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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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My withdrawals started out irritability, light sensitivity and headaches early on. After a few weeks I got horrible cortisol surges they just started suddenly and were huge. I had loss of appetite and nausea, I would get the shakes during temperature changes. I was irritable, anxious, had racing thoughts constantly. Most of all I couldn't handle the insomnia, there wasn't anything I could take to get to sleep. Everything I took made me tired, anxious and unable to sleep. There was nothing like it. I even packed a bag to go to hospital because I wasn't getting better. I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't live anymore like that.


It was awful. I did a quick taper which I thought would do since I tapered off Effexor years ago on my own. I have tapered off Lunesta on my own. All of these must have sensitized me. When I taper off of the Remeron it will definitely be slow.

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So sorry Emily, let me know how your doing from time to time. I started taking Vitamin D3 about 2 weeks ago and have been having more Intense w/d from the c/t Lorazapam, at least I think it is from that unless it's the Remeron. I stopped the D3 3 days ago so I will see. No more Vitamins, I just can't take them right now. I am hoping the Remeron will keep working until I'm at least a year out from the c/t. This time around is really getting to me. All my best Emily.


Love Jackie :smitten:

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Thanks Jackie, we're just so sensitive right now. I didn't sleep again last night at 7.5 mg. The insomnia is the thing I need right now. I'm looking around to see what I can take to help. Seeing that we can't take most supplements right now doesn't leave much. I just wanna sleep. I had vitamin D test and my number is only 32 and that's a little low but I never would have thought that it can affect you. Hard to be patient when you feel so bad.
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I know Emily, what about Melatonin? or NyQuil? You will hopefully stabilize soon. It may take some time though. I don't know these drugs are awful. How long have you been off the benzo? Today has been up and down for me. Anxiety and fear. I just have to keep as busy as my body will let me, sore muscles too.  :(


Love Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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I use Alteril by GNC.  Im not now tapering Remeron, but I still get breakthrough insomnia and this helps.  Its mostly l tryptophan and yes, some of the other supplements you are not supposed to take but so far it has not affected me in any bad way
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I started Remeron last October and it helped me get off of Ativan. I tried to taper off of it in mid March but it did not work, I got horrible withdrawals. Well I went back on it after second week in April about six weeks taking 1/4 of a 15 mg tablet. Monday May 15 I decided to go up to 1/2 of the pill because most of the withdrawals went away but it didn't hardly touch the insomnia. First day I slept pretty good but Tuesday night didn't sleep good. So I went to doctor Thursday for something for sleep. He told me to go up to the full 15 mg so I did Thursday night and slept good. Except last night I didn't sleep and my anxiety is not too good today. I want to go back down to the 7.5 mg. But I know I shouldn't keep going back and forth.


I know my anxiety causes some of this insomnia and it just gets worse because I'm dreading bedtime every night. My main goal is to eventually start to taper once I can stabilize my sleep. But it seems so out of reach for me. I was doing so good on stabilizing my anxiety until today and I think it is because of the 15 mg. Should I halve it?


Actually insomnia causes gaba receptors to form.  For one night a week you should make it a point to watch TV until 5:00AM.  Get out the popcorn and soda, it's movie night until dawn.  You will be sleepy all day and sleep like a log the next night.  Sleep is over rated, watch some TV ;D:laugh:

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Birdman, thank you for that. That's Great News! I'm gonna look for information on how to get new gaba receptors. That's good motivation for me to keep trudging on. I really appreciate the support I've received from everyone. Been in a little wave lately and need the encouragement. Thanks.
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Quick Question - I am currently 1-month post jump from Klonopin. Not having a great time as I am sure you all know how it goes. In the rehab, they gave me Remeron @ 15mg. I have been on it for 3 weeks, but it is doing NOTHING to help me sleep. It is helping with the depression, however. I sleep once every 4-6 days. Fun....


Reading all the horror stories on here and the web, I am not sure I want to taper off of another drug down the road. And it is my feeling the longer I am on this drug, the harder it will be to separate myself from it. Do you think I will have any issues just jumping after only 3 weeks use? My concern is that it complicates my current withdrawal from Klonopin and makes it that much worse. I will not be able to tell which is Remeron withdrawal or which is Klonopin withdrawal. Thanks

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Hi Billy, I am on Remeron at 3.75mg and I sleep very good. The lower mg of Remeron help with sleep so I think 7.5mg and lower will help. Even though you have only been on it for 3 weeks and seeing you have only been off Klonopin for 1 month you might unleash worse w/d. I would taper the Remeron slow but that's just me. Some people come off of it just fine and others have trouble. I am waiting to get passed the c/t sx's from Lorazapam before I tackle the Remeron. I do understand wanting to be off of it though. I wish you well with whatever you decide. Let us know how you are doing.


All my best

Jackie :smitten: :smitten:

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Quick Question - I am currently 1-month post jump from Klonopin. Not having a great time as I am sure you all know how it goes. In the rehab, they gave me Remeron @ 15mg. I have been on it for 3 weeks, but it is doing NOTHING to help me sleep. It is helping with the depression, however. I sleep once every 4-6 days. Fun....


Reading all the horror stories on here and the web, I am not sure I want to taper off of another drug down the road. And it is my feeling the longer I am on this drug, the harder it will be to separate myself from it. Do you think I will have any issues just jumping after only 3 weeks use? My concern is that it complicates my current withdrawal from Klonopin and makes it that much worse. I will not be able to tell which is Remeron withdrawal or which is Klonopin withdrawal. Thanks


Hi,  I bet you think the Phenobarbital/ Detox/rehab/ was a ripoff.


For sleep did you ever try clonidine .1mg and gabapentin 300mg?

that should knock you out for at least 6 hours night while you heal.


Also like Jackie Brown said, remeron works better in lower doses

since it only hits the HI antihistamine receptors and not enough to

hit the serotonin receptors which can rev you up.


Note: both these meds need tapers but its not as bad as benzo's.

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Hi guys, just cutting and pasting from Other Meds:


Hi folks. In the nicest possible way I hoped I'd never be back here...but here I am!

I had a horrible benzo taper in 2016, I came down from 35mg Diaz  to 3mg in 9 months. I was really really ill during it - not surprisingly, at that rate. I got to 2.5mg and decided to stop tapering and updosed by half a mg, and within a fortnight I was 100% better. Absolutely symptom free. I never had any problems while on Diazepam, it was only when I tried to taper too fast I got ill. And I didn't realise just how massive an undertaking  it was until it was too late - I had awful medical advice.


Part of that awful medical advice was that this time last year I was put on Mirtazapine. An idiot GP who didn't understand what she was dealing with put me on it for 'anxiety' and 'depression' - it was benzo WD. I ended up on 45mg.


I lost my job last August over the benzo taper. It devastated me. But from when I stopped that taper

In August, I didn't have a SINGLE WD symptom. I was absolutely fine, apart from the awful price I'd had to pay in my personal life. I thought I was finished in work, and I fell into an awful depression. Not a benzo inspired one, a normal reaction to a massive loss. I thought I was finished. My job wa everything to me. My identity and my family's income. I went to a verg bad place.


Then at the end of 2016 some people from my work reached out to me and I told them what happened. They were horrified and told me that I was missed in work and that there would be a route back for me, when I was ready. So I set about having lots of lunches and coffees with former colleagues. They all said the same thing. And they all went back into my work and says 'that guy has been through hell' but he's totally himself again'. And I was. I was utterly well and symptom free.


I got a new prescribing psychiatrist who was great: he totally got the benzo thing, and said he would  prescribe me with whatever I needed, for as long as I needed. My GP was trying to RT me and I was terrified. I was done with tapering for a very very long time. It nearly killed me. As I said, I had no problem on my full dose of Diaz, and none when I stopped tapering at 3.


I decided in discussion with my new doc that I should try to get off the Mirtazapine 45mg before going back to work. It never did me any good and I thought, what are the chances of me getting unlucky with another, totally different drug? He gave me a schedule taper which was: 1st week 45 / 30 alternating daily. Then second week 45 one day, 30 for two days. I was fine for the first week. Then half way through week 2: BAM. Sudden wave of WD. Dizziness, head pressure, hot flushes, anxiety.

I immediately reinstated and I've continued to have those symptoms since. That reinstatement to 45 was 6 weeks ago.


For weeks I just hung in there, assured by that doctor I would stabilise. It was far far far too aggressive now, I know, the Mirt taper.


I am part of a Facebook group for Mirt WD sufferers and when I hadn't got relief after a month, they suggested the Mirt taper might have thrown me back into Diaz WD. That sounded unlikely to me, but the symptoms were similar to what I suffered in Diaz WD - they just feela little different. But broadly

speaking the same sort of thing: headaches, dizziness, depersonalisation and anxiety. An anxiety which switches on when I wake up and is almost like a pain in the pit of my stomach.


Two days ago, I decided to see if a one MG updose of Diaz would help. It's only the second time I have ever updosed, the first time being that .5mg I mentioned before. I haven't noticed any improvement as yet.


Basically, I am at my wit's end. I don't know if this is Mirt WD because of the aggressive taper, even tho it was quite short...or if somehow that Mirt taper has tipped me into Diaz WD again.


This is like a bad dream. I lost almost everything due to the benzo taper and just when I was about to maybe get a chance at my job back again, it all collapses. I ain't getting another chance at this. And I can't start tapering the Diaz again. I just can't. I was solid on 3mg until I messed with the Mirtazapine. I was solid on 35mg before I tapered. I can't face another Diaz taper, please don't tell me that's the only option. With all due respect if that's what you have to say, then it would be best not to post it. I'm not doing it. It would be the end of everything. Please ;)


So I'm asking: could this be Diaz WD or is it as seems more likely to me just a heavy hit from the Mirt taper? What can I do, if snything? If I sit at 45mg will it eventually level  out again?

I BITTERLY regret that Mirt taper. I was SO good and everything was possible again. I was able to be a father again, I had another shot at work.  I don't see how that Mirt taper could throw me into Diaz WD. But I updosed to see if that helped. Maybe it will it's early days.


So if anyone has any advice re Mirt WD and what I can do or expect, id really appreciate it. I was so, so good until I did that Mirt taper. How could I trust a doctor again? :(


Hi, I don't know much about mirt tapering. But Ive talked to a couple pharmacists about it. They described cycling similar, though slower than that dr told you it sounded like to me. They said drop a mirt, or cut, a mirt dose once a week(at the high ends) but the other days, the normal dose, it sort of adds up cbollectively. So maybe you could just slow that cycle taper down for success. God bless, Im sorry your job was lost and the personal suffering. Somehow it will turn for good. But so painful my friend. Peace and haeling and deliverance to you.

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Im trying to reduce from my original 1.85mg mirt for less than a year. but super sensitive and recently had to updose valium after getting down to 1mg, Im at 4mg V now.

Insomnia is worse.


I have a gram weight scale. But not sure what to do with it other than measure it. I have a pill crusher too.


Is compounding pharmacy a good way to do this tiny cut increments. And after say 1mg do you make a 100ml solution liquied taper like some do with benzos? Or just keep going with compounded solution?

Any good input appreciated. Thx



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Go into profile, then forum profile. I do a liquid taper its with benzos dont know why it would be any different with mirt, except maybe mirt can dissolve in water? Hopefully someone else will know. But I use 100ml just cuz it makes the calculation easier
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Thx Tini.


Looking into compounding pharmacy. At least I would have even amounts rather than uneven cuts. One pharmacy says should use same manufacturer as my current cuz it can be 10% diff. itself. They do a lot of med tapers Compounding Solutions in MI which bought out my local one. When I called my local number I got MI.


Another cmpdg pharmacy here can do it. Though they don't seem as experienced with tapering issues. But can do a 1mg to 1ml suspension with pills they have on shelf.


I had to ask her, she was very nice, why mayo clinic and everyone officially urges no more than 10 % cuts yet pharma drugs don't come in such preparations. She agreed it was a challenge.



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Does anyone know how to make your own 100ml liquid solution mirtazapine and cut from it?

I guess you'd have to start with a whole pill, add the vodka or water. But the off measurements like 7.5mg pill??


Im kinda of re asking my question, trying to make clearer sense to me and anyone reading this.




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If it were me, I would dissolve two 7.5 pills in .05ml vodka, mix in the other 95ml once they dissolve, then you have 15mg per 100ml of solution


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Then just take out my amount, 1.85mg?

Is that 18.5ml? Decimal moves 2 spots to the right.

Would just one 7.5 work, why 2?



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Yeah! I just made up a batch. Ready to take it tonight.


So does .1mg = 1ml with this?


Hope it works!


Thanks Tiwi.

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You could do 1, I just find it easier to work with a rounded number. Plus then you have some for at least a couple days. So if you dissolve 2 then 100ml equals 15mg, to take 7.5mg you would have to use 50ml.  For 8.5 you would drink 56.67 or round to 57. You have .15 in every ml so u would have to divide your desired dose by .15. Guess its not that much easier than 1. You can dissolve as many as you want cuz you cam refrigerate it
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You could do 1, I just find it easier to work with a rounded number. Plus then you have some for at least a couple days. So if you dissolve 2 then 100ml equals 15mg, to take 7.5mg you would have to use 50ml.  For 8.5 you would drink 56.67 or round to 57. You have .15 in every ml so u would have to divide your desired dose by .15. Guess its not that much easier than 1. You can dissolve as many as you want cuz you cam refrigerate it



So in a 15mg batch of mirt(2 7.5mg pills) + .05ml vodka + 95ml water= 100ml solution.


To take out 2mg of mirt would be 20ml is that right? Or is that wrong?


Or I must take 2mg and Divide by .15= 13.333? Is that 13 ml that I would take and drink for 2mg dose?


Sorry Im confused.


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