big accomplishment!  How are you now?

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Hi Rhernanhtown! This is my 2ND time around. I did a long over 2 year taper off 40 mg Valium the first time. This last time I c/t off about 80 Lorazepam. I was given them and the Remeron due to becoming very Ill about 2 1/2 years after being off the first taper from Valium. Not sure if there was a connection. I was so sick I couldn’t eat any solid foods. I am doing much better now but still have some stomach Issues. I have spoken with some friends that have came off the Remeron and everyone I have spoken with have said to be sure you are passed the w/d From the benzo. I am 20 months off and still having w/d sx’s so will have to wait. I will have been on Remeron for 2 years this October. It did help me through not being able to eat so I am grateful. I’m hoping not to have a problem getting off from it. I suspect that is why you are having trouble. I have been told it takes awhile for the full w/d to kick in from  Remeron due to the long half life.


love, Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,

please can anyone advise me on how to reduce Remeron? I have already reduced Remeron once, but I probably dropped quickly within 5.5 months. Now I'm waiting for myself to stabilize, and in October 2018, I would like to start again to reduce Remeron.

Now I'm on a 7.5 mg dose. I read a few posts on this forum, but I did not understand some of the values.

Remeron should be reduced by 10%. Is it 10% of the starting dose? Or 10% of each current dose?

Please give me some advice. Thank you.



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Does anyone have serious issues trying to taper off this crud?  It's making me so sick but I kept blaming that on the benzo taper, however I'm 8 months benzo free and even sicker now so it's obvious that Remeron is the culprit and it lost it's effectiveness for sleep long ago yet I kept taking it as I couldn't handle anymore w/d on top of benzo W/D. I've tried getting it compounded and had a bad reaction, so I tied dry cutting and even small drops send me over the edge.  Is anyone else in the same boat as me?  It's pretty scary .



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You are not alone. Many of us have had unexpected problems with the recovery from mirt .  The surprising thing is that we have all been on fairly low doses. I found it to be helpful with sleep at the beginning of my recovery  but I have certainly paid a price since coming off.

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Have any of you found the last few milligrams of getting off mirtazipine to be the most difficult. I am at 3 mgs now and its kicking my butt in the moringings when I wake up. I feel like a zombie, stiff and tired for much of the day. At 10% cuts its going to take forever it seems to finish the last 3 mgs. :tickedoff: 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I'm 27 months off benzo and 6 months off remeron and still so sick I can't belive it.

Why I'm not healing? When is most of you started  to get better? I know we all different but would like to hear some success story. I'm so tired of this pain.

My head/ scalp is burning, shingling, squeezing buzzing non stop tinnitus and zero energy, my body still shaking inside and left side of my body is painful thingling.

Love and healing


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Hello everyone,

please can anyone advise me on how to reduce Remeron? I have already reduced Remeron once, but I probably dropped quickly within 5.5 months. Now I'm waiting for myself to stabilize, and in October 2018, I would like to start again to reduce Remeron. Now I'm on a 7.5 mg dose. Please give me some advice. Thank you.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Argh, it seems many of us mistakingly thought taking a low dose of Remeron would be ok and we’d be able to taper off rather easily...what a joke that is!  I for sure thought taking 1.75-3.75 mg’s wouldnt leave me in WD hell, but it has.  I tried to go from 3.75 to 1.75 and felt like I was back in benzo hell WD. Which, I could have been since I only finished my taper in July.


I decided, for today, that I will do one night 3.75 mg’s and one night 1.75 mg’s as the 3.75 mg’s are too sedating.  We will see how that works out.  My plans is after Xmas to start a real taper with a compound and a 5% a month reduction to try and avoid WD symptoms.  I am super sensitive and had to do this in order to taper my Valium, hence a 2 year taper (with many mistakes).


I must say though, as much as I hate Remeron now, it did greatly help me get off the V.

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Just me but if you just finished your benzo taper in July you might be opening a can of worms trying to taper Mirtezapine now. Others have told me to wait until I am passed the benzo w/d. I am 22 months off and still having waves and windows.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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Just me but if you just finished your benzo taper in July you might be opening a can of worms trying to taper Mirtezapine now. Others have told me to wait until I am passed the benzo w/d. I am 22 months off and still having waves and windows.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:


That is what I am thinking too...I just feel like it’s making me sick now too?  I know it’s my benzo anxiety voice making me think that way, but it’s so hard not to just want off it all.  Especially as I never needed any medications before this benzo hell!


But you are right, it’s prob wiser to wait till I’m more “recovered”.  Any ideas how long to wait?

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That’s a good question. I would say wait until the w/d from the benzo has either stopped or has significantly slowed down. For me I will wait until I hardly think about it anymore. I know it’s not the Mirtezapine because I still sleep very well and I still get windows. I just had a really good window until today now I’m back in a wave. I have seen people try to taper while still in/d from benzodiazepines and it just compounds things. I’m not saying I have it all figured out but it makes sense to me to wait.


Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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You are right, I don’t want to complicate things and trying to taper Remeron too soon would for sure do that!  And your also right in that my sleep is okay and if it were the Remeron I would assume it would be bad again.  Just have to tackle one problem at a time. 


I guess I’ll have to be patient...again!  Lol

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I’m with you Rhernanhtown, I want off of it too and my brain will tell me lots of negatives when I’m in a wave about the Mirtezapine. I am also trusting some of the other buddies who have told me to wait because they waited and had no trouble getting of from it then. But I really do understand wanting to be free from all of this. I wish you the best. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.


Jackie  :smitten: :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone. Just wanted to stop here to say hello. I was put on 15mg of Mirtazapine in Jan of this year because the adrenaline surges from withdrawal were waking me up into a panic attack every night. I couldn't handle the 15mg well and broke the pill in half for 7.5mg. I decided by March that I wanted off and two doctors said I could "just stop". I knew better, so I broke the pill again in half (not advisable) and stuck with 3.25 for a bit. I tried to jump off then, but it was impossible. I reinstated less than 24 hours after my skipped dose. From there, I tapered .1mg down every few weeks as soon as I felt stable at the dose. I'm writing here today just to confirm that the taper makes a huge difference. I finally jumped off at .5mg (due to an adverse reaction from Mirt- it resolved upon discontinuation).  It took me 5 months to get off it (I was on it a total of 7 months), but the withdrawal effects were nothing like when I tried to stop around 3mg. Just wanted to encourage you to keep going and listen to your body
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