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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Hi Purity. I think that you and I have the same floaty boaty remeron withdrawal problem . You can look at my recent posts to get an idea of my withdrawal history .You will see that sadly we are facing the same issues. The big ones being the R.L.S and insomnia , and the fear that we have screwed everything up by getting off the remeron.


Take a deep breath with me and let's kick in with our rational minds. First , recovery will happen . Sooner or later , it will happen. However,  I do think that we have to be realistic in facing that the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms may linger on for a b it. They are what they are and the only thing we can do is to accept this and cope as best we can. It's all part of the craziness.


We can do this. Believe, Believe. Believe.  :thumbsup:



Thanks for the reply.


Yes I think we are in a similar boat.  Did you jump from a lower dose?


From all the information I have read it seems like time will allow us to heal.  I'm hoping that I see an improvement in 3 months time - I do use the word "hope"


I feel like I have been permanently at the doctors for the last few months, trying to get back to some level of normality and it just seems to be getting worse and worse - i.e. I am now on Clonazapem, but it is a necessary evil at present unfortunately

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Yes , I jumped from about 3.5 mg , but I had been on the remeron for fourteen months . A big factor.


The thing that we have to remember is that it is just another speed bump. In my case , it was just the unexpectedness of the withdrawal and the new toxic symptoms, that was so awful.  Recently I've been researching remeron and have found out that it is a 'Bugger' drug to withdraw from.

I'm so glad that you found this support group

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I've been trying to remain positive and accept that I've got to face the consequences of all of this.


My biggest concern is being off work for a long period.  I fear for my job, and losing everything. 


I've not even been on any medication long term like some members have, but it just shows how much damage can be done in a short time.


I guess I need to just take a day at a time and try and not think too far forward

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We just need to take it as it comes and cope the best way we can. It's not easy but others have done it , and we can too. I think a three to six month recovery period is realistic and hopefully the symptoms will lessen in severity as time passes.

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If I use remeron maybe once or twice a week, only during rough patches, never consecutive nights, will tapering be necessary.? Having sleep issues again, and I have to fly on Fri. Thought I would take a 7.5 dose tonight and again on Thurs.

Thanks for any feedback

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My guess is that that would be O.K.

Having said that , we all know that these drugs can surprise us in very bad ways, and sometimes we don't find out until the damage has been done.  :crazy:

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Did you have a bad experience with remeron.  Was 3.5 effective in putting you to sleep? Your Sig says you jumped from 3.5? Have you known anyon e successfully tapering this drug?  Thanks

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I have had a horrible withdrawal from remeron. I jumped at 3.5 mg and found out later that I should have tapered down to a lower dose and held before jumping. I'm doing better. Like everything else , it just takes time.

A relative easy withdrawal is possible and many have done it . There are also people who have jumped with no problems at all. We are all different.

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26 days off 15mg and the nausea is nonstop. I keep getting the dry heaves. No appetite. Feel like I'm being electrocuted. I hope this will be shorter in duration then benzo wd because the physical symptoms are terrible.
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I hear you. I was horrified when six weeks out from the remeron I started to have extreme muscle and nerve pain at night , far worse that anything I had had in the benzo withdrawal . I researched it and found out that it is quite common.

At two and a half months I am definitely doing better with some good windows and easier waves.

We will be O.K. , it just takes time.

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It is 7 weeks today since I was CT'd by my doctor after 2 months use at 15mg.


It has given me restless leg syndrome, and a whole host of other issues. 


It might be too early to say this but it seems like the restless legs has calmed down in the last couple of days....I'm hoping I am not going to jinx this now


So as said above, it is quite likely you will experience issues several weeks to months after your last use of Mirt before your brain re-balances itself

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  • 2 weeks later...
I’ve been on Remeron for 3 months and feel like I’ve adjusted to the med.. meaning the start up side effects have faded away. I’m starting to wonder if it’s hurting more than helping. I’m on 7.5 and sleep pretty dang hard. It’s not normal restful sleep but it helped early in benzo w/d. Heck I’m at 6 months off so it’s still early. What I’m getting at is, my mornings are the absolute worst and I feel the Mirt is the cause. I wake up feeling like I got hit by a truck or ran a marathon. Just so tired and weak. Also in a daze that takes a couple hours to come out of. Did any of you experience this and had it improve once you were off or reduced? Could this be benzo related? Usually my evenings are much better (compared to mornings) and wondering if it’s bc I get further away from the Mirt dose. Thanks!
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Hi Ryan and Happy New Year.

My advice would be to start a slow taper of the remeron. Don't stay on it any longer than you absolutely have to. My 14 months on the stuff is probably why my withdrawal has been problematic. Bite the bullet sugah and do it. You can't stay on the stuff forever.

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Thanks Rabbit. I appreciate the confidence and insight of someone who’s been there. Starting just as soon as I get all my supplies to make a liquid suspension.
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Did anyone find Remeron made them depressed while on it? I'm coming up to two years on it and I'm only really taking it now to stop w/d's as the a/d effect only lasted a few weeks then I was poly drugged. Could I be wrong and it be the valium causing depression?


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Well its kind of a crap shoot but my opinion is this: Both benzos and ADs CAN cause depression. Doesn't mean that they will but it is a reported side effect of both classes of medication. From what I gather, benzos are more notorious for causing depression. I think valium is your culprit here, however depression is also a natural emotion that many people face that is not caused by medication at all. Don't go jumping off any medication to see if it helps your depression. Take a long hard look at your current position and if you decide a particular medication is causing the depression, then discuss with your Dr. and SLOWLY reduce it. Who knows, you may find a bit of stability at a lower dose. Regardless, depression is a nasty thing, even though it is a natural response by the body and you should just know that depression does go away with time and proper care of your body.
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I think that a lot of my depression came and still comes from dealing with the really nasty remeron withdrawal. The waves seem to get into my head in a weird way. When I'm in a window or even just baseline I feel much more cheerful and hopeful.

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Well its kind of a crap shoot but my opinion is this: Both benzos and ADs CAN cause depression. Doesn't mean that they will but it is a reported side effect of both classes of medication. From what I gather, benzos are more notorious for causing depression. I think valium is your culprit here, however depression is also a natural emotion that many people face that is not caused by medication at all. Don't go jumping off any medication to see if it helps your depression. Take a long hard look at your current position and if you decide a particular medication is causing the depression, then discuss with your Dr. and SLOWLY reduce it. Who knows, you may find a bit of stability at a lower dose. Regardless, depression is a nasty thing, even though it is a natural response by the body and you should just know that depression does go away with time and proper care of your body.


I think you are right. It's the V behind all of this and the sooner I can start to taper the better. I've not stabilised since my reinstatement. I think V is making my situation much worse but I currently tapering Remeron so it's probably best to finish that first as I'm down to 15mg at night now but my sleep is beginning to suffer. thanks for the advice ryan.

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Staz - If I can make a suggestion based on my experience...If you are choosing to come off both medications, I would suggest tackling the benzo first. The Remeron can provide some benefit to the depression and insomnia caused by benzo w/d. Again, just my experience, but something I think you may want to consider. You may also want to consider tapering the Remeron to 3.75 or 7.5 and hold at that lower dose. Both of those will provide sedative effect for sleep. It may take a little time to see that since you are tapering. You will eventually get better sleep at those lower doses. Perhaps, holding at the lower dose until recoup from the Valum and then taper off the remaining Remeron. Sorry...no expert here and certainly not a Dr. so just my opinion.


Regardless, come up with a plan and stick to it. The brain need some stability and jumping around quitting/reinstating every month or so will prove difficult in finding any stability.

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Well tonight is the night I start my Remeron taper. I've been on it for 100 days and I'm shooting to get off in 100 days. That's just a goal. I'm not trying to be a hero so if things get too dicey, I'll certainly slow it down.  I went on as a band aid for insomnia to get me through the worst of benzo w/d. I'm not healed from that experience but am definitely in a better place. I really just don't want to perpetuate the habit any further than I have to. I'll try to update how things are going from time to time. Also, I will be reducing with a liquid version that I am making on my on with Ora-Plus. Essentially the exact same way a compounding pharmacy would do it. Wish me luck!
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