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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Thanks. Its the insomnia thats rough.


So the solution should be refrigerated?, or ok to leave out. Builder says Valium is ok on shelf. But of course theyre different.



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Builder would probably know better. I refrigerate my clonazepam, havent even started the remeron yet.

Insomnia does suck

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He said use 30ml vodka for 15mg. mirt based on alcohol  dissolve ratio of other drugs. Guess that will be 15mg mirt in 30ml + 70ml water=100 solution

Sounds like a 2:1 ratio.


Didn't say my math was off. So I'll try it.


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Thats what I thought. But 15mg is a Lot too.

Im only taking 1.85mg-2mg per day.


Though both pills seemed to dissolve well with 5ml vodka.


Hope its not wrong. Seems like the ratio is about 2:1 . Twice ml vodka: mg medication.




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Feeling sick from last nights liquid cut. So maybe it didn't dissolve fully?


Im tempted to go up on Valium to get off this stupid remeron junk. Its nasty.

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2 mg is avery small dose. Are you doing a valium taper too?  I would hold the mirtazapine until u r done with that. It has to be the valium, unless you got too much mirt in your solution last night and u r feeling that
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Beginning of May I had to stop my valium taper at 1mg, and updosed to 4mg. I know, I know....

It was just too much. And basically followed me down from the 6mg I started tapering this last part (of 45mg tapered in 13-15) in Sep 2016.


Since updosing valium to stabilize, I was trying to see if I could cut mirtazapine. So yes maybe its too close. IDK. I don't know who to ask,even here the

forum is sooo big.


But anytime recently Ive tried to cut mirt even tiny crumbs dry cuts, I get hit in a few days with headache stomach everything coming at me.


This past night so far seems better with the 30ml solution and my supplements, than night before with ,05ml--may not have broken down well, even though it Looks like it did.


So Idk. Hold where Im at and stabilize longer? I want to be free of Valium for sure. But with Lyme and my condition, I don't know if I can.

I see my prescribing dr on Mon.

Not sure what I need here.

I will probably be sensitive to mirt taper at anytime. That's why Im hoping liquid will help smoother cuts. And just get it out of the way. I tried higer doses during my taper crash crisis in May , but didn't seem to do it. Fear I guess.





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I hope the mirtazapine isnt as hard to come off for me. I am on 15mg, I think maybe with you it may be part mirt taper and part valium taper sxs that the mirt has been masking. Thats why I am going to give it a good year benzo free before I start the mirt taper so I know its that

Just keeping my eye on this thread so I know what to expect.

Maybe your Dr will have another suggestion

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I have been told by several who have come off benzo's and Remeron to get through the benzo w/d first and then do the Remeron. I too am waiting at least for a year before tackling the Remeron. I am hoping by waiting to feel better from benzo w/d that I would have little problem getting off the Remeron. I'm sorry you are struggling infoshar.


:hug: Jackie

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The tiny dose of mirt Im on 1.85 aprox is not really effective anymore. I only took it to help the benzo taper which I though I would be finished with in spring or summer. But the valium taper crashed beginning of May. Devastating. But tbh I had symptoms coming down.


Was going to quit mirt last fall, but was sooo sick deathly for a long time and so started benzo taper again(the last 6mg) though my detox doc(depnedency)

said I'd prob have to be on it for ever with my Lyme. Then in March I finally discovered why I was feeling sooo deathly--the fish oil. So I stopped it and realized the deathly part got lots better.


Many of us lymies take a lot of supps.  But I may not be in this failed taper and mess had I figured out earlier it was the fish oil I wasn't tolerating. When I was on the higher amounts of crossover valium(45mg) I could tolerate anything, very unusual for my sensitive hyperreactive system.


So it's been dizzying with so many factors and which way is up. 2 docs say stay on valium. Lyme doc prefers Im off. I prefer that too.

But at this point I just want off the mirt, just to get it out of the way. I hope to heaven I can taper off the liquid homebrew.

But once off valium I don't want to be an anxious mess like I was.


then I would attempt the valium taper again. Or if my nervous system is gonzo from Lyme hell and damage, well....


thanks for input.

Today I feel a more 'normal' for me with builders homebrew vodka amount for mirt. Time will tell. I see doc on Mon.


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Kinda back and forth about the order to do this in. But looking over Benzotired posts and knowing my sensitivity to these meds, i feel now

mirt should go if i can do it. I most of all want to be free from valium too. But my recent fail has me ouching. and depressed.


how long should one wait after an updose and a taper fail to some degree, before you taper again? give it a while to try to reset nervous system. feel so bad i mucked it up and made things worse. I donn't even want to hear about it. Done all I can as well as I know how. Looking back at this taper I wish I had done a valium homebrew with the whole tablets per builder recipe. and just took longer. Lord help me. Lord help all of us here.

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Hi everybody, I'm new to this site. I'm on 2.0 mg remeron and 13 months off benzo. I still having this burning squeezing head scalp all day for over 18 months now.

Is it passable i having some kind off reaction from remeron? I never felt good the first time when I went on Remeron, but it help with sleep and appetite. But I had headache on it right away when I went on. Headache never left and mow is burning thingling, suffering a lot

Can it be from remeron? Or is it from benzo withrawl?

I don't know what t do should I come off asap or stay on 2 mg and wait until my head get better.?

Any advise I would appreciate

Thank you


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Hi Everyone,

I am currently suffering from hypnic jerks that has resulted in severe insomnia. The doctor has put me on klonopin and 30 mg of Mirt! The klonpin taper is giving me horrible side effects. I have also read that Mirt can cause myoclonic jerks. My question is why am I prescribed Mirt when it can cause an issue while being tapered off klonopin.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Think just found this group!  hi!


Well, 6 weeks low dose of mirtaz made me sick then threw me into withdrawal.


Taht was January.  Then after a time presumed it was benzo withdrawal, and began tapering that more.


COULD it still be mirtaz?  I mean am better than I was, but maybe put myself into benzo withdrawal for nothing, and a dumb move.


Yes they were not helping me sleep (my issue), but they never seemed to hurt me.  Which is why have been on 30 years.


Contemplating upping my klon dose a bit higher to where it was and seeing what that does.  Altho hate to raise it after struggling so hard.  Am now on crumb of klon (about .1 mg) and valium, 4 mg.


But feel crumby much of the time with not sleeping much and inner vibrations.  Also fatigue.  Would the Remeron no longer be affecting me now, 8 months later??


Thanks.  What a horrid drug.

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Think just found this group!  hi!


Well, 6 weeks low dose of mirtaz made me sick then threw me into withdrawal.


Taht was January.  Then after a time presumed it was benzo withdrawal, and began tapering that more.


COULD it still be mirtaz?  I mean am better than I was, but maybe put myself into benzo withdrawal for nothing, and a dumb move.


Yes they were not helping me sleep (my issue), but they never seemed to hurt me.  Which is why have been on 30 years.


Contemplating upping my klon dose a bit higher to where it was and seeing what that does.  Altho hate to raise it after struggling so hard.  Am now on crumb of klon (about .1 mg) and valium, 4 mg.


But feel crumby much of the time with not sleeping much and inner vibrations.  Also fatigue.  Would the Remeron no longer be affecting me now, 8 months later??


Thanks.  What a horrid drug.


Hello BarbaraAve,

From your signature I guess that long-term use of benzos (30 years) and tolerance w/d are likely the reasons of your current sxs (insomnia, inner vibrations and fatigue). Not the Mirt you have taken for 6 weeks only.

Just need patience and perseverence to get out of the woods... I wish you much strength and faith: healing happens!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!  I have been on and off these poisons most of my life.  I took Dalmane 4 several years, then was put on every benzo there was and poly drugged up until 1990.  I came off the benzo's in 1990 and was drug free until 2003 when my thyroid malfunctioned and it took the doctors a year 2 figure out it was my thyroid.  In the meantime I was put on Seroquel and ended up on 850 mg. per day, Remeron 30 mg. per day and Gabapentin 200 mg. per day. I got off the Seroquel shortly after they discovered my thyroid problem and was on and off the Gabapentin and Remeron for the next few years.  In 2013 I started having really intense anxiety/panic attacks and insomnia and went back on the Seroquel as I had a fairly easy time getting off it the first time.  By this time I was back on the Gabapentin and Remeron for several years.  They finally discovered that I had Lyme Disease, Bartonella and Babesia and when I look back on it now, I believe I had also gone into tolerance to the Remeron and Gabapentin but didn't realize it at the time.  I have spent the last several years slow tapering these poisons and am now in week 8 from Remeron the last one.  Oh, also in 2013 I was also put on Zoplicone.  I have been off the Zoplicone and Gabapentin 4 2 years, the Seroquel 4 9 months and now the Remeron 4 8 weeks.


I am having a horrendous protracted w/d 2 possibly both of these drugs.  I needed 2 get off all of them due to the fact they never worked 4 me and I was having horrendous reactions 2 them.  The symptoms I am currently experiencing r:  chronic insomnia (no sleep most nights and days), burning, tingling, numbness, vibrations throughout body and head, heart palpitations, myoclonic jerks, adrenaline surges, burning brain, feeling like I am going insane or will drop dead at any moment,


I am terrified this will never end and I will end up living in a psych ward for the rest of my life.  I have never been so sick for so long in my life.  Even when I was diagnosed with cancer in 1998 I never felt this horrible. 


I would really appreciate hearing from others that r going through or have gone through such a horrendous w/d from Seroquel and Remeron.  I need all the encouragement, support and reassurance I can get at this time.  I am alone and have no one 2 help me with anything or 2 talk 2.  Thank you.

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Hi NeedHelp:

First, I can sympathize with you with having the thyroid problems that started the whole mess you are in. 


That's the way my use of Ativan, ambien, lunesta, and lastly remeron started too.  I was on the same doze of levo .050 mcg until the end of March 2017.  I had hyperthyroid symptoms and so stopped the levo.  It took a full 7 weeks to start feeling better from that episode.  Two doctors, including an endocrinologist, told me it wasn't my thyroid because my TSH numbers were in range.  I had been physician induced hyperthyroidism back in 2005 due to an error of the prescribing doc started me on this crazy path too. 


Anyway, I did a CO to valium and came off that in 4/2011.  I had horrible waves of insomnia and hot flushes so I started on the remeron in 3/2013.  My doc thought it was post menopause stuff.  I now think it was the generic levo as this recent episode I had just switched to generic levo too.  I read that generic levo can contain up to 20% more.  And since it has a narrow therapeutic index, a little xtra can push you to insomnia, feeling crappy, etc.


I have been taking 3.75 mg. of remeron (1/4 of a 15 mg pill) since 2013.  I was feeling really good after stopping the generic levo in 3/2017, so I thought I would take only 1/8 of the pill (roughly 1.87 mg).  I did this starting in July and at exactly 26 days into it, the worst withdrawals in my life have started.  I have since updosed and still having some rough nites of no sleep, burning feelings, nausea, achy, diarrhea.  Tonight is nite 10 of my updosing back to 3.75 mg. to stabilize.  I'm hoping to get back to where I was because I was sleeping well and considered myself healed of the benzo stuff 6.5 years ago. 


Now after becoming a member of survivingdepressants.org, I am told that my 50% cut of the remeron was way too much.  And the 10% taper is advised the same as benzos.  Apparently, the smaller doses of remeron are the hardest to come off from. 


Let's stay in touch...my prayer goes out to you to stabilize (and me too).  This stuff can make you feel so hopeless.




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Hi again...

Just a thought, maybe reinstating remeron might be the best thing for you to do?  Contact alto strata at survivingdepressants.org -- she has been a big help to me. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi!  I am new 2 this group and desperately need some help and support.  I have been on Remeron 4 several years and am now off it 4 3 months.  I am going through a horrendous w/d.  My symptoms r;  chronic insomnia, burning, tingling, numbness, vibrations throughout body and head, adrenaline surges, burning brain, myoclonic jerks, dp./dr., feeling like I am losing my mind and touch with reality, etc.


Over the past couple of years I have also come off Gabapentin (2 years), Zoplicone (2 years) and Seroquel (10 months).  I believe I am still in w/d from the Seroquel and obviously the Remeron.  The first couple of weeks of getting off Remeron were o.k. then the shit really hit the fan.  Since then I feel I have been going steadily downhill and my symptoms have been getting more and more intense.  As of this Tuesday it will b 12 weeks that I will have been off all my poisons. 


Is it possible 4 my symptoms 2 get extremely intense in the third month?  Could this be due to the poisons leaving my system and there is no other meds in my system?  Does this eventually get better.


Also, the adrenaline surges happen whenever I attempt 2 either sit or lie down and go 2 sleep.  They can also happen if I am watching t.v. and start 2 doze off.  I am then violently jerked back awake and then feel like I am losing touch with reality. 


I would really like 2 hear from others that have tapered off this poison and have had similar or same reactions 2 Remeron.  Also, if anyone would b willing 2 b my buddy and help me through the rest of this journey it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi needhelp, so sorry for you suffering. I understand and I know what you are young trough.

I'm  tapering off remeron the 3rd times and having terrible burning head/ scalp anxiety. I'm down to 1.1 mg and was on only 4 mg the 3 rd time when I went on. Terrible drug for me. I never going back on it if I will able t get off.

Love and healing


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  • 3 weeks later...


Needhelp  how are you doing ???. I'm coming up to a month post remeron jump and have all the side effects you mentioned. I'm in awave right now and the last few nights have been beyond awful.

I totally underestimated this drug and can't wait to be done with the cr-p .

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